America’s Big Hero

Chapter 448 Known as Sean Columbia

(PS: There is a meeting, I am afraid that some people will say something that is not conducive to unity, Zhang said that I will not hold it, it will probably be next month...)


"It's not good to watch this kind of stuff in broad daylight!" Sean took the video tape and said subconsciously.

"Get out!" Bill's face darkened, "This is sent by Pablo."

"Wow, your taste is really good!"

After joking for a while, the two came to the study and turned on the video recorder.

The camera came up with a close-up of the interior of the vault, piles of dollar bills stacked together, making people dizzy to look at.

Well, Sean said that he didn't feel anything, and that's what happened when he saw a lot.

But as the explosives were sent in, Sean frowned little by little until...

"Either you honestly let him go, or I'll blow up all the dollars here..."

The video ended, and there was a snowflake behind.

Sean raised his hand to turn off the video, pointed at the video tape, his face was full of weirdness, "I'm the first one to threaten the kidnapper to release him by destroying his own money!"

"Is there still Wang Fa?"

"Is there still a law!"

"What the hell is going on in this world?"

"Is this a loss of morality or a distortion of human nature?"

"Can there be a trace of trust between people!"

"So you, do you accept his threat or not!" Bill spread his hands. He also felt weird, but he couldn't help it. If he thought about it differently, he would do this kind of thing.

"Who am I, Sean, to accept his threats?" Sean snorted coldly, and then said with a straight face: "Am I kidnapping his wife and children?"

"I took his wife and children out of the hands of a group of militants!"

"This is protection, it's protection, do you understand!"

"Have I restricted the freedom of mother and child Victoria?"

"I don't!"

"She can do whatever she wants, and I didn't resist!"

"Forget it if you don't appreciate me, and threaten me with my money. Really, the local gangs are too rude!"

Bill sneered, and nodded seriously randomly, "It's quite rude, even threatening to blow up my money."

"That's right!" Sean nodded seriously, "We must tell the Colombian officials and the military about this matter."

"You think he's really going to do that," Bill asked.

"Rather than leaving all the hard-earned money to Huangmao, it would be better to blow it up." Sean rolled his eyes, he knew the mind of such a person too well.

Bill rolled his eyes, because of Sean's relationship, he has a deeper understanding of the book culture...

After ordering people to contact the military and Colombian officials, Bill talked about other things.

"After the operation on our side last night, in addition to leaving 200 people here to garrison, the others flew to various parts of Colombia by plane overnight, and cleared Pablo's other properties in units of 10 people."

"At present, a total of 127 properties have been cleaned up, and there are more than 50 properties that were already in a mess when we went, and were patronized by other people."

"Huh?" Sean frowned, "No, I remember clearly, given the rumors that Pablo likes to store drug funds in various properties, the agreement we reached with the government was that these properties should be cleaned up by us, right? "

"Yes." Bill nodded, "But these people who did the killing are not from Colombian officials, at least not on the surface."

"Heh, heh heh..." Sean sneered and rubbed his fingers together, "It seems that I, Sean, are too merciful. I made some people think things they shouldn't have. I'm to blame for this."


"Damn it!" The faces of the US military and the Colombian government were ugly. After all, everyone can share money.

Now Pablo, the damn guy, is threatening them with their money, so it's no wonder he isn't angry.

"He must be prevented from detonating the bomb!" The military man gritted his teeth and said, "What do you think?"

"We agree with this point of view." The Colombian official nodded.

"I always sit and watch, occasionally standing and watching." Sean also nodded.

Military, official: "..."

"It's all nonsense, how to stop it, what I need is not to raise a problem, but a solution!" Sean rolled his eyes.

Someone from the U.S. military touched his nose, a little embarrassed. The military is similar to the government. After staying in this kind of place for a long time, the bureaucratic accent has become instinctive, but it is not easy for Xiao En.

The Colombian official thought for a while and said, "Either negotiate with the other party."

"How?" Sean tilted his head and asked.

"In my opinion, what Pablo wants is nothing more than his own safety." The Colombian official said directly.

"Oh, it seems that he contacted you." Sean sneered.

The Colombian officials didn’t hide anything. Everyone understood, so they nodded directly and said, “Yes, I received a call from him before I came. His request is that he can surrender or be imprisoned. hand over the money in it, but asked to sign an agreement, cannot be extradited to the United States, and can only be detained in Colombia.”

"Then, I will build a super luxurious 'prison' for myself, and my own people will guard me, and I can come and leave whenever I want." Sean leaned on the sofa, with a meaningful smile on his face.

