Small God Realm, Temple of Atlas.

Dane woke up from his dream, turned his head, and found someone looking at him with a smile.

Cortana did not warn him, indicating that she judged that the other party was not hostile or threatening.

"You finally wake up, you've been sleeping for days."The person waiting for him here is Circe.

"You have time to watch me sleep here. Are you done with your work?"Dane got up from the bed and was about to put on his coat, but the clothes in his hands suddenly disappeared like water.

He raised his eyebrows and looked back at the purple-haired witch.

He saw that Circe's fingers still had undissipated magic power. , looking at him with glaring eyes.

This look was so familiar to Dane. Diana, Super Queen, Harley, Poison Ivy, etc. often looked at him with this look.

"I know there are no other men in this space, but are you that horny?"

Cercy sat on the bed, posing in an extremely seductive pose, exposing her long legs to the hem of her skirt. In the sun, her skin was so white that it shone brightly.

"You have to know that I haven't touched a man in a thousand years. That little girl Diana doesn't understand anything about men and women, and is a stubborn woman like her mother.

All the men on New Paradise Island have made her weak. You are the only man who dares to go against her and suppress her, so..."

630 As Circe spoke, one foot quietly climbed up Dane's arm and stepped on it lightly and heavily. At the same time, a strange fragrance began to fill the room.

It was not an aphrodisiac, but it seemed to have a similar effect, making people's heart beat slightly faster. Dane traced the source of the smell and found that the aroma came from Circe, and it was her body fragrance.

Dane grabbed the foot that was moving around on his body and put it down calmly.

"When you come to me, you should have serious business. Say what you have to say directly, and don't use this trick."

I thought Circe would restrain herself after hearing this, but she became even more enthusiastic. She shifted her gaze to Dane's belly and smiled meaningfully:"Is it possible that the gods didn't make a real one for you? Guy?"

The room suddenly became quiet. Although there was no sound, you could feel a heavy air pressure spreading throughout the room.

Circe was suddenly worried. She wouldn't take it off for fun, right?

Moreover, the gods really didn't give Dane Make one? That would be a pity.

It doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t look like it’s out of stock.

Circe looked at it again.

But then again, it’s understandable even if there isn’t one. After all, weapons don’t need to have the ability to breed.

Just When Circe felt deeply regretful, she saw Dane suddenly sneered and began to take off his clothes.

"Eh?"Cersei stared blankly.

Dane stood up and pushed Cersei down. He looked down at Cersei's exquisite and perfect face.

There were rumors that Eva Green would star in the movie"Wonder Woman", but in the end She didn't appear in the film, so I thought it was just nonsense.

But now, Circe's face looks almost like the actress in Dane's impression, but judging from her skin texture, she looks better than a mortal. Eva's is more perfect.

I just don't know if the figure is the same.

Since the birth of this world, Dane has not been undressed. Originally, he had no such idea, but now he is being ridiculed in person, and he can't respond at all. No, is that still a man?

So Dane grabbed Circe's hands and raised them above the witch's head

"Since you want it so much, I'll give it to you, and I hope you can bear it."

There is no breeze and drizzle, no gentleness like water. This movement was like a war at the beginning. The violent wind and rain sounded in the room, and the gentle exclamations spread out of the room and spread far and far.......

As evening approached, Diana pinched her brow and stepped down from the throne.

She didn't realize it when there was still a war, but now that there is no war, she realizes that as a king, she has too many things to deal with.

Originally, when she was on New Paradise Island, a lot of low-level work was shouldered by some Amazons and more female humans, so she didn't feel too tired yet.

Now that those mortals have been lost, a large number of low-level jobs can only be handled by the Amazons themselves, which has caused dissatisfaction among many people.

The Amazons are warlike, especially after being exposed to war.

Having tasted the joy of war, it is difficult for them to settle down to do boring work.

Amazon is just a general term, but within it, there are actually two clans.

In addition to the Amazons who are usually considered to be Paradise Island, there is also an Amazon tribe that separated from Paradise Island about three thousand years ago and re-established a new tribe in the Egyptian desert.

This breakaway group of Amazons, named the Bana-Mighda11, abandoned the Olympian gods and converted to the Egyptian goddess Isis.

This goddess protects the Amazon warriors who surrender to her with eternal sandstorms. For three thousand years, the two divided Amazons have almost completely cut off communication. Except for records in history books, they do not know each other's existence..

But before the World War broke out, Hippolyta had a premonition. She told Diana before the incident that if things changed, she could find this lost Amazon and ask for their help.

After Hippolyta's death, the grief-stricken Diana found the Amazons hiding in the Egyptian desert and took them under her command.

Artemis is the strongest female warrior in this lost tribe of Amazons. Her strength can only be matched by Wonder Woman.

In fact, the process of merging Amazon should not be so simple. Being able to complete this feat in a short period of time is indispensable behind the push of God.

But at this time, although the two Amazons had the same blood, their beliefs, customs and even cultures had huge differences.

Egypt is a civilization with a long history, far older than the Greek civilization. The Bana-Mighda11 tribe has long been assimilated by its civilization over the course of thousands of years. They now speak ancient Egyptian and their cultural customs are in line with those of ancient Egypt..

As we all know, the Amazons reproduce by plundering men from outside, so the Bana-Mighda11 tribe inevitably introduced the blood of the ancient Egyptians, and their appearance is slightly different from the Amazons of Paradise Island.

Such two ethnic groups with almost completely different cultures, beliefs, customs, and languages ​​naturally have friction when getting along with each other. The reason why there was no outbreak before was because everyone had the common enemy of Atlantis and had no time to fight.

But now that I have some free time, many of the backlogged conflicts burst out at once.

After Circe resurrected most of the Amazons, such conflicts intensified as the number of people increased. Diana had been dealing with various commotions caused by small things in recent days.

Because she knew she could be resurrected after death, many riots almost always resulted in human deaths, which made Diana feel physically and mentally exhausted all the time when dealing with it.

But at this time, Dane, who had been idle and had nothing to do, seemed to be an eyesore in her eyes.

As the master, she is extremely busy with official duties every day, but as a subordinate, he is happy and happy all day long. Is this ridiculous?

Diana stepped off the throne and walked like the wind, heading directly towards the room where Dane lived..

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