America’s Big Hero

Chapter 230 The Problem of the Underworld (1/150 Silver Plus) Asking for a Monthly Ticket

Chapter 230 The Underworld Problem (Silver Plus 1150) Asking for a Monthly Ticket

A group of Flying Tigers dressed in black uniforms, tightly wrapped, holding guns, bent over, and in a wretched shape approached the entrance of the building.

The hostages were worried and scared. After all, whoever has a pile of explosives around him has to be prepared for the sudden brain twitch of the person next to him or on the opposite side, and if he gets blown into pieces, he will not have the energy and the mood to go. Pay attention to what's going on outside.

Until the person on the other side yelled loudly. "Behind you are the 'Flying Tigers' coming."

Seeing the Flying Tigers approaching, the group of hostages were as excited as seeing their 'father', no, they were even more excited than seeing their own father.

But dare not shout.

I don't know what's going on, or where the terrorists have gone, but the residual power is still there.

My life may be taken away by a bomb at any time, who dares to be sloppy!

The people of the Flying Tigers were not very afraid. The higher authorities suspected that the terrorists had escaped through some unknown means!

"Listen, people inside, are the terrorists still there?"

A group of hostages looked at each other in blank dismay. At this time, everyone realized that the terrorists did not seem to have come out for a long time.

After being confirmed, the Flying Tigers reported it immediately, and the top police officers felt a thump in their hearts, and they didn't feel relieved at all! !

It's not that these people want the terrorists to continue taking hostages, but...

The ass decides the head.

"Immediately determine whether the terrorists are there!!"

This incident is too big, and the decision-making power is no longer in the police's hands. No matter how serious the incident is, someone will come out to bear the thunder.

But if it wasn't for terrorist attacks, or if the terrorists disappeared under the eyes of a thousand or so police officers...

Heh, it would be better for everyone to take the blame and resign collectively, at least to retain a trace of decency.

After receiving the order, the Flying Tigers opened the gate of the building after communicating with the hostages!

But that’s the end of the push. There is an infrared ray that detonates at the door, and no one can get in if they don’t know the range.

He immediately arranged for a helicopter to come over and enter the building from the roof to investigate. At this time, he didn't care about any threats.

Previously, the Governor's Office did not want to broadcast live, but the police hoped that it could prove that it was not our army that did not work hard, but that the terrorists were too cunning.

Now, the police already want to interrupt the live broadcast...

But now the Governor's Mansion does not allow it again!

Damn, even if you are ashamed, you have to understand.

On the one hand, the bomb disposal team, which had been prepared long ago, quickly arrived near the two gates and began to communicate with the hostages.

On the one hand, the Flying Tigers who entered the building quickly searched all the way from the top floor to the underground, and the information sent through the internal channel made the top police officers fall into an icehouse.

Terrorists escaped from the sewers!

According to the hostages, they have been running for a long time!

"Fake!" The high-level police who received the news cursed loudly, and they didn't know who they were cursing.

In the Governor's Mansion, Governor Yod's face was also ashen, and he was thinking about how to explain to Downing Street.

"Captain, captain, what should we do with the hostages!" No one answered for a long time, and the Flying Tigers had to ask again.

Charlie Cao's mind is going to be blurred right now. Excessive bleeding is one thing. Who the hell can't bear it if he clamps his legs for more than an hour!

"Save people, find a way to get out by yourself, don't go to the first floor." The captain of the Flying Tigers hung up the communication after saying a word, and the black hat would be lost. He must be going back to England, so why the hell is he in the mood to care? This kind of shit.

Whether the two Chinese are dead or not will not affect the overall situation.

Not to mention that the people from the Flying Tigers sent him out from the broken window on the second floor as soon as possible.

After the bomb disposal expert communicated with the hostages, a super bad news came, "The terrorists confessed that one of the hostages must die!"

The most hateful thing is that the hostages yelled, and through the live signal, the news has spread!

Without the terrorists, the hostages are still afraid of a group of green dogs! ?