After all, that’s what Pablo did in his previous life. It’s more like a luxury manor than a prison. The police are not allowed to approach within 3 kilometers.

After Xiao En finished speaking, he suddenly found that everyone was looking at him with extremely strange expressions.

Raising his hand to scratch his hair, Sean looked around, "No, what are you all looking at me for?"

Bill reached out and poked Sean, tilted his head into his ear and whispered, "Pablo is learning from you."

Sean:? ? ?

Damn, forgot!

That's all right!

Pablo, known as Columbia Sean.

Sean turned his head to look at Bill, and said with a serious face: "When you wanted to do this, I disagreed!"

"This wind cannot last long!"

"Pablo must die!"

"My friends, we are members of the Justice League!" Sean said with a straight face: "We are here to fight drug offenders, how can we compromise just because of some money?"

"That's not some!" the military and Colombian officials objected.

"Get rid of the evil, I said it." Sean raised his hand to stop the two parties from continuing to talk, "There is no need to discuss this matter any more. We can take other ways to avoid it. It's best if it succeeds, and it doesn't matter if it doesn't. No one can." Buy me off."

Either don't make enemies, or kill them all, Sean will not show mercy to a hero like Pablo.

The other two people looked at each other, and the military man shrugged, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

The money obtained by the military does not go directly into anyone's pockets, but must be distributed layer by layer. This kind of scandal must never be spread, so we can only compromise.

The Colombian officials are very unwilling. Corruption is an open secret in Colombia. No one cares about it, and they are not afraid to spread it. However, the two reached an agreement, and they can only stare blankly.

Just pray to God that Pablo isn't that crazy, or that he pays his men to stop him.

This matter was settled under Sean's forceful means, and Sean changed the subject.

"During a series of actions this morning, more than 50 properties of Pablo's property were preempted. What's going on?" Sean looked at the Colombian official and asked.

The people in the military frowned. It was all money, and part of it was part of them.

"This...we don't know. It's definitely not the government's action. We haven't issued an order. The local people probably don't have the guts to do this kind of thing." Dare to provoke a drug criminal.

It's not that I don't know the shame, it's just... I'm used to it.

President Pablo even dared to kill him. How dare the local mayor be mad enough to provoke him?

Just when everyone thought Sean would hold on to it, Sean suddenly smiled, "Oh, that's fine, it's fine."

Everyone looked at Sean in surprise, and saw Sean waving his hands and standing up, "That's it, by the way, Pablo's wife and children were rescued yesterday, and today the buildings here are going to be demolished, so we They will send their mother and child to the city of Medellin, and the authorities will pay attention to ensure the safety of their mother and child.”

"Okay, that's it."

As soon as this was said, the military and Colombian officials knew why Pablo would send such a video.

They did know that someone had escaped yesterday, but Bill didn't notify them of who was caught.

"Did you kidnap them? How much is the ransom?" Colombian officials blurted out subconsciously about the kidnapping and ransom, extremely skilled...

"What is kidnapping? It's rescue, do you understand?" Sean squinted at him.

"Okay, I was wrong, what about the ransom?"

"It's a commission!"

"Yes, yes, commission, how much?"

"Ahem, not much, just 500 million." Sean shrugged.

"How is this money calculated?" The Colombian official's eyes lit up.

"What does it have to do with you? It's not a seizure. It's a commission. Do you understand the commission? It's the remuneration paid for the employment relationship between Umbrella and Pablo. This is a legal transaction, understand?" Sean said. serious.

Go to the fucking legal trade, the Colombians almost popped their eyes out, it was you who just said that you must not do business with criminals, and now you are the one who trades legally.

It's a fucking double standard, isn't it!

Sean obviously saw what the other party was thinking, so he said with a serious face: "That's different, do you understand, what you think is that Pablo's money made him exonerate the numerous crimes he committed, and it's not the middle ages anymore. , there are no indulgence rolls to sell, which is illegal."

"God will not forgive him!"

"The umbrella rescued Victoria Heinau and her two sons and daughters. They were innocent civilians and did not commit any crimes. This is a legal transaction. Rescuing a kind mother and her son is a kind deed, and God must praise it."

The official people in Colombia were speechless, not because they couldn't argue, but because this matter only needs to be covered with a passable reason, although everyone knows what's going on.

Of course, the most important thing is that Victoria itself is not a threat, and that is the most important thing.


The military and the official were gone, along with Victoria Heinau and her children.

Before leaving, Victoria looked at Sean with those green eyes that were like deep pools, and her eyes were full of reluctance, making Sean scratch his head, making himself look like a scumbag.

No one knows whether it is the plants and trees here, Pablo, or something else that Victoria is reluctant to part with.

