America’s Big Hero

Chapter 427 Good news coming one after another

To say that Chinese Malays have no influence in Malaysia is nonsense.

It's just that one of them is unwilling to use it.

It's useless to worry about the reason.

Demonstrations cannot save China...

From the end of the Qing Dynasty to the end of the Republic of China, how many demonstrations were there?

Can the parade force me to abdicate the Qing Dynasty? Can it bring an end to the warlord melee? Can you drive away the notebook? Can it smash the white terror?

Can labor laws be strictly enforced?

No, not at all!

It's useless!

The Chinese think that there are no such messy things, only white money is real.

In fact, silver is useless...

Of course, it is because it is useless that a revolution is needed!

Well, now, Sean has transferred a professional planning team from the United States. YS revolution expert Gene Sharp’s team is behind the scenes, planning the process of the parade, slogans, number of people assembled, demonstration locations, promotional slogans, brochures, etc... …

Where there is a demand, there is a market. What is a professional team?

This is because Sean was not prepared to really subvert the Malay government. Gene Sharp just sent a team over, and he didn't go into battle himself.

The existence of the YS revolutionary team surprised all the big Chinese.

What's the matter, the United States even has this kind of team that specializes in planning from behind the scenes to subvert a country's political power.

With the cooperation of this group of Chinese billionaires, these plans were quietly adopted by those Malay radicals through different channels.

Demonstrations, shouting slogans, accepting interviews, proposing theories, various media cooperate with publicity, support so-called experts and scholars of all kinds, and then scholars will reaffirm them from the academic level to raise them to a higher level...

After a series of measures, the Malay government is no longer in a state of distress. They have been completely involved in this whirlpool of nationalism, and they cannot break free at all.

Sean, who is really in charge of all this, just needs to watch quietly as the situation moves towards the route he has planned.

What the fuck is influence!

No matter how rich the Chinese rich are, they can't do this.

It's not that Gene Sharp doesn't like money, or that he doesn't want to work for the Chinese, but that he can't...

Well, neither did Gene Sharp himself, a staunch white supremacist.

A storm is brewing within Malaysia...

"Eliminate the Chinese and return my homeland!"

"Malay is Malay for Malays!"

"The Chinese occupy my home, take my land, and invade my mines!"

"Chinese get out of Malaysia!"

The demonstration crowd shouted loudly in front of the government office building, surrounded by police and various cameras.

"Malays have belonged to us Malays since ancient times, and we Malays love this land deeply." The leader of the demonstration group was being interviewed, and he recited the manuscript sent by his subordinates with emotion.

In his impression, this is what they wrote themselves.

"For three hundred years, the colonists set foot on this land, and they brutally killed a large number of Malays... In order to rule and plunder, they used large ships to transport a large number of Chinese from the east to our opposite land, driving and killing our Malays. people, and then occupy the land and carry out a brutal and exploitative colonization.”

"The Chinese officially relied on the colonizers' swords and guns to complete the plundering of the wealth of our Malays, and only then did we have the current situation."

"Malay's economic lifeline is controlled by the Chinese, and 80% of the economy is in their hands. Is this still Malay?" the leader of the demonstration group shouted with tears in his eyes and emotionally.


After the TV station played the interview video, the host looked at the experts next to him, "Mr. Sharuddinka, what do you think of the words of the leader of the demonstration group?"

"Ahem." Sharudinka straightened his collar before saying solemnly: "I will not comment on those relatively extreme declarations and slogans. After all, I only have some research in the economic field. Out of the professional ethics of scholars, I don't want to mislead some people because of my remarks."

At this moment, he himself believed that he was an expert in the economic field.

"However, from an economic point of view, a foreign ethnic minority controls the economic lifeline of a country, which itself has huge problems and security risks."

"What I want to say is, once this foreign nation withdraws capital from Malays, what will be the consequences?"

