America’s Big Hero

Chapter 410 Big Accident!

After Sean left, Jack Welch immediately ordered the secretary, and the head of General Electric's legal department came to his office.

At the same time, he had to arrange a plane, and he wanted to go to Europe in person.

The head of the legal department soon arrived. After entering the door, Jack Welch directly ordered without nonsense: "Start sorting out the materials of the last three years, black materials from Toshiba, Mitsubishi, and Hitachi, and prepare to file a lawsuit."

"These things must be ready tomorrow morning, sent to the District Court within 3 days, and the trial will start within 6 days."

"What, it's impossible, it can't be so fast!" The Minister of Justice retorted instinctively after a moment of surprise, "The time is too short, it's impossible to finish."

This is not the east side, the relationship between superiors and subordinates is not so strict.

"Don't give me a reason!" Jack Welch pointed at the Minister of Justice with a sullen face, and said word by word: "If there is any difficulty, the company will fully cooperate, but the task must be completed, and there is no room for bargaining!"

"Even if the evidence is insufficient, it doesn't matter. Even if the trial begins to delay, 6 days, I want to see the result!"

"If you can't complete the task in 6 days, then you are ready to change jobs!"

Being able to become the chairman of General Electric at a young age, Jack Welch's wrist is definitely strong enough at critical moments!

Those who are engaged in the law have no brains that are inflexible. They know what it means to examine moderately, and immediately change their attitude. "Chairman, don't worry, I promise to complete the task."

Jack Welch nodded in satisfaction, lowered his head, and said casually: "The public relations department will cooperate with you, and you should also cooperate with the publicity. Well, that's it, let's do it quickly."

The Minister of Justice turned around and left, thinking about the last sentence as he walked. Obviously, the more casually said, the more important.

It's like how much official work you do for the unit is not important, what matters is how much private work you do for the leader...

Without returning to the office, the Minister of Justice directly asked the secretary to order the whole department to hold a meeting, and then went to the office alone and began to meditate. The evidence was not important. Obviously, this time it was the legal department to cooperate with other actions.

It's just that after he got here, he couldn't learn more information, and even his own identity couldn't understand more, obviously something big was about to happen!

It can be concluded that it is aimed at Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Hitachi...

The reputation of the Japanese is not very good these days, it is likely to be a collective action against the Japanese, so what benefits can I get from it?

The source of income for professional managers cannot be just wages, so when will they be able to make a fortune!

You must use your own network and information channels far beyond ordinary people to make some investments!

The stock market is a great place to do that.


Jack Welch wanted to engage in a big event to cooperate with Sean and the company's subsequent actions, but it's best not to have anything to do with himself or GM.

Therefore, before that, Jack Welch was going to Europe, ostensibly to contact European allies.

His role as president and chairman is enough.

Before leaving, I found my confidant to give a brief instruction. Things that Sean saw nowhere to do, seemed too simple to Jack Welch.

Jack Welch got on the plane to Europe, and his confidants came to Washington, the capital of the United States.

The two major cities of New York and Los Angeles have set off an anti-Japanese trend, but they are all economic, and political influence depends on Washington.


In Washington, the power system company released a message that tomorrow it will conduct an annual inspection of the power grid system to detect possible hidden dangers in the power grid system.

This kind of annual inspection must be done every year, but to what extent it is not necessarily the case.

At a lower level, overhaul the transformer equipment on the power supply line, and at a higher level, it is like today, preparing for a major overhaul of the city's power grid to test extreme weather or power supply upper limit tests.

Extreme weather is storm, typhoon, low temperature, high temperature, especially in high temperature weather, each factory will have to increase electricity consumption to reduce the internal temperature of the factory in order to ensure the working environment, and the residents of the whole city will increase the use of air conditioners in the face of high temperature weather Frequency, which will put a lot of pressure on the power supply guarantee.

It is now May 1988, and the hot weather is about to come. At this time, it is necessary to do a test in advance.

the next morning...

At the beginning of the test, the segmented power supply network was tested and overhauled first, and the transmission line was tested.

After the preliminary test is completed, the power company conducts a limit test, which tests the transformers, control circuits, protection equipment, and test instruments in the substation and distribution equipment.

Especially for testing of high-voltage power distribution devices.

During the entire test process, everything was strictly in accordance with the process, but when it came to the peak test...



In an instant, high-voltage power distribution devices such as transformers in many places in Washington short-circuited, caught fire, and exploded!

At noon, half of Washington was cut off at the same time!

Modern society is without power, and most of Washington has come to a standstill.

This is the capital of the United States, the center of global politics. It is impossible not to attract people's attention to such a big accident that spreads all over the city!