"Dear viewers and friends in front of the TV station, we just received news that the hostages in the building are confronting the police bomb disposal team!" Le Huizhen changed into a suit of clothes and stood in front of the live broadcast camera...

It's not that Le Huizhen loves her job so much, but that the location host who replaced her for the live broadcast is an old fritter who has worked in the station for more than 20 years.

As soon as I received the on-site situation, I immediately knew that the food was bad, and immediately reported it to the stage without saying anything.

Le Huizhen was going to be sent to the hospital for an examination, but was temporarily asked by the station to change into a new set of clothes to continue the live broadcast.

As for the reason, she is the first reporter of this sensational news, and the station will not give others the chance to pick peaches! !

After being reminded by Xiao En once, Le Huizhen didn't know how dirty it was. She was very clear about the situation of the hostages in the lobby.

Reporting this news will not end well!

In this regard, Laomei is indeed much better. The two parties are opposed, the media tycoon is powerful, and the host's program is pungent and satirical.

In comparison, Hong Kong Island is no good. The Governor's Mansion is in charge of the universe, and TVB is controlled by the Chinese, which is weak.

But now she has to bow her head under the eaves, knowing that she is on the cusp of the storm and has to rush.

However, don't expect her to be lenient when it comes to reporting.

"Then why did the confrontation form? According to the hostages, the terrorists have made special settings in the bombs. As long as one bomb is dismantled, the other bomb will explode immediately, that is to say..." Le Huizhen The tone became more dignified than ever, the firepower was fully fired, and the broadcast was switched between Chinese and English.

"The Hong Kong British government can only choose a group of people to rescue, so what race will the government choose to sacrifice in the end, Chinese or British?"

"Damn woman!" Governor Yoder grabbed the pen in his hand and threw it towards the TV screen with a 'bang'.

As soon as these words came out, the whole of Hong Kong was shocked. Everyone was paying attention to the scene at this moment. Could it be that some people must be abandoned as reported on the spot?

Are the police incapable of saving everyone?

Not to mention Hong Kong Island, the news spread at this moment, and many countries are applying to TVB to purchase signal sources for live broadcasting.

Racial issues and ethnic issues are sensitive topics in any country, and attention will never be lacking.

Attention is the joy of the knife.

US Knife Music~!

"Hey, this woman, dare I say it, I like it!" In the presidential suite on the top floor of the Peninsula Hotel, Sean was wearing a white bathrobe, reclining lazily on the sofa, with his feet on Lorraine's lap, one hand Holding the coffee, while sipping it, he sighed loudly at the TV screen.

Lorraine kept a cold face and didn't watch TV. He looked at Sean up and down, left and right.

"is that you!"

"What am I?" Sean kicked Lorraine's foot, and said absently, "Don't just talk, give me a pinch."

Lorraine froze, and pushed Sean's foot down in disgust, and Sean put it up again with a smile.

"The timing of your return is too coincidental. You came back just after the terrorists ran away over there."

"Oh, so what, I, a son of the Rockefeller family, super rich, I will be a robber?" Sean continued to watch TV indifferently, the first floor of the HSBC Building was in a mess.

The family members of the hostages are attacking the line of defense, and the police are desperately trying to stop them.

The high-level police officers were lobbying the hostages to let the bomb disposal experts go up, but the hostages were emotionally yelling and refusing to let them go.

"You have no alibi, and your whereabouts are very good. You are more capable of completing this kind of robbery!" Lorraine still stared at Sean.

"And then, just this little thing, who the hell dares to check on me!" Sean snorted disdainfully, his eyes still not leaving the TV screen.

No one believes the so-called high-level police officers. In front of their own lives, this is nothing!

Who can guarantee that the top police officers will not reach an evil agreement in private.

No one wants to be sacrificed, and the top police officers are useless. Everyone unanimously calls on the Governor of Hong Kong to speak out.

The British believe that the Governor of Hong Kong will ensure their own safety. As for the Chinese...