"The collapse of the economy and the stagnation of production will lead to the collapse of fiscal revenue. The government's fiscal deficit without income will rise wildly, the currency will depreciate sharply, like waste paper, the government will go bankrupt, and the unemployment rate will skyrocket. Malays will be swept away by unemployment. People cannot guarantee food and clothing because they lose their jobs."

"If you can't get enough to eat, you will starve to death at any time. I don't need to say what kind of social problems it will cause, right?"

"So, will this foreign nation divest from the Malays?"

"Let me give you a chestnut. Before the First World War, during the sixteenth economic crisis of capitalism, between 1907 and 1908, more than 300 credit institutions in the United States went bankrupt, and more than 30 railroad companies went bankrupt, with debts amounting to 356 million U.S. dollars. , the economic crisis spread from the United States to the United Kingdom, and from the United Kingdom to the European continent."

"The economic crisis broke out, and the best way for capitalists to survive the economic crisis is to wait and see, because all industries will be greatly devalued in the economic crisis. Crisis, crisis, for capitalists, crisis also represents an opportunity."

"If there is a financial crisis in Southeast Asia, the big capitalists will always have a premonition ahead of ordinary people, so this foreign nation has no choice. Abandoning the ringgit and choosing the US dollar is an inevitable choice. Similarly, selling assets at a high level in advance is also to avoid The best way to lose money in an economic crisis.”

"After all, after the economic crisis, these industries can also be bought back with US dollars again, and the cost is lower." Sharuddinjia spread his hands.

Sharuddinka, who talks eloquently on TV, seems to be very learned, and what he said, at least on the surface, there is nothing wrong with it.

The people who watch TV are not only ordinary civilians, but also high-level Malay government officials.

What is Newspaper Governing the Country?.JPG

In history, there are too many rulers who governed the country by reading newspapers...

Even in modern society, the presidents and prime ministers of various countries will still be seriously affected by the media.

After all, people have emotions, and it is impossible to know all the information in the world and distinguish between true and false. Absolutely most sources of information rely on the media.

Being emotionally contagious and manipulated is inevitable.

And many things, once started, it is impossible to turn back.

"Chinese will pay 30% more taxes"

"Abolishing the Chinese language, Malays will ban the appearance of Chinese signboards"

"Banning Chinese Language in Schools"

"Malay-owned companies must have 30% of the shares belong to Malays"

A series of proposals were put forward publicly, and they appeared in the parliament, TV stations, and newspapers in such a grand manner.

This kind of matter, in the final analysis, is still the internal affairs of the Malay country and has nothing to do with other countries.

Well, except for the east...

In fact, the East has no right to intervene.

Without Xiao En's intervention, the matter would have passed so quietly. At least the British capital, Dutch capital, and Japanese capital that have a lot of interests in Malay are happy to see it happen.

Yes, Benzi began to transfer some backward production capacity to Malaysia a few years ago. The wages here are lower and there are a large number of Chinese skilled workers available. It is a very good OEM place and can expand products in Southeast Asia. market share.

But now there is no if!

What is a big stick of human rights!

The "Declaration of Human Rights" (that is, the "Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen", promulgated on August 26, 1789, is a programmatic document promulgated during the French Revolution.

The fundamental principles of human rights, rule of law, liberty, separation of powers, equality and protection of private property were proclaimed.

At present, it is the US government that holds high the banner of human rights, the rule of law, and equality!

And on this basis, "equal rights" was proposed and the American affirmative action broke out.

In the 1960s, the massive affirmative action movement played a key role in protecting minorities and women, and its influence spread to the world,

In 1964, the U.S. Congress passed the Civil Rights Act, stipulating that ethnic minorities and disadvantaged groups receive "priority care" in recruitment, admission, and business competition.


After the Malay side pushed these bills in the parliament, related reports immediately appeared in the American media. With the vigorous promotion of New Century Media, it aroused widespread attention from the whole society.

Especially black, Latino, women's organizations, etc. affirmative movement organizations.

With the support of some funds, a large number of people took to the streets to protest the Malay government's open racial discrimination, suppression of ethnic minorities, and extinction of the cultural heritage of ethnic minorities!

