Shazam felt that he could not go on like this. He summoned up all his divine power, and the power of thunder came out from all his pores and spread to the entire surrounding sea area.

The giant squid was stimulated and involuntarily sprayed out ink. The black squid ink spread extremely quickly, turning the surrounding area into pitch black in the blink of an eye.

Shazam obviously did not expect such a change. The ink blocked his vision, making it impossible for him to identify the enemy's location.

Unlike him, Orm, as an Atlantean, can see with his eyes the glimmers of light in the ocean that humans cannot see with the naked eye, and even plankton. This feeling is just like how humans can see. Like dust flying in the air under the sun.

Even ink couldn't completely block his vision.

What's more, Orm, holding the trident, has complete control over the ocean. The surrounding seawater is his eyes, so in the darkness, he can see Shazam clearly.

His figure silently shuttled through the sea water, and when he came behind Shazam, he thrust out the trident suddenly and hit the opponent in the back.

Shazam felt severe pain coming from behind him and couldn't help but want to open his mouth and scream, but he took a sip of sea water and almost choked.

However, Orm, who succeeded in one blow, secretly frowned. He originally thought that the blow could pierce the opponent, but it did not achieve the desired result. The tip of the halberd only entered three centimeters before it was difficult to penetrate further.

Orm sneered:"Sure enough, the divine body is different. Even the divine weapon cannot completely penetrate it."

But he still had a way to cause more damage to Dane. He drew the trident aside and entered Shazam. The trident in the body quickly took away a large amount of flesh and blood, and the divine blood spread in the ocean, causing a large number of fish to eat it.

Shazam has never experienced such pain before. He has not felt pain for a long time since he transformed into Shazam. The last time he felt pain was when he was fighting Black Adam. At that time, Black Adam was in front of him. There were three scars on his face.

It was an injury caused by divine power, and he could not heal on his own.

But even when he was injured that time, Shazam did not feel the threat of death as clearly as he does today. He was afraid. Achilles' courage could not help him suppress this fear of death.

After all, his human body is just a group of children, not a warrior.

So he rose towards the sea level at a very fast speed. Om noticed his thoughts, was stunned for a moment, and then laughed wildly.

"Are you scared? You actually want to escape? Your cowardice astounds me."

After that, Orm pointed upward with his trident, and the surrounding seawater suddenly gathered in the direction of Shazam. The weak water instantly became as hard as steel, trying to seal Shazam's body.

However, the survival instinct exploded in an unimaginable way. Strength, Shazam still has the ability as a demigod. The sea water can't stop him at all, so he still forcibly breaks through the blockade of the ocean current, rushes out of the sea level, enters the clouds, and disappears in the blink of an eye.

The sky is not Om. On the battlefield, he is not a courageous warrior like Arthur. He knows that his strength is invincible only in the ocean, so he would rather let the enemy go than fight on a battlefield that is not conducive to his performance.

This time, just as Thomas had foreseen, it was a trap. Orm was not on the command ship from the beginning.

There was only a 3D image made of seawater fabricated using Atlantean technology, because it was made of physical particles. The composition, so it looked very realistic, even Cyborg and Shazam couldn't see through it.

Then when the superhuman team broke into the interior of the ship, he used the authority of the ocean to pull the surface around the command ship directly into the ocean, pulling it in His main battlefield.

The plan was successful, and the opponent was completely fooled.

However, even so, Orm was still very careful to let his men surround him and test Shazam's power. After confirming that the opponent could not threaten him underwater, he personally Go out and try to kill the opponent.

Cunning, cautious, and step-by-step, the superhuman team will not lose unjustly this time

"Your Majesty, what should we do with the remaining surface people?"The Sea Tribe soldiers came forward respectfully and asked.

Orm thought for a while and ordered:"Detain them in a water cave. I will publicly execute them in front of all the people on the surface!"

He thought that these surface people he captured seemed to be quite famous in the human world. It would be better to use them to further undermine the self-confidence of surface civilization in order to weaken the enemy mentally.

"Your will, Your Majesty."

The next day, the news of the annihilation of the superhuman team reached the Sky Eye Society, causing panic among the top management. The failure of the beheading operation meant that humanity had been defeated on the extraordinary battlefield. Having lost to the enemy on the frontal battlefield, the superhumans who had high hopes were The team also failed, and mankind began to become more and more pessimistic about the direction of this war.

Someone proposed to seek peace with Atlantis, but it was rejected. Since mankind still has the ultimate trump card, peace is not considered for the time being. Moreover

, The Atlanteans may not agree to the peace talks. The other side has the advantage and is probably thinking about how to expand the results of the war. How can they agree to the peace talks at this time.

However, the strange thing is that after the destruction of the superhuman team, Atlantis They did not continue to attack the land.