They don't know who to trust at this time.

It was only at this moment that I realized that I was so insecure. I finally thought of asking the media for help, asking for live broadcasts and attention.

All the people were very emotional, and they seemed to rush out at any time and pull everyone on their backs together.

In this case, let alone the police dare not approach at all, even the bomb disposal team in heavy explosion-proof suits dare not approach!

The governor of Hong Kong began to come out after a long time, and it would be impossible if he didn't come out, it was completely messed up.

In front of the TV camera, although the governor still wanted to keep smiling, Sean could feel the governor's anger, frustration, panic, and irritability through the TV screen.

"Hahaha, this guy is finished this time, he must be dismissed." Sean mocked immediately without any image.

"Do you really hate the British?" Lorraine's voice revealed the coldness.

Damn, I've endured you for a long time! !

Although she became an American citizen, Lorraine was born and raised in the UK after all. For a long time, she was so angry that her teeth were itchy.

"What are you talking about!" Sean sat up quickly, the movement was too big, the bathrobe was half opened, and he was happy.

Leaping over and hugging Lorraine, Sean stuck to Lorraine's ear and said, "Just for my little Lorraine, I can't possibly hate the British, right?"

"Bang!" He raised his hand and hit Sean's chest with an elbow, which made Sean's eyes bald.

"Hmph, stinky rascal!" Pushing Sean back, Lorraine turned his head sideways, and then smiled.

He quickly held back and turned to look at Sean with a cold face, "Then what are you doing?"

"It's all said, it's not me." Sean grabbed Lorraine's little hand and rubbed it on his chest, and then said: "It's just a casual look at the excitement, and life must be filled with some color!"

"Still said it wasn't you!" Lorraine snorted but didn't withdraw her hand, letting Xiao En grab and rub his chest.

"Anyway, if anyone asks me, I won't admit it. I love it." Sean said with a smile: "However, the United Kingdom is really worse every year, especially after the Falklands naval battle."

"Hey, it looks like we won, but it completely exposed the weakness of the old empire."

Lorraine sighed slightly, yes.

Could it be that the United Kingdom is in decline, and that the development of several other countries is too fast, and the United Kingdom has fallen behind.

There was a new change in the TV screen. The two were not talking, and Sean tilted his head and leaned on Lorraine's shoulder to watch.

When the governor came near the hostages, he stopped at a distance of 5 meters.

Doesn't a gentleman stand under a dangerous wall?

In front of the camera, he was about to give an impassioned speech, but he was roughly interrupted by the hostage at the beginning.

"You just say save whoever you want first!" Anyone with a bomb under their ass would not be in the mood to listen to your tirade.

The Governor of Hong Kong has a dark face. He can't say anything at all. He can only promise again and again that the police will go all out to crack the bomb set by the terrorists and ensure the safety of everyone's life.

The Hong Kong government is everyone's Hong Kong government. There is no so-called difference between Chinese and British. The Hong Kong government treats everyone equally.

Fairness, justice, dishonesty, since...

As a result, the hostage scolded him before he finished speaking. The British said he had forgotten his identity, and the Chinese called him a damned colonist and a butcher.

Sean burst out laughing again, "I bet, the Governor of Hong Kong now wishes they could all die."

"If they are all dead, the problem is the terrorists, and has nothing to do with the Hong Kong government. You can jump out and condemn the terrorists crazily, distract attention, and push all the responsibilities to the blame."

"I bet you, this guy must hope that the police will fail to dismantle the bomb, and everyone will die!"

"Do you think everyone is a villain!" Lorraine glared at Sean angrily.

"Then you mean that he wants to save people?" Sean said mockingly in Lorraine's ear.

Lorraine opened her mouth and said nothing, well, according to her understanding, these politicians are definitely what Sean thought.

In any case, the Hong Kong government finally had some credibility, and the bomb disposal team went up and began to study the equipment on both sides.

