American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 569: Capture the living planet

What Gao Fei attacked was not the real Yigo, he was only attacking a projection and a clone of Yigo, so even if Gao Fei used his own power to smash his head into slag, in just a blink of an eye, Yi Ge Ge was still able to resurrect in front of Gao Fei unscathed.

At the same time, Egg's projection can obtain powerful energy from his body, and this energy can be released unrestrictedly until the earth becomes a scorched earth.

"Come on, Undead! Let me see how long you can carry it!?"

Egg roared and projected an energy beam at Gao Fei, the dazzling energy beam directly tore Gao Fei's body, and at the same time, this beam of energy penetrated Gao Fei's body and directly smashed into the foundation of the ruins of the hotel, and in the A dark, deep cave was poked out of the Missouri earth.

Although Drax in the distance was bruised and bruised, he was very considerate and worried for the earth.

"Looks like Egg wants to poke holes in the earth... This planet is going to be destroyed by this old lunatic!"

Groot next to him was also worried: "I am Groot!"

Star-Lord, who was still hung in the air by his own father, shouted loudly: "Goofy! Where are the Rockets? Stop Egg! Otherwise, the earth will be finished!"

After being hit by Egg, Goofy, whose body was torn apart, slowly recovered his original shape in the explosion, and at the same time, the blood-side armor preserved in his marrow appeared to cover his entire body again.

"Wait for me to ask..."

Gao Fei is not in a hurry,

"Rocket, Carrie, where have you been?"

The signal is connected to the spaceship of the rocket through the bloodside armor, which is a real-time communication system created using the principle of quantum entanglement.

"There are two more jumps to reach Egg's coordinates, and two more minutes of delay!!"

Rocket roared loudly, while Carrie's nervous, worried voice was heard next to her.

"Okay." Goofy replied in a low voice, then prepared to continue fighting Egg to delay time.

But now Egg sneered.

"Oh, I have seen through your clumsy tricks long ago, Goofy, don't you think you can confuse me with these clumsy abilities of you earthlings?"

Having said this, Egg looked at Charles and Wanda who were evacuating the town residents, and said disdainfully: "The mutants are indeed the best among the people on earth, even in the universe, they are also excellent species, but sorry, with me Compared to them, they are really not worth mentioning..."

After that, he easily said Goofy's plan.

"You have figured out my living habits from the very beginning, knowing that I will fall into a deep sleep every night under the comfort of the mantis girl..."

"Then the girl in the red dress used her power to awaken the most feared memory in my heart, causing me to start having nightmares, thereby reducing my defenses..."

"In the end, the thick-haired teenager came on stage, and he peeped at my consciousness while I was having nightmares, used mind-reading techniques on me to get the position of my body, and then you guys would think of ways to destroy my body, right?"

"Actually, I've seen through your tricks long ago, and my body has long since changed its position. Goofy, I'm sorry to tell you that your plan this time has failed!"

Meanwhile, Rocket and Carrie finally arrive at the coordinates Charles told them after two jumps.

Originally, they thought they would see Egg's body, the huge living planet, but when the spaceship rushed out of the transition point, there was nothing but nothing in the space in front of them.

The universe is dark, only the distant space is dotted with hundreds of millions of bright stars. The coordinates given by Charles have nothing, and the living planet Egg has long disappeared without a trace.

"Rocket, are you... in the wrong place?" Carrie whispered.

"Impossible! I Rocket never make mistakes!!" Rocket retorted loudly, and went to check the coordinates given by Charles with a guilty conscience.

After the inspection, the Rockets determined that he did not make mistakes, so he repeated it with confidence: "I, the Rockets, never make mistakes!"

But in any case, he had to give Gao Fei feedback on the current situation.

Rocket reluctantly dialed Gao Fei's communicator and frowned: "Goofy, Gaofei, is there a problem with the coordinates? Egg's body is not here, repeat, Egg's body is not here..."

