America’s Big Hero

Chapter 369 Firefight!

Chapter 376: Firefight!

Although the plane is not made of plastic, it will never be exposed to the wind and sun outside, and the F22 needs a constant temperature warehouse.

Of course, this does not include the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in the United States, which has an aircraft graveyard.

What is rich and powerful!

Morocco definitely does not have this strength.

According to a series of photos taken by the U2 reconnaissance plane, Morocco's air force base in Xisar is U-shaped, covering a large area, and there are too many open spaces in the desert area.

The staff team has calculated that if the entire air force base is to be covered by a strike, then the number of missiles required will be twice that of the last bombing of the YL shipyard!

It's not realistic.

Therefore, what the staff group is waiting for is the time when the Dakhla base asks for help.

Only now, those planes will be pulled out of the hangar and appear in rows on the airfield, so that they can be easily destroyed at once!


Orange flames erupted from the bottom of the missile, against which the white smoke was magnificent.

Especially the scene where ten missiles are launched at the same time is really beautiful!

Sean just stood not far away and looked up, watching Dong 1 line up and take off quickly, until it slowly turned into small dots.

He didn't go to the front line with the troops. As he said, everyone is equal before bullets and artillery, so he didn't want to join in the fun.

A few minutes later, 10 missiles dropped almost straight from the sky over the air base in central Xisar, more than 300 kilometers away.

Falling at 6 times the speed of sound, there is no sound!

The air defense radar of the air force base discovered the missile when it entered an altitude of 15,000 meters, and the ear-piercing air raid siren sounded!

But there was no reaction time at all, and no reaction time could be given, just at the moment when the Moroccan soldiers in the base were startled by the air raid alarm and quickly raised their heads.

The ten missiles, like the big feet of the gods, stomped down at random, with a monstrous force!

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

A cloud of magma-colored mushrooms rose up, and finally gathered into a ball, tumbling and rising towards the sky, the shock wave accompanied by fire and destroyed everything on the tarmac!

The loud noise of the explosion rolled and crushed in all directions until the sound wave disappeared, until the mushroom cloud rolled and disappeared.

At this time, if you look at the apron again, you will feel very clean!

All the sand and gravel all over the place disappeared, and were all taken away by the shock wave, leaving only large, black-smoky potholes and large pieces of still burning aircraft wreckage.

The scene can no longer use chaos to act, that is the scene of the end!

The scene was dead silent. It wasn't that everyone died, but the sound of the explosion was too loud. Even if they didn't die under the impact of shock waves and debris, the huge explosion would still make people fall into a coma.

A few minutes later, a call came from the radio station in the navigation station, but no one answered...


The air support that was called did not arrive. When I contacted again, I learned that the air force base was attacked by missiles. All the planes were either scrapped or malfunctioned, and they could not provide any support at all.

The combat command room of the Dakhla base fell into a dead silence, and the air seemed to freeze.

Faced with this situation, no one knew what to do.

The over-the-horizon attack from missiles and missiles is the crushing of technological power, so that you can't afford to resist.

Let alone Dakhla now, it is the General Command of Sisar, and the commander-in-chief of Morocco's domestic operations, Moulay Sidi Ben Yusuf, is numb.

Nearly half of Morocco's air force is gone in just a few minutes!

Upon receiving the news, Moulay Sidi bin Yusuf's expression changed, distorted, and finally became hysterical. He was the one who advocated mobilizing the army into Xisar.

The U.S. officially supports Morocco. Those planes are all supported by the U.S. military. Although the U.S. military itself only has a small amount of symbolic equipment, it is also American equipment!

Everyone is so fucking American, and they are all from their own country. What did you think, Xiao En, that you suddenly made a killing move! !

Moulay Shidi bin Yusuf couldn't accept this result at all. Ballistic missiles have been used. Is it possible to keep the sub-base in Dakhla?

It goes without saying, Pills!

The point is, it's so far away, and now he has no choice but to watch.