The Hong Kong governor came out with a dark face, and when he saw the policeman, he asked loudly with concern, "Where's Shen Bi?"

It wasn't because of a good relationship, but mainly because he was afraid that if Shen Bi died, there would be one less person to carry the thunder with him.

"According to the two rescued hostages, Mr. Shen Bi and Mr. Kasai were forced into the vault by the kidnappers and locked up." The temporary police chief of the security bureau said.

"Fart!" There is no camera at the moment, the Governor of Hong Kong will no longer pretend, he poked his head over and growled fiercely in a low voice: "Is your head full of shit? It's a terrorist. Remember, it's a terrorist." terrorist!!"

"Yes, yes, yes, terrorists." The acting director did not dare to wipe the stinky saliva on his face, and quickly bowed his head to admit.

It's impossible for a kidnapper to be a kidnapper. It's not easy for anyone to say, even if someone jumps out and admits that they are a kidnapper!

It must be a terrorist, the only way to barely save a little face.

Anyway, the Northern Ireland Liberation Organization will jump out and take responsibility for this matter.

"Then why don't you save people?"

"The safe cannot be opened. The password is in the hands of Mr. Shen Bi. We have already contacted the design and construction company of the bank safe, and they are sending people over there, but they also said that it can only be dismantled from the outside bit by bit. It will take a long time."

Fake, Fake, Fake, Governor Yoder vented for a while, and then asked again: "Why are the two hostages treated preferentially?"

"One is the reporter who covers the whole process."

The appearance of Le Huizhen immediately appeared in the governor's mind, and his brows twitched violently.

"A bank lobby manager, a dog-like guy, was doing a lot of service to terrorists."

"It's suspicious, isn't it?" the governor said blankly. "Everyone was treated roughly and their lives were threatened. Only those two people were treated preferentially. It's unreasonable."

"The terrorists planned such a large-scale operation, and it can be completed accurately. It is impossible for someone to provide internal information to cooperate."

"What do you think?"

"You are right. These two people are highly suspected. The police suspect that they have links with terrorists, provide intelligence to terrorists, and help terrorists create panic and chaos." The assistant director emphasized!

Obviously, Sean underestimated the shamelessness of the British Hong Kong government.

After all, he has never played politics, and he has no idea how bottomless those guys are.

A large number of people die every day due to wars all over the world, and most of the reasons are provoked by these politicians.

As for the two sides in the conflict, it was just a gun.

Nothing thoughtful.

So, soon, Xiao En saw in front of the live broadcast camera that several policemen walked up to Le Huizhen and said in front of the camera: "Miss Le, the police need you to cooperate with us in some investigations. of."

"Oh." Le Huizhen sneered, she had already thought of it, but she didn't expect it so soon, she thought it would be after today's live broadcast.

Unexpectedly, the government was so impatient, it seemed that she would run away.

"Wait, wait, police officers!" A middle-aged man rushed up quickly, and Le Huizhen was taken away. No one was more anxious than him!

He doesn't want to be on the top to broadcast live...

"We are still live broadcasting. Now the whole Hong Kong Island and people all over the world are paying attention to the situation on the scene. Ms. Le Huizhen is willing to cooperate with your investigation, but, please, after the live broadcast is over, please?"

"I'm sorry, in order to catch the terrorists as soon as possible and restore the stability of Hong Kong Island, we must speed up the progress of the investigation." The British guy who led the police refused without hesitation.

"Hey, you can't do this. If you have any questions, you can ask them. Ask them now, right in front of the camera."

"The police's investigation and evidence collection process must be kept secret. Terrorists must not know the details of the investigation. In addition, if you are obstructing, the police will accuse you of obstructing official duties!" The British said coldly.

Falk, the middle-aged man cursed silently.

"I need a lawyer to accompany me, I, no, believe it, you guys!" Le Huizhen said directly in front of the live broadcast camera after tearing up her face anyway.

She didn't know if the man who gave her a kiss at the end could save her, but she had to try her best to save herself!

