After Hal accepted the Parallax Monster, his body was also covered in yellow light energy. All JLA members could see that he was desperately resisting the Parallax Monster's temptation with his own willpower.

"What should we do now?"Mars Manhunter doesn't know Green Lantern.

But he can tell that Green Lantern should be with them.

"Now he has temporarily suppressed the parallax monster by his own will, but this process cannot last long, and the power of the lamp beast will increase over time."

"We have to find a way to seal it first"

"How to do it?"

"At this time, it is the turn of our magicians to appear. Constantine and Zatanna, do you hear it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, two teleportation arrays with different lustres lit up, and Constantine and Zatanna walked out of them respectively.

"It was finally my turn to appear."

Constantine held a cigarette arrogantly, acting like a hooligan.

Martian Manhunter hesitated:"Is this also a member of the alliance?"

At that time, he only had a glimpse in the Hall of Justice. Now Martian Manhunter realizes how powerful his teammate is....Eclectic.

Constantine smiled and showed his teeth, and said to Martian Manhunter:

"This new alien friend, although I smoke, drink, and love to save lost girls, I am actually a good person."

"You'll know it if you get along with me for a long time."

Mars Manhunter silently distanced himself from him, not believing a single punctuation mark of what he said.

""Oh, it's so sad. The newcomers now don't respect the elderly at all~" he said with a little pretentiousness.

Zatanna greeted everyone in a polite manner.

Strictly speaking, this is Zatanna's first She was still a little nervous when she appeared in front of all the members.

But when she saw Dane smiling at her, she seemed to be filled with courage instantly, and she raised her head and smiled sweetly at him.

Diana noticed this scene and didn't care. She frowned slightly, feeling that there might be something going on between the two of them!

"So Boss, am I here to save the world?"He said boldly.

That expression made Dane feel a little funny, but he still cooperated:

"In a way, yes, I need you and Zatanna to help me complete a spell."

After that, he stretched out his hand, and Hal's green light ring flew into his hand.

"Do you remember the sealing magic I once taught you?"

This is mainly a question to Constantine, because Zatanna actually often goes to the Rock of Eternity to learn magic.

Her biggest problem is that she always wants to cast all magic through the irony magic passed down from her family, and only the Rock of Eternity can Give her enough theoretical knowledge to complete this matter.

She can naturally understand what Dane said about the sealing magic, which Dane once studied to seal the Three Palace Demons.

But when they wanted to use this magic, they There is still a lack of an artifact that can form a world of its own. Is there one now?

Dane understood her doubts and showed her the green light ring on her hand.

Zatanna just took it and glanced at it before nodding, which was regarded as approval. The value of a ring.

Constantine also looked at it carefully and said with some regret:"This thing is indeed okay, but it has an owner.""

"We also need the owner’s consent. Dane motioned for them to look into the distance. Hal was trying hard to suppress the parallax monster's infection.

He saw that Dane was still looking at him leisurely, and he couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Stop looking! Find a way quickly! I can't hold on much longer! Dane turned to look at Constantine and Zatanna:"Then let's start quickly!""


The Parallax Monster is an unusual monster. It is a pure energy life form, so it cannot be sealed by ordinary methods.

This requires many prerequisites.

First, an artifact related to its power must be prepared. This artifact must also It has space function and can accommodate Parallax monsters.

The green light ring meets the requirements.

Secondly, it requires a white magician and a black magician to cast spells together.

Considering that Parallax monsters are already in the category of mythical beasts, gods must also be added here. Power.

Such a trinity can seal it

"Hal, this may hurt a little, so bear with it."

Dane, Zatanna, and Constantine stood in three directions and recited spells at the same time, their low voices carrying a mysterious atmosphere.

The Parallax Monster sensed the approaching crisis and struggled even more fiercely..

But Hal is worthy of being called the greatest Green Lantern in history. With his strong will to protect Beach City, he suppressed the backlash of Parallax Monster.

Soon, just like Parallax Monster liked to destroy other monsters. Just as the fear was sucked out along with the life force, the Parallax monster also turned into a huge yellow shadow and escaped from Hal's seven orifices.

Hal's whole face was distorted in pain. He wanted to wail, but the position of his mouth was also affected by Parallax. The monster took over, and he couldn't howl out. He could only swallow all the pain into his stomach.

Fortunately, the pain did not last long, and soon (cibf) Dane and others extracted the powered parallax monster.


Zatanna nodded after hearing this and recited an ironic spell. The green light ring lit up and shone on the Parallax Monster.

Its pair of forelimbs were raised, trying to cover its body.

At the same time, Kang Standing used black magic to curse it. Of course, it was not enough to curse a monster as powerful as the Parallax Monster on his own.

So Dane generated divine power all over his body to support the magic of the two.

With the cooperation of the three mages, the Parallax Monster The struggle gradually weakened, and finally turned into a wriggling mass of energy that was sucked into the Green Lantern Ring.

"Keep up the magic, I'll be back soon."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Dane gave an explanation to the two of them, and then his body turned into a bolt of lightning and got into the inside of the light ring.

The world in the ring, the emerald space.

The Parallax monster had just been sent away Entering here, it was still a little confused.

Then the lightning transformed by Dane struck it directly on the head.

This stung it greatly, and the Parallax monster roared angrily and flew towards Dane.

Want to tear him apart!

Dane revealed his true form and lured it to fly towards the Floating City.

When he borrowed Hal's ring for research, he discovered that the Floating City itself can be used as a prison. Use.

Especially this place is filled with green will energy like the central energy battery of Oa Star, and there are no living creatures, which means that Parallax has no way to replenish fear energy in time.

This is like a natural preparation for it Like a prison.

Dane is a little suspicious that this world in the ring is actually connected to the central energy battery, or that the world in the ring itself is a relatively primitive central energy battery. Maybe the little blue man created the lantern based on this world. Things like batteries.

In short, this floating city can just accommodate the huge body of Parallax Monster.

After leading it to the floating city, Dane suddenly turned around and rushed towards Parallax Monster.

The brain of this Parallax Monster that did not possess anyone It was not very smart. It stared blankly at Dane as he rushed towards him, opening his big mouth, thinking that the other party was here to deliver food.

Dane went around and directly grabbed the opponent's big tail.

Although the body shape was completely asymmetrical, But Parallax Monster couldn't resist his huge power

"Come over there!"

The Parallax monster was thrown away without resistance and crashed directly into the floating city.

When it tried to climb out of the ruins, it found that the floating city suddenly seemed to come to life and entangled it. The

Parallax monster could only It struggled desperately, roaring and trying to escape, but its several attempts were beaten back by Dane.

After repeating this cycle dozens of times, Dane got a little tired.

He took out his Kiss of Death and gave Parallax first The monster came for a while.

But as expected, it had no effect. The Parallax Monster cannot be killed.

As long as there is life in the universe, the emotional spectrum will not disappear, and the Parallax Monster, as the representative of yellow fear, will not die.

Dane So he put away the kiss of death and took out the wizard's scepter

"I hope you can gain some momentum!"

He pointed the scepter at the Parallax monster, and suddenly a ray of light hit the Parallax monster, and then Dane saw in surprise. The yellow energy on the Parallax monster was flowing to the scepter.

This scepter can even absorb the energy of the emotional spectrum. Loot?

Dane couldn't help shouting:

"Wizards are awesome!!!".

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