American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 664: Dormammu arrives

After the first mage was sucked into the colorful, so-called "high-dimensional world", the other mages at the scene instantly felt fear.

The joy that had come from Dormammu's arrival was completely gone, replaced by endless regret and fear.

At this moment, a false lie was completely shattered, and reality was like a big cold hand, slapped these innocent and childish mages with a fiery slap in the face.

What Dormammu brings to them is not eternal life and a chance to evolve to a higher dimension, but Dormammu brings pain and death!

Immediately after, the second and third mages were swallowed by the strange deep space, and their fate was even worse than the first mages.

After the body entered this space, this space began to gradually eat away at them as if alive. Their bodies were nibbled away bit by bit, and their flesh and bones were gradually exposed...

The screams were endless, echoing in the night sky of New York and above the dome of the New York Temple, which was burning with fire.

Until this moment, the mages realized that they destroyed the shelter of human beings with their own hands, and they brought Dormammu, a cruel and greedy high-dimensional creature to the earth with their own hands, and the same tragic fate awaited them. , and, even more tragically, the rest of the planet is also doomed.

Some of them were fortunate enough not to be sucked into this strange space to cast spells in mid-air in an attempt to resist Dormammu's devouring. They turned around and desperately called for Goofy's help.

"Help! Officer Goofy! Please help us! Please help us!"

"We knew it was wrong! We regretted it! We regretted it!"

"Please forgive us! Please forgive us! Save us..."

"We don't want to die like this, this way of dying is really tragic..."

Gao Fei shook his head indifferently, looking at the mage who were circling and crying in the sky.

"It's a choice you made, and you have to bear the consequences."

Strange had the same thoughts as Goofy in this regard, and he nodded lightly in support of Goofy's decision.

So these self-inflicted mages finally couldn't resist the power of Dormammu. They were swallowed by Dormammu into the dark dimension, and they were gradually eaten away. In the endless pain, their lives finally ended...

At this moment, a deep voice came from the dark dimension.

"Casillas? My faithful believer, you did a good job, and I gave you eternity as promised..."

"The structure of your human beings is too low-level. Creatures like you are only worthy of living in a low-dimensional world and are dominated by the reincarnation of time. Your essence is some simple and repetitive procedures, and time is just to lure you endlessly. The best tool for executing commands..."

"So if you want to gain eternity, you can only abandon the human body first and merge with me..."

"Now that you have been devoured by me, you are part of me, Casillas, you should be honored..."


"and many more…"

"Casillas, where are you?"

"I didn't perceive your presence..."

Goofy immediately answered Dormammu's question. He looked up at the endless dark space in the sky and said, "Dormammu, your most loyal believer has been killed by me. I think he's been upset for a long time!"


Dormammu's voice was a little lower, as if expressing the anger of the dignified high-dimensional creature,

"Humble low-dimensional creature, how dare you deal with the believers I choose? I am a **** in your low-level world, and I am the controller who manipulates the rules, and your offense to me will eventually be exchanged for the wrath of thunder!"

Speaking of this, Goofy and Strange suddenly noticed the change in the surrounding space - they were no longer in the New York Temple, but came to a brand new world.

Underfoot were pulsating particles, like gravel and dust, that paved a milky white path to support Goofy and Strange's bodies.

The surrounding area is an endless dark space. The dark space is flickering with red, purple, and green light sources that look like eyes and stars. The positions of these light sources are constantly changing.

There are strange celestial bodies similar to planets in the distance, and there are also some galaxies similar to the Milky Way spinning in the dark, brilliant light shuttles through these celestial bodies, but they are fleeting...

"This is... what place?" Strange asked in a low voice, while watching the surrounding environment vigilantly, as if he was afraid of Dormammu's sudden appearance.

Goofy immediately gave the correct answer: "This should be the dark dimension of Dormammu, the so-called high-dimensional world, this is completely different from the time and space where we are, where Dormammu controls everything, and we, as a low-dimensional world Creatures will be very passive..."

Before he finished speaking, some light sources in the distance suddenly condensed together and revealed a shape similar to a human face.

Dormammu is considerate, deliberately showing a human appearance to talk to Goofy and Strange.

"Humble low-dimensional creatures, how can you be my opponents? Here I can easily manipulate your life and death, and make you the souls of my men..."

At the same time as the sound was emitted, the light sources in the distance suddenly condensed and shot towards Goofy and Strange. The energy beams formed by these light sources were extremely powerful and almost unavoidable in the high-dimensional world.


Strange was caught off guard, his chest was immediately pierced by these energy beams, blood continued to flow from his wounds and mouth and nose, and he fell to the ground in pain.

"Goofy, I...I think I can't do it..."

In fact, Gao Fei's situation was not much better than him. At this time, Gao Fei was also traumatized by these energy beams, and a big hole the size of a bowl burst in his chest.

At the same time, the desperate virus in Goofy's body was activated, and he was about to explode.

"Oh, Strange."

Looking at Doctor Strange who was in great pain, Goofy said sympathetically,

"Don't worry, I'll help you out right away."

The voice didn't fall...

Booom! !

Goofy and Strange are reduced to fly ash after an explosion.

Dormammu, the controller of the dark dimension, laughed wildly: "Hahaha... these stupid low-dimensional creatures..."

However, before he could comment more on the short battle, a figure in the thick smoke had reappeared.

"Oh, Dormammu, you simple fellow, you are thinking too easily."

Goofy is reborn from the ashes, and it is obvious that the curse of death applies in the higher-dimensional world as well.

As one of the five creation gods, the ability of death acts on all dimensions. Without such strength, death cannot be called a creation god.

"You actually have the body of immortality..." Dormammu's voice revealed a hint of surprise, "but it's not a problem for me, you should know that I am beyond time, so I have unlimited Time to deal with you..."

"Although I can't kill you, I can destroy your human civilization first... In this way, you will become the loneliest person in the vast universe."

"By that time, loneliness and despair can devour you! Hahaha..."

However, in the face of Dormammu's Gao Fei disagreed.

"Destroy human civilization? You'd better destroy the two of us first."

"You two?" Dormammu was startled when he heard the words. "Where did you two come from? Isn't that **** horse-faced man already dead? He's not immortal!"

Gao Fei smiled softly: "But I have the ability to reverse time."

After saying this, Goofy immediately used the traveler template. He surpassed the speed of light in the high-dimensional world and caused the time to go backwards, reversing the time to the state he and Strange had just entered here.

Soon Strange appeared alive next to Goofy again.

"This is... what place?" Strange asked in a low voice, while vigilantly observing the surrounding environment, everything was the same as a few minutes ago.

Gao Fei smiled at Strange and said, "Welcome back, my comrade-in-arms."

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