America’s Big Hero

Chapter 404 Professional Goldsmithing

Xiao Wangfu.

There was a thick pile of materials brought by Industrial Plutonium, and Sean estimated that he would not be able to read them all in a day or two, so he just flipped through them randomly and put them on the table.

With his hands crossed and his elbows resting on the table, Sean smiled and asked, "I didn't see the core thing on it."

Industrial plutonium: ? ? ?

"What do you mean?" The man from Industrial Plutonium looked confused, "The information is very comprehensive, all the equipment we suspect to be faulty, and the maintenance records over the years..."

"No, no, no!" Xiao En interrupted with a wave of his hand, and said a little dumbfounded: "These are not important, not at all, sir, I find that you have not found the key point of this matter."

"Ah?" The people from Industrial Plutonium were even more confused. They were a group of absolutely qualified Chinese officials.

But for the current capitalist rules...that is, the seven senses are connected to the six senses.

"The key point..." Xiao En turned to the last page of the information, pointed and said, "Why do you want to file a lawsuit? The most important thing is the amount of compensation?"

"What do you mean by just listing losses?"

"Ah?" The industrial plutonium visitor still looked confused. In this day and age, no one has gone abroad to file a lawsuit.

Litigation is something that is contradicted by everyone in China, including the court... Who is it, why should I sue this judge!

Do you know how busy our court is, why do you want to file a lawsuit!

cough cough.

"It seems that you really don't understand!" Xiao En shook his head and sighed, and explained helplessly: "The most important core issue in a lawsuit is not who is right and who is wrong, nor is it evidence, that is meaningless!"

"Ah? If it's not right or wrong, how can there be a lawsuit?" This kind of thing is really incomprehensible to Eastern culture.

"Litigation is a method, and the pursuit is never right or wrong!" Sean emphasized: "Besides, what about right and wrong? The most important thing is how much economic income can be obtained through litigation!"

"Well, let me give you a chestnut. Someone offended me before. Of course, I'm not angry."

The man from the industrial plutonium industry opened his mouth wide: You don't look lifeless when you say that!

Xiao En shrugged and continued: "Their family has been running a chemical factory for many years. The sewage discharged from a chemical factory must have exceeded the standard. It has caused a lot of damage to the downstream rivers, land, creatures, and human bodies. s damage."

"Do you think these people will sue the chemical plant?" Sean asked.

"No, economic development, it will inevitably have a little impact, for the sake of national development, it's over!" Industrial plutonium...

Sean: "..."

"Okay, let's continue." Sean said helplessly, "These people have tried to sue the chemical plant for compensation several times, but the results are all in vain, because they have no money to file a lawsuit, and the lawyer's fee is very expensive."

"Later I found out about this matter, then, I must help uphold justice!" Sean said with a look of course.

Industrial plutonium secretly despises: You have no view of the big picture, you are undermining the development of the country, people like you should be shot!

Of course, he couldn't say that.

"I gave them an idea. They outsourced the lawsuit to a law firm at a price that both parties felt was right. How much money the factory extracts depends on the ability of the law firm."

"What's the result?" The man from the industrial plutonium industry immediately asked. He had to know and inform when he got back. This kind of behavior that undermined economic development must be prevented before it happens.

The bourgeoisie will never die, and we must be more vigilant against these troublemakers who have been corrupted by the bourgeoisie.

"The result?" Sean laughed. "This law firm is very big. In order to maximize profits, they not only litigated in the venue, but also used their influence to form an environmental protection organization that blocked the chemical plant for demonstrations all day long. The influence of the media on the city government and the state government caused the stock price to drop."

"In the end, the family had to give in. The chemical plant stopped production, split up, and moved. Most of the production capacity was moved to Colombia. There are no labor unions or environmental protection organizations there, and the wages are cheap."

"Isn't the loss of employment, loss of industrial output, and loss of tax revenue very great!" The industrial plutonium person looked shocked, with irrepressible anger in his tone, unscrupulous people, corrupt capitalists, despicable and shameless lawyers. Country system of hope!

Moreover, he knew that things were definitely not that simple.

He knew that Columbia was Sean's territory, and he wasn't angry yet... Ha ha!

"You shouldn't care about the loss, but this example, understand." Sean tapped on the table, "Let me just say, you, more than 300 million, I absolutely can't care about it."

The corner of the industrial plutonium person's mouth twitched, 300 million?

He didn't even dare to think about $30 million.

It is enough to make the other party dare not lie to others in the future!

"It's okay for you to write losses on it, but it shouldn't just be the cost of repairs, but a series of chain losses. In the end, the summed up should be an astronomical amount of economic compensation!"

"Lawyers' fees are very high. If you want Benzi to succumb, you need to work hard. A simple accusation will not work at all. I will at least dispatch a fleet of umbrellas. In addition, I need the cooperation of the US Congress and the US President."