These words made the policemen’s faces dark, but they couldn’t say anything. They didn’t believe it and they didn’t break the law. It was reasonable and legal to ask for a lawyer to be present.

"The police will find you a lawyer." The British guy waved his hand, and two policewomen came up to clamp Le Huizhen.

Little bitch, find a lawyer, think well!

Once you enter the police station, it's up to you to decide what to do!

"Fuck!" Sean frowned and let go of Lorraine's hand, and shouted loudly after cursing, "Norris, come here!"

"Boss, what are your orders?" Norris trotted over.

Sean hooked his hands, and Norris bent over and leaned over, "I'll give you ten minutes to find the contact information and addresses of three Hong Kong barristers and tell me."

Out of the corner of Norris's eye, he saw Le Huizhen's back on TV. He had also been following the development of the situation, and of course he knew this woman who disappeared with the terrorists for a long time.

Norris, who understood instantly, nodded heavily.

Why the boss pays attention to this woman is not important, what is important is that this woman is very beautiful!

This is enough!

Norris knows that the boss is proficient in Chinese and likes Chinese culture, so it is only natural that he likes Chinese beauties!

"Don't worry, boss!" Norris promised, "I promise to send this woman to your bed intact...cough cough"

Feeling a sudden coldness around him, Norris quickly changed his words, "Send it to you, um, the TV station needs reporters, yes, they need this kind of reporter who has rich experience and has dealt with major issues!"

"I only let you find the contact information, you don't need to do anything else, just get out and do things."

"And said it wasn't you." Lorraine snorted coldly, "Ha, go pretend to be a terrorist to rob the bank and don't forget to hook up with women."


"Hahaha, are you jealous?" Xiao En grabbed Lorraine's little hand with a smile and was thrown away by her.

"Crazy is jealous of you!" Lorraine got up and walked towards his room, "It's boring, don't watch it, it's boring!"

Just rob the bank, none of her business!

Sean lay down on the sofa and laughed loudly.

He is not in a hurry to eat Lorraine, this feeling is very good!

Lying on the sofa watching TV, TVB's ratings are now at an unprecedented peak.

People in Hong Kong and even the whole world are paying attention to the situation on the scene, if everything is indeed as planned by the terrorists.

Both sides can only live on one side, so, choose the Chinese?

Or British?

Isn't this worse than the problem of mother and wife falling into the water at the same time? !

Whether it's genuine sympathy, or a mentality of watching the excitement, everyone is waiting for the choice of the Hong Kong police!

Or Brit's Choice!

Countless media reporters have begun to write articles frantically.

There is no need for the results to come out, the manuscript is written first, they don't care who dies and who lives, just temporarily change the name when the results come out.

Anyway, the content is to criticize the British Hong Kong government and Downing Street. Readers... ahem, people love to read this!

Sean raised his hand to look at his watch, feeling that the time was almost up.

Defuse the bomb?

Do not make jokes!

Most of the bombs that can be defused are deliberately left behind, one is to be able to be turned off by oneself, and the other is to provoke the police.

Of course, it's more technical.

But these have nothing to do with Sean.

These bombs were specially made when they were made, and it never occurred to him to give the British any choice.

The live camera did not get close, and the police did not allow it to get too close, but the camera could still see the bombs being dismantled at the two gates.

Because the detonating device and the bomb are distributed on different sides, that is to say, if the Chinese side is successfully dismantled, the British will be liberated, and the Chinese will be killed.

If the British are demolished, the Chinese will be liberated, and the British will be bombed to death.

People on both sides are talking non-stop, trying to interfere with the bomb defusers...

The bomb defusers are also afraid that they may be killed when they disassemble the detonator...

This kind of shit-like design, people can't, at least they shouldn't!

Of course, complaints are complaints, bomb disposal is all about heartbeat, and the psychological quality is really top-notch. When you go to the front line, you can abandon all distracting thoughts and start working.

Just when the bomb disposal team on the Chinese side carefully studied those detonating devices little by little, hoping to find out its working principle and crack it thoroughly...

