American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 614: Leopold Fitz

Ada, the beautiful woman next to Agent Fitz, seemed to be an empathetic sweetheart, and she felt distressed by Fitz's fidgeting appearance.

In order to appease the young man, she went to the wine cabinet in the living room, took out a bottle of fine wine from it, poured it into a glass, added ice cubes and an appropriate amount of tranquilizer, and gave Fitz brought it over.

"Here, Leopold, the wine will calm you down."

Ada said softly, gently rubbing Fitz's arm with her free hand.

"Thanks, Ada, but I don't want to drink right now." Fitz was still pacing back and forth anxiously, his eyes flickering while pinching his stubble chin in his right hand.

"Drink a bar, it will help you focus, you can't think in your current state, my genius." Ada is very good at persuading drinking, and she also knows how to persuade Fitz to drink.

Fitz really couldn't escape Ada's persuasion, and he obediently took the glass from Ada's hand.

"That's right, my genius, my Leopold," Ida said softly. "When fear and anxiety take over your mind, a little alcohol can help you through, and I'm sure you don't. The problem, you'll get away with it all..."

Under Ada's soft, almost seductive whisper, Fitz raised his glass and drank it.


He winked at the hot spirits, opened his mouth wide and made a strange noise.

"But I don't like drinking, Ada." Fitz frowned. "I always feel that drinking will affect my thinking and even my decision-making..."

"But drinking can make you relax," Ada said. "And that's what you need to do most right now."

"Maybe, maybe..." Fitz put down his glass and was about to continue pacing when he suddenly felt a little tired.

Tiredness is the most difficult feeling to produce under tension, and since he feels tired, it means that he really doesn't seem to be that nervous.

At this time, Ada came over and gently supported him, taking him to the sofa.

"Why don't you lie down for a while? Close your eyes and take a good rest, maybe let your brain free for a minute or two, and then think about the problem..." Ada said softly, her volume getting lower and lower.

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"Oh, that might be a good idea, Ada," Fitz agreed, leaning back on the sofa involuntarily in Ada's arms.

He suddenly realized that he had never realized that this sofa was so soft, as soft as cotton...

The moment he lay down, he went straight to sleep...


Fitz didn't know how long he had slept, all he knew was that he slept soundly.

Ada is right, for a highly stressed person, it is very important to take a good rest.

After an unknown amount of time, Fitz suddenly heard some strange sounds. These sounds seemed to be far away from the sky, but they seemed to be close to his ears.

"Is he Fitz?"

"I slept soundly..."

"The mood is really good..."

"If I were him, I wouldn't be able to sleep. He's in such a good mood."

"Should we wait for him to wake up by himself? Or should we just wake him up?"

"Forget it, let him sleep for a while, this may be his last peaceful sleep..."

The more he listened, the more frightened Fitz became, and his whole body became highly nervous. He struggled to open his eyes, but found that his eyelids were particularly heavy.

At this moment, Fitz suddenly realized that his sleep state was abnormal. Under normal circumstances, he would not sleep so drowsy...

"No! There's something wrong with that glass of wine!" Fitz finally reacted, and then began to think about another question, "Where's Ada? Where's Ada? She should be next to me, why isn't Ada when these people are talking? What's the reaction?"

Under the combined effect of nervousness and consternation, Fitz finally regained consciousness gradually, his eyelids became lighter and lighter, and finally he could finally open.

When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a group of faces that were not unfamiliar.

Counting carefully, there are five faces in total.

They are Goofy, Agent Hill, Ghost Rider Robbie Reyes, Steve Rogers and Gordon.

The five people were surrounding the sofa, staring intently at Fitz, so the moment Fitz opened his eyes, he met these five people.


Fitz was startled and hurriedly sat up from the sofa. At the same time, he gasped, and cold sweat broke out from his back instantly.

"Don't get excited, Agent Fitz, and don't try to resist." Agent Hill said, "You should know why we came to you, and you should also know that any resistance is self-defeating for you."

"Yes, of course I know..."

Fitz only felt that his heart was pounding wildly, and he actually realized that he was completely finished the moment he saw Goofy.

Goofy is here!

Still got caught!

If I knew it earlier, I might as well not listen to Ada's advice, just turn off my S.H.I.E.L.D. ID, and find a place without internet to hide!

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world!

and many more…

Thinking of this, Fitz began to think about that question again - where did Ada go?

Before Fitz could find Ada's whereabouts, Goofy stood up and asked: "Agent Fitz, hello, we now suspect that you made a substitute AI robot for Director Fury, do you admit this? Or do you have What is there to justify?"

"In addition, we have received reliable information - you have a magical book "Dark God Book" from other dimensions in your hand, please cooperate in handing this book to us, because we have the right to think that this book will give us the The world brings disaster."

"Uh..." Fitz looked up at Gao Fei, then shook his head and said, "As expected, you all know, I knew that Fury's avatar robot would expose these key I actually tried to hide it. This content, but this content can theoretically be recovered, you recovered this information, right?"

Goofy gave him a stern look: "Please clarify the situation, Fitz, now I'm asking you questions, not you, OK?"

Fitz quickly raised his hands timidly and said: "Sorry, sorry... I was wrong, I will answer your question. Yes, I did get a strange book, this book is called "Dark God Book", and , yes, Director Fury's stand-in robot... in a sense, it was created by me..."

"In a sense?" Gao Fei keenly discovered the mystery of Fitz's wording, and raised his eyebrows and asked, "Isn't Fury's stand-in robot built by you?"

"Uh... it's not." Fitz scratched the back of his head and said, "This is a very complicated story, but please rest assured, I will be very cooperative and tell the story as it is..."

Agent Hill nodded and said, "You'd better do this."

Agent Fitz forced a smile and said, "Uh... well, if I cooperate with you very well, is there a chance that I will be given a light sentence?"

"Don't worry, I will definitely cooperate with you very, very much..."

"As a sign of sincerity, I'll give you that **** book of the Dark God now."

"Trust me, that book is not a good thing, I found out when I first started reading it, I really regret getting this book, it's a scourge... No, it's more appropriate to say it's a disaster."

"I wish you could take it..."

As he spoke, Fitz walked towards the safe deep in the room.

However, halfway through, Fitz found that the safe had been opened - and the "Dark God Book" was long gone!

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