No. 470:

Winter, early morning, London.

The sky was as gloomy as ever, as if it was pressing on top of people's heads.

There were fine particles floating in the sky, whether it was rain or snow, pedestrians who went to work in the early morning had to raise their collars and shrink their necks to keep themselves warmer.

The trees on both sides of the street were sparsely hung with a few yellow leaves, which were blown down by the wind.

In this kind of weather, I have to get up early in the morning to go to work. Although the streets are full of hurried people, there are not many voices. Obviously, everyone has no desire to speak.

At this moment, a car stopped at the entrance of Downing Street.

The car door opened, hula la ten beautiful women in windbreakers stood side by side and walked on the street, immediately attracting the attention of passers-by.

In the hard winter morning, seeing so many beautiful girls suddenly cheered up the passers-by.

It's a beautiful girl, and each of them is holding a three-meter-high pole with something rolled up on it, which looks like a flag.

But because it was rolled up, I couldn't see what was written, but everyone guessed what these beauties were doing in the first place.

parade to protest!

The girls stood on the ground and stomped their feet, put the poles on the ground, and untied the straps. Just as everyone stretched their necks to see what was on the flag, the ten beauties suddenly began to take off their trench coats buttons.

While the passers-by were stunned, the ten beauties suddenly threw their windbreakers on the ground, and stood naked on the spot.


"Nice!" There were bursts of exclamations on the street. If you parade like this, then I won't be sleepy!

The ten beauties didn't care about the eyes of passers-by. After all, the buyer paid a lot of money, otherwise they wouldn't stand naked in the cold wind in such a cold day.

Shivering, the beauties immediately picked up the flagpole on the ground, and ran without saying a word.

As expected, he paid a lot of money to invite him, and his movements are fast. The movement of this dribble breakthrough is so graceful.

"Long live Ireland!"

"Northern Ireland is Northern Ireland for the Irish!"

"Northern Irish rise up against the oppression of the English!"

"British government get out of Northern Ireland!"

"Self-determination for the people of Northern Ireland!"

The beauties shouted while moving their long legs, shaking them, and instantly became the most beautiful girls on the street!

There is never a shortage of reporters around Downing Street. These reporters have enough news acumen to press the shutter almost as soon as the beauties get off the car.

This scene, which can be called the most beautiful scenery in the morning, will naturally not be missed.

So it stays on the camera forever, and it will soon appear in the newspapers.

The British police here in Downing Street may be focusing on this moving beauty, and their reaction speed is slower than usual.

Of course, maybe they don't want to destroy this beauty so quickly.

Things happen, so why not have some fun.

So, the policemen rushed out to prepare for a passionate 'arrest' until the beauties ran to the police!

Absolutely no other meaning, it is illegal to run naked in the city center, this must be caught!

As a professionally trained policeman, you must not laugh at this time!

Hold back, rub your hands together, and dash out.

What the police didn't expect was that the beauties would not let them catch them. According to the requirements of the higher authorities, they started to count money by the second from running naked with a flag, and started to arrest the police, and the price doubled!

In other words, from now on, every second they spend on the street, they can make money!

The beauties threw away their flags, turned around and ran away, like slippery fish, well, if you touch it, it is indeed slippery.

The police were yelling to stop, the beauties were screaming, the people on the street were laughing loudly, and the reporters were snapping pictures.

The beauties are also working hard to make money, and they just sneak into the crowd, regardless of whether passers-by take the opportunity to touch them, as long as they help block the police.

This time, the street was really buzzing... so lively.

Due to the obstruction of pedestrians on the street, these potbellied policemen really couldn't catch up with these beauties for a while, and soon, chaos spread from Downing Street to the surrounding areas.

The beauties had planned in advance, and immediately scattered and fled after rushing out!

While running, shouting slogans vigorously, nothing else, just to create a bigger topic!

It took half an hour until all the beauties were caught by the police. If it weren't for the beauties, they couldn't run away.

There are more than a dozen streets around, all in a mess. The bustle is so beautiful that I don’t know how many people followed behind to watch the football.

Lively like a ball game...

The news spread quickly as expected, and spread at an incredible speed. Within a day, the whole of Europe knew about the nude swimmer incident. By the way, the news of Northern Irishmen's independence was also spread throughout Europe and the United States.

I don't know if the political sensitivity is really so high, or if it's a guilty conscience.

As soon as this incident happened, Major's team in Downing Street immediately targeted an American man who did not want to be named.

