The speed force is DC's energy system, which can still be used in the Marvel world, but it is indeed a consumable.

Without the support of the Wall of Divine Speed, the Speedster's power can only be used less and less until it is completely consumed.

Nolin's use of the Super Brain to get from Wells, Speed, Simmons, and others about the Speedster is also useless,

Originally, after injection, it could temporarily give people the ability to speed up, but in the Marvel Universe, it is also a de-effect.

Norlin guessed,

This may also have something to do with the strength of the Speed Force, the reagent they created is actually a kind of link device that can briefly open the passage to the Wall of Speed Force.

But in the Marvel Universe, the reagent can't connect with the distant wall of speed power, so naturally it can't continue to give people the ability to speed up.


Norlin has found a solution.

As long as you maintain OOXX with Jesse for a long time, you can continue to copy and improve the quality and quantity of God's speed power.

In return, Jesse can only temporarily give up using the speed force to punish evil and promote good.

In compensation, Norin gave Jesse a control helmet that contained a WeChat chip that could use brain waves to manipulate miniature magnetic robots, and when there were enough magnetic robots, Jesse could easily destroy even a street.

Or even a city.

In addition to facing magnetic manipulators like Magneto and people like Burning Man who can use high-temperature flames,

If prepared, its strength is not inferior to that of ordinary level 4 mutants.

Of course, with the current situation on Earth, basically no one dares to trouble mutants.

Norin left a trail of energy on her body, which could be activated whenever she encountered an indestructible danger.

After that, he asked Jesse and the others to defend justice in the outside world.

At this time,

Skye rushed to hear the news.

She reports to Norlin on her recent work with Inhumans.


Just recently,

She noticed some unusual behavior.

"You mean, the number of Inhumans has been growing a lot lately?"

Norin stared slightly when he heard this.

"Did they tell Charles about it?"

Skye shook his head, "I said it, but 22 he didn't find the reason. "

"Then I talked to some of them who had recently had a power awakening, and they all had one thing in common. "

"They all met a black-robed man, and when they touched them lightly, they lost consciousness and found themselves petrified. "

"And there has been a noticeable increase in the number of missing people in the news recently..."

"We suspect that someone else has obtained the Terrigen Crystal and is conducting uncharted experiments. "

When Norin heard this, he remembered something else.

"Is there any news from the moon?"

"They've found a mysterious city that's in the shadows of the far side of the moon, with optical stealth and an energy layer that shields them from cosmic rays from the outside world, as well as temperature. "

"According to the data, it has the oxygen and temperature suitable for human habitation, and it should be the Inhuman country you asked them to find - Attilan. "

"You mean... That mysterious man is someone sent by Attillan?"

Skye was particularly surprised.

When she heard that the Inhumans had a nation on the moon, she didn't believe it at all.

Even her mother, as well as the older generation of Inhumans, were unaware of Attillan's existence.

However, when the two attack ships returned, the news they brought confirmed what Norlin said.

The land of the Inhumans, the moon city of Attillan, really exists!

However, Attilan actually abandoned the Inhumans on Earth and was isolated from the world on the moon.

Skye's mother, Jiaying, was not excited about their existence, but hated them very much.

Obviously, the Inhumans have long had their own kingdom and the ability to protect their people.

But he was unmoved.

Sit back and watch the Inhumans on Earth suffer.

Wanted and arrested by all forces, crazy human experiments,

And the Inhumans of Attilan live a chic and happy life.

The two are completely different treatments, how not to make Jiaying feel jealous and angry?

If they could have come to Earth to bring in other Inhumans, perhaps they wouldn't have been like this.

Not to mention becoming a vassal race of mutants,

This is to escape the destruction of the Skrulls and other forces.

"It's just a possibility, and it can't be ruled out that there are other Terrigen crystals out there. "

Norlin thought for a moment and ordered, "This matter needs to be focused on, and let Charles send someone to track this matter." "

Skye nodded in understanding.

"Wait, remember to come to my place when it's over. "

Skye thought of something, blushed, and walked out happily.

In my heart, I was wondering who to find as a helper.

It is impossible to fight alone, it is impossible in this life, even Anna and Hela, they are surrendering with a white flag.