It even put the hat of NC on the Malay government!

I don't know what the Malay government, which is thousands of miles away, has to do with them...

Of course, Americans don't think so.

As world leaders, they have the responsibility and obligation to help everyone in the world.

Globally, especially in Africa, the human rights movement and the affirmative movement are mostly supported by Americans, and they have invested a lot of money, and they are also very supported by the American people.

A planned large-scale parade will naturally cause a reaction in the American political circle.

It's all votes!

First, many local MPs came forward to criticize the stupid behavior of the Malay government, and then at the state level.

In the end, even members of the US Congress were interviewed by TV stations, criticizing the Malay government for this practice.

Equal rights, human rights, this is political correctness in the United States, any congressman, no matter what he thinks in his heart, must also support it when he is interviewed publicly!

Otherwise, if a minority is suppressed or racially discriminated against, NC's hat will be deducted.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with essentially saying that all people should have the same rights, just like there's nothing wrong with protecting the planet...

Therefore, various affirmative action organizations that received a large amount of financial support flew directly to Malaysia by plane.

As a major country in the world, it has the responsibility to help and the obligation to help the Chinese Malays strive for their legal status.

Well, the funds are contributed by rich Malay Chinese, drizzle.

The Malay government dared to come out to disperse the Chinese parade, and even dared to ignore it, but the Americans took the lead in organizing the parade in Malay, so they must respectfully face it.

That's British daddy's daddy, grandpa!

Be organized, have discipline, have purpose, have slogans, have programs, and have actions...

In the United States, various affirmative action organizations play it very clearly.

A sum of tens of millions of dollars entered the United States through Sean's relationship and entered K Street in Washington.

K Street, located between Capitol Hill and White House, runs from west to east across the north of Washington. It is a famous "lobbying street" in the United States. Banks, IMF, etc.

It has great influence on the formulation and direction of some American politics.

Is it a matter of just holding up the politically correct "human rights" and "equal rights" sticks to beat Malaysia?

There is no need for Sean to lobby Reagan himself.

The White House itself stood up and sent a letter of inquiry to the Malay embassy in the United States. This behavior of ignoring human rights and ignoring ethnic minorities must stop immediately.

This is not over, the US ambassador to the United Nations also directly protested the recent behavior of the Malay government at the UN meeting.

Protesting is not the same as protesting...

The United States took the lead, and other countries followed suit.

And because of the help of Murdoch News Corporation, this matter has also attracted a lot of attention in the UK.

No. 10 Downing Street also had to stand up and criticize the Malay government. After all, they cannot let the Irish find an excuse for Downing Street to support racial discrimination...

In that way, the Irish Liberation Organization will jump out to do things again.

The mood of the Scots and Welsh at home must also be considered.

Likewise, the Spanish government has been forced to step up, and they too cannot allow the Catalans to find excuses.

Countries that are deeply endangered by "national independence" are forced to stand up and support the United States.

The five hooligans rarely reached a consensus on this point. This time, even the East did not abstain.

Of course, there are also countries that don't matter, such as the Netherlands...

The Dutch never cared about independence. The Dutch government spent 3.5 billion US dollars in order to allow Dutch Suriname to agree to independence.

No way, Suriname must be loyal to the Netherlands, I have shed blood for the Netherlands, and we want to join the Dutch Federation!

The Dutch government is terrified!

Surinamese people get Dutch citizenship at birth, and they don't need to pay taxes to the Netherlands. If they don't have enough money to spend, the Netherlands will give them subsidies.

Driven by such a policy, the living standard of Surinamese people was not much worse than that of the people in the Netherlands at that time, and many people could maintain a good life even without working. Under such conditions, whoever dares to call for independence, we Surinamese people will overthrow who! !

(If you are interested, you can search it, it is more interesting than selling a car.)

Closer to home, the sudden outbreak of the affirmative action movement and the public opinion of the international community stunned the Malay government.