As for the nearly half of the air force left in his hand, he absolutely dare not send it out. If it is lost again, he will no longer have to covet any king, and his current position cannot be kept.

Dakhla or something... time to sacrifice for the great cause of Greater Morocco.


Morocco has nothing to do, and the Xisar headquarters also has nothing to do. It is too late to mobilize troops. What can be done is to let the garrison along the fifth sand embankment gather towards the sub-base, organize defense as much as possible, and wait for support.

It's cold, and the hearts of everyone in the Dakhla combat command are cold.

A protective umbrella is just a protective umbrella, if you don't make a move, you'll be fine. If you make a move, it will be a missile. The people below won't receive the news, so they may still be angry, but the more they know, the more uncertain they will be.

What I am most afraid of now is the sudden sound of an air raid siren...

The news was suppressed, and it was still necessary to fight. To calm down and mobilize strength, the tank unit that was 10 kilometers ahead received an order to retreat 5 kilometers and maintain closer contact with the rear front.

Regardless of ancient or modern times, one cannot completely rely on base defense, otherwise one will be directly suffocated at home by long-range strikes such as heavy artillery.

The wait was long and painful. After more than an hour, the troops under the umbrella approached the Dakhla base 50 kilometers away.

The team is divided into two parts. The tank unit rushes forward to open the way, followed by armored vehicles of various colors, vehicle-mounted missile units, radar vehicles behind, and personnel carriers in the middle.

The first contact was with the Air Force.

Leading by the latest Apache gunship, he formed a helicopter battle formation with 5 AH-1 Cobra gunships and rushed towards the enemy's defense line at the first time.

At the same time, Dakhla was not to be outdone, and three AH-1s also took off and rushed out.

After Cobra was equipped with the U.S. military in 1967, it exported a large amount. Morocco is the beneficiary country. It actually owns a lot, at least much more than Sean, but the layout is scattered...

At a distance of 20 kilometers, Apache's radar detected the whereabouts of the Moroccan Cobra in advance. Immediately, the helicopter formation on Sean's side entered the battle formation, and the mounted AIM-9 air-to-air missile entered the preparation stage.

The two sides approached head-on at high speed, and the distance was within 15 kilometers in the blink of an eye. The umbrella side said nothing at first. After the lock was completed, six AIM-9 air-to-air missiles were launched.

The opponent was also not to be outdone, almost as soon as the missiles on this side had just finished launching, the opposite side also fired continuously, and 6 AIM-9 air-to-air missiles also shot over.

Sean: What a crime!

AIM-9C, Mach 2 speed, infrared guidance + semi-active radar guidance, this thing is deadly to helicopters!

The missile had just been launched, and both sides began to accelerate at the same time, maneuvering in a large area.

Especially on the umbrella side, the six armed helicopters bloomed like blooming chrysanthemums, moving horizontally or vertically in a large range in the air.

The moment before the AIM-9C approached, the infrared missile approach warning device on the helicopter quickly alarmed, and then, the helicopter suddenly fired a large number of infrared jamming bombs in all directions, with a long white tail, releasing huge light and heat in the air in a short time .

This is the daytime. If it is night, the jamming bombs will be as dazzling as flares.

The principle of the jamming bomb is to generate strong infrared radiation through the built-in combustion agent mixture such as magnesium powder, nitrocellulose and polytetrafluoroethylene, and lure the seeker of the infrared guided missile to deviate from the target.

At the same time, the pilot's eyes were fixed on the front, his expression was tense but his hands were still. At the last moment, he yanked the joystick, and the helicopter seemed to be kicked on the ass, and suddenly rushed upwards. past.

A missile passed obliquely behind the helicopter's buttocks. Until this moment, the pilot let out a sharp breath.

A key data of armed helicopters and general-purpose helicopters is reflected here, the rate of climb!

The higher the rate of climb, the better the ability to evade missiles.

