Upon seeing this, Dane added a layer of magic to himself to hide his presence, and then stepped aside to watch the show.

After the magic took effect, the wizards looked away.

But the leading wizard suddenly felt a little strange. He always felt that they had forgotten something just now....

Gabriel was not affected by the magic. She stared at Dane, as if questioning why he hid aside.

But soon the show Dane wanted to see began.

The black-robed mages lifted their hoods, and their pale foreheads were tattooed with a circle of inverted crosses, as if they could open the zipper of their brains.

With the dark circles under his eyes and a face so thin that his cheekbones protruded, he looked like a skeleton demon in a horror movie.

But Gabriel was not afraid. She just frowned:"Who are you?"

The black-robed mage did not answer. He took out a small silver incense burner from his arms and a thin silver incense burner. The chains bound it, wrapping around his gaunt arms.

This is some kind of magic weapon.

Behind him, several mages, also wearing black robes, began to sing spells.

Amidst the sound of the incantation, thin gray smoke flew out of the small incense burner, and they flew towards Gabriel in the direction of the wind.

Gabriel didn't run away, and she couldn't escape either.

She didn't ask Dane for help because she didn't trust the man she had just met for the first time.

She turned around and knelt down towards the cross. Under the moonlight, her back was holy and noble, but she had already lost her wings.

Gray smoke enveloped her like darkness

""The Lord" did not answer her prayers, as if he had completely abandoned her.

Compared with the upcoming crisis, the pain of being ignored by her beloved people made her heartache more.

The gray smoke completely enveloped Gabriel, and then With a sudden contraction, the gray smoke dissipated, and Gabriel was nowhere to be seen.

Dane saw some clues, she was banished.

These dark wizards were obviously sent by the church, but the church was not a fool, and of course they were not Possibly assassinating the angel.

By doing so, they would be helping her ascend to heaven, and then giving her a chance to sue herself before God.

They just wanted Gabriel to disappear, preferably to a place that was neither earth nor heaven.

Dane He didn't know where that place was, but he would know it soon.

So he lifted the magic and walked out of the darkness.

When his figure appeared in front of the dark wizard, the leading dark wizard instantly realized what he had just forgotten..

He couldn't help pointing at Dane:"You..."

Dane was not in the mood to talk nonsense to them. He waved his hand, and the lightning turned into thin threads and pierced the heads of several dark wizards, completely burning their brains in the blink of an eye.

He hooked his fingers, and the souls of dark wizards easily separated from their bodies and flew into his palm.

He used the ability he got from"death" to control the soul in his hands at will, viewing his past memories like flipping through a book.

It didn't take long, and he soon discovered the memories related to Gabriel

"The Kingdom of Dreams, they actually exiled Gabriel to the Kingdom of Dreams, and it was still in the territory of nightmares."

The Kingdom of Dreams is a dream country established by Morpheus.

There, he and his subjects jointly govern the country and manage the dreams of countless creatures in the universe.

It can be said that the spatial breadth and depth of the Dream Kingdom, Much larger than the entire universe.

And in the world of dreams, people are immortal, which means that unless Gabriel gives up her life, she can only escape from the dream by finding Morpheus.

But the former has now Having lost all her power and working hard to find her artifact, there is no way Gabriel can find him.

The latter is tantamount to suicide. Once she does this, she will never want to return to heaven.

So this is a good plan. , throwing Gabriel into this world, the church in the real world can really rest easy.

But they didn't expect that there would be Dane here to disrupt the situation.

Dane picked up the incense burner used by the dark wizard and found it from the other party's memory. How to use.

As a magic god, he has a very high level of learning. He learned this spell in the blink of an eye and activated the magic with just one sentence. As soon as he closed and opened his eyes, a different world appeared in front of him.

He looked up, Countless marine creatures of different shapes were swimming, and the sky seemed to have turned into a deep sea. The stars rotated around each other, gathering into a vortex, like Van Gogh's"Starry Night".

He looked down at the ground, and saw a piece of fine white sand, heading towards Looking from a distance, this stretch of sand dunes stretched as far as the eye could see.

He bent down and picked up a handful, and found that it was transparent and very light. When the wind blew, it flew away quietly.

This should be the dreamland of marine life.

Dane He didn't see any other life here except marine life. He looked up at the sky. Suddenly, a blue whale swam down from the sky. Its big black eyes looked at Dane curiously.

Dane jumped slightly, Flying up into the sky with it, it seemed to be very happy, its body sank down, and then flew up with Dane in a hump.

According to the setting of the Kingdom of Dreams, each different dream zone should have a dream lord, and They can be regarded as the"little dream gods" under Sandman.

Dane wants to see if he can find this guy and then take away control of his dreams.

However, as mentioned before, the world of dreams is very vast. Without coordinates and authority, it was difficult for him to find the dream lords here.

And he realized a problem. Morpheus, who had not regained his power, obviously did not have the ability to manage the entire dream.

So these dream lords were probably busy The struggle for power does not necessarily have to be in one's own territory!

He remembered that several dream lords did escape in"The Sandman", and Nightmare was one of them.

This may be good news, at least Gabriel should not have it for the time being. What danger?

While the blue whale was carrying him aimlessly, he saw a small shadow in front of him, which looked like a human being.

He was very surprised that humans would also appear in the dreams of sea creatures? (See For exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So he let the blue whale swim in that direction. When he got closer, he discovered that it was an Atlantean.

Strictly speaking, it should be half an Atlantean. Because his father is an ordinary human being.

Arthur Curry, the son of Queen Atlanna of the Undersea Kingdom and Thomas Curry, the lightkeeper of Mercy Harbor, is the future King of the Sea.

He looks to be in his twenties, with a full beard that has begun to take shape, and long flowing hair floating freely like seaweed in the water.

He floated there blankly, staring blankly at the sky.

Unexpectedly, he would appear in the dream of sea creatures. Dane let the blue whale come closer, and he also humped the sea king on his back.

Feeling the touch on his back, Arthur suddenly woke up. When he turned his head, he saw a completely unknown man.

"Who are you?"

He asked first, but soon started asking and answering himself.

"Wait, I think I've seen you before, you're Shazam!"Arthur is also a young man, and of course he has his own Kuaishou account.

Superheroes have been a hot topic recently, not to mention that Shazam is still ranked first.

He would be damned if he didn't recognize him.

But Ya Se is not a star-chasing fan, but he is very disappointed:"Why is it not Wonder Woman?"..."

Good guy, do you know who you are thinking about?

Dane decided to remind him:"Wonder Woman is my girlfriend and will not appear in your dreams. Give up!"

When he heard the word"dream", Arthur's body became unreal, and he seemed to want to woke up.

But Dane didn't let him return to reality. He took out the small incense burner and blew into Arthur's face.

He woke up, but he was still in a dream

"I...What's wrong with me?"

After people wake up, it is difficult for most people to remember what happened in their dreams, so Arthur was still a little confused when he woke up.

But after all, he did not leave the dream, so he quickly recalled it

"correct! you! But I'm already awake! Dane smiled at him, and then pointed at the strange things around him:"Welcome to the world of dreams, Arthur Curry.""


Arthur slapped himself hard on the face. It hurt. The slap made his face almost swollen.

But he didn't wake up from the dream, and he was even more confused.

"The world of dreams?".

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