Just when everyone was thinking, a familiar scene suddenly appeared on the screen.

The familiar dark space, the familiar square pillars, the familiar scarlet light.

"Reality Gem?!" Peter Parker subconsciously cried out.

That's right, it's the blockade space of the Gem of Reality.

In this space, there is also a familiar figure - Jane Foster.

Frank looked at Thor with a smile: "I didn't expect that your little girlfriend would get the reality gem soon." "

"How's it going, aren't you happy, aren't you excited, aren't you surprised?"

"The water of the Infinity Stones is so deep that she can't grasp it. "

Hela sneered: "The physical body is not strong enough, and touching the Infinity Stones with your bare hands is only a dead end." "

However, as soon as the words fell, the smile on her face froze.

I saw that on the screen, Jane not only withstood it, but also absorbed all the ether particles into her body.

Although Jane fainted due to the power of the aether particles, her body was unharmed.

"How is it possible.... 26.." Hela muttered to herself what had happened in the thousands of years she had been sealed.

How can any person become a little beyond imagination.

It was a container for one of the Infinity Stones, the Reality Stones.

Even if she touches it with her hands, she needs to use her own strength to suppress it.

The light curtain continued to flicker, and a strange figure in the void darkness opened its eyes.

There's Asgardne, a warrior with golden eyes who reports back to Odin.

In the end, it was fixed on Saul's face, and he stood in the rain, looking at the surroundings, which was the unfinished building that Jane had inspected.

At this time, Jane, who was in a coma, woke up, looked at the face that was thinking about the night, and slapped her without saying a word.

"It's true...... It's not a dream...... Jane felt the pain of the backlash in her palm, and there was a snap, another slap.

"Why did you disappear for two years, where have you been in these two years!"

Looking at Thor explaining to Jane on the screen, Hela smiled again.

"At this point, you are quite similar to the old guy, just like the old man, just like his wife. "

Odin is afraid of his wife?Everyone present blinked with a complicated face, is this what they should know?

They didn't hear anything, they didn't know anything.

At this moment, on the screen, a police detective, who was driving away unrelated personnel, touched Jane.

Suddenly, a powerful burst of red energy erupted, flying all the people and cars around him.

Thor looked solemn, hugged Jane, summoned the Rainbow Bridge, and took Jane back to Asgard.

The energy Thor on Jane's body is not clear what it is, but it is clearly different from his, more like magical energy.

He immediately found his mother, Frigga, who was the strongest of the witch clan, and whose magical energy was not much weaker than that of the ancient one.

But even she couldn't do anything about it.

Hela had a trace of doubt in her heart, this is the queen mother, looking at the queen mother, how could she not know the Infinity Stones?

Is it because of the difference between the two universes?

But before she could ask, she saw the figure she hated.

It was very different from her impression, her body was no longer straight, and her beard and hair had turned pale.

There was only one eye left.

Even though her image changed drastically, Hela recognized Odin at a sight.

"Damn old fellow!" even though she knew it was another universe, Hela still wanted to kill Odin with her own hands.

In the face of Hela's curses, everyone present pretended not to hear them, even Thor.

No matter how rebellious Hela is, she is also the daughter of Odin and the sister of Thor.

Seeing that Odin has imprisoned her for a thousand years, suppressing her with his own strength, which has caused a lot of burden on his body, and he still hasn't attacked her, he knows it.

Hela is an Asgardian princess anyway.

Now there may be another identity...... Ron's dressing girl.

It is possible that it will be naked in the future...... Girl...

The crowd that focused on the light curtain also heard Odin's explanation of the truth about the aether particles. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It turned out that the aether particle was actually the aether particle created by the patriarch of the dark elf race, Malekith, using the power of darkness.

And Marekis, who admires darkness, tries to use etheric particles to plunge the universe into darkness.

With the defeat of Malekith, the Aether Particles were sealed, and the Dark Elves once again hid in the corners of the universe.

Now that the Aether Particle has reappeared, it will inevitably alarm the long-vanished Dark Elves.

Therefore, at this time, Jane will become the target of the dark elves.

Odin decided to leave Jane in Asgard for the time being, to prevent the aether particles from falling into the hands of the dark elves.

Odin's decision made Thor very happy, and he could finally stay with Jane every day.

The two years of separation made him miss it very much.

watched the two gradually get closer and closer, closer and closer...... Then, suddenly, the screen flashed and it turned into an Asgardian dungeon.

"Damn, it's just a critical moment, why don't you cut the screen!" Tony muttered dissatisfiedly.

In the crowd, several male compatriots subconsciously nodded in agreement, and their mouths still echoed, that is!

Ron raised an eyebrow at 357: "That's a fee, you can't watch it for free." "

"How much, I'll pay!" As long as it's a matter of money, it's not a problem!

Tony's face was full of unfinished business, and he was ready to record it and help Thor promote it.

Suddenly changed, I couldn't get up or down, and I felt uncomfortable. []

Hela glanced at him, "A mortal is a mortal, governed by lowly desires. "

Tony: "........"

Just say it, say whatever you want.

I haven't ever experienced killing you at first glance, and after you've been taken in by Ron, I don't think you're addicted.

As the saying goes, the longer you hold it, the crazier it will be when you release it.

Hela has no boyfriend in legend, and has been locked up in the underworld by Odin for thousands of years.

If it erupted, it would be even more violent than an active volcano that had accumulated for thousands of years.

Absolutely out of control, at least dozens or hundreds of shots.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Ron.

Well...... Ron is so powerful, he shouldn't need my friendship to support him with some medicine.

It's better to keep it for yourself, Pepper has become stronger recently, and her posture has become a lot more, it's really ......

Tony smacked his tongue with an aftertaste on his face.

And at this moment, there was a movement on the light curtain.

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