Thinking that these powers were so similar to Shazam's, Shayera began to suspect that she might have done something stupid.

So she quickly said to Gabriel:"Wait! There may be some misunderstanding between us..."

But Gabriel didn't believe this nonsense at all. Seeing that he was already at a disadvantage, you told me that this was a misunderstanding.

Can I trust you? You take me for a fool!

Thinking of this, Gabriel not only didn't stop, but instead swung his sword and hit harder!

Seeing that she could not win the other party's trust, Hawkgirl could only bite the bullet and continue to fight.

Fortunately, her pure N-type armor has good defense and can completely block Gabriel's slashes.

"Please calm down, I said this might be a misunderstanding!"Hawkeye said loudly to her.

And Gabriel sneered:"Then tell me, who are you? It can’t be from the Justice League, right?"

Hawkeye was choked by her. Although she has the intention to join, in fact, Shazam has not nodded, so the public does not know her identity.

After all, she has not been on earth for a long time. Except for Shazam and some members of Zhenglian, no one knew that she was an alien.

Seeing that the other party was speechless, Gabriel became even more suspicious of her words. The sword in her hands flashed with light of thunder, and once again hit the eagle. The heroine flies away.

She is indeed unique in the use of energy.

"Let me see how long your armor can last!"

Gabriel continued her blacksmithing journey, but she carefully avoided places where ordinary people gathered, and tried not to let their battles affect civilians and buildings.

So they fought higher and higher, almost out of the atmosphere, Fighting here is a huge test for their physical strength and endurance.

At this time, Hawkwoman's physical advantage is revealed.

She is a female warrior trained by Senagang, even without wearing a suit. Extremely strong combat power does not rely purely on armor.

And what about Gabriel?

She has the qualities of a warrior, but this body is just an ordinary girl's body, which cannot withstand her excessive use.

So soon, With all the advantages in hand, Gabriel gradually began to fall into a disadvantageous position.

"hateful! If I hadn't lost all my strength, how could I..."

Gabriel was extremely unwilling, but it was an indisputable fact that she lacked the experience of defeating the weak with the weak.

In the past, she had only fought in crushing battles, but now she knew how to use combat wisdom, but Will her opponent give her a chance to grow?

Hawkwoman doesn't know her situation at all. Seeing that words don't make sense at all, she can only find a way to restrain the opponent first.

Besides, after fighting to this level, she is a little over the top. , it was inevitable that her attack would be a bit careless.

So she took the opportunity to consume a wave of Gabriel's physical strength again, and immediately raised the heavy hammer to charge up again, and a dazzling white light lit up on the round hammer.

Gabriel knewThe big one is coming.

Then give it a try!

She felt cruel, raised the sword and began to accumulate strength. White lightning condensed on the blade, and it also lit up with a dazzling white light.

She wants to go head-to-head with her opponent!

Then, two N-type weapons clashed.

In terms of strength, Hawkwoman's war hammer is stronger, but in terms of energy output, Gabriel's sword is stronger.

Therefore, after a huge impact, it is a lose-lose outcome.

The huge force of the shock knocked them out temporarily, and the left and right parts turned into two symmetrical parabolas.

At this time, Dane returned and saw two people falling from the sky.

"Don't worry."He sighed, and then flew up.

He first caught the nearest Gabriel, and then used Mercury's speed to chase Hawkwoman in the distance.

With the energy provided by the Dream Stone, he was faster than before. Quickly, the people below could only see his afterimage.

In just a few seconds, he crossed the entire Gotham and hugged the fallen Hawkgirl.

Logically speaking, no man would be unhappy with this scene, but they Both of them were wearing N-type armor, which was really impressive.

So Dane quickly found a place to put them down.

At this time, the two people who had passed the dizziness period woke up.



Hearing the sound next to them, they immediately got into fighting postures again.

Dane stood in the middle and acted as peacemaker:"Stop! They are all their own people."

