After receiving this injection, Zombie Hulk's body began to twitch crazily.

It was almost like drowning or electrocution or an epileptic seizure.

He started shouting at the top of his lungs, and his whole body seemed to be out of control and crazy.

Captain America Steve held the hand of his former good teammate, the Hulk, who has now turned into a zombie.

Originally, Black Widow Natasha Romanoff wanted to do this move herself.

But then the smart woman thought about it again and realized that she and Hulk had broken up, and it would be inappropriate to do this again.

After this idea flashed through her mind, Black Widow Natasha Romanoff stopped, stepped forward, and retracted her feet.

With this injection completely pushed into the Zombie Hulk's veins.

The results of all experiments now are waiting to be tested and calculated after the"310" injection is fully effective.

Ant-Man, Dr. Pym, has put all his treasure on the zombie Hulk.

Hulk is Ant-Man and Dr. Pym’s biggest bet.

As the Zombie Hulk's breathing gradually became evener.

It seems that this injection of reagent is effective.

The signs of mutation caused by the zombie virus are being improved, devoured, and smoothed away bit by bit.

The Hulk, who had grown two sizes in size due to the infection and loss of the virus, is now also shrinking in size.

Also restored to its original appearance.

The Avengers and SHIELD members on the side cheered instantly after seeing this reassuring scene.

Thor, the god of thunder, stepped forward and patted Ant-Man Dr. Pym on the shoulder.

"Bravo, my friend!"

Thor Thor shook the hand of Dr. Ant-Man Pym.

He could clearly feel Dr. Ant-Man Pym's hand, which was still shaking due to nervousness.

Thor patted Ant-Man Pym. Doctor's shoulders

"We succeeded, now change Tony Stark, your wife and Nick Fury back!"

Ant-Man Dr. Pym nodded, turned around and devoted himself to his research. What he needs to do now is to make three copies of the needle-taking reagent.

First, use these three reagents to remove the remaining reagents in the gravity field. Those three superheroes were rescued.

Then we considered the infection problem in the whole world and even in Gotham City next door. Gotham


After Kasha realized the power of anti-virus, he easily removed Bruce Wayne from the virus. The zombie's body returned to normal.

The zombie Bruce Wayne asked Kasha as if he had just woken up from a dream.

"What happened just now? Why did he have no memory at all? Why did the Bat-Fighter crash?"

Kasha didn't want to go, so he explained all the details to Bruce Wayne.

The current situation was too urgent, and what he had to save was the infection problem in New York City and Gotham City.

He connected with Pi Dr. Pym's communication equipment.

He wants to know what the detailed situation looks like now?

Dr. Pym's side gave a positive answer.

His research has also made breakthrough progress.

The Hulk has been restored. Now he only needs to restore the remaining Wasp, Iron Man, Nick Fury and others one by one.

After hearing the affirmative answer from Dr. Ant-Man Pym, Card Xia finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that the crisis caused by the zombie virus would stop after it swept through New York City and Gotham City.

But just when Kasha breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu A mage's spiritual will actually came into contact with Kasha's mind again.

She had a premonition that the crisis facing the entire Blue Star has not been resolved yet.

This made Kasha's relaxed mood tighten again.

No. Wrong, it was only then that Kasha noticed that there were some huge towering primitive vines stretching and entwining in Gotham City.

This is Poison Ivy's masterpiece. (For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And Kasha used the power of anti-virus and noticed that the vines contained zombie viruses.

This means that Poison Ivy has also been infected by the zombie virus and turned into a zombie.

And the infected and assimilated into a zombie The zombie Poison Ivy will become the biggest source of infection.

So will this become the biggest hidden danger mentioned by the Ancient One Master? The

Ancient One Master did not tell Kasha the specific plot in detail, because her Perception is only limited to this aspect[]

Don't leave the rest to Kasha to explore, perceive, and comprehend.

After Kasha cut off contact with the Ancient Master, he immediately rushed to the area where Poison Ivy was.......

The crazy primitive anime there has controlled the entire area and is infecting the surrounding people like a constant source of virus infection.

The people there are all swallowed up and infected by these viruses.

Then it turned into a walking zombie, each one with no normal human reaction.

Kasha first found Poison Ivy and used the power of anti-virus to eliminate all the zombie viruses infected in her body.

In this way, Kasha was successfully purified, and each of them was still the two infected superheroes.

Commissioner Gordon has been hiding in the safe area.

What he was waiting for was to wait for Kasha to arrive and then tell him the actual situation that was happening now.

Chief Gordon told Kasha another worrying situation.

That's Gotham City's talent market, and Arkham Asylum has now become the epicenter of the infection.

The mentally ill people imprisoned there have all turned into zombies.

After he now learned of this situation, he immediately rushed to Arkham Asylum.

What he needs to do now is to cleanse the entire Arkham Asylum of infection problems.

Niaoyue City.

After successfully purifying the Zombie Hulk.

Ant-Man, Dr. Pym, then purified his girlfriend, the Wasp.

There is also Iron Man Tony Stark who talks non-stop after recovering from sobriety.

And the last newcomer is Nick Fury, the one-eyed dragon with 4.8 eyes.

These superheroes are all complaining about the Wasp's sneak attacks.

The cunning and treacherous Wasp attacked them secretly, turning them into zombies and experiencing the feeling of losing human intelligence.

The Wasp smiled on the side and said she didn't know anything.

And her husband, Dr. Ant-Man Pym, can testify to this. After his wife became a zombie, she was completely devoid of human emotions and intelligence.

He didn't know anything about what was going on, all he did was lose the instinct, the virus, the instinct that made him do it.

As the zombie virus was resolved, all the superheroes in Nuyo City were cured.

What they need to do now is purify and reduce the infection status of the city's citizens. ps: Please order in full! Please customize! Please give me flowers! Thank you, fellow Yanzus!.

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