The climb rate of the twin-engine AH-1W is 8.4 meters per second, the climb rate of Apache has reached 12.8 meters per second, but the climb rate of the Black Hawk is only a pitiful 4.5 meters per second, the gap is so big, it can be seen .

In the first wave of attacks, all the protective umbrellas completed tactical evasion and were not shot down.

On the opposite side, two of the three AH-1s of the Moroccan army fell to the ground with thick smoke, and only one managed to evade it.

It's not that the AH-1 of the Moroccan army is a castrated version. The pressure faced by two air-to-air missiles at the same time is several times that of one, and the gap is only a few tenths of a second. Helicopters are deadly and difficult to evade in a row.

However, the Moroccan army was able to complete two locks in a short period of time, and the launch of two missiles has reached the limit. There is no chance for them to launch the third round. The AIM-9C that is coming head-on has already arrived!

The top speed of Mach 2 is too fast!

Seeing the enemy plane running away, the Apache pilot pushed the joystick and went straight to catch up. The co-pilot quickly completed the lock, and shot the AIM-9C over.

Behind them, five AH-1s also quickly caught up, but an order came from the communication device, "Look for opportunities to destroy enemy tanks!"

But for singles, AH-1 is not the opponent of AH-64 at all, and it is completely unnecessary for everyone to catch up together.

Of course, the more important thing is the speed, the same model, they can't catch up.

In fact, when the enemy's Cobra is fleeing with all its strength, Apache can't catch up in a short time. In terms of maximum speed, the gap between the two sides is only tens of kilometers. Under the current battlefield situation, as long as it is close to the Dakhla base, Apache Qi didn't dare to really catch up.

The Stinger 2 in the hands of Mount Jun is not vegetarian!

This situation is more about driving away, preventing the opponent from interfering with one's own helicopter to destroy the enemy's tank.

Another jamming bomb, another large-scale maneuver, narrowly dodged a missile, and was pulled into some distance by Apache.

Seeing that passing over the head of one's own tank unit, there was no way to provide air support, so the AH-1 of the Moroccan army fled out.

The Dakhla base was close at hand, and while the AH-1 driver relaxed slightly, the five AH-1s with the umbrella behind them also completed the lock on the ground tank.

"whoosh" "whoosh" "whoosh"

The tail flame sprayed, and 5 Hellfire anti-tank missiles shot straight at the T-72 main station tank of the Moroccan army.

That's right, the T-72, a type of main battle tank designed and produced by the Soviet Union in the early 1970s, was authorized to be produced by the Warsaw Pact allies Poland and Czechoslovakia.

Morocco orders up to 150 units!

Well, Rabbit swapped one from Romania.

Morocco accepts U.S. military aid and uses a lot of U.S. and French equipment, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t use Soviet-made equipment!

Lao Maozi supports Xisar, but it does not mean that he does not sell weapons to Morocco.

Just like the American ally Lao Sa used Soviet-made equipment, on the Iran-Iraq battlefield, Lao Sa and YL also used a large number of Chinese-made equipment to fight against each other...

However, the T-72M/M1 export type has no resistance at all when facing the hellfire. After a "boom", it ignited a raging fire and was completely paralyzed.

run! ! ! !

The remaining 5 T-72s turned around and ran away without saying a word, but it is really useless whether they run or not now!

After losing air superiority, it is inevitable that tank troops will be targeted, and it is useless for anyone to come.

Modern warfare has always been the first time to compete for air superiority!

In fact, there are relatively large loopholes in the umbrella in this regard, but it was covered up by the powerful anti-aircraft firepower of the battleship before.

Of course, Morocco's air power is still too weak.

After a circle, all 10 T-72 main station tanks of the Moroccan army were scrapped. The helicopter formation led by Apache did not return immediately, but was 5 kilometers away, avoiding the situation of short-range air defense weapons such as stingers. After hovering for half a circle, they aimed at the Dakhla base and began to pour out firepower.

The 38×6 rocket covers the strike, it doesn’t matter how effective it is, what is needed is momentum!