Some experts analyzed that the opponent's large tsunami should not be able to penetrate deep into the inland areas. Inundating the coast was the limit of what they could do. Thanks to the strategic depth provided by the country, it was very effective in preventing Further attacks by the sea people.

A week later, the Atlanteans hijacked the human Internet and announced that they would publicly execute the invaders who invaded the territorial waters of Atlantis in 72 hours.

Although the computer programs of the two civilizations The underlying logic is inconsistent, but the technology of the Hai tribe can still be easily cracked within a week.Human electronic networks.

This is thanks to Cyborg. The Sea Tribe people learned a lot about human beings from Cyborg. Electronic computers and programming languages ​​are only a small part of the results.

Throughout the United States, everyone with smart products has received news from the people under the sea and learned that they are about to execute superhuman beings. What shocks them is that there are many super heroes among humans.

Especially Batman and Cyborg, the former is very well-known among the people. After all, Thomas has been Batman for many years. Even though his area of ​​activity is basically limited to Gotham City, his legend has been heard all over the country.

For such a well-known hero to be executed as a prisoner by the enemy, it was not only a huge blow to the people, but also aroused the people's hatred of the enemy, and the voice of the main war was very high.

In Metropolis and the old location of Gotham, naval and air battles continued, and the intensity of the war gradually increased.

Intercontinental missiles allowed the Hai tribe people to once again see the war strength of mankind. Chemical energy weapons were still extremely lethal to the Hai tribe people.

Atlantis has energy shield technology, but this shield cannot 100% prevent missile attacks, and the energy shield consumes a lot of energy. Even if the Sea Tribe has the resources of the Seven Seas, it will be difficult to continue to use it.

There is a clear difference between the combat styles of Orm and Aquaman here. If it were Aquaman, he would personally deal with human technological weapons, and might even lead the army to actively attack human military bases.

But Orm never left the ocean, nor did he allow his troops to venture deep into the interior. Instead, he kept ambushing warships and aircraft carriers in coastal areas, controlling air superiority over the sea, blocking human shipping and air transport routes, and killing human beings little by little. of vitality.

People are dying on the ocean every day, and both sides have suffered huge casualties.

However, Lois Lane discovered the Metropolitan War Zone, and the sea level was rising, slowly but surely.

The sea is eroding the land bit by bit. The discovery of this important information once again attracted the attention of high-level officials, but they were unable to find out the reason for this happening......

"It’s orichalcum."Dane said this.

In the Temple of Atlas, Circe connected to the Rock of Eternity through the crystal ball and monitored the earth.

With the help of Dane, she successfully connected the crystal to the human satellite. Through this A way to secretly peer into human networks and learn about what is happening in the world

"orichalcum..."Circe was thoughtful. She seemed to have some impression of this mineral.

"Orichalcum is an energy mineral used by Atlantis thousands of years ago. During its use, it releases high temperatures and heats the atmosphere, causing the polar glaciers to melt rapidly and indirectly causing sea levels to rise."

If Lois Lane had been more careful, she would have discovered that sea levels are rising not only in metropolitan areas, but also in offshore areas around the world with varying degrees of water level changes.

Of course, she cannot be blamed for this. The whole world is paying attention. In the midst of this war, who cares about environmental problems such as the greenhouse effect?

​​Even those affected islands only think that these problems are the aftermath caused by the people of the sea tribe, and are not directed at them.

Orm will His intentions are well hidden, and his ambitions are greater than anyone imagined. On a planet where oceans occupy 70% of the surface area, the newly appointed King of Atlantis wants to take away the remaining 30% of the land. also included in his rule[]

Once he succeeds, he will not only be the Lord of the Seven Seas, he will be the King of the World!

And the orichalcum that the ancestors had sealed in the forbidden areas of the major kingdoms was his best weapon to achieve this goal.

The use of orichalcum was prohibited in the past because the Atlanteans lived on land and the greenhouse effect would destroy their living environment.

But now the situation is different. The Sea people living in the ocean do not care about the impact of the greenhouse effect. Even the Saltwater Kingdom, which is unwilling to be loyal to Orm, has no idea that he wants to use orichalcum to melt glaciers and flood the whole world. Any objection.

Just don't bother the big guys from Saltwater Country.

So Orm's plan went very smoothly

《In"Aquaman 2", due to the efforts of the moderates led by Aquaman, Orichalcum did not cause a huge disaster in the end, but in this world, there is no such faction to prevent Orm from doing this.

All the people of the Sea Tribe are very unified in their malicious intentions towards the surface world. Of course, this is also because of the pollution that humans have caused to the ocean since the Industrial Revolution, which has seriously affected the living environment of the people of the Sea Tribe. As a result, the two worlds are like fire and water, and the conflict is almost impossible. reconcile.

If no one stops him, after a while, Orm's plan may actually succeed..

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