There was a crisp sound of "click", and the seven devices installed around the Chinese hostages flickered at the same time. While attracting the horrified eyes of all the Chinese hostages, the onlookers went out at the same time in astonishment.

The person from the bomb disposal team just froze in place holding the tools. He swears to God, he didn't do anything!

Although he was confused, his strong psychological quality still reacted immediately and shouted loudly: "Run!"

While he was shouting, at the moment when the hostage bent down and was about to stand up, through the TV screen, all followers could hear,



There were two sounds in a row, something exploded in the air, and then there were bursts of 'stern' screams.

Amidst the explosion, the hostages seemed to be frightened rabbits, screaming in pain and groping behind them.

It was the acidic liquid placed by Sean. The calculations were very clear. When it exploded, no one would look up. Some slight burns would be left on the arms and back. There was no fatal danger, but scars were bound to remain.

No one in front of the TV understood what was going on.

The British hostages on the other side immediately got up and ran away when they saw the Chinese making a movement!

The police who established the blockade quickly rushed towards the screaming Chinese hostages!

The bomb squad was scrambling trying to figure out why the hostages were screaming!

The live TV crew and a group of reporters followed the police and rushed towards the hostages!

The scene was completely turned into a mess.

Sean sat up straight in front of the TV, his eyes widened, and the show he had arranged was coming!

Just at the stall where the crowd was chaotic, an electronic voice suddenly sounded, "Hahaha, sure enough, it turns out that the British really chose to sacrifice the Chinese to save their own people!"

The sudden sound attracted everyone's attention. This voice was clearly the leader of the previous terrorists. Even those who had abnormal back pain couldn't help but grit their teeth to listen.

"It's not surprising at all, is it?"

"Those who think that the British will save the Chinese and sacrifice the British, you don't believe it yourself, don't you!"

"Quick, find that damn thing and tell him to shut up!" Outside, the complexion of the high-level police officers suddenly changed. How can they care so much at the moment, and sternly shouted orders to the inside.

While the police inside were awakened, the Chinese victims quit.

The pain in the back reminded them that their enemies were right in front of them, and each of them was desperately entangled with the policemen, making the scene even more chaotic.

The speaker that had been set was still playing, and Sean was very secretive.

"The owners here are British after all, and their official hats are given by the British after all. Wouldn't it be better for the Chinese than for the British?"

"Could it be that if the Chinese died some people, how much real punishment would they receive?"

"No, don't be naive. At worst, you can continue to be an official in another place. No one will make decisions for the Chinese, no one!"

"Those high-ranking Chinese or wealthy businessmen are all vested interests. They will never oppose and fight with the authorities for some irrelevant people, and make themselves suffer heavy losses. This is not in line with human nature at all. They will suppress it together with the British. , Let the matter settle down as soon as possible, so as not to delay making money."

"But when the British are dead, the Hong Kong British government has to bear a huge responsibility. This is a stain, and even if they go back to their own British Isles, they will not be able to get rid of the stain. The end of their political life."

"In this case, a fool knows how to choose!"

"Save the Chinese, stop making trouble, because of love and peace?"

"I am the terrorist 'Cú Chulainn', to uncover the most terrifying truth in the world!"

The door next to it was pushed open, and Lorraine stood at the door and looked at Sean, "You are too bad!"

"It's very interesting, isn't it?" Sean pointed at the TV and smiled evilly. "This is the evil side of human nature."

"Does this do you any good?" Lorraine frowned and looked at Sean.

"Why do things have to be good for you?" Sean lay lazily on the sofa, watching the TV with a happy face, "Man, happiness is the most important thing."

"Now I'm happy!"

"Do you know, this is an unsolvable situation. He is finished. No matter how he explains, no one will believe him. He is a racist who wants to sacrifice the Chinese!" Sean narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips. He reached out and tapped his temple.

This is the crushing of IQ, which is completely different from the refreshing feeling brought by simply relying on violence and short-term pleasure.