After the complete recovery of Makari,

Something from Phastos is also ready.

At this moment, all the remaining nine people were present.

"That's what you prepared, a wristband?"

Gilgamesh kept looking at the bracelet on his wrist, as if to see the secret.

"Don't look at it, it's not technology you can understand. "

Fastos made a demonstration with his bracelet,

The golden energy was concentrated along the bracelet, and everyone else was familiar with it, and this was the energy in their body.

"According to Ajak, our abilities come from the Celestials. "

"The Celestials are the most powerful energy producers in the universe. "

"In giving us powers, Aritam infuses us with near-infinite cosmic energy. "

"It allows us to regenerate our bodies continuously, to have a long life and great abilities. "

"These bracelets can theoretically shut down our regeneration process. "

"Let our bodies accumulate extra cosmic energy. "

"So what?"

Looking in a bad mood, Spike, who was reddish at the corners of her eyes, couldn't wait.

"Don't worry, I mean,"

"As long as we can gather our energy through this bracelet, we can connect with each other through Tama's devices,"

"By connecting, we are able to transfer energy to someone,"

"That person can become extremely powerful!"

"And by gathering the accumulated energy of all the others, a unified idea can be formed. "

"And then with incredible anti-telepathic abilities. "

"Just like Zhu Ke, we can connect with him to give him great power, enhance his psychic ability, and control a more powerful being. "

"At the same time, we can transfer our thoughts to another person at any time, such as Gilgamesh, so that he can shatter a mountain with one punch and cause a magnitude ten earthquake..."

"We can even transfer it to Cersei and give her the ability to transform into matter again..."

"Transfer it to me! I'm going to kill him!"

Spike said viciously.

"What's the matter with you? Keep your emotions in check, Cersei is not as excited as you. "

Ajak was amazed at Spike's state. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"He killed Ikaris! I..."

Spike was about to say it when she got emotional, but she stopped after glancing at Cersei.

After all, she and Cersie are best friends, so she can't say that she likes her best friend's ex-boyfriend at this time.

Ajak's eyes wandered between Spike and Cersei, and he seemed to understand something.

Zhu Ke was also thoughtful.

Only Cersei was still comforting Spike, "It's okay, we'll be able to avenge him." "

She said to Fastos, "Let me go, even if I lose in the end, it's fine, I'm incapacitated anyway." "

"No, let's go together!"

"Norin has many abilities, and even if we strengthen a single ability, it is difficult to pose a lethal threat to it. "

"Only the ability to switch flexibly can defeat it!"

Ajak finally spoke up to make a decision.

When others heard this, they agreed.

Ajak has a point, even if someone is strengthened, it will be difficult to defeat Norin.

The opponent can switch to other forces at any time for a single ability, how to fight it?

The best choice is to start![]

Use the unified idea to quickly switch candidates, so as to fight it more calmly.

Ajak gripped the beads of the necklace on her chest, hesitating whether to contact the Celestial Supreme.

It's okay to beat Nolin, but what if you lose?

Maybe... You can try that.

Ajak then led the men to find the new king of Asgard, Thor.

Hope to unite again against Nolin.

But when she came to the Golden Palace, she was surprised to find that it was not Thor, nor Odin, but Loki who sat on the throne!

Loki holds a spear shaped like the Spear of Eternity, the original of which was lost in the last battle.

"You want to join Asgard in the crusade against Penglai Island?"

Loki shook his head with a straight face, and said with a king's arrogant attitude: "I beg forgive me for refusing, before our previous king Odin fell asleep, he said: Asgard will close the Rainbow Bridge after that, and it is not easy to crusade against the Atrium, especially the Penglai Kingdom. "

"Moreover, in the last battle, our Divine Domain suffered heavy losses, and it will take a long time to recuperate. "

"As the king of Asgard, the most merciful of kings, I will not agree to do anything dangerous with you, whether out of concern for the people or out of respect for my father. "

Loki is not stupid, even Odin in that state was defeated, and he used the big killer Rainbow Bridge to just tickle the other party.

How could he deal with such a powerful enemy?


"Call me Your Majesty, or the King!"

Loki emphasized, smiling: "Those who do not know are not guilty, as a merciful king, I will not be angry with you for your ignorance, but next time please call me king!"