Perhaps it was because the arrival of Sean brought changes to the world after all. The Iron Lady resigned a year earlier than the original history, but John Major became the new Prime Minister just like history.

It's just obvious that this guy doesn't have a good impression of Sean who is behind the scenes. Instead, he plans to attack Sean's forces immediately after he came to power.

In Major's words, a person cannot be knocked down twice by the same stone, let alone the imperial government!

Now that the trouble has arisen, find a way to move the stone away in advance.

"Did those women tell the messenger?" Major asked while holding the phone.

"They don't know who the main messenger is, but someone found them separately, paid them a sum of money to hire them, and after two days of training, they went to work." The head of the police department on the other side reported.

"Well, I really shouldn't have hoped." Major sighed, then calmed down and said, "From now on, the police should pay more attention. This kind of thing should not be an exception, and there should be similar cases." When things happen, they must be dealt with in a timely manner, and I don’t want to cause such a big impact again.”

"Also, be careful of terrorist attacks launched by the Northern Ireland Liberation Organization."

"I see, Mr. Prime Minister, do you have any orders?" the police chief asked again.

"Well, you'd better strengthen the police force in Belfast." Major asked again.

Belfast, the capital of Northern Ireland.

After hanging up the phone, Major sighed with some headaches. He never thought that the matter could be kept secret forever. The umbrella is not a vegetarian, and the network of relationships spreads all over the world.

Americans are not just a display.

The most ideal result is after the United Nations General Assembly is held, even if it is close, at least after these small countries submit their applications together.

He really didn't expect that it's been so long, what the hell, these Southeast Asian slackers are still dawdling, and they haven't even had time to contact the Africans!

The speed of bureaucracy in the UK is already slow enough, but the speed really depends on who you compare it with!

It really depends on the help of colleagues!

After cursing the Malay Sultan and the Asan government for a while, Major shook his head and continued to pick up the phone, this time for the CIA.

He asked the CIA to keep a close eye on Gerry Adams' whereabouts.

Gerry Adams, the leader of the Northern Ireland Liberation Organization, a former armed struggle faction, and now a referendum faction, has the highest prestige among the independent organizations in Northern Ireland, and is an old rebel.

Since last year, the British government has stipulated that it is illegal to broadcast the voices of members of the illegally banned Irish parliamentary organization and Sinn Féin leaders.

It refers to Gerry Adams, and after this point, the voice about him must be silenced, and an anonymous person will repeat it again.

This is purely taking off your pants and farting!

If you want to ban it completely, it's like Xiao En's hometown in his previous life...


"Mr. Gerry Adams, here is your tourist visa!" Inside the U.S. Consulate in Northern Ireland, the service staff handed a tourist visa to Gerry Adams.

"Thank you very much!" Gerry Adams suppressed his excitement, nodded with a smile, and took the visa with a trembling hand.

The British government has too much control over him.

In 1972, without any trial, Adams was arrested and imprisoned for a year.

In 1973, he was arrested again without any trial, and was held in the concentration place of the prison-Longkesha until 1977.

In 1983, as a representative of West Belfast, he was elected as one of the ministers of Parliament, but he had to swear allegiance to the Queen of England to take up this post, so he refused to take the post.

In 1984, he was assassinated and suffered serious injuries that could not be healed.

Gerry Adams had too much influence in Northern Ireland, and Daiying monitored him everywhere, and even reached a tacit agreement with the United States in private, and the United States would not issue him any visa to the United States.

(It can be compared to a few guys who escaped to seek political asylum in the United States.)

However, that was in the past. This time, with Sean working behind his back, the US government still let go a little bit.

Just like the Sino-US joint statement: The United States recognizes that there is only one China, and the Gulf is part of Chinese territory...

What is political flexibility!

But this thin tourist visa represents a very significant meaning, which means that, for whatever reason, the Northern Ireland Liberation Organization has found an ally in the most powerful country in the world.

Considered a very influential ally!

Wanting independence and wanting a referendum has never been decided by the Irish alone!

So-called liberal democracy has never been unlimited.

At present, the voices of the Northern Irish can only be heard locally. Besides, their 'organization' has no chance to speak out, whether in the UK or in Europe.

Of course, those who do not wish to be named are not included.

What's more, there is such a "beautiful" way, after all, who is not an LSP?

And now, he is going to America to meet this gentleman!

As soon as Gerry Adams came out of the US consulate, he was immediately stopped by several oncoming people.

The person who came had brown hair and fair skin, but his face was so gloomy and terrifying, his eyes were fixed on the briefcase in Adams' hand, "Who is it?"

