Killer Croc heard this and looked at Catwoman fiercely

"As long as she gives me the money back!"

"I told you, we were all deceived by Poison Ivy, and the money is no longer with me!"

Catwoman also looked annoyed. Why couldn't she explain to this savage monster?

But Batman, who was watching, knew very well that it wasn't that Killer Croc didn't understand, he was just anxious.

He was worried that Poison Ivy would tell him, The fact that he could return to normal people was false, and this frightened him more than having his money stolen.

So Batman stepped forward and grabbed Killer Croc who was about to move.

"Be quiet, Killer Croc. I'll get to the bottom of this for you."

"But until then, I need you to stay in jail and wait for news from me."

"you promise!"Killer Crocodile said angrily.

Batman assured him, and Killer Croc became quiet.

Not long after, the person Batman contacted came over, and a helicopter parked on the apron.

At this time, a black woman came down, She is Amanda Waller.

Although her boss encountered a little trouble, Amanda still climbed into the management position with the help of Hawkman's relationship.

Ever since Hawkman entered the South American jungle and was intercepted that day, he had a crush on Ambrey. He has attracted the attention of this company.

He has been trying to explore the secrets of this company recently, but it is obvious that his technology cannot break through the firewall of Cotana 433.

This surprised Carter Hall. He always thought that his Technology already represents the cutting-edge of this planet, but the facts tell him that it is not the case.

Since Umbrella's secrets cannot be detected by ordinary means, Carter finally thought about it and decided to ask Amanda to cooperate.

He wanted to use the power of the official An investigation was launched into Umbrella, and Amanda was worried about her boss' affairs at the time. Of course, she would not ignore Carter's olive branch.

As a rich man who has been reincarnated many times, Carter's money-making ability should not be underestimated. Amanda was happy to cooperate with such a big capitalist.

The final result was similar to Dane's estimate at the time. Amanda's original boss only caused her some minor troubles, and she eventually rose to a high position.

But this also separated her from the The relationship between the Justice Society represented by Hawkman has become closer.

The first thing Amanda did after taking office was to propose the construction of a special prison to imprison some super criminals with special abilities. Killer Croc was one of her targets. 1.

Batman doesn’t like this woman because her ambition is very strong and even undisguised.

But she now represents official power and is the orthodoxy of the legal system. He (bhfb) has to endure his boredom with her.

"I really hope next time, you'll let us know before you act, Batman."

Amanda squinted her eyes and looked at him with a cold expression.

"Just do what you gotta do, Waller. Batman said coldly:"It's not your turn to point fingers in my city.""

Amanda didn't respond to his words, but turned her head to look at Catwoman

"Catwoman, this is a major crime...."

"She is not a criminal!"Batman interrupted her rudely:

"Catwoman is an important informant in this case, and she has to follow me."

Amanda warned in a low voice:"Batman, don't forget, you are not a police detective, you have no investigative or law enforcement powers!"

Batman didn't bother to answer her words, nor did he pay attention to the warning contained in her words.

In front of Amanda and all the execution team members, he hugged Catwoman, then ejected the rope and flew away.

Amanda Looking at the direction they left, she showed a cold expression.

She pointed at Killer Crocodile lying on the ground and ordered her subordinates:"Take him away!"

Batman didn't take Amanda seriously at all. Although she had risen to management at this time, she was obviously not qualified to get his attention.

Based on the clues provided by Catwoman, Batman quickly found Poison Ivy The hiding place.

It was a giant botanical garden filled with all kinds of plants. It was a stronghold very characteristic of Poison Ivy.

When Batman and Catwoman arrived here, Poison Ivy was helping to pollinate some flowers.

"Poison Ivy."

Poison Ivy saw them at a glance, but she didn't care.

"You actually have time to come to my place? I thought you would be staying with Nightwing at this point. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Catwoman couldn't bear it at first. She accused Poison Ivy:"You actually control me and let me steal things for you!" Poison

Ivy heard the words and said calmly,"My dear, you have to have evidence for what you say. How do you prove that what you say is true?" After saying that

, she looked at Batman with a little mocking look in her eyes:

"Great Lord Batman, what evidence do you have to prove that this is what I did?"

"Or did you believe this thief's words?"

Seeing that she refused to admit it, she was still sowing discord.

Catwoman couldn't control her temper and immediately kicked her.

But Poison Ivy remained unmoved, which made Batman confused.

He knew Poison Ivy's Her fighting skills are actually not as good as Catwoman's. Without the ability to control plants, she would be easily knocked down by Catwoman.

But just when Catwoman's leg was about to kick Poison Ivy, a figure fell from the sky and caught her. Catwoman was about to retreat from the pain, but found that the opponent's hand was as motionless as a pair of pliers.

Batman's pupils behind him had shrunk to the size of a pinhole.


"Yes, that's him."

Poison Ivy's body was held up by a huge vine, looking down at Batman and Catwoman.

At this time, young Clark had not yet met the woman he fell in love with. Faced with Poison Ivy's control, he could not leave. Unexpectedly, he was caught.

When Batman saw this situation, his first reaction was not to find a way to defeat him, but to feel that he had discovered a new weakness of the Kryptonians!

"Kill them!"Poison Ivy pointed at Batman and Catwoman and ordered coldly.

"quick...Run quickly..."

Clark's expression was struggling, as if he was trying to escape control.

But after a while, his eyes lit up red

"Heat vision!"

Batman cursed secretly, and rolled over with Catwoman in his arms.

The next moment, two red rays hit the spot, burning a huge hole in the ground.

Catwoman gasped when she saw this!

"What the hell is he?"

Batman had no time to explain. He quickly controlled the screen on his arm, and his suit combined two cylinders like cans.

He pressed the switch and threw it directly into the gap between the plants.

When Poison Ivy and Catwoman didn't understand what was happening, At that moment, two tanks exploded, and a gas smell filled the air.

Poison Ivy's expression changed, and she quickly stopped Clark from firing his heat vision.

If he continued to burn, the botanical garden would be completely destroyed!

Batman once again He accurately hit Poison Ivy's weakness.

Every time he threatened her with plants, Poison Ivy was filled with anger.

At this time, Batman and Catwoman came out wearing breathing masks.

Poison Ivy immediately wanted to say hello. Superman takes action, but Batman takes out an igniter

"You can give it a try and see which one is faster, him or me."

Poison Ivy dare not gamble...

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