But she went anyway.

Sean stood at the door frowning and thinking for a while, and suddenly beckoned Norris Dennis over, "Well, don't demolish these villas directly, find other ways to get the money out, such as opening a hole in the middle, and the money can still be taken out after the money is taken out." repair."

"Well, find professional construction workers and ask them to pay attention when they work, especially in the house I'm staying in now, don't damage the bed in the master bedroom."

Dennis looked at Sean in shock, his mind was muddled, is this a rich man?

With his hands behind his back, Sean walked back calmly.

There is no other meaning, even if the world and body are changed, my heart to promote traditional culture will never change.

What is Wei and Jin character!


Everyone has left, and this is going to be a "money grabbing" excavation. Sean also got in the car and headed for the airport, um, the airport in the manor.

Someone in Colombia actually robbed him of his money, and he was going to pay his respects to this brave man.

There is a city called Cali 350 kilometers southwest of Medellin.

Cali is the third largest city in Colombia.

Pablo is the well-deserved king of drug cocaine, controlling 80% of the cocaine, then the second place must be the Gilbert Brothers' "Cali Group", they control the rest of the cocaine market .

In the early morning, after the umbrella raided Pablo's old lair in Medellin, before dawn, the Gilbert brothers of the Cali Group ordered their men to attack Pablo's property in the southern region.

The Cali Group and the Medellin Group are old rivals. Of course, Pablo doesn't think so. In his eyes, the Gilbert brothers are just rats who live in his shadow and can only eat leftovers.

Of course, as we all know, rats are not so easy to kill.

The Cali Group also has a lot of contacts with Colombian high-level officials, so it didn't take long for Medellin to act, and they received Sean, and they started to make trouble for the Medellin Group without saying a word.

In fact, in the eyes of the Gilbert brothers, it doesn't matter whether Pablo will be completely killed or not, and it is more likely that he will not be killed.

They didn't care, they were just using every opportunity to block Pablo.

I just didn't expect...

Sean got off the plane at the airport and soon joined Craigie who had arrived here early in the morning.

Cali, including the teams performing missions in the surrounding area, received orders to gather towards this side. There were more than 400 people, including 2 armored vehicles, a helicopter, and more than 80 other vehicles of various colors.

"Does anyone know where?" Sean looked at Craigie and asked.

"Yes." Craigie nodded.

"Well, you can arrange it, and let me keep a close eye on the person so that they don't run away."

"Don't worry, boss." Craigie nodded heavily.

I always feel that drug criminals are hiding secrets, but in fact, this is not the case in Colombia...

The government knows it, the police know it, everyone knows it, it's called an open secret.

There are not many photos of big drug lords in public.

Anti-drug is work, drug trafficking is life...

Craigie picked up the phone and dialed, "Go!"

The plan of action was in place before Sean arrived.

With an order, the helicopter took off first and went straight to the office building where the target was located.

When the helicopter was still hundreds of miles away from the sky above the target building, dozens of soldiers with guns and nuclear bombs rushed down from a dozen vehicles hiding in the nearby intersection, and suddenly scared the nearby vehicles to brake suddenly.

The soldiers stood on both sides of the road and waved vigorously, and the vehicles drove out like flying. Immediately after the soldiers' cars started, they ran across the intersection and blocked all the nearby roads.

The beds of several pickup trucks were full of sandbags, unloaded and piled up to form a fortress.

The sudden change caused all nearby pedestrians to run far away.

At most, they ran away and continued to watch. Gun battles and the like were commonplace.

The people in the office building where the Gilbert brothers were located also discovered the situation outside and hurriedly reported to the two bosses. When the Gilbert brothers knew the situation, the four intersections in front of and behind the building were blocked.

"No, the authorities want to arrest people!" Brother Gilbert's first reaction was to shout: "Get ready for the helicopter!"

But before they called to notify the helicopter to come, they heard the chug-chug sound of propellers.

The helicopter hovered in the sky, and anyone who was not blind could clearly see the various missiles mounted on both sides of the belly.

The sky and the ground are tightly sealed, and there is no way to escape.

A phone call was made to the Chief of Police in Cali, and Gilbert yelled loudly, "Damn it, have you thought about it, are you ready to go to war?"

"What?" The police chief was stunned by the yelling, "Wait, I don't understand."

"You sent soldiers and helicopters, and you still said you didn't know."

"Ah?" The chief of police really didn't know, and there was no need to inform him of Xiao En's actions.

The decision of the United Nations is also divided into hands, and the power that can be exerted is completely different.