It's not that exciting, but it makes him feel superior.

With a wave of his sleeves, the mast and scull will be wiped out in ashes!

Lorraine was speechless for a while, and squinted at Sean. She always felt that things were not that simple. She knew about Sean's temper when she was in the intelligence team.

The character of being unprofitable and early.

Regardless of having joined the army, I have absolutely no patriotic sentiments. I am interested in money, but I am not attached.

He is arrogant, but he also pays attention to propriety in doing things, and will never touch money that should not be earned.

Has a bad reputation, but really hasn't done much bad, and overall New Jersey is better off for his actions.

The environment is better, law and order is better, and there are more jobs. These intelligence teams have detailed data in their hands. The gangsters below are more accurate than the police.

Even though the massacres in Cartagena were full of uproar and cruel means, in fact, the law and order in Cartagena also changed drastically afterwards, and people's living standards have improved a lot.

Leaning against the door frame, Lorraine looked at Sean in a daze.

The rumored black hand behind the mafia, a ferocious devil who kills without batting an eye, a scum who acts perversely and without scruples, a man with a bad reputation is actually quite good.

He is also approachable on weekdays, like a big boy who likes to play pranks, which is why Lorraine is willing to work next to Sean after Armstrong proposed.

I always feel that there is a reason for this guy to do this. After coming to Hong Kong Island, this guy is weird.

She didn't care what happened to the British people on Hong Kong Island, and she didn't care about how many people died.

She's just... curious.

He walked to the side and made a cup of coffee with his own hands, brought it over with a cold face and put it on the coffee table with a 'bang'.

Turning around, on the TV, the scene became a mess.

The loudspeaker that Xiao En got was very powerful, and it was placed on the top of the hall on the first floor, with a floor height of more than six meters, and it was impossible to remove it without tools.

The high-level police officers on the periphery couldn't rush in, so they could only helplessly curse everything.

He knew that when the voice was released, his career would be over, and all the top British police officers would collectively take the blame and resign, otherwise they would not be able to account for the 20,000 Chinese police officers below.

The contradiction is too deep, and the most important thing is that they don't know how to refute it when they watch the situation unfold.

The Governor of Hong Kong, who was watching the development of the situation from a further periphery, sat in the car blankly, watching the TV in front of him motionless.

Governor Yode knows that he is finished!

Such a big incident happened during his management and he became the laughing stock of the whole world. He must be severely investigated.

"I, I never ordered the sacrifice of the Chinese!!!" Governor Youde gritted his teeth and growled in a low voice with a ferocious expression.

But, what's the use of saying that, no one believes it.

"Governor Yoder, there is already a commotion outside. Those policemen are useless, and they are unwilling to contribute!" The secretary said loudly as he opened the car door.

"It's useless, no one will believe me, it's over, it's over!" Governor Yod laughed bitterly at himself.

"You!" The secretary stomped anxiously. The boss is finished, he knows, he understands, but he should save himself or save himself!

The governor of Hong Kong is 60 years old, and his political career is over, but he is still young, less than 40. He doesn't want to go to the countryside with the governor of Hong Kong to retire!

"Mr. Governor Youde, you have to cheer up, you haven't lost yet!" The secretary got into the car and grabbed Governor Youde's shoulder.

Anytime, let etiquette go to hell!

"Impossible, the broadcast was obviously prepared in advance, and it was a trap for terrorists. Everyone can understand that I have become a joke, a joke played by terrorists!" Governor Yod's face was full They all said in frustration.

"In the future, everyone will think of this when they mention me. Wherever I go, there will be laughter!"

"So what, just admit it!" The secretary said loudly.

"Don't be stupid, there is never a shortage of smart people in the world, and everyone can see through what's going on at a glance." Governor Youde roared loudly as if venting: "It's useless, do you understand, it's useless!"

"No matter how I explain, I can only prove one thing. It proves that the British Hong Kong government is a bunch of fat pigs with no brains. So many people, including Downing Street, are being played around by a group of terrorists?"

