Wayne Manor.

Bruce and Silence are confronting each other.

Beside, Barbara had been knocked down by a sneak attack and fell to the side.

Alfred fell into a coma, and Nightwing fell into Silence's hands.

"What exactly do you want to do? Silence held Nightwing hostage without saying a word.

Suddenly, he fired a shot without warning.

The bullet hit Batman's suit and made him take a step back.

"It wears really hard. Silent said"tsk" and put down the pistol.

He moved his eyes and stared at Barbara, and suddenly burst into laughter.

"I never thought you could stand up again, Miss Barbara Gordon."

This tone, this temperament!

Barbara raised her head in disbelief and stared at the silent, bandaged face.

She murmured:"Impossible, this is impossible, you should have been dead long ago...."

"Sorry, Honey, I'm back from hell again!"

"Do you miss me? Hahahahaha!!!"

Silence laughed crazily. At this time, his figure and the clown completely overlapped.

Barbara couldn't help but start to curl up because of her psychological shadow.

She should have been stronger than before she was injured, but her strength was not The method came into full play.

But Batman did not shake his mind because of Silence's words. He had been looking for an opportunity.

Now, he found it.

While Silence was laughing, he suddenly threw the batarang and cut Silence's wrist.

It hurt. Then, the 050 Silence pistol fell to the ground.

Dane watched in the dark and shook his head secretly. Does every villain like nonsense?

Batman then stepped forward and started with a set of small combos.

Whether it was Silence or the Joker, Their fighting skills are all at the level of street fighting.

They all rely on fierce fighting to win. How can they be on the same level as a fighting master like Batman?

So within a few minutes of being silent, he was knocked down by Batman, easily. Even Batman himself couldn't believe it.

He was almost fooled by Silence during this period, and it ended like this?

Batman couldn't help but tear off the bandage wrapped around Silence's face, but the face under the bandage was shocked He is shaken

"Bruce? Why are you here? Thomas glanced around blankly, then looked at himself

"Wait, why am I here? Damn, it hurts!"

Thomas' face was twisted, and then he put on an evil smile.

"Little bat, big surprise! Hahahahahaha, you never thought it was me!"


Batman was shocked and unsure. He couldn't tell whether the person in front of him was acting.

"No, Bruce, what's going on? What's wrong with me?"

The person in front of him seemed to have two temperaments, two faces.

One moment it was his best friend Thomas, and the other moment it was his mortal enemy the Joker.

Batman couldn't tell the difference, but he quickly forced himself to calm down.

"No matter who you are, please give me some quiet time first!"

As he said this, he wanted to step forward and knock Silence out.

"is this okay? Little Bat, don't you want to know what's going on in that poor little guy's head?"

Batman paused.

He picked up Silence fiercely and asked him:"What did you do?"

The clown personality pretended to think for a moment before saying:

"Why did you hire a brain doctor in the first place?"

Barbara on the side heard this and ignored her fear of the clown.

She quickly took out the X-ray machine to check Nightwing's brain.

After a while, she told Batman with a desperate look on her face:"There is a high-energy reaction in it! The clown said proudly:"It's a miniature bomb. I worked really hard to find the place to put it."..."

Batman roared and punched him in the face, just like he did when he thought Jason was dead

"Ah ~ this nostalgic feeling~!"

The clown is not in pain, but laughs

"Little Bat, how many times do you have to try to understand? Your fists have no effect on me."

This smile made Batman instantly realize that the person in front of him was indeed the real clown.

The madness that penetrated his bones was exactly the same as the one who died.

"what you up to?"

"Do you know how I was resurrected?"The clown answered the question incorrectly.

"You must not have guessed that it is my blood, and I call it the clown virus"

"Like I said, clowns are a virus this city can't get rid of, little bat"

"I, living in symbiosis with this city, can you clear the world of influenza? So you can't get rid of me"

"Now, I am no longer limited by the physical body!"

Joker virus!

Batman's face is extremely ugly. If what the Joker said is true, then he is almost immortal!

But the Joker's purpose is obviously more than that. He suddenly smiled slyly and said to Batman:

"When I discovered that my blood was so important, I suddenly thought of the Scarecrow."

Batman had a sudden thought.

The Joker's tone was regretful:"He died too early, so I can only do this myself."

After pretending to miss him, he continued:

"I took the one that he broke when he played with it...What is that device called?"

Batman said word by word:"Rainstorm device!"

"Yes, that's it! i fixed it"

"You think, is it suitable for spreading my blood throughout the city?"

"It’s exciting to think about it. There will be countless versions of me in Gotham, and it will definitely be lively, hahahaha!"

Batman shuddered at the thought of such a scene, and Barbara was also stunned by this plan.

At this time, the Joker showed his fangs, and he stretched out two fingers:

"Now, you have two choices, little bat"

"You can go and shut down that machine and save the city again." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"or..."He smiled evilly and looked at Nightwing beside him:"You can also choose to save this poor little boy."

"In fifteen minutes, one of them will explode."

"Let me remind you, the remote control that can stop the bomb in his brain is hidden in this manor. You don't have much time."

"Come on, Batman, make your choice!"

Batman is caught in a battle between heaven and man, and Barbara pushes Nightwing into the Batcave.


Barbara's voice woke Batman up. He was completely panicked this time and subconsciously said:"What?"

"Dick, the bomb in his brain is impossible to remove with our ability!"

The Batman family doesn't have a doctor, and even the most powerful doctor can't open the skull and retrieve the object within fifteen minutes.

Oh, by the way, there are no fifteen minutes left now.

And even if this time is used to find the remote control It may not be enough, Wayne Manor is very big.

Batman closed his eyes tiredly, and he made a choice

"Barbara, you call up all the surveillance cameras in the manor and try...Try to find the remote control."

Barbara's body trembled when she heard this, and her voice was a little dry:"What about you?"

"I have to stop the rainstorm."

This is Batman, he will always make the right choice.

Although it seems a little ruthless, in the human realm, this is the best ending he can achieve.

Dane applauded the Joker's plan. It seems that he has this ability.

He can accurately hit Batman's pain points every time.

The Joker did not misjudge Batman, he had already guessed that this would be the result.

But seeing Batman's heartbroken look, He still couldn't help laughing.

But Dane knew that the Joker's purpose was more than that.

Heavy rain and Dick were not the only multiple-choice questions he gave.

Before Batman was about to leave, Dane suddenly appeared.

The Joker saw him , with a look of disgust on his face.

Dane blocked Batman's way,"Where are you going?"

"Stop the clown virus from spreading."Batman said firmly

"I found that remote control"

"What did you say!"Batman turned around suddenly.

Dane did not pretend to be mysterious, and there was not enough time.

He pointed at the silence controlled by the clown's personality:

"That thing is attached to his heart. As long as his heart stops, Dick can be saved."

"And you still have enough time to destroy the rainstorm."

Now, it's Dane's turn to give him a multiple-choice question. This is the purpose of his secret cooperation with Silence.

"Now you can choose the best ending and save both sides"

"And the price is just to kill this madman, this anti-social criminal"

"How do you choose? batman"

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