Hearing Gilbert's shout, the police chief realized what was going on, and shouted angrily: "Are you full of lard in your head? Our police will have armed helicopters!"

"Who did you mess with!?"

Question: Who is most afraid of the exposure of the underworld in the city and the arrest of the leader of the underworld?

Answer: Chief of Police of this city.

cough cough.

"No, it's not..." Gilbert also came to his senses at this time. The man was numb. He ran to the window in three steps and two steps, stared at the hovering helicopter, and his brain suddenly buzzed. "Yes, it's the Black Hawk."

"What black eagle, please explain clearly!" The chief of police suddenly became anxious, usually he is not so bold.

It's different now, everyone is on the same boat, Gilbert is unlucky, and he is not well.

"Black Hawk helicopter!"

"Military? No, it's the umbrella!" The chief of police immediately realized that there were only a few Black Hawks in the whole of Colombia, how could they come to them, "I'm your mother, how the hell did you mess with the umbrella? people!"

The chief of police was in a hurry, ignored everything, and cursed loudly.

"I don't, I'm not, I don't know, I haven't dealt with them." Gilbert was completely panicked at the moment, ignoring the police chief scolding him.

No one in Colombia knows what happened to Pablo recently, especially their peers. The United States and the United Nations have come forward. In addition, last night the umbrella suddenly mobilized thousands of people, and more than 10 planes raided Medellin , Riots broke out in Medellin.

Although all this was not reported on the Colombian news, they all knew about it, otherwise Gilbert wouldn't suddenly attack Pablo's property, right?

The current Cali Group is not later. They really made a fortune after Pablo’s death and inherited Pablo’s channel legacy. They also control about 80% of the world’s drug sales, making tens of thousands of dollars every day. gold.

But even in his peak period, he was not as powerful as Pablo, with a total of more than 2,000 armed personnel, which was not as good as the later Gulf Group.

"Fuck you, fuck you." The police chief on the other end was shaking his hands, and he didn't know whether he was frightened or angry, but he couldn't really let it go, "I'll ask."

After hanging up the phone quickly, the Chief of Police immediately contacted the General Police Department. He is the chief of police in Colombia's third largest city and has a very deep relationship.

The Gilbert brothers wanted to run away but couldn't. They remembered being like ants on a hot pot, calling around to ask about the situation.

On the other side, as Sean drove towards here, more and more umbrella security gathered here, more than 400 people surrounded the building, below were armored vehicles, modified recoilless gun vehicles, helicopters in the sky, Cali The group was completely paralyzed from top to bottom.

Regardless of their combat effectiveness, they don't have so many people in Cali!

"Does the military have any shame, does the government have any shame? Their own country and other people's armies are running rampant. Are they all fucking shit eaters? Is the taxpayer's money fed to dogs!" Brother Gilbert kept going. complained.

People are like this, scolding the police when there is nothing wrong, and immediately thinking of asking the police for help when something really happened...

Just as they were enduring the torment of years, the relationships they had established finally called one after another, and when they knew the reason, Brother Gilbert was in a bad mood.

Pablo's property has been assigned to the umbrella?

Shameless behind-the-scenes dealings!

Shameful black hand!

A deal is a deal, you fucking say it, isn't this a scam!

Before they could think about how to explain it to Sean, they suddenly heard a violent explosion.

An armored vehicle drove up to the entrance of the building, and a soldier carrying an RPG flashed out from the side, and fired directly at the lobby on the first floor. With a bang, the closed iron door was directly blasted into a big hole.

That's not all.

The person who fired the bazooka just turned back, and another person flashed out, also carrying a bazooka on his shoulder, but this time the warhead fired was different, it was a cloud bomb.

With a whoosh, the warhead shot directly through the gap that was just blown out. There was a small explosion at first, and then a more violent explosion. All the windows on the first floor exploded at the same time, and the flames sprayed several meters away. !

This is the Cloud Explosion Bomb. The initial explosion sound is that the high-energy fuel is thoroughly and fully sprayed and mixed with the air, and then detonated. It has a large killing range, strong lethal power, and violent shock waves.

Known as a subnuclear bomb.

Especially when used in a relatively closed space, once it explodes, it will not leave any survivors!

The explosion made the whole building tremble.

Brother Gilbert jumped up in fright, no, you didn't follow the rules.

Gilbert: Why did you do it right away? You are persuading him to surrender!

Sean: I'm afraid you don't want to surrender.

Gilbert: How do you know it won't work if you haven't tried it? Please persuade us, once you persuade us, we will surrender! !

Sean: Next time, next time for sure.


PS: It's the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass, don't keep it... this month's monthly pass is so rare.

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