What is Fu Ze bang his mother!

After shooting all the shots, the whole person felt comfortable, and the helicopter team lifted their pants and left without any regrets.

The Moroccan army has nothing to do, and each helicopter in the team still has at least one AIM-9C mounted on it.

When going out, AIM-9 and Hellfire are mounted in half.

From the start of the exchange of fire between the helicopters of the two sides to the withdrawal of the umbrella armed helicopter squad, it took only 10 minutes before and after, and the situation on the battlefield has become clear.

With more advanced equipment and more powerful firepower, Umbrella Company has gained absolute dominance on the battlefield.

The helicopter returned and landed, and the supply vehicle that followed it quickly rushed up, quickly completed reloading and took off again, covering the battlefield again.

Air suppression, 20 US M60A1 tanks opened the way, followed by armored vehicles, radar vehicles and vehicle-mounted beagle anti-aircraft rockets, and the vehicle-mounted M270 multiple rocket launcher system stopped 20 kilometers away.

The only disadvantage is that there is strong air power, otherwise the American M60A1 main battle tank in Sean's hand will be kicked out of the T-72.

There is a generation difference in technology!

There is a more advanced M1A1 main battle tank, but it just entered service last year, and it will not be used by private companies.

But now all the tanks of the Moroccan army have been destroyed, and the M60 of the umbrella has started to be awesome again!

At least in the face of some bullshit armored vehicles, it can still be pushed flat.

Well, it's definitely not the reason for thinking that there is a helicopter daddy sitting in the sky!

The umbrella did not use the M270 multiple rocket launcher system to carry out cover strikes, which is completely useless!

After the tank rushed in, Dakhla directly chose to surrender.

Hit a dick!

On the endless desert, there is not even any shelter. At a glance, a formation of armed helicopters is hanging above the head. With the complete loss of air power, there is no one to run. Do you not surrender and wait for the artillery to cover it?

Dakhla has a lot of permanent reinforced concrete fortifications, but they can't hold up the armor-piercing bullets as if they were hitting. Desert warfare is not good at this point. When the weapons are completely crushed, there is no strength to fight back.

If it were the Imperial Cemetery, Kashmir and other places, Sean would never even think about showing off his might.

Accepting the surrender, gathering the prisoners, and occupying the base, the entire process was completed by Dennis Abbott and Sean did not show up at all.

It's just a sub-base, and it's not qualified for Sean to come forward!


The news of the war could not be concealed at all, and it spread instantly to all parties who have been paying attention to the situation here.

The Umbrella Company actually launched an attack, and it was thunderous as soon as it struck, not to mention nearly half of Morocco's air power, and also destroyed a branch base in Xisar.

The visitor is not good!

The Xisa People's Front is also cooperating to attack the third sand embankment, mainly to play a diversionary role.

At the same time, the Western Sacramento received a batch of speedboats and fast fishing boats sent by Sean, only equipped with rapid-fire guns and Sam-7 air defense missiles or Sam-14 as air defense, also full-time harassment.

Most of the time, they are close to the port or the edge of the city at night, use mortars to bomb, and run away after fighting, never wanting to fight.

The attack from three directions made the Moroccan side flustered and embarrassed for a while.

The fastest responders are the stock and futures markets.

Under Jordan Belfort's advance layout, the news of the post-war war began to frenziedly smash the market, but the stocks of several companies that opened mines in Xisar all plummeted. This time, not only the stockholders, but also the company's shareholders were cut off. Miserable.

Then came the Moroccan government, which held a press conference and strongly condemned the umbrella company for not accepting the employment of the anti-government organization PFOS. It is unjust to launch a war against Morocco and should not interfere in Morocco's internal affairs.

Of course, the wording is not harsh, not even a strong protest.

On the one hand, I tried to contact Sean: How much the PFOS will give you, I will double it in Morocco! !

It's just that all those who came to matchmaking were blocked by Sean, the timing was too late!

