American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 689: Thor vs Humanoid

Thor couldn't understand Goofy's refusal, he just wanted to get out of the sick place of Sakka as soon as possible.

"Why? Goofy, why? What else do you want from Sarkar? There's nothing here except an old lunatic older than Odin!!"

Gao Fei smiled and comforted Thor: "Calm down, Thor, calm down, Saka star is not as useless as you said, we come all the way here, we have to get some benefits before leaving?"

"Oh...I really don't understand you!" Thor said depressedly, "But I'm tired of this kind of life, I hate being killed by a group of aliens in the arena like ornamental animals...Mine tonight. Do you know who the opponent is? It's a humanoid guy, he looks so disgusting, I want to vomit as soon as I see him..."

Just as Thor was about to persuade Gao Fei to take him away, the Saka soldiers outside shouted impatiently: "Hey! Leidi! Have you picked your weapon? You're about to play! Where are you? What?"

Thor stared at him with rage: "Damn, my name is Thor! Thor! Is this name difficult to remember? You stupid bastards! The idiots with insufficient brains!"

However, although Thor did not suffer from a disadvantage, he did not dare to continue to choose in the arsenal. He pointed to a small device on his neck, and reluctantly said to Gao Fei: "I'd better go out first, otherwise they should Use this guy to electrocute me... Damn, it's ironic that the dignified Thor is afraid of electricity, huh?"

Gao Fei smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Come on, man, I wish you a great victory tonight."

Thor waved Mjolnir in his hand: "With my hammer accompanying me, I'm not afraid of any monster!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left the armament depot with his head held high.

In order not to make Valkyrie suspicious, Goofy continued to choose in the armament library. He chose a very exaggerated armor for himself. The chest of this armor has a huge animal head decoration, and the shoulders are stretched out. With two extremely long spines, it looks very scary.

As for the weapon, Goofy chose a heavy axe. Thor had said before that Goofy was very suitable for using a highly destructive weapon such as an axe. Goofy decided to follow his advice this time.

After coming out of the armory, Valkyrie jumped up and down in a hurry.

"Hurry up, hurry up, Goofy! The first game is about to begin! Humanoid and Thor have already played."

Walking out of the well-insulated military depot, Gao Fei heard the sound of mountain and tsunami cheering from the auditorium outside. Most of them were still shouting "Humanoid", the former champion of the arena, and only a few were shouting "Thor".

"It seems that the voice of the humanoid is higher?" Gao Fei said with a smile.

Valkyrie shook his head: "No way, who made Thor a novice! But he recently won five consecutive victories, which is considered a good performance. If he can defeat the humanoid tonight, then his fans will definitely change. more..."

As he said, Valkyrie took Goofy a short cut to the top of the arena, where a small spaceship was parked, and Goofy recognized that this was Valkyrie's car.

"Go up, I'll take you to the Grand Auditorium!" Valkyrie said with a smile, dragging Goofy's arm to the spaceship.

After the two got on the spaceship, Valkyrie drove the spaceship directly above the arena. From this position, overlooking the arena, the arena was unobstructed.

"How is it? How is it? Is this location perfect?" Valkyrie said excitedly, pulling a miniature refrigerator from the spaceship at the same time, opened the refrigerator, and it was filled with all kinds of drinks.

"What do you want to drink?" Valkyrie took a bottle of sparkling wine and pushed the refrigerator to Goofy.

"Thank you, I don't need it anymore." Gao Fei declined, looking down at the arena under his feet.

At this time, the founder of the gladiatorial competition, Gao Tianzun, had completed his pre-match speech. Thor and the humanoid entered the arena one after another. Thor Gao Fei was already familiar with Thor, so he didn’t pay too much attention, but This is the first time I have seen a humanoid flying high, so it is inevitable to take a few more glances.

In addition to looking like the Dota hero Void Mask, the humanoid also looks a bit like a mammoth, and there is another character that is very similar to the humanoid - that is the Lionel Mountain III in the TV series "Journey to the West" The white elephant among the brothers.

In short, this guy made Gao Fei have serious psychological and physical discomfort as soon as he showed his face, and he even wanted to jump off to help Thor kill this thing directly.

Thor in the arena obviously thought so too, the Thor's Hammer in his hand had already turned like a propeller.

"I bet 100 bucks Thor will win." Valkyrie said with a smile at this time, "The weapon in his hand is too powerful."

"Then I can only bet that Thor will end the battle within ten minutes?" Goofy said, "Heroes see the same thing, and I also think that the monster with the long nose is not Thor's opponent."

Before he finished speaking, the humanoid had already launched the attack first. Unfortunately, Thor's hammer was too strong. With a single backhand blow, the humanoid was the main target, and the humanoid was directly overturned to the ground.


There was a rather wide range of exclamations in the audience, obviously most of the audience did not expect the humanoid to be knocked down by Thor's one move.

However, the humanoid's fighting ability is also very good. He quickly got up and fought back. His size is far larger than that of Thor, at least as large as three Thors. "Pounced on Thor and successfully covered At the same time, the humanoid began to secrete a lot of mucus from the surface of the skin, and these mucus poured down towards Thor. Seeing this scene, Thor was almost Disgusting to vomit.

Even Gao Fei, who was very far away from the ring, was a little disgusted. He seemed to be able to smell the stench of human-like body mucus.

"This move is too sick, isn't it? Is he planning to kill someone from disgust?"

Gao Fei asked with a frown.

Valkyrie laughed: "This is the human body's ability, and this move is his nirvana. But I have to admit that Thor can force him to use his nirvana so quickly, which is already very good."

At this time, Gao Fei noticed that Saka Star's audience friends seemed to have a very deformed aesthetic, and such a disgusting move of the human body actually caused a lot of praise.

They frantically shouted the name of the humanoid, as if applauding his skills.





Gao Fei is simply fascinated, what kind of audience are they?

At this moment, Thor, who was standing on the ring, was about to collapse, and countless viscous liquids fell on his head. These liquids were not only stinky and sticky, but also seemed to be corrosive.

"Oh, damn... this disgusting big bug!"

"I'll kill you!"

With a roar, Thor waved Miaolnir and slammed it upwards, and the humanoid body covering his body was instantly smashed, and the viscous liquid was thrown wildly around.

The aliens in the front row of the auditorium originally watched with great interest, but they were accidentally hit by human-like mucus, their skin instantly festered and collapsed, and the severe pain caused them to faint on the spot.

Not everyone has the skin of Asgardians.

Thor pouted apologetically: "Sorry, I didn't mean to..."

American Comic Survival Guide

American Comic Survival Guide

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