Seeing that Calypso and Hespera were unable to support him, Radon quickly returned, and when he returned, he saw a bunch of drones bombing the Tree of Life indiscriminately, and Radon was immediately furious.

He opened his mouth and spat out the dragon's breath, and the drone melted in an instant, and the suspended missile also exploded in the air, exploding a series of fireworks.

Hal is visually connected to the drone, facing the horror of Dragon Burn, fortunately, the drone can share vision, but it can't share the sense of touch, even the sense of hearing has been denoised, so he himself has not been affected in any way, it's nothing more than the loss of a few drones, for him it's like losing a few minions in a game, no.

However, he tried to find out the mode of action of Ladon.

"The dragon is protecting the tree. Hal was still serious about his business, and he immediately sensed Ladon's weakness, and the other party was reluctant to leave the Tree of Life.

So Hal controls the drone and scatters, trying to make Ladong lose sight of the other.

Some of the drones continue to attack the two goddesses, some are pestering Ladon, and some are walking Shazam, and Calypso has no way to be distracted now, so Shazam, who is not actively controlled, is being walked and played by several drones like a robot following a rigid program.

In addition to the drones assigned to her, more unmanned 123 aircraft are concentrating their firepower on the Tree of Life, and although Hespera's magic shield has successfully blocked all the missiles, she doesn't know how long she can hold out.

At this time, Hespera really hated her sister Anthea in her heart, and if she was willing to cooperate, she could easily divide the enemy's forces with the power of the axis, and she could also move the tree of life to a safe place.

But what Hespera didn't know was that Calypso, who was standing beside her, had a relaxed expression, and the demonic beasts she controlled were still tirelessly transporting humans to the Tree of Life.

But half of her life force was transferred to her by the blood sacrifice ritual, and her divine power was rapidly recovering, but at the same time, Calypso's godhead was gradually becoming darker, but she herself was unaware of it.

She wished she had delayed as long as possible, and normally her secret behavior would not have been discovered, but unfortunately, someone was watching her in this war.

In the air base, the mobile phone of a certain military official suddenly rang, he looked down, his face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly walked a few steps quickly and found a remote corner to answer.

"Yes, yes... I (cdfi) got it. After a brief conversation, the officer carefully hung up the phone and walked back briskly.

"What's new. "

The Major General of the Air Department listened attentively.

"One of the targets of those two code-named goddesses is trying to sacrifice a human to regain his strength. "

Karl was a little surprised, thinking that the official could even get this kind of information, it's not easy!

The Air Force Major General had a little understanding of some things in the upper leadership circle, and did not dare to ignore the news, so he hurriedly said to Karl: "Let Hal aim the main attack target at those two goddesses!"

Karl did as he was told, and immediately gave instructions to Hal for the military.

But Hal's uncertainty comes at this point, and he is in a hot fight with Radon and is a little tired of Carl's chatter.

However, he still glanced down a few times, and found that the two goddesses were still struggling to resist the attack of the drone swarm, and there was no sign of detachment at all.

Moreover, the magic shield on the surface of the giant tree in the center is also crumbling, and it can be broken through if you hold on a little longer!

Before the operation, Hal received orders to destroy the giant tree at all costs, and at this point, seeing that the mission was about to be completed, he instinctively did not want to make any trouble.

But after all, it was his future father-in-law or his immediate boss who gave the order, and Hal didn't want to refuse so much, just when he was about to divide some more fighters to deal with the two "goddesses", Shazam, who was originally walking around by Shazam, suddenly turned his head, and two all-black eyes seemed to pass through the heavy drones, shooting directly at the mother plane that Hal was riding.

Hal immediately felt a "grunt" in his heart, feeling a little bad.

The ominous premonition came true in the next second, and Shazam suddenly abandoned the drones that were entangled with him, and flew towards his location with a clear goal.

"He's coming at me!"

Although Hal didn't know what was going on, he trusted his own judgment and didn't say a word, turned around and ran!

It doesn't matter how many drones are destroyed, because treating them as consumables is a tactic in itself.

But once the mother plane is destroyed, it means that the hive system is destroyed, and all unmanned fighters will be paralyzed at the same time as the mother plane crashes, which will be a catastrophic failure!

Dane, as a bystander, saw clearly that it was Calypso's handiwork, and he admitted that he might have underestimated the goddess.

After accumulating enough divine power, her chaotic power has become stronger, and her spiritual power can even penetrate into the drone's intelligent control system, finding Hal, an "outlier" who obviously does not belong to artificial intelligence.

The first duel between magic and technology, magic wins.

"Found you!" Calypso, who was feigning to hold himself up on the ground, suddenly smiled, and controlled Shazam to chase down the special fighter.

The surrounding drones seemed to be affected by the controllers, and the intensity of the attack decreased a lot, and the continuous firing of the cannons seemed to be somewhat delayed.

Of course, Hespera will not let go of this good opportunity, she waved her hand to summon a violent wind, although she is not very tech-savvy, but she still understands the principles of fighter flight, just like birds, their wings rise in the wind.

So as long as the airflow under the wings of the fighter is disturbed, these drones will naturally collide like headless flies, and several sparks will appear in the sky again, and the drones besieging the two goddesses will collide and explode with each other.

After doing all this, Hespera did not relax, still looking at the sky solemnly, and found that there were still many drones bombarding the magic shield in front of the tree of life.

She tugged at her hands, as if she wanted to pull those drones away with her mental strength, but the drones were not small and heavy, and Hespera couldn't pull them at all, which made her brow furrow even deeper.

"Humans have such abilities..."She felt that her estimate of human strength was a little wrong.

"No matter what, they still can't resist my will. Calypso turned his head and looked at her with a smile.

"Hmph!" Hespera looked at Calypso coldly, and the other party's eyes emitted purple light, which was a sign of using his ability.

And this ability seemed to be eroding her, but the force of nature was the power of the superior element, and Hespera immediately cut off Calypso's connection with the air, making her suddenly feel difficult to breathe.

"Don't do anything superfluous, my sister, you don't want to go to Hades' underworld so soon, do you?".

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