Where is this!

After throwing the base and the prisoners to the Western Sahara, the troops just rested and had lunch and continued to push towards the sub-base in the direction of the fourth sand embankment.

Lao Sa can occupy Kuwait in 10 hours. Although we are not the third largest military power, we can't be too hip!

Either don't fight, fight and conquer, and only by fighting at the negotiating table can you get greater benefits!

As soon as the sub-base of the fourth sand dike defense line received the news of the departure of the umbrella company, it retreated without saying a word, unable to fight!

We must concentrate our forces!

Morocco has deployed more than 80 tanks, 20 armed helicopters, 150 artillery pieces, 50,000 troops, and no less than 80,000 logistics personnel in the Xisar area.

At the general base of Xisa, the Moroccan Army concentrated 30,000 troops, 70 tanks, 20 armed helicopters, 100 artillery pieces, and 30,000 troops, and arranged a 20-kilometer-long battlefield!

30,000 vs. 2000, the advantage is mine! !

Sean clicked his tongue when he got the news, what the hell, this country at war is not easy to fight.

Much more vicious than the Malays!

During this period, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, and Egypt in North Africa were very fierce!

With such a huge force, the umbrella really can't chew on this bone!


"What are the countermeasures?" Xiao En asked aloud from the temporary combat command.

"After gathering the information from all parties, the staff group is going to make some adjustments to the follow-up tactics." Dennis Abbott showed only Sean the map of Caesar, "Cisar's defense line is very loose, although it seems It is impossible to concentrate forces, but it is this loose arrangement that prevents our army from fully utilizing the advantages of high-tech and precision strikes, and it is difficult to cause fatal damage to it at one time."

"And once we get into a fight, the shortcomings of our army's insufficient strength will be exposed. There is no danger to defend in the desert. In this case, we are likely to suffer heavy losses!"

"So, after discussion, the staff group re-formulated the plan, and let the Xisa People's Front hold back here. We made a large-scale conversion, entered the coastal range, and killed Laayoun along the Xisa coastal road!" said Then, Dennis Abbott focused his fingers on the map.

"Aayoune is the largest city in Xisar, and it is also the center of economic gravity. It is the most valuable place in Xisar. More importantly, we can fully exert the greatest advantage of our umbrella at the seaside, the power of the fleet!"

"Fighting within 50 kilometers of the coast, whether it is air or ground, we are fearless!"

"Once we enter our predetermined battlefield environment, the Moroccan army's strength advantage will not be brought into play at all!"

"Okay, follow your orders!" Xiao En nodded and said, "Our main purpose is not to eliminate many people from the Moroccan army, but to show momentum and force them to compromise!"

"Understood!" Dennis Abbott nodded heavily.

Once the battle plan here is determined, the Western Sahara on the other side can only cooperate.

Caesar's strength is only more than 5,000 people, but after getting a large number of weapons supplemented by Xiao En, the combat effectiveness is not bad.

Although it is still much worse than Morocco, it is still no problem to contain it.

At the same time, Umbrella took advantage of the night to start a large-scale agitation, heading west all the way to the Atlantic coast!

As the troops moved, Sean couldn't help but fall into deep thought, it's time to change his outfit again!

Fighter planes, helicopters, surface-to-air missiles, Dong 1... still have to work hard on high technology.

At this time, if there are 10 fighter jets or dozens of helicopters, Sean doesn't care what line of defense he has, he just pushes it flat! !


Just as the umbrella was shifting in the night, the Gaul Congress was meeting overnight in the north of the Mediterranean Sea!

As a former French colony, Morocco is the backyard of the Gallic chicken, and it is the French, not the Americans, who have the greatest interest here!

The interests of Gallic chickens are inviolable!

Similarly, in the United States, many people in Congress are also dissatisfied with Sean's behavior. This is damaging the good image established by the United States in Morocco and is inconsistent with national policies. This kind of behavior must be stopped.

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