Due to the intensity of the high school league, many games often end with both sides scoring only a dozen points.

In this top ten match between Melford Middle School and St. Mary's College, the score was rewritten to 24:16 not long after the second quarter started.

This situation has exceeded the intensity of ordinary college leagues.

Of course, the excitement continues.

When Melford Middle School had a second extra scoring opportunity, Mike once again used his superb passing skills to help the team score two more points.

Then, St. Mary's College, which exchanged possession of the ball, also counterattacked.

They also once again used their strong rushing ability to catch up with the score.

As the players from both sides came and went, the game became more and more anxious.

Being able to see such a wonderful game live also made the audience continue to express their enthusiasm.

As the game progressed, at the end of the third quarter, the score between the two sides reached 33:30. Melford Middle School maintained its leading position with a slight advantage.

There is also good news for Melford High School, that is, they still have the right to kick off the game at the beginning of the fourth quarter.

This is a good opportunity to open up the score.

During the two-minute break, Coach George stopped explaining tactics to the players.

Looking at the tired look of the team members, he encouraged: "Kids, you are doing a good job, I am proud of you. Hold on, keep on keeping on, victory belongs to us."

With three quarters, intermission, and timeout, the game lasted for almost an hour.

The high-intensity confrontation is causing the players to suffer from physical loss.

It can also be said that it is a test of will.

Coach George looked at Sam who was sitting slumped aside with his head lowered, and asked with concern: "How is Sam? Can you still hold on?"

In the previous three quarters of confrontation, Sam performed very tenaciously. Although he didn't completely prevent the opponent's No. 74, it had some effect.

Melford Secondary School can take a slight lead, and Sam definitely has a part in it.

"I can still hold on, coach~" Sam raised his head stubbornly, the sweat on his face seemed to have been washed away.

As a former school bully, Sam has his own pride, and he cannot tolerate his own incompetence.

He had felt that powerless feeling once with Mike. Now, he will never allow himself to lose to the opponent's No. 74 again.

Coach George understood Sam's determination. He patted the opponent on the shoulder and said, "You are a good boy. Don't force yourself. If you can't hold it anymore, tell me at any time."

The two-minute break passed in an instant, and the players from both sides took the field again for the final decisive battle.

As the players took the stage, the audience's enthusiasm was ignited again.

Amidst the cheers and shouts, Sam shook off the sweat from his eyes and looked up at the big man opposite. This time he didn't make any provocation, but his eyes were firmer than before.


The whistle sounded and Melford started attacking.

Sam moved sideways quickly and got in front of No. 74 who was about to intercept the football.

Then, with a "bang~" sound, the two big men collided.

Sam, who was smaller in stature, fell to the ground, and then, relying on his strong will, he stretched out his hand and tried to pull Oher.


Because Sam continued to pull people after he fell to the ground, Melford Middle School received an offensive foul.

Perhaps infected by Sam's strong will, a friendly smile appeared on Auch's innocent face.

Then his huge body bent down, trying to lift Sam up.

Sam waved his hand stubbornly, saying no.

Then, the Melford team members who came over separated Oher and helped Sam up.

This time, the team members were not dissatisfied because of Sam's foul, but instead showed the slightest admiration.

"You have a nosebleed..." Mike walked closer and reminded the other person.

Sam took off his helmet and wiped his nose. There was blood on his fingers.

It could be seen that his physical strength had reached its limit and his face was a little pale.

Mike raised his hand and signaled Coach George to call a timeout.

Then, a group of team members helped Sam and went to the sidelines.

From a tactical point of view, Sam, who is the largest in the team, is indeed the most suitable to defend the opponent's big man No. 74.

Just looking at his current state, he is no longer suitable for the next game.

Without Sam's restraint, if the opponent's No. 74 is allowed to use his physical advantage, there may be many surprises in the next game.

No one wants to see this situation.

Just as Coach George was thinking about countermeasures, Mike took the initiative and said, "Coach, if you don't let me deal with that big man, I'm confident I can contain him."

Mike is recognized as the strongest player in the team, so it is indeed a good idea to let him contain No. 74, the opponent's strongest player.

Coach George, who had no better countermeasures, was a little moved at first. Then, he quickly shook his head and refused: "No, Mike. You are the core of our offense. If you focus on the defensive end, it will definitely disrupt the overall offensive rhythm of the team."

The team members also nodded in approval after hearing what Coach George said.

Of the 33 points Melford scored on the field, more than half were scored by Mike on the offensive end with his extraordinary personal strength.

It is indeed unreasonable for such a big offensive core to go to provide defensive support.

"Don't rush to conclusions." Mike analyzed the situation: "After the first three quarters of the game, I found that although the opponent's rushing ability is very strong, it relies too much on No. 74.

As long as I can restrict No. 74 in the fourth quarter, their offensive firepower will be equivalent to being strangled to death. "

Mike could tell that the rushing tactics adopted by St. Mary's College were a result of the opposing coach's improvisation.

The success of this tactic depends on the strong cover ability of the opponent's No. 74. If this seventy-four could be restrained, half of the opponent's charge tactics would be useless.

As Mike explained, the situation on the court gradually became clearer.

At this time, Mike continued: "Besides, I believe in my teammates. Without the threat of No. 74, they will definitely be able to stop the opponent's attack."

Of course, the premise of all these speculations is that Mike can really limit the opponent's No. 74.

If he really did what he said. The opponent's coach continued to use rushing tactics that his players were unfamiliar with.

The next situation will definitely give St. Mary's College a surprise.

Listening to Mike's plan for the future and his trust in himself and others, the eyes of Melford's team members gradually became firmer.

There is no one who can join the football team who doesn’t have a heart to express himself.

Now, Mike gave them the opportunity.

Coach George also realized that Mike's suggestion was the easiest way to win at Melford Middle School.

However, the premise of all this is that Mike can restrain the opponent's No. 74.

This is no easy task.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Coach George was still a little worried.

"Of course, this is all for victory." Mike said casually.

In fact, Mike, who has the body of a demon, doesn't care about confrontation or injury.


Coach George was moved by Mike's vision of victory. He called the players together and talked about the tactical arrangements for the next game.

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