Ajak was silent for a moment, then continued: "Your Majesty, we have found a way to fight Nolin, but now we need some other help to create a fair fight with Nolin, and those people cannot interfere in the decisive battle between us." "

"So, for the sake of the honorable God-King Odin, and for the sake of the dead people of Asgard, and for the sake of our millennia-old friendship, please support our actions. "

Loki glanced at a few people, hesitated for a moment, and then remembered Norin's terrifying posture, feeling the cold throne under the seat, he still shook his head.

If Nolin can be defeated, then his prestige will naturally be unprecedentedly strong.

But what if you haven't fought?

He had seen the embarrassment of the Eternals in the face of Nolin's subordinates, and he knew that someone on the other side had been killed in the battle against Nolin.

How can a defeated man defeat Nolin?

In the event of defeat, Hela could march into Asgard with a large army and take his throne, which is not good.

To be on the safe side, it's better to hold on.

"I'm sorry, I don't agree, since you have the confidence to defeat Nolin, then go ahead, and hope you can return triumphantly. "

"Asgard will not interfere in the affairs of the Nine Realms for the next hundred years. "

Yes, Loki has already made up his mind that he doesn't care whether the other realms of the Nine Realms live or die.

Even for safety, he summoned all the Asgardians stationed in other countries.

Began the days of seclusion and seclusion, and the time is, a hundred years of starting!

What he thinks is very simple, earthlings are not gods, and no matter how strong they are, they will die of old age.

As a wise man, he can obviously use the safest way to survive the other party, so why take the risk?

He has at least four thousand years to live, which is enough to survive at least hundreds of generations of Atrium people.

This is the easiest strategy to win!

"We're going to see Thor! Obviously Thor is the king of Asgar 177!"

Hearing Loki say this, Gilgamesh shouted with a big grin.

Ajak is too late to stop.

Loki's face sank.

"Daring! This is Asgard, it's the Golden Palace! It's not your territory!"

"A group of outsiders of unknown origin, unknown identity, and unknown purpose dare to be presumptuous in the Divine Domain!

"Come on, get them out of here!"

With Loki's order given,

Several elite Asgardian soldiers stood in front of the Eternals, their sharp Uru metal spears aimed at a few of them.

In the outside world, there was the sound of neat running and the metal sound of the nail stomach colliding.

At least dozens of elite guards of the Golden Palace poured in and surrounded the Eternals.

Ajak had no choice but to leave with the others.

It is really unwise to offend the mutants and then offend the native gods.

Asgard is not weak, even if Odin is killed, these elite warriors are enough to pose a threat to them.

"What's going on, Loki?"

The tired queen Frigga walked in,

"It's not a queen mother, just now the arrogant and rude Eternals wanted to trick us into sending troops to the atrium again, I have already driven them away, this group of foreign gods with bad intentions, I have long seen that they have ghosts, and they have come to the atrium to stay for thousands of years without saying a word, and they don't know what they are doing, hum!

Loki meekly explained.

Frigga nodded, satisfied with Ki's decision.

They are actually very cautious about the Eternals, and they have never been able to figure out the purpose of the other party, and it seems that they are too pure, just to help the people of the Atrium.

But this perfection is even more doubtful.

And Asgard really can't go to war with the Atrium anymore...

"Loki, I hope you can be a good king during this time, and properly deal with the next problems, your father is sleeping, Thor's will is depressed, I can only ask you. "

"Queen Mother, don't worry! I am the first mage of the Nine Realms, the first wise man! I will definitely make Asgard prosperous again!"

After the two talked for a while, Loki sent Frigga off and returned to the throne, his expression constantly changing.

Thor was too discouraged to be king, and he narrowly became the interim king.

But Loki didn't want to stop there, once Thor recovered, the position of king was his, and neither strength, prestige, nor legitimacy could be objected to.

So, he needs prestige! He needs a victory! Let everyone know that he can lead Asgard to victory over foreign enemies and protect the safety of God's Domain.

Of course, Asgard's worst enemy, Norin, must not be provoked.


Loki thought back and locked onto his target.

Can't you mess with the atrium, can't you mess with the defeated subordinates you once had? .

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