Lois Lane finally convinced the rebels and others to sneak back into the Amazon-controlled area.

At this stage, the human side really cannot lose Louise's intelligence-gathering ability, especially when she has already achieved some achievements.

The information that Amazons have the ability to resurrect is very important to the human side, but if Louise hadn't gone deep into enemy-occupied territory alone, I'm afraid the human side would never know this secret.

"I have never seen such a woman."The liar looked at Louise's resolute retreat and couldn't help but sigh,"She is far more courageous than I thought."

"Feeling excited?"

As a woman, Godiva sensed the fraudster's intentions.

"If we both survive, maybe I'll try to pursue her."The scammer said with a playful smile. Westerners are often very direct when it comes to relationships. The scammer did not hide his appreciation for Louise.

And in fact, neither the military nor their self-built resistance army has any respect for Louise. There are many people who admire them.

Lois Lane, who is admired by many people, does not live up to the expectations of her admirers. As the daughter of a soldier, she resolutely came to this dangerous enemy-occupied area to collect intelligence, and her Her job is just that of a reporter, and she does not even have an official identity until now.

In order to collect the evidence she wants, Louise often uses some espionage methods to achieve her goals. It is not an exaggeration to call her a"journalist".

She Disguising herself as an Amazon, she once again sneaked into the core of New Paradise Island. She hung a tiny camera in her ear so that she could record what she saw and heard. 24

Even if she died due to an accident, as long as this A miniature camera could be recovered by friendly forces, and her death was not in vain.

In the original center of London, a temple was rebuilt there. From Louise's point of view, this temple was very ancient Greek style.

Lu It was not the first time for Yisi to come to this temple, so she knew very well that this was a temple dedicated to the goddess Hera.

Although Hera was a jealous goddess, she did not burn her jealousy towards her. Wonder Woman, because she knows that the virtues of the gods are now basically maintained by this daughter of Zeus.

The other gods simply...What a terrible reputation. It is precisely because what he did in the past was so absurd that no human being is willing to believe in the Olympus gods today.

Diana is the last decent person on Mount Olympus. It is said that the gods have already decided Diana's future position. She will become the goddess of truth.

As long as she fulfills her destiny in the world.

Louise is very interested in this so-called"destiny".

She had figured out what the explosion that happened some time ago was about, and the Amazons did not block the news.

Therefore, it only takes a little inquiry to know that the Atlanteans' secret weapons attacked New Paradise Island. The Amazons seem to have no principle of confidentiality.

But think about it, when most women are willing to agree with their ideas, the Amazons don't actually need to keep secrets from anyone, and men are often executed by the Amazons as soon as they are discovered.

In this case, most of what happened didn't actually need to be kept secret, and if there was a secret, it would be a big deal to prove it.

So when Louise was investigating, she paid special attention to the secrets hidden by the Amazons.

One is the whereabouts of Wonder Woman Diana, and the other is what is hidden in the Temple of Hera.

Louise was very sure that before she left here, the Temple of Hera was not closed. It was actually open to the public.

Since the Amazons have real gods behind them, they do not refuse humans to visit the gods they believe in.

This"god" is not a god who does not appear at all in monotheistic religions. There are indeed miracles in the Temple of Hera. Louise went in to experience it once in order to find out the truth. It was a very wonderful feeling..

It was as if the soul had really been baptized by an unknown force. Even if Louise was a staunch materialist, she could not deny what she saw and felt with her own eyes.

But when she came back this time, she discovered an unusual phenomenon. The Temple of Hera, which was originally open, was now closed for some unknown reason.

This unusual phenomenon made Louise, who had a keen sense of smell, immediately notice that something was wrong, and gave her a strong urge to explore this place.

But to be honest, she was still a little scared of this place, because she had experienced real miracles here, so she was not sure whether her behavior was noticed by God Hera.

Human beings know too little about gods and magic, and the unknown is always unsettling.

If it weren't for the support of these gods, how could the Amazon's small population have been able to fight against such a large group of humans until now?

Louise shook her head and tried to get rid of the chaotic thoughts in her mind. Now was not the time to think about those messy things. She had an intuition that the secrets in the Temple of Hera were probably related to the missing Wonder Woman.

According to the information she found, Wonder Woman was fighting Aquaman when the Atlanteans attacked.

She boldly guessed that Wonder Woman probably did not dodge the attack at that time, and she faced the attack head-on.

If this is the case, is Wonder Woman dead or seriously injured?

If it is the former, then as long as this news is confirmed, it will be very important and good news for mankind.