Gao Fei, who got the news, had to tell the truth: "Unfortunately, Rocket, our plan was seen through by Egg in advance. He has temporarily shifted the position of the main body, and the coordinates we obtained have been invalid..."

"What?" Rocket was extremely depressed, "How could such a wonderful plan be seen through? This cunning old monster... But if Egg is temporarily shifting the main body position, can we go after him now?"

"Chasing now?" Gao Fei said with a wry smile, "The universe is vast, where are you chasing?"

Before waiting for the rocket to respond, Egg said proudly: "I'm sorry to tell you, the fastest speed of my body in the universe is three-tenths of the speed of light, and it is impossible to rely on the garbage spaceship of the Guardians of the Galaxy. follow me..."

"Three tenths of the speed of light..." Gao Fei suddenly felt despair in his heart. Such a terrifying speed is indeed enough to be proud of. It is no wonder that Egg was able to escape under the hunt of Silver Surfer and Planet Devourer, and retrieved one. life.

The rocket on the other end of the communicator apparently heard Egg's speed too, but he also heard Egg insulting the Guardians of the Galaxy ship.

"This **** old lunatic actually said our spaceship was trash? I think he's the real trash! Trash of trash!"

Then the Rockets came up with a brilliant strategy that might be enough for him to catch up to Egg.

"But Gao Fei, I have an idea. As long as I and you can figure out the route of Egg's escape, and then find out the nearby transition point in advance to chase after him, then we can hope to catch up with him by taking a short cut..."

Without waiting for Gao Fei to give feedback, Egg attacked Gao Fei again.

"So... Stupid Earthlings, you have no chance of winning in front of me. You will never try to find my body, which means that you will never be able to defeat my projection!!"

Having said that, Egg raised his hands suddenly, and the ground of the town began to tremble violently, as if experiencing a terrifying earthquake!

Residential houses, commercial buildings, and office buildings in the distance collapsed. Straight and brand-new highways were torn apart one after another, and terrifying cracks appeared on the ground. Private cars on the road fell from the cracks, but they couldn't hear the landing for a long time. the sound of…

Star-Lord looked at his own father with anger and hatred here, but he couldn't do anything.

Drax simply sat down and sighed helplessly: "It's over, the earth is over, this planet is going to be destroyed, everything is over..."

Egg thought so too, and his body gradually floated into the air.

Looking down at Goofy and the entire state of Missouri, Egg felt like a **** right now.

"Ignorant earthlings, this is the fate of going against me. Next, you will see the earth being destroyed by me little by little, and you will see a vibrant planet completely reduced to ruins in space..."

"And you will be helpless about this!"

Gao Fei looked up at Egg and listened to his clamor quietly.

"Who said just now... clamoring is the behavior of the weak?"

After Egg finished speaking, Gao Fei suddenly asked sharply, and at the same time, a smile appeared on Gao Fei's face.

This smile made Egg feel very wrong, because Goofy shouldn't be able to laugh now.

"You... are still laughing?" Egg asked in surprise. He felt that Gao Fei might have collapsed because of despair.

However, he soon realized that Gao Fei's smile was not because of despair, but because he had mastered the method of turning defeat into victory.

" My partner really can't find your body, but this is not a problem, because I can let your body find my partner!"

Goofy said calmly, and immediately used the hidden skill of the system - "Whispers of the Ancient God"!

Directly control the current Egg and let him return to his original coordinates.

That way Rocket and Carrie could sit back and wait for the living planet to return to its place.

And Egg, who felt that his body was suddenly controlled, was stunned. He couldn't believe that an earthling could control his body over such a long distance!

"This... this is impossible!"

Egg roared in shock.

And in the far corner of the universe, the lost Rocket and Carrie sitting in the spaceship suddenly saw a ray of light flickering not far away. That was Egg’s body—the living planet was moving towards them at three-tenths of the speed of light. Come galloping!

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