"Do you still need the president of the United States? Cooperate?!" The industrial plutonium people were completely shocked. It was the president of the United States, the leader of the world's largest country.

Still cooperate?

This matter, it is not possible!

"What's the matter, what's the problem?" Sean spread his hands and looked at the other party innocently. "Of course Reagan must cooperate. Isn't that a matter of course? Otherwise, why would everyone support him on stage?"

"This..." The industrial plutonium staff stammered, not knowing what to say.

"Okay, there's no fuss, let's continue. You just say what you need, and then I will decide whether to continue the conversation based on your needs." Sean raised his hand and suppressed it.

The person from Industrial Plutonium lowered his head and pondered for a moment. What Sean said just now had a great impact on him, and what he had discussed before was no longer suitable.

"We are not asking, and none of this will affect our normal production. The current Japanese side refuses to provide maintenance, which has caused some manufacturers to stop production, and the impact is very bad."

"In addition, this matter cannot affect our normal import and export, nor can it affect the diplomatic relations between the two countries."

"No?" Sean asked with a smile.

"On the basis of these, there should be compensation, and similar situations will not recur in the future."


The industrial plutonium man nodded.

"Your requirements are easy to solve. Tell me the name, model, manufacturer, and problem of the equipment, and I will arrange American engineers to bring parts to you. If the United States is not good, there are also German, Italy, and Spain. Switzerland, it’s very simple, just a word.” Sean waved his hand indifferently, “Not only that, the engineer I sent will also conduct a comprehensive overhaul of all the notebook equipment.”

"One is to help you troubleshoot the problem, and the other is to find evidence. It's very simple."

The industrial plutonium person opened his mouth, troubled himself, and the things that troubled this country were just a sentence for the person in front of him...

"In addition, the issue of import and export and diplomacy is also very simple. I will ask economists to calculate and estimate how much interest these subsidiaries have in China, short-term, long-term, and expected. As long as the number is large enough, don't worry about it. It's not you, it's them!"

Sean sneered, "It's just some industrial equipment. I'll match you up and definitely meet your procurement needs. Of course, the premise is that it doesn't exceed Batumi." Then, Sean blinked.

"Don't worry about diplomacy." Sean stretched out a finger and shook it. "After that, it's about me and Benzi, and the United States and Benzi. I don't like the Japanese. Of course, I'm not angry."

"Hehe, hehe." The man from Industrial Plutonium laughed dryly. If you don't emphasize it, I might really believe it. "This matter is very big, we need to go back and discuss it."

"Of course, please." Sean stood up and shook hands with the other party.


The content of today's conversation was passed on verbatim, and the case Xiao En gave has attracted great attention!

We must take precautions before they happen, and we must not sabotage the pace of economic construction because these things are instigated by foreign reactionary forces.

As for the harm to the body...the country provides medical insurance for specific occupational diseases.

The other thing is that the book uses equipment to deceive people. They have no doubts about what Sean said, but because of this, the diplomatic side raised objections, and the international impact caused is too bad. It seems that China is very stingy and caressing, which is not the attitude that a big country should have. Industrial plutonium has no big picture and doesn't understand what it means to put the big picture first.

The popularity of industrial plutonium is bad, others are not big countries, but you are, why can't you say that you are dumb, eat coptis, and praise others?

Can make money, kneeling.

Of course, you can think about it or not.

It can only emphasize its economic impact on domestic industrial development and foreign exports. If the diplomatic side can solve it, of course it will be no problem.

Diplomacy: Yu Nu has no melons, it is your own work mistakes, don't shirk responsibility.

Foreign trade: Yes, yes, import and export orders cannot be affected.

All that's left is to argue...

Industrial plutonium can’t make concessions. It’s not a question of whether to kneel or not. If there is no result at all this time, it will definitely intensify. In the end, the problem will still be on their heads, and it must be resolved now.

After arguing for a few days, the final result was to push the problem to the superior.

It all depends on the wisdom of the leaders, whether they can find a breakthrough recognized by all three parties.

"After the reform and opening up, our export volume has increased year by year, and our exchanges with foreign businessmen will become more frequent, and our domestic enterprises will gradually go out, and this kind of commercial disputes is very common in the world, and it will become the norm in the future. , Does the diplomatic side have a plan to deal with frequent commercial disputes in the future?"

In a word, people on the diplomatic side will wither. There must be none, but there must be.

The diplomat immediately said sternly: "We believe that the quality problem of industrial plutonium equipment this time is very typical and representative. We should pay attention to it and accumulate experience in dealing with commercial disputes that will inevitably occur in the future."