Immediately, the White House expressed concern, and the Washington City Government immediately contacted the power company, which held a press conference.

Well, New Century Media, Fox News Channel, and CBS all broadcast the press conference live for the first time.

Absolutely no prior preparation!

"In recent years, with social development and progress, people's living standards have improved, and electricity consumption has shown a significant upward trend. In order to cope with the upcoming peak electricity consumption in summer, the company conducts routine testing."

"Then, why did such a large-scale power outage occur, and many equipment caught fire and exploded? Is it man-made?" a reporter asked.

"Unfortunately, some power distribution devices and substation devices cannot withstand the power supply limit test. This is a problem with the equipment itself. It is not yet certain whether the equipment is aging or the equipment itself is not qualified."

"Why are there no accidents in the city center, government offices and other areas?"

Facing the question, the host of the power company press conference ordered his staff to open a map of Washington, "These are the areas where the current power outage is."

Middle and low-end communities, factory areas, slums, etc., where the economy is not so good.

"According to the current situation, our company found that in this test, the areas where these power distribution and transformation equipment have problems are all imported from Japan such as Toshiba and Mitsubishi, while the city center, embassy area, government office area, etc. , generally using American products.”

"Your company means that substandard Japanese products caused this accident?" The reporter immediately asked loudly.

"It is still uncertain, and the damaged equipment must be inspected to determine the cause of the accident."

"Then why don't these regions use our American products?"

The stall owner of the power company said helplessly: "I'm sorry, the economic conditions of different regions are different, and the equipment imported from Japan is cheaper."

This is the case in the United States. Take the police force as an example. The better the law and order, the more manpower the police will invest in. Even if it is wasted, the more disorderly the law and order is, the lower the police force will be invested...

It's the exact opposite of the east side.

Even after 40 years, in international metropolises such as New York, Los Angeles, Washington, and Houston, wooden poles are still used in many places except for the downtown area and the bustling areas. Hang on a wire.

This is why every time there is a typhoon, storm and other natural disasters, the loss is so great.

Of course, a loss is a loss, and we will rebuild after the loss. Even if we lose dozens of times, we must never replace it with a good one!

The poor cannot use good things, even if they pay more, this is a matter of principle!

The question is: no money!

A press conference pushed Japanese products to the forefront again.

Soon, the test results came out. For the same product factor, the American production has about 15% surplus, while Nissan strictly achieves the maximum peak value.

It's like a CPU, some can be overclocked, some can't, and they will burn as soon as they are overclocked.

In fact, this test was strictly carried out against the peak value of Japanese equipment.

The problem is that after a long period of use, the products of the book will inevitably age, which leads to a large number of devices catching fire and exploding just before the peak of the test.

Not only that, but another news came out soon, because the equipment was damaged during the test, which caused a short-term voltage instability, and many people's electrical appliances in their homes burned.

More than 20 factories even broke the news that their equipment was damaged due to this test, and the loss was very serious.

What's more, more than 40 fires broke out in a row in the slums, all of which were caused by electric fires. More than 60 households were affected, 3 people were killed and 18 people were injured.

What is seeking truth from facts!

What is practice is the only criterion for testing truth!

A series of news broke out, which quickly overwhelmed other news and detonated American society.

In the afternoon of that day, the bored residents of the blackout area took to the streets to march.

Power outage, nothing to do, why not parade?

And because of the large power outage, the parade team far exceeded the previous ones in New York and Los Angeles.

Those two times I just felt psychologically shocked, but this time I really suffered a heavy financial loss.

Led by demonstrators who had suffered serious losses, the parade stormed the Japanese embassy. Wine bottles, bricks, and garbage almost flooded the embassy.

Even though the Washington police responded quickly, the gate and outer wall of the embassy were still knocked down, and the conflict caused three demonstrators to be injured.

This scene was clearly captured by helicopter aerial photography, spread throughout the United States, and quickly expanded to the whole world.

New Century Media said not to thank me, this is the ethics of a journalist!

The demonstrations were not so easy to pass.

During the rush hour, the whole of Washington was in chaos. The signal lights in most of the city were gone, and the vehicles ran completely according to their own ideas, directly crowding the city roads to the point of paralysis.

Facts have proved that the quality of Americans is not good. The only way to make people obey the traffic rules is to pay large fines.

As it turned out, this was just the beginning!

Traffic was paralyzed, water supply was cut off, and residents couldn't cook even with gas.

But most of the restaurants are not open, and if you want to find food, you can only go to the convenience store to buy it.

The middle-class neighborhoods and slums are in trouble, where a large number of blacks, Latinos and other ethnic minorities live here, and even whites are poor.