"They won't listen to my excuses!"

"Admit it, how to admit it, at least it is racial discrimination, and at the worst it is a crime against humanity, and it will go to the international court!"

"Who said you have to admit it directly!" The secretary grabbed Governor Youde's shoulder, leaned his head over and stared at the other party, "It's not up to us to say what to say, ambiguity, guidance, and more ways to make everyone understand it so what All admitted."

"Since the damn robber wants to blame us for the conspiracy theory of sacrificing the Chinese, then we will take the initiative!"

"The Sino-British Joint Declaration has been signed!"

"This place will not belong to the UK in another 11 years. Do you understand that those guys in Downing Street don't care about this at all!"

"This is politics, cheer up!!"

"Do you think Downing Street can accept the conclusion that you are a joke?"

"I tell you, no!"

"They will put all the blame on us!!!"

"This is much heavier than a black pot!"

"The public doesn't understand anything, they are a bunch of idiots, they only like to hear about noble infighting, the history of royal love affairs, conspiracy theories, even if those big media see through it, so what, they don't care what they really think!"

"It's just a bunch of damn yellow skins, no one really cares about their lives!"

"Those media only write what the public likes to see for the sake of sales, so let's follow their wishes!"

"Do you remember, you taught me that it doesn't matter if things go wrong, politicians can always find a suitable excuse, the world is diverse, we can always cater to some people's ideas, but we can't do stupid things, we can't be joke!"

"It's okay to admit that the conspiracy theory of sacrificing Chinese is a scapegoat. At least we can be welcomed and recognized by conservatives, but we must not be a laughing stock."

Governor Youde stared blankly at the young secretary in front of him, yes, 40, very young in politics.

After a while, Governor Yode took a deep breath, "Is it useful?"

"I don't know! But we have to do it!" The secretary looked determined.

"Have you ever thought about the consequences of doing this, we will be attacked by the Chinese people on Hong Kong Island, and Hong Kong Island will fall into chaos." Governor Youde said in a low voice.

"I know, so what, isn't Downing Street already prepared for this? I don't think Downing Street and the royal family hope to get a complete Hong Kong Island in the north." The secretary said with a curled lip.

"But Downing Street wants to maintain the long-term influence of the UK here, they must maintain a good name."

"Yes, yes." The secretary nodded, "Since Downing Street wants to restore its reputation, it would be better to dismiss you immediately and portray them as a just person. They will be willing to cooperate."

"Anyway, your Hong Kong governor can't sit still anyway, can't he?"

"The result couldn't have been worse!"

"Well, you're right!" Governor Yoder suddenly opened his eyes, took a deep breath and stood up, with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, "So what about fascism, there are quite a few fascist supporters... "

Gathering all the senior officials of the Governor's Mansion and the police, Governor Yoder glanced at everyone calmly, "I will take all the responsibilities!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone looked at Governor Youde in a daze, with disbelief on their faces, and they all roughly thought of something.

"The action plan has nothing to do with you, you just took my hint."

"Mr. Governor Yode, we, we all know that this is the conspiracy of those damn criminals." Someone looked at Governor Yode with a look of unbearable expression and said, "Let's explain it clearly!"

"No one will believe it. What the media wants is sales. Even if we can control the Hong Kong Island media, it's useless. The media in other countries and regions will not listen to us." Governor Youde smiled calmly.

Everyone looked at Governor Youde with admiration, guilt, and regret.

In the past, I only thought that Governor Youde was very strict, old-fashioned, and he was very strict in doing things. He was an old British antique.

But today I found out that at the critical moment, Governor Youde was so responsible, resisting all responsibilities in one fell swoop, just to protect them!

It would be a lie to say I wasn't moved.

Not only the British, but also the high-level Chinese here are also full of gratitude to Governor Youde.

After all, no one knows what's going on better than them.

I don't know how Sean will feel when he knows the result...

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