"We believe that we have no experience in dealing with such matters. We should be more in line with international standards, abide by international practices, and learn more from foreign mature business experience. This matter should be entrusted to foreign companies to handle it. No matter what the result is, it will be very big. Avoid the diplomatic risks it brings.”

"Well, the idea is very good. Explore more and learn more. The diplomatic side can send elite forces to join the other party's team. We can gain experience through this matter, and the learning can be transformed into experience for us to deal with similar incidents in the future." The leader nodded in satisfaction, Then he looked at foreign trade, "Is there a possibility that in the future foreign trade market, our competitors will use non-commercial means to slander our products with quality problems, so as to refuse imports, tarnish our international reputation, or achieve some For other purposes?"

The eyeballs of people in foreign trade are suddenly rounded. Domestic industrial products are currently synonymous with low-end and poor quality in the international market. This kind of thing is not the future, it has already happened.

And many times!

The means of dealing with foreign trade has been very passive. They will only complain to the other party, invite inspection agencies to test, or be forced to further lower the price to satisfy the appetite of the other party.

"We also support the practice of industrial plutonium. What Mr. Xiao En said is very representative. Litigation is just a means, and has nothing to do with right or wrong. From this perspective, some of the problems we encounter in foreign trade at present are Explained, at this point, we have always dealt with it in a relatively passive way, with no experience at all.”

"It doesn't matter if you have no experience. If you have little experience, you are born with it. Watch more, listen more, learn more, and accumulate more experience." The leader settled the two departments with a few words.

Things have been settled so far, of course, the specific implementation method should be more flexible.

Industrial plutonium again issued warnings, diplomatic protests, casual expressions of seeking help from international agencies.

Benzi is used to this kind of protest, and there are always protests from the neighbors to the east several times a month.

The help of international agencies was subconsciously ignored by them...



Sean: Come on, come on!


Now that the matter has been settled, all that remains is to negotiate with Sean. How will this series of lawsuits be outsourced to Sean?

Is it a one-time package and the Chinese side takes a fixed amount of money, or divides the loot... divides the account!

"If it is fixed, how much money can it have?" Industrial plutonium held a meeting to discuss.

"We have lost 300 million yuan over the years. Although we don't know how much of it is intentional and how much is natural, the recovery of the cost is certain."

"What about the bill?"

"According to our judgment, it should be 30 to 70 percent?"

"Why is it only 70%?"

"Seventy percent belongs to others, if you can get 30% back, it depends on Xiao En's face?!"

"Whose face?"


"Sean? Let's...cough, okay, we don't seem to have paid anything, just follow and learn how the big capitalists in the world handle this kind of thing."

The internal tone was set, and the people from Industrial Plutonium approached Sean again.


"This is the amount of compensation assessed by our team." Sean handed over a document.

This time, not only people from industrial plutonium, but also people from diplomacy and foreign trade came to negotiate. Everyone took a look and felt dizzy. It was all kinds of mathematical calculations, and they turned to the back to look at the numbers.


Multiple zeros?

I counted it again, and it was still 3.8 billion U.S. dollars... the kind that doesn't even count.

Are you crazy?

Although I knew that Xiao En must be very dark since he started, but he didn't expect it to be so dark, and he started ten times at once.

"Is this too much?" Everyone asked in surprise.

"Strictly calculated, including inflation rate, loss of lost work, loss of product qualification rate, spiritual loss, loss of brand value, etc., are rigorous and systematic!" Sean said solemnly: "The person responsible for the calculation is an internationally renowned accountant. The firm, Puhua, will never make a wrong calculation."

"This cost-effective cost alone cost me more than 8 million!"

"Pfft, so expensive?!" After all, it's 8 million, US dollars?

"The 8 million comes with PwC's international reputation and authority. If this number is taken out, even if you want to question it, it's hard to question it. They don't count at all unless they can hire other accounting firms of the same level. , but it is basically impossible." Xiao En said with a smile: "Accounting firms have their own unspoken rules, and generally they will not try to tear down their peers."

"Besides, isn't this what I have? Which accounting firm wants to offend us at the same time."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, this really needs to be learned, otherwise ghosts would know these rules.

Then he threw out the conditions they had negotiated, and Sean agreed to help with equipment, repairs, etc. without any discount, but the share agreement...

"I advise you to directly choose a one-time buyout." Sean thought for a while and said.

"Why?" Everyone didn't understand.

"In terms of sharing, firstly, the final profit is uncertain. Second, participating in the sharing requires diplomatic and international influence. This is the rule." Sean said with a serious face: "It's fair, how much money, how much effort, this is It has nothing to do with whether you are a party or not."

"But we are the parties?"

"Heh, there are so many people who are deceived and exploited every day in the world. There are too many people to count. There are only so many things like right and wrong, fairness, and justice. They can't be distributed. Those who don't receive the attention of powerful factions are worthless." Sean sneered. One sound.