Gabriel looked at the other side in surprise, and finally put down the weapon in her hand. She said dissatisfiedly:"Even so, she shouldn't interfere in my affairs! And

Shayera was also a little unhappy:"I just saw a crazy woman killing people randomly on the street, so I just wanted to stop her.""

"Who do you think is a crazy woman?"

"So what if I say you?"

"Want to fight?"

"Just come!"

With that said, the two people got into fighting postures again.

Dane simply grabbed their wrists one by one and dragged them away.

They couldn't resist this powerful force and could only play with each other and stare at each other. It’s a game where no one is convinced.

By the time Dane returned to Gotham with his people, other members of the Justice League and the Birds of Prey had already solved the riots in the city. They were waiting for Dane to come back from his dream at the place where they originally gathered.

Night With sharp eyes, he saw Dane flying from the far horizon with two beauties on his left and right.

He whistled and couldn't help but said:"It's amazing!"

Then he felt a few death stares. He shuddered and looked back, only to find that it was Wonder Woman and some people from the Birds of Prey team.

Nightwing couldn't help but slowly asked a series of questions in his mind, wouldn't this be possible? Is it what he imagined?

Then Shazam is awesome! As soon as Dane landed, he saw the unhappy look in Diana's eyes, and of course a pair of good friends from Birds of Prey, but they were not as good as Wonder Woman. Obvious and bold.

He quietly let go of his hand and then walked to the Zhenglian team.

"I haven't officially introduced it to you yet. This is Hawkwoman, a Senagan planetary. Like Superman and Martian Manhunter, she comes from an alien planet and is very powerful. She is willing to join the Justice League."

The reason why he made the introduction was because there were people in the show who didn't know her yet, such as people from the Bat Family.

There were also people from the Birds of Prey.

Harley's eyes were rolling back and forth between the two newcomers and Dane..

She had an intuition in her heart that these two people might be more than just new teammates.

Then Dane introduced Gabriel:"'This is Gabriel, yes, you heard it right, the angel in the Bible."

Sure enough, everyone looked at her with surprise and amazement.

Everyone had heard of angels, but this was the first time they saw them with their own eyes.

Although Shazam has shown that gods exist, but the truly ancient mythical figures are still first time meeting

"She was punished for something and was left in the world, but she will not join the Justice League, she has her own things to do."Dane said this.

Batman cast a suspicious look, not because he doubted Gabriel's identity. Anyway, he had seen some of the gods and ghosts in the magical world. What he doubted was what crime Gabriel had committed. Let God demote her to the human world, which seems to be only one step away from the fallen angel!

He has an intuition that the other party is definitely not a peaceful guy.

Batman still doesn't know that Gabriel has been killing people in the city thing, otherwise I'm afraid he would treat this woman as a high-risk target immediately.

When he didn't know, he only paid a little attention to Gabriel, and the focus was still on Dane.

"Where did you and that guy go?"Sure enough, he wouldn't be at ease if he didn't ask about this matter clearly.

"We're fighting over ownership of this. Dane said, taking out the dream stone.

He had just solved Tianming, and everyone present knew this thing, and everyone felt sad about it.

If Tianming had not just mastered this dream stone, and let him get more familiar with it, everyone present would probably Everyone will be brainwashed by the power of the Dream Stone and become his loyal believers.

Batman immediately said:"This thing is too dangerous!"

"But it's also useful, it just needs to be taken care of better."Dane told his plan

"I'm in Morpheus...that's the guy just now, he's a dream god, and I received a priesthood from him.

Now that I have a small dream in my hands, I will keep the dream stone in the dream so that no one in reality can get it."

This plan sounds feasible, but the problem is that it is in the hands of Dane alone.

But considering that everything Dane has done in recent years is out of legitimate behavior, Batman said nothing.

After all, it sounds like a dream. The power of the stone is indeed very powerful. Rather than being placed in the hands of the"Dream God" who does not know its depth, it is better to be in the hands of the Justice League.

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