We are a small regional country, how can He De attract joint condemnation from the international community and the United Nations?

After all, the Malay Sultanate is not YL, nor is the King of Sultan Kha Dazho, and he has no toughness to challenge the whole world. Faced with this situation, the special status of the Malays is out of the question.

And this movement has also attracted the attention of many other American financial groups, such as the financial industry, the plantation industry, the oil industry, and the manufacturing industry... In order to completely open up the Malay market, Wall Street and several major financial groups also secretly promoted it.

Sean also went to meet Reagan himself, and talked about the next capitalized Chinese force overseas... ahem.

Eventually, a series of bills protecting minorities were written into the Constitution.

And this incident has profoundly affected the future trend of Southeast Asia.


Of course, it is impossible for Sean to devote all his energy to MCA all the time, and he has been busy with the transfer of industries with various companies.

"Tens of billions of assets, accumulated over a hundred years!" Sitting opposite Sean, Shen Bi kept looking up and down at Sean, gnashing his teeth. This time, he was really jealous, "Damn Fake!"

"It's like shit, it actually allows you to complete a road that others can take a hundred years to complete in a short period of time!"

"God, open your eyes and see!!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." Xiao En looked at Shen Bi whose face was full of envy and jealousy, and let out a villain-like laugh.

The old guy was always looking for an opportunity to taunt him, and this was his chance.

Among the tens of billions, there is no cash and all are fixed assets.

First, the Malay Chinese billionaires were afraid that Xiao En would take the money, so their words would not count. Coupled with a series of recent incidents, especially after the operation that forced the Malay government to crack, they really realized that Xiao En Well, how thick is this golden thigh?

Therefore, in order to deepen the relationship between the two parties and make the bond deeper, all the wealthy Malay-Chinese provided fixed assets that were not easy to sell.

Secondly, Sean also knows that he cannot get cash, not to mention that his current industrial structure is not healthy. Whether it is a media company, a film company or an umbrella, it is too empty. The real fixed assets in his hand are only those ports and ships. , battleship or something.

It's not healthy, and it's not a good store of value.

Sean is not afraid of the depreciation of the U.S. dollar. What he is afraid of is the outbreak of the financial crisis. At that time, film companies, media companies and the like will inevitably depreciate greatly!

The stock market will also be impacted. If the shares used as collateral fall below the loan amount, it will be a big deal!

In times of economic crisis, fixed assets are still relatively more valuable.

Some time ago, Shen Bi reminded Sean that the Reagan administration left a large fiscal deficit, let alone the economic growth, anyway, the data in Sean Bank's hands showed that the economy had stagnated.

Moreover, if Sean remembers correctly, the reason why Lao Bu launched the Gulf War so actively after he came to power is that he hoped to transfer conflicts through the war and stimulate the economy.

In addition, fixed assets also mean influence in these countries and regions for Sean.

Not all the industries of Malay Chinese billionaires are in Malay, there are branches all over Southeast Asia.

"How do you want to deal with these assets?" After joking, Shen Bi asked about the business.

"Don't deal with it much, just put it there, let them continue to operate, and I'll just wait for the dividends." Sean shrugged.

"Do not mortgage a little loan?" Shen Bi frowned, "If you want to set up an Asian investment bank, you will need a large amount of cash as capital."

"I'm planning to use Sean Bank to control the Asian Investment Bank, so..." Sean shrugged.

"What did you think about the previous money?" Shen Bi was taken aback. During the previous trip to Japan and Hong Kong Island, through friendly negotiations, Sean got 2 billion US dollars in cash.

Shen Bi pondered for a while, and silently calculated, "It's not impossible, but the investment amount should not exceed 1 billion U.S. dollars at most, and it must be credited in batches."

"How is my credit card business going?" Sean suddenly remembered, and looked at Shen Bi expectantly, that is the biggest cash cow.

Shen Bi rolled his eyes, "You can still remember."