Then robbery becomes the best solution to the predicament, well, it can also be used to relieve the depressed emotions in the heart, and it can serve multiple purposes.

At the same time, the dark night and paralyzed traffic still gave many people the opportunity to release the demons in their hearts, robbing, raping, murdering, setting fire...

Crime begins to spread in America's capital.

Yes, spreading, gradually spreading towards the city center, remediation areas, and rich areas.

There are lights here!

In the dark night, nothing can give people a sense of security than light.

A large number of decent people who don't want to participate in crimes gather on the streets of the city center, and they are mainly women, the elderly, and children.

It's not the zombies who come to attack the farmers, of course the government has to arrange it.

Ensure the supply of food and medicine and ensure safety.

It's a bit like the Los Angeles riots, the only difference is that the scale is not so large.

The police directly refused to enter the dark area, fearing that they would be shot black, which could not guarantee their personal safety.

The chaos made it impossible for the emergency repair team of the power company to work overnight, at least they needed to purchase new equipment.

It wasn't until after dawn the next morning that the police organized their personnel and began to quell the chaos.

It was a night of chaos, and the loss has not yet been counted, but it can be foreseen that it will be very heavy.

This night, many Americans who have been concerned about the situation in Washington did not sleep.

Including Sean himself!

He didn't expect Jack Welch to play such a big role, and even created a riot in Washington.

This guy who wears glasses and looks gentle, is really much more ruthless than himself!

What is this called, this is called gentle scum!

Jack Welch: ! ! !

Jack Welch, who was in Europe, was also frightened. He didn't do anything all night and was always concerned about this matter. His eyes were bloodshot at the moment.

He just asked his subordinates to go to Washington to do something. If others don't understand, how can their insiders not know the situation.

As long as the test is strictly in accordance with the standard, the product of this book must be damaged.

Jack Welch only wanted to break some equipment, causing power outages in some areas, and then use this to hype the inferior quality of Japanese products.

How could he expect things to go to this extent.

He is just the president of General Electric, how could he think that this would cause such a big chain reaction.

In fact, Jack Welch took it for granted. In his impression, the products of the notebook were not so bad. He never expected that most of Washington would be blacked out.

He is used to being superior, so how does he know what the actual operation of the power company is like? He hasn't been to a slum area for more than ten years, so he doesn't know what's going on there.

Due to cost considerations, the equipment used in the slums is very old. The company itself knows where their products are used, and many substandard products are sold in the past.

Normally, there will be no problems at all. Low-income areas do not have such a large electricity consumption. Even if it is not qualified, it is difficult to cause problems.

If there is a problem, just fix it, what's the big deal!

And Jack Welch's confidants didn't expect it to be so deep. He just found people from the maintenance department of the power company, took a sum of money, and asked them to conduct a rigorous test.

The person who collects the money and handles the affairs is a high-level executive of the company, and he will not go to work in person. How can he know the specific situation below?

The order was issued directly, anyway, it complied with the regulations, what is wrong with implementing the safety inspection regulations?

The person in charge of the test also didn't know the specific situation, so no one knew about it, and the staff who really worked in the front-line slums couldn't know everything about it.

Everyone is divided into partitions!

A typical man-made disaster caused by the bureaucratic style of blind operation without understanding the actual situation at the bottom!

Ahem, there is no other meaning, don't think about it!

It can only be said that the incident was too dramatic.

The result is too serious!

It was so serious that none of the few people who knew the situation dared to divulge any information. It must be, and it must be, the power company who was responsible and implemented it in place.

It is a consensus that all the responsibilities are the losses caused by the poor quality of imported equipment from Japan.

(PS: The U.S. electric power company is composed of four types of power companies: private power companies, federal government-operated power bureaus, municipal public power companies, and rural power cooperatives. Any form must consider the cost issue. Of course, if you have no money, you must use it. sucks.)

After the matter was determined, the inspection of the damaged equipment was stepped up, and soon, some unqualified products were detected.

Good guy, things got worse all of a sudden!

Starting from Washington, an upsurge of anti-Japanese parades was set off and spread to the whole United States.

The Japanese embassy was dumbfounded, and urgently contacted the White House, but Reagan was in a fit of anger, and during his term of office, he did such a thing under his nose. Isn't this giving him eye drops!

Besides, Reagan couldn't control it.

How can he manage this wave of people spontaneously boycotting Japanese products?

Stand up and speak out for Japanese products, calling on everyone to use Japanese products?

Not to mention whether the American people will march to let him get out of power, even the industrialists in the United States will not let him go.

It would be nice if he didn't stand up and put on a show in person and smash Japanese goods, so don't worry, fuck you!

