Troop X is on the run

"Peacemaker, what the fuck did you throw into that place?"

In the dolphin-shaped submersible, the Peace Messenger heard a lot of curses coming from the earphones.

At this point, there was no need to conceal it, and he finally told the truth:

"That's what we're here to do, a weapon, a genetic weapon that can wipe out all Atlanteans."

Everyone was shocked by the information in his words.

"Did you use genetic weapons? Are you here to commit mass murder?"

The black guards were so angry that the Atlanteans would definitely fight them to death.

At this time, Mongo shouted in the channel:"What the hell are you!"

It turned out that the polka-dot people had many glowing pustules on their bodies, even on their faces.

Meng Ge was shocked.

The Peace Messenger knew about the polka-dot people's abilities. When he heard that Meng Ge If so, he immediately realized that the Polka-dot man had committed the"old habit".

So he immediately ordered the Polka-dot man:

"Polka dot man, your submarine has a special launch cabin. Go there and use your abilities to show off the fish guys behind you!"

The polka-dot man still accepted the situation and quickly followed the instructions of the peace messenger.

"You are really obedient15."Meng Ge couldn't help but stab him.

"If we want to get out safely, we'd better do what he says."

Meng Ge is noncommittal. She is an alien who believes in force. In her opinion, the polka-dot people have no redeeming qualities.

She also doesn't know the polka-dot people's abilities. Does growing glowing pustules count?

But the polka-dot people The man soon showed her what he was capable of.

In the back half of the"Turtle" submarine, there was a small operation room with only one person. There were two grooves on the center console for his hands to insert.

He would Putting his hands in it, the equipment on his arms quickly connected to the center console, and the image behind the submarine was projected on the monitor. The

Polka-dot man could see that the pursuers were coming quickly, and their submarines were faster than X-Ship. The team was much faster.

The polka-dot man had never learned to shoot, so he just glanced at the fire control on the display screen and released the"polka dot" in his body.

Under the switching of the two-hand equipment, the pustules in his body quickly Disappeared, transformed into a flaky unknown substance, and was sprayed out through the launch port of the submarine.

Countless flaky, colorful"wave spots" blocked the space between the submarine of Task Force X and the pursuers.

"What is this..."

The pursuers in the rear hadn't seen clearly what they were, and the flaked"wave spots" were too small. By the time the pursuers wanted to take a careful detour, the Manta Submarine had already crashed into it. Contact with the"wave point".

Like a corrosive melt bomb, the manta submarine was quickly ablated by the"wave point" within a few seconds, and then spread to the entire submarine in the blink of an eye.

Finally, The driver inside was also burned away, leaving not even ashes behind.

The rest of the pursuers suddenly lost their souls and quickly turned the handle.

"Notice! You must not touch that thing!"

The polka-dot man's ability is very effective. Although its working principle is unknown, it does block some of the pursuers.

Meng Ge has to admit that she has to be impressed by him.

But the shortcomings of the polka-dot man's ability are also obvious, the rate of fire. It's too slow. As long as the opponent is prepared, it's not easy to hit the opponent.

Therefore, the polka-dot people can only spread the"polka dots" as much as possible to form a roadblock similar to a mine trap to slightly hinder the pursuers..

But this situation began to take a turn for the worse when the"Manta Ray" started to fire ion water cannons!

Not long after, the slowest"Turtle" was penetrated by the engine and stopped.

Mongo simply gave up. The submarine swam out alone. Under the protection of the suit, she was not affected by the high-intensity water pressure.

But how could she be an opponent of the ion water cannon?

So before she could show her melee skills, she was killed by the nearest one. The"Manta Ray" was shot away with one cannon!

The N-metal alloy helped her block the water cannon, but it also temporarily put her in a daze that made her unable to move.

At this time, the Polka-dot man, who also had no way to retreat, took the opportunity to swim out , he raised his hands and threw out the"wave points" from his body.

Several"manta rays" were hit by the"wave points" unprepared and were instantly scrapped.

However, the pilots among them saw that the opportunity was not good and escaped from the submarine in time. , after they came out, they immediately focused on Polka Dot Man and rushed towards him!

Polka Dot Man's combat ability is extremely low. Without the super power of"polka dot", he would be a completely ordinary person. (See For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So he was afraid of being approached, and when he saw the enemies starting to surround him, he simply placed"polka dots" all around him to prevent anyone from getting close.

But he obviously misunderstood The Atlanteans chasing him did not show any intention of capturing him alive.

So when he saw those people wearing masks and armor raising strange-style rifles, he realized I made a mistake.

The main function of Polka Dot Man's equipment is to ensure that he can quickly release"polka dots", so his ability to resist attacks is not strong.

"I should have escaped first..." Polka Dot Man muttered to himself.

Then, his body was vaporized by countless ion beams

"Shit! Shit!"

When the black guard saw this scene in the submarine, he was so frightened that he swore a series of curse words.

Now he didn't care about being afraid of Nanawi. He squeezed directly in front of the control desk and drove the extremely slow submarine forward as hard as he could. Swimming.

Then a few minutes later, he was still helplessly caught up by the"manta rays"

"friend! play!"

When Nanawi saw those"manta rays" swimming near them, he shouted excitedly, then dismantled the submarine and swam out. The black guard quickly put on his mask, cursed secretly, and wanted to start directly. Escape.

He raised his head and glanced in the direction of Peace Messenger, and found that Lao Liu's submarine was incredibly fast, and was now about to cross the city wall! The black guard quickly shouted in the channel:"Peace Messenger! Wait for me!"

However, in the"Dolphin" submarine, the Peace Messenger silently closed the communication channel and changed the radio to silent state. The

Black Guard shouted for a long time without getting a response. Finally, he realized that they had been abandoned, and he was so angry that he was angry.

Fortunately, Nanawi is here to show off his skills, and he has not been besieged by other pursuers for the time being.

To say that Nanawi, the shark head, is really fierce, and he can actually have sex with Atlantis's underwater fighter with his physical strength. , and he did not fall behind.

Perhaps it was because the sea gave him strength, and the divine power in his body also recovered a little.

Not long after, he violently demolished several"Manta Rays".

The pilots inside had to They could only jump out and step forward to engage in hand-to-hand combat with Nanawi.

They tried, but even water cannons couldn't penetrate his skin. They could only try the power of Atlantis steel.

Blades made of special steel It hit Nanawi, causing him to scream in pain. The skin was cut, but not deeply. It worked!

This result inspired all the soldiers, and more people pulled out the Atlantis steel. The made blade rushed forward.

But this also successfully stimulated Nana'vi's ferocity. He opened his bloody mouth and bit anyone who dared to get close.

His bite force was quite amazing. These ordinary Atlantis The armor on the soldier couldn't withstand his power at all.

The black guard seemed to see a glimmer of hope and quickly pulled out his gun to try to support him.

In order to take advantage of the black guard's firepower in the water, the Sky Eye will be specially made for him A batch of underwater bullets were obtained.

The warhead is as long as a pencil, and the front end is specially designed. Therefore, when the bullet is fired, it will produce a continuous supercavitation effect, which can extend the range to 15 meters...

However, the eye in the sky did not expect Atlan The armor of the Tice people is completely bulletproof. The bullets fired by the Black Guards made a sound on the armor of those soldiers and then fell.

This is comparable to someone shooting a.38 in Superman's chest, the effect is only It's cute to say that.

The black guard's face turned pale and he trembled:"If I said that my hand just slipped, would you believe it?"

The next second, he was greeted by countless beam attacks.

Black guard, send!.

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