"Okay." Everyone exchanged glances. Their main purpose is to learn rather than make money. The three departments themselves do not have the pressure to earn foreign exchange, which is the business of the following companies.

After a final discussion, Sean gave a buyout amount of 430 million yuan, and on the basis of making up for the losses of the Chinese side, he also gave a little compensation.

How much the rest can earn depends on Sean's own means.

After the contract was signed, Sean said with a smile: "It seems that I need to form a professional gold mining team immediately!"

God, what a professional gold mining team... The Chinese staff were speechless about Xiao En's ability to create words.

After complaining in my heart for a while, the Chinese staff asked, "Mr. Xiao En, I don't know what kind of team configuration is needed for this international lawsuit."

"There are two groups of people, bright and dark." Sean said with a smile: "On the bright side, there is a team of professional business lawyers who are proficient in international law, American law, and Japanese law."

"We noticed you said business lawyer? Is there a difference?"

Sean knew that they wanted to learn, so he explained in detail: "Well, in modern society, laws are becoming more and more complicated. There are no lawyers who are proficient in all laws, so there are commercial lawyers who are proficient in commercial law, criminal lawyers who are proficient in criminal law, and lawyers who are proficient in criminal law. Civil Lawyer for Civil Law."

"Actually, the business lawyer team needs to be subdivided. A chief lawyer who coordinates the overall situation and a lawyer who is responsible for the defense are proficient in company law, contract law, guarantee law, labor contract, insurance law, finance and securities law, financial law, maritime law, etc. Provide legal support for subdivided professional lawyers such as business and foreign trade law. "

"In addition, a professional technical team is needed to find out where the problems are from these devices. These technical personnel cannot be employed by just anyone. They must have senior working experience in the most famous international industrial enterprises, and they must have famous The study experience of the university is a well-known scientist in the industry, and to have results, there must be an evaluation report from a professional evaluation organization.”

"This..." A group of people in China looked at each other in blank dismay. Where did they find these people? Domestic engineers and universities are not recognized internationally at all.

"Finally, there is also a public relations team on the surface, responsible for publicizing and publicizing the judges, juries, media, and celebrities."

"Isn't this just bribery?" The Chinese visitor looked shocked, international business disputes, bribery openly?

"Public relations! Public relations! How can the matter of a public relations company be called bribery." Afterwards, some difficult words followed, and the room was filled with...

Just when everyone was shocked by the professional complexity and height of this team, Sean once again made everyone unable to do it in one sentence, "Of course, these are all for the people all over the world to see. In fact, it's nothing effect."

"It's not working? What's the use!"

"Of course it's useless. There are too many times when the book refuses to admit it. It's useless to worry about you shouting outside. You should have the most experience and feelings in this regard. I remember that the book has not yet admitted the invasion of China. Right?" Sean spread his hands with a strange expression on his face.

In a word, the faces of the Chinese group were extremely ugly.

"Whether there is a fact of aggression depends not on what you say or evidence, but whether there are war reparations! No? Then what evidence do you have to prove that the book invaded China?"

"You didn't push it down, why did you help it?"

"So, it's useless. Those are all for the people who eat melons all over the world. It seems that we are professional enough to win the trust of ordinary people who don't know anything. It's just to create public opinion. Can we get compensation and how much compensation can we get? , has nothing to do with the team on the surface." Xiao En leaned down and said with a sneer: "It's still the parties involved in the dark."

"On the bright side, it doesn't cost much. There are at most 100 million yuan. The real big players are the various forces involved in the dark."

"Who will there be?"

"For example, my umbrella fleet, such as several major domestic appliance manufacturing companies in the United States, several major automobile manufacturing companies in the United States, several major machinery manufacturing companies, Siemens, Philips, Bosch, ThyssenKrupp, and Kean Group in Europe."

"These companies that compete with these Japanese industrial groups will be my allies. They are eager to kill the Japanese and let them lose as much as possible. In the end, everyone will persuade the US government, the German government, the French government, etc. .”

"Only absolute strength can make them succumb and pay money obediently, not facts or legal rulings."

"Who cares about bullshit facts!" Sean sneered, "For example, you said you didn't go to the event, but you were signed up and received money. You said your old man passed away? What do you want to prove?"

"It doesn't matter whether it's a fact or not. If I say you are wrong, then you are wrong, because if you don't admit your mistake, I will punish you!"

cough cough...

This has a great impact on the Chinese.

If the law is just a decoration, what should we do if we encounter similar things in the future?

No, it's not just a decoration, there must be more, and then there are those transactions behind the scenes!

Is there still Wang Fa?

Is there still a law?

do you need?

You cried and told me that Wang Fari is a liar...

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