A civilization like the Amazon relies heavily on the charisma of its leader. Once the leader dies, it will have a huge impact on people's confidence.

If it's the latter, is it possible that Diana was hiding in the Temple of Hera recovering from her injuries?

If it is really what she thinks, then this is absolutely good news for humans!

Louise knew that Cyborg was forming a team composed entirely of superhumans. If this team carried out the beheading operation, the chance of success would be high.

Once Wonder Woman is killed, the remaining Amazons are nothing to worry about.

This is also a flaw in ancient civilizations like the Amazon. Once the leader dies, the remaining people will soon become a rabble because they are leaderless.

Thinking of this, Louise strengthened her determination. She wore an Amazon-style cloak to slightly hide her appearance.

She didn't know how many people in the Amazon recognized her appearance. After all, they didn't use human mechanical equipment, so they didn't have any photos of her.

As long as she doesn't reveal her real name, Louise is still very likely to sneak into the temple.

But to her surprise, although the temple declared martial law and prohibited all outsiders from entering, there were no guards like Louise had imagined. The defense here was so loose that she found it incredible that Louise even I'm wondering if this is a conspiracy.

But the hesitation was only for a moment, and soon Louise re-firmed her determination. Even if it was a trap, she would go in and find out what was going on.

Even if something unexpected happened, her death alone would not be a major loss to mankind.

When she met with the rebels before, she had already handed them the information she had discovered earlier. Even if she really died, the important information would be sent to the outside world through the hands of the rebels.

Thinking of this, Louise felt relieved. Faced with the possible sacrifice, Louise chose to face it calmly.

So she walked into the temple, and the situation inside was beyond her expectations again.

It was completely different from the last time she came in. The space inside the temple seemed to have expanded a lot. Louise felt something was wrong. She immediately looked back and found that the door she entered had disappeared.

This situation made her heart sink. Sure enough, was this place a trap?

But she waited for several minutes, but no one came to arrest her or kill her, which made her waver in her judgment.

After hesitating for a moment, Louise finally plucked up the courage to continue walking into the temple. The deeper you go, the larger the space becomes. The height inside the temple has obviously exceeded the height seen from the outside.

It's like someone stuffed a large flat layer into an egg shell. Louise doesn't know how the Amazons did it, but it's obviously not the power of technology.

"magic......"It is because of this unreasonable power that the Amazons can fight back and forth with humans and the Atlantis civilization.

Even Louise can't figure out how magic works. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Let me see what secrets you are hiding. Louise continued to walk inside, but the light inside gradually became less bright as she went deeper. Suddenly, Louise raised her head and found a huge statue.

It was a graceful and luxurious woman. Look at it. There is an inexplicable sense of sacredness when it comes up.

Even if she has never seen it before, Louise knows that this statue is Hera. This statue is made of marble. She is so huge that even if Louise gets closer, it is nothing more than Hera. It reached her ankles.

Louise glanced at the giant statue in a hurry, then took a detour and walked from the other side of the statue. What she didn't see was that after she left, the eyes of the statue seemed to flicker.

Deep in the temple There is a huge temple. Compared with the darkness outside, the temple inside is magnificent and bright as day.

And there are people in the temple. Louise dare not approach for fear of being discovered by the people inside.

So she quietly hides in the shadows. , and took out a small telescope from herself and peered into the scene in the temple.

After she saw the faces of the people in the temple clearly, she almost exclaimed.

Sure enough, as she thought, Wonder Woman wore the Anna was indeed in the temple, but she thought wrongly. Wonder Woman was not injured, and she was not recovering here.

Louise quickly looked away, wanting to see what Wonder Woman was doing. She looked When we arrived, opposite Wonder Woman, stood a huge ellipsoid-shaped object that looked like a cocoon.

Cocoon? Could it be that they were hatching something? Louise thought to herself.

Since that scene in Atlanta After the attack by the Thys, Wonder Woman has not appeared in front of people, is she hatching this cocoon?

Then this must be an extraordinary thing! []

Louise wanted to see more clearly, but suddenly , she felt a little chilly on her body, Louise's heart skipped a beat, and she immediately realized something was wrong.

"I guess you're the Lois Lane?"

Louis raised her head and was instantly heartbroken, because the person speaking was none other than Wonder Woman, and she didn't know when she was approaching.

"I must admit that you are indeed a very brave woman. You should have been qualified to become an honorable Amazon, but it is a pity."

Wonder Woman sighed and stretched out her slender fingers towards Louise.

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