Yes, some politicians with high political sensitivity have come forward to put on a show, whether they are targeting this wave of public opinion, or they are standing behind American industrialists and financial backers.

Boycott Japanese products, criticize the poor quality of Japanese products, smash Japanese products in front of the public as a public show, and call on everyone to use American products.

If you are patriotic, use American products!

Among them, the home appliance manufacturers that Sean contacted before responded the fastest, and the car companies immediately followed up and began to call for a boycott of Japanese cars.

Japanese cars are as thin as paper. In the event of a car accident, Japanese cars will be the most injured. If it is a little serious, it will be squeezed into a cake, which will cause great harm to the safety of the people in the car.

There are more direct tests.

Well, vehicles do have to undergo crash tests before they go on the market, and the test information must also be released to the public, but who knows if the published things are true or not?

The owner can't really test it himself!

Besides, the vast majority of vehicles are used in the city, because of the speed limit, accidents are not serious, and there is no difference if it does not exceed a certain limit.

Anyway, now American car companies have started to move, promoting that Japanese cars are thin iron coffins, and they will be finished in a car accident.

Some newspapers and the media have even announced a series of statistical data, giving different vehicles a ranking list of people who died in 1,000 car accidents.

Japanese cars must win the top three!

All of a sudden, all products in Japan are shouted at by everyone. During this period, attacking Japanese products has a taste of political correctness.

To be honest, Sean didn't expect things to become such a big deal!

General Electric's legal minister was also dumbfounded. He knew something. He was terrified when the incident in Washington was so big.

But what made him even more happy was that he had deliberately contacted a trader in a securities company who managed his investment, sold the Japanese stocks in his hand, and set aside a small amount of funds to prepare for short selling.

sent! ! !

Taking advantage of the upsurge of public opinion, Jack Welch ordered the legal department to take the three companies to court as soon as possible without Sean's contact!

The legal team is also unambiguous. It has only been 5 days, and there is another article in the news. Toshiba, Mitsubishi, and Hitachi have been sued.

At the same time, Sean also notified the team in the east to sue the three companies in court in Yanjing, Hong Kong Island, Tokyo, and Los Angeles.

There is no problem in Yanjing and Tokyo, but suing Japanese companies in Hong Kong Island and Los Angeles is a bit ridiculous.

Should the relationship between Chinese companies and Japanese companies be justified by Americans?

However, considering that the outsourcer of this lawsuit is an American, it is still reasonable.

In any case, the momentum is completely up now, especially after Fox first broke the news that General Electric and Umbrella Military Contracting Company sued three Japanese companies.

Sean didn't have the nerve to let New World Media break the news, it's too naked, it's embarrassing!

The enthusiasm of the media and the public was heated up immediately. General Electric sued others and could still say that they competed with each other. What is the situation of you as a military contractor?

Can military contractors even contract legal issues these days?

The scope of business is quite wide!

No matter what, the enthusiasm of public opinion across the United States is now attracted, and the media is reporting on these things every day. Whether it is Sean or General Electric, they will directly present some evidence to the media.

Ordinary people are not judges. Ordinary people's judgments are very subjective and easily influenced.

The evidence is conclusive, coupled with the current anti-Japanese enthusiasm, it is easy to convict the three companies.

Stimulated by the umbrella and General Electric, more than a dozen large law firms have also discovered the business opportunities and are ready to follow the general trend and take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune.

They contacted the American people and factories damaged in the disaster, signed a compensation sharing agreement, and successively brought several Japanese companies involved in the case to court.

Dozens of lawsuits across the United States are spectacular!

Sean doubted whether the legal teams of the three companies had so many people and could handle so many cases in court at the same time.

All Japanese merchants in the United States were unlucky, especially the three Toshiba companies. Products were returned by shopping malls, and all signed commercial agreements were shelved. Mitsubishi’s plan to acquire Rockefeller Center also stalled.

Sony's Akio Morita was also dumbfounded, isn't it aimed at Mitsubishi?

Captain, don't shoot, I'm on my own!

In the face of raging public opinion, the Japanese business community panicked, and the cabinet was pressured by a large company and consortium, and they couldn't sit still. In their view, this was an anti-Japanese campaign promoted by the American father who was dissatisfied with the trade deficit, and prepared to cut flesh. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was immediately dispatched to begin its activities in the United States.

The only thing that disappointed them was that they spent a lot of money on some activities, but they didn't gain much. They just knew that it wasn't the US government's policy against Japan. This time it was completely coincidental and promoted by the people.

For a while, the Japanese side, who could not find the source of the incident, focused all their eyes on General Electric and the Umbrellas who were charging at the forefront.

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