"Your ad is really insane. In New Century, even during interviews, credit card machines appear in the camera... News is inserted in the ad, right?" Thinking of this, Shen Bi couldn't help but roll his eyes. In the TV dramas and movies released in the first half of the year, as long as there is a chance, there will be related plots, and the worst is a scene.

"It worked, though. Not bad."

"The number of bank accounts has exceeded 25 million, and more than 180 new outlets have been established."

"Shawn Bank has already entered the top 100 in the US financial industry rankings, and you are also a well-known financier. God has no eyes." Shen Bi curled his lips.

"Only 100?" Sean stared.

"What is only 100?" Shen Bi almost jumped up angrily, "Do you really know what is the top 100 in the entire financial industry?"

"Don't tell me, you think the banking industry and the financial industry are the same!" Shen Bi suddenly reflected, and looked at Xiao En mockingly.

Sean: "..."

Pursing his lips, Xiao En frowned, it was broken, and he exposed his ignorant side again...

Seeing Xiao En's appearance, Shen Bi immediately laughed loudly, "Financial institutions refer to financial intermediaries engaged in the financial service industry. The financial service industry includes banking, securities, insurance, trust, funds and other industries."

"There are more than 60,000 financial institutions in the United States, and I am not satisfied with being in the top 100, ha!"

"I am ashamed to be with you!"

Falk, Sean had no expression on his face, and cursed hard in his heart.

"Have you ever calculated how much money you have invested in Sean Bank?" Shen Bi looked at Sean provocatively.

"Before and after, it's almost 2 billion, right?" Sean tilted his head and thought for a while.

"Then do you know the current size of Sean Bank and what is its asset valuation?" Shen Bi continued to ask.

Sean shook his head. He knew before that it was about 3.5 billion US dollars. This was the result of the crazy money burning in the past year for the credit card settlement business.

After all, the scope of business is mainly in New Jersey, and outside of New Jersey, it mainly serves the industries under Sean's name.

The reason why it has nearly doubled in size in just a few years is due to the expansion of many overseas customers due to settlement issues in ports and shipping businesses.

Of course, this would not be possible without the assistance of the gray business in the northern region of Colombia... The profit margin of Sean Bank is much higher than the average level of the same industry.

"Then do you know what the asset valuation is now?" Shen Bi tilted his head and looked at Xiao En with an inexplicable expression.

Xiao En frowned, his face was instantly filled with a smile, he rubbed his hands and said, "How many, tell me, it makes me happy!"

"12 billion! Damn Falk, shit luck!" Shen Bi rolled his eyes, hating to see Xiao En's self-satisfied look.

Obviously ignorant and incompetent, and don't understand bullshit, but every time I see the business is so accurate!

Let this kind of person become super rich, God has no eyes!

Wow, Sean exclaimed and stood up abruptly, his face full of surprise!


PS: First of all, I would like to thank this reader's father: Girl, dare to turn around, and the leader will reward you!

I didn't say anything, Fireworks knelt down, knelt down, knelt down!

It's just... the matter of adding more... Big brother, I still owe a silver and haven't added more...

I really don’t mean to be lazy or something. For the author, when a new book is generally released, because the world is not fully unfolded and there are many things to write, so it is updated quickly at the beginning, but when the book is almost finished, it is really difficult to update. So soon.

At the same time, I can't write the same number of words, and even my head is empty, I don't know what to write.

Broken books and unfinished endings are inevitable.

The same is true for Fireworks. The protagonist, Sean, is already very large, and can easily affect the development trajectory of a region. The original urban routines are useless at all.

During this period, it is really brain-burning to want Sean's behavior to conform to the minimum logic.

In many cases, it takes three hours to check information and 10 minutes to code words.

In the previous episode, the fireworks took half an hour to find the words of Li Laisheng, the rubber king of MCA.

I searched for two hours about the information about the economic crisis before World War I and peace rights today...

The main reason is that I am older, in my 40s, and I have to take care of my children alone...

I owe it, really, the next book, when the next book starts, it will be updated!

This book is expected to be finished after 300,000 to 400,000 words.

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