American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 573: new plan

Carrie, who suddenly grew into a big girl, shocked everyone, even her father, Goofy.

Fortunately, there were two girls in Goofy's family, so Carrie could borrow Skye's clothes to make ends meet.

The next morning, Gao Fei took Carrie to buy new clothes as agreed, and Skye also accompanied him as the chief staff officer.

However, although Carrie looked a lot more mature on the outside, she was still a greedy and innocent little loli at heart. During the process of shopping for clothes, they passed an ice cream shop. Go to the store.

"Dad, I want this ice cream ball...I want chocolate...and a strawberry one!"

Goofy and Skye looked at each other and smiled, knowing in their hearts that in addition to the change in appearance, Carrie was still the same Carrie that devoured Egg before.

After confirming this, Goofy was not so nervous. He bought Carrie the two ice cream **** she wanted without hesitation, and carefully selected a few new clothes for her.

That afternoon, the Guardians of the Galaxy decided to leave the earth. After all, the Supreme Stars are still looking for them in the universe, and the Star Lord does not want to involve the earth.

After all, the high-tech level of the Supreme Stars is quite impressive, and at the same time, there is a mysterious creature - "Adam". Even if the military strength of the earth is developing rapidly, it should not make enemies everywhere.

After Goofy sent Carrie home, he rushed to the suburbs to see off the Guardians of the Galaxy, when Tony Stark and the Fantastic Four also arrived.

Star-Lord shook hands with everyone one by one, and finally apologized with a little guilt: "Sorry, this sudden visit to Earth has brought you such a big disaster... If I knew about Egg..."

Before Star-Lord could finish speaking, Reed patted his shoulder and said, "Okay, Quill, it's not your responsibility, you were also used by Egg."

Susan nodded and said, "Yes, being used by my own father must be very uncomfortable."

Star-Lord sighed and said to everyone: "Thank you for your understanding. I will learn to be smarter in the future and try not to be used by others."

"Very good." Goofy said with a smile, "I trust you."

After that, he took out a tape from his pocket. It is not easy to find such a thing on earth these days. Goofy asked Aunt Wang to work all night before finding a tape and a tape recorder from the warehouse. Only the thrifty auntie Wang still kept this thing.

"What is this?" Star-Lord has a special affection for tapes, and his Walkman hasn't played a new tape for a long time.

"A present for you, Quill." Goofy smiled mysteriously.

"What's recorded in it? Is it a compilation of Jinge's golden songs?"

He thought that Goofy's gift should be similar to his mother's gift. It probably included some golden songs of the era like "Comeandgetyourlove", but after he played it, a middle-aged woman's calm and serene voice came from inside. :

"The world is so wonderful, but I am so irritable, so bad... not good..."

"The world is so beautiful, but I am so irritable, it's really not good... It's really not good..."

Star-Lord was fascinated on the spot.


"What the **** is this?!"

Goofy smiled lightly: "This is a formula to help you control your emotions. You close your eyes every day when you are in the spaceship, repeat this sentence, then meditate on it, and take a few deep breaths at the same time... so that your emotions The management ability will be improved, and you will not easily lose control in the future, and you will be on top at every turn.”

After Star-Lord heard it, the whole person was dumbfounded.

And the aunt's voice in the earphone is still repeating.

"The world is so wonderful, but I..."

Star-Lord quickly took off his earphones, looked at Gao Fei gloomily and asked, "Gao Fei, are you serious? Do I really need the help of this kind of thing?"

"Trust me, you really need it," Goofy said unabashedly. "Your emotional management skills are extremely poor and you must practice more. If you disagree with this passage, think about when you attacked Egg. How impulsive, you don't want to let such a stupid situation happen again, right?"

"Okay, then I accept this gift..." Star-Lord finally compromised, and thanked Goofy with a forced smile.

Afterwards, the Guardians of the Galaxy boarded the spacecraft in turn.

Before the last rocket on board left, he suddenly turned his head towards Gao Fei with a cheap smile, and asked in a low voice, "Wait, Gao Fei... If we encounter an unbeatable opponent in the universe in the future, I mean... if... Can I come to Earth and borrow Miss Carrie's head?"

Hearing this, Gao Fei's face suddenly sank.

Tony hurriedly waved at the little raccoon: "Escape in your spaceship while Gao Fei is still angry!"

Rocket hurriedly ran to the spaceship with short legs, apologizing as he ran: "When I didn't say that, Goofy! When I was joking! We're still friends, right? You won't do it because of that. You're angry about small things, you're not so careful! Right?"

Under the rumble of the rocket, the spacecraft of the Guardians of the Galaxy lifted off slowly.

Gao Fei and the others waved at them to bid them farewell.

When the spaceship of the Guardians of the Galaxy gradually disappeared into the sky, Goofy turned and walked towards Tony and Reed. After the incident with Egg, he felt that the Earth's defense system still needed to be upgraded.

"After the earth was almost destroyed by Egg, what did the two of you think?" Gao Fei asked tentatively.

"The idea?" Tony squinted. "The idea is that as long as we have Carrie, we're invincible?"

Goofy barely vomited blood - is that what you think? !

And Reed's concerns are the same as Tony's.

"Goofy, why isn't Carrie from Earth? I thought she was just a mutant, but I didn't think she was a powerful alien species..."

"By the way, what kind of creature is the Planet Eater? Why does Carrie look exactly like the Earthlings? Also, you said her father lived longer than the Big Bang? Isn't her father a creature from our universe? ?"

"You said that your content about Carrie and the Planet Eater was obtained from the Kree database on the Dark Star, but I didn't find the relevant content when I studied the Kree literature before? I didn't check it out. to this part of the knowledge?"

Goofy is speechless, what I want to say is how to improve the overall combat power of the earth, but you all told me Carrie...

No matter how strong Carrie is, it is the power of one person. If she is temporarily absent from the earth in the future, then the earth will sit still?

"Ahem, don't talk about Carrie for now. It's not a wise choice to pin all your hopes on her, and it will also put her under too much pressure."

"We have to think about it, in case there is no Carrie, in case the earth is invaded by other alien species on a large scale... For example Wanted Galactic Guardians Supreme Star suddenly led the interstellar fleet to invade the earth, we What should I do?"

Before Goofy could finish speaking, Tony understood his intentions.

"You think that our earth should also build a powerful fleet, enough to resist the invaders of the cosmos level, right?"

"Or if we fix the Dark Star first, at least give Earth a fulcrum of firepower to rely on," Reed said.

Gao Fei nodded and said: "Yes, after those things before, the earth has already been exposed in the universe. I think there are countless alien civilizations that are eyeing the earth..."

"So the most important thing for us now is to improve our hard power."

"Tony, Reed, I think we have to build our own cosmic fleet, so as to make the earth more survivable, right?"

Tony nodded in agreement: "You're right, leave this matter to me. Reed, you'll be my deputy!"

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