However, what even Dane did not expect was that Sinestro's first target was not Oa or the Earth.

But his home planet, Koruga.

When Sinestro returned to Koruga with his legions, the rebels were attacking his city in force.

The order of the past has long been destroyed, and Sinestro's absence for a long time seemed to confirm the rumors that something bad had happened to him.

Resistance to his rule sprang up around the world.

Perhaps some of these people were originally people who sincerely wanted to liberate the people and return Koruga to freedom.

But as time goes by, more and more people have begun to fall into the vortex of fighting for power, no longer for justice, but for interests, resources, and power.

Someone wants to become the King of Koruga like Sinestro did before.

As a result, the initial liberation movement gradually began to sour, and the world fell into a war for power.

At this time, some civilians suddenly discovered it.

Even Sinestro's oppressive order is safer than the disorderly world in front of him.

Koruga didn't become better because of Sinestro's disappearance. On the contrary, it became worse.

Some people can't help but hope that Sinestro will come back. Even if he rules as repressively as before, it doesn't matter as long as he can survive safely.

"No matter who you are, as long as this war can be ended, I will be loyal to you even if it is Sinestro."

In the ruins of the battlefield, a lonely Koruga man prayed to heaven

"I hear your wish, child."

He got a response, and the Koruga looked up in confusion.

It was Sinestro, descending from the sky with his loyal yellow legions.

He was no longer green.

The Koruga thought. , and then the yellow light illuminated the entire battlefield.

Uncontrollable fear emerged from deep in the heart. In the combat zone, all combatants heard the voice at the same time:

"People of Koruga, your king is back!"

Yellow flames appeared in the sky, and it poured out its anger on the earth!

Under the light beam, everything it illuminated turned into flames. No matter it was people or objects, they all became corpses under the light energy.

"Go, my army, and kill everyone who resists me on this planet."

"There is no need for prisoners or war criminals to surrender. All those who participated in the resistance movement will be killed without leaving a single one alive!"


The legions roared wildly, and they all displayed their weapons and massacred the ground and air combat troops.

As Sinestro said, there is no forgiveness and no prisoners.

Anyone who dares to stand in front of the Sinestro Legion will be killed!

Sinestro announced his return in a more brutal way than before.

This time he was no longer unnecessarily merciful. He was too merciful before. The disobedient was only imprisoned?

Should all these rubbish be executed ?!

It not only saves food but also maintains the purity of the citizens, and the remaining people only need to be obedient citizens!

Just a few days later, the Sinestro Corps wiped out all rebellions and betrayals on Koruga. All the rebels and disobedients were killed without exception.

Koruga was once again brought under the rule of Sinestro, and Sinestro promulgated more severe criminal laws than before.

He required everyone to act in strict accordance with the civil code he had established, and slightly Disobedience will be punished directly.

The kind of cruel government and tyranny that Hal imagined has now come true.

After integrating the harvest on Coruga, Sinestro set his sights on Oa..

But he is not impatient. As an old man of the Green Lantern Corps, Sinestro knows that the Guardians are not his biggest threat. The

Green Lantern is, or strictly speaking, the strongest among the Green Lanterns is their biggest obstacle in the future..

And Sinestro has already set up a trap for the Green Lantern. He does not want to eliminate the opponent in this battle. She can play a greater value in the hands of the Sinestro Corps. On

Earth, Dane will Hal Jordan What he felt through the light ring told the members of the Zhenglian.

Hal had made up his mind to help Oa, although he didn't know how useful he could be.

He originally wanted to go alone, but Dane He was stopped on the grounds that he was a member of the Alliance and all the members were summoned again

"That's the thing. The entire universe is very big, but actually very small. If Sinestro breaks through Oua, the Earth will most likely become the next target."

"Even if not, even if Sinestro forgets Earth for the time being, no one can tell when he will think of us as he conquers the universe. Dane looked around at the members and said,"Do you think we should take action on this matter?""

Batman first objected:"These are just Hal's speculations for the time being. In fact, this incident is not necessarily what you imagined, is it? Hal had to admit that he was right. He really didn't like bats.

Constantine scratched his head and said,"Boss, you know me. It's okay if you ask me to use black magic or something.""

"But space warfare? This is not in line with my major! Dane glanced at him sideways:"You are just here to listen, no one wants you to go to the battlefield.""

"Oh, all right."After saying that, he picked up a cigarette and smoked it.

As soon as he put the cigarette in his hand, he saw Batman opposite him casting a disapproving look.

"Can’t smoke?"He asked in surprise.

Batman's white eyepiece seemed to narrow, and Constantine cursed and put away the cigarette.

Superman thought for a while, and partially agreed with Batman's opinion.

"I think what Batman said makes sense. I don’t think we should make a decision before things are determined."

"Yes, protecting the earth is the first priority of the Justice League!"Mars Manhunter nodded. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Whether as Martian Manhunter or as General Swanwick, protecting the earth is the most important thing to him.

Dane looked towards Diana, she didn't speak, just looked at him and smiled softly...0This time it was Zatanna who noticed something was going on between the two of them, and a sense of crisis suddenly arose in her heart.

So she said to Dane:"If you want to go, I'll accompany you!"

As soon as she said this, Diana's eyes suddenly became sharp.

She immediately stared at Zatanna, and Zatanna stared back without showing any signs of weakness, as if there was an electric current between their eyes that connected them tightly.

Dane pretended not to see it, but he was thinking in his heart that in the future, the two of them should try to keep them apart, and it would be best not to meet unless there was something important.

He should work harder and run more on both sides.

So Dane knocked on the table, and the discussion became quiet.

"After gathering everyone’s opinions, can I think that you do not agree with aiding Oa Star? Batman asked again:"With your ability, can't you predict the exact direction of this matter?" Dane closed his eyes and said blindly:"My prediction is more about disasters on the earth. If this matter is destined to be solved, then it will not affect the earth.""

Batman understood what he meant. Although he did not foresee that the earth would be in trouble, it was not clear whether it was because they solved it in advance, or because the disaster did not affect the earth in the first place.

This is alegally determined issues.

And according to what Dane said before, the future will indeed change because of their positive actions.

If it is certain that the future can be changed, then it can be both for better and worse.

So he posed the question to Dane:"So what do you think?"

"I take it you don't want to go to Oua at all, do you? Dane asked with a smile.

Batman nodded without hesitation:"The earth needs us more, and we also need someone to stay here." Dane did not object:"You are right. I never think that helping other planets is more important than protecting Earth 1.2.""

"But if the battlefield can be placed outside the earth, I think it will be better for the earth....How about this.

He said sternly:"Hal and I will do a reconnaissance first to see what the situation is like on Oua Star. We will inform everyone after we are sure.""

He turned to look at Clark:"In view of what you just said, can I think so?..."

"If things go as Hal and I predict, will you be willing to help? Clark emphasized:"Actually, even if the facts are not what you expected, as long as you need me, I can help!""

This time, Martian Manhunter couldn't stand it. He looked at Clark expressionlessly.

What do you mean, just say I'm heartless?

Batman continued to maintain his cold persona and didn't pay any attention to Clark's words. As ordinary humans, Red Hood, Nightwing, Barbara and others could only watch the big bosses speak and remain silent.

While they were still worried about the affairs of several gangs, the big bosses were already thinking about saving their lives. Is the universe such a high-level problem?

It’s us who are trying to get ahead!.

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