"Why, didn't the CIA receive the news? Haha, that's really great. As for who it is, of course it's the messenger of justice!" Gerry Adams smiled with a relaxed expression.

"Don't be complacent!" The visitor snorted, who is behind the support, they will soon find the answer, "If you get it, you can't get out!"

"Arresting a member of Congress for no reason?" Gerry Adams shrugged indifferently. "That would be great."

If the CIA dared to do this, he would die laughing.

At that time, other congressmen will immediately stand up even if they don't like him. The lawful rights and interests of congressmen are absolutely not allowed to be violated!

If the CIA dares to arrest Gerry Adams today, it will dare to arrest them tomorrow!

It's the other way around!

"Oh, we can always find a way, we'll see!" After saying a harsh word, the CIA staff turned around and left.

Gerry Adams looked at the opponent's back with a victorious smile on his lips.

It would be better to go to the United States, but even if you can't come, you can still communicate by phone, and it would be nice to force the CIA to take some radical measures.

He never expected that a simple meeting would make much progress for the independence movement.

That's impossible.

This is a long-term process, and Gerry Adams is prepared to bring the British Empire far away from its decline.


Gerry Adams moved quickly. He had ordered the nearest flight to the United States.

He was fast, and the CIA was not slow at all.


On the highway, a car suddenly changed lanes and braked suddenly.

With a "bang", Gerry Adams' car slammed into the rear end. Under the collision, Adams couldn't sit still, and the whole person was slapped on the front seat.

The driver was so frightened that his head was sweating, his heart almost jumped out of his throat, he shook his head, his face flushed, he unbuckled his seat belt and was about to open the door and get out of the car to beat up the guy in front of him.

"Don't!" Gerry Adams covered his face with one hand and yelled out of drowsiness.

"Adams, how are you?"

"Don't go, they did it on purpose, don't worry about it, keep going."

"Damn it, these bastards!" The driver and part-time bodyguard cursed and closed the door to start the car again.

"Bang!" Another sound.

The whole car shook violently and jumped forward. You don't need to look back to know that they were rear-ended!

"Go!" Adams held his nose and mumbled.

However, before they got out of the cracks, the traffic police rushed to the scene at an unprecedented speed.

Four fat, expressionless policemen got out of the police car.

The moment he saw the police, Adams gave up and didn't get out of the car at all.

The police routinely investigate traffic accidents, as long as they linger for a while, no one can explain why, they can only admit it.

Picking up the phone, Adams called his secretary, "Book me all the flight tickets to the United States in the next three days from now on!"

Even on foot, he still has to go to the airport. He still doesn't believe that the CIA is capable of grounding all planes!

Of course, walking is an exaggeration, but riding is no problem. Accompanied by several bodyguards, there are people behind to use cameras to prevent any accidents from happening.


"What does the United States say?" Major asked, looking at the people in the Foreign Office.

"They said that Adams has no criminal record in the United States. The US has no reason to prevent British members of Congress from obtaining visas legally. Unless the UK can publicly stand up and propose to the US to prohibit granting him a visa, otherwise, the US has no way to do so. Then It will be over-interpreted and speculated by external forces, casting a shadow over US-UK relations." The Foreign Secretary said with a constipated face.

Major spat hard but had nothing to say.

There's no way to bring this up to the surface.

The United States is not the younger brother of the United Kingdom, and the British government itself does not express its position. How could the United States take the blame for them.

"Have you found it, is it him?" Major looked at the CIA.

"This..." The CIA staff hesitated for a moment before saying, "Not sure yet."

Major snorted, God damn can't be sure, if it doesn't, it doesn't!

However, he didn't blame the CIA's incompetence. For this kind of super rich, it is really difficult to investigate.

Opening a visa to Adams was nothing more than a sign from above. Sean's relationship went straight to the top, and only a few people knew what was going on.

It's as if the CIA couldn't find any evidence, and the operation against the umbrella was done by the Great Empire.

Just like when Adams suddenly couldn't book a ticket, the airline said that the ticket was sold out, and there was nothing he could do!

"Let the Malays speed up the progress and tell them, Sean..." Major stopped in the middle of speaking, frowned and thought for a while before saying: "Let the news be released secretly, the plan for the umbrella this time is the work of the Malays." of."

"They hate Xiao En for repeatedly targeting Malays, destroying Malays' domestic peace, and greatly reducing Malays' status and discourse power in Southeast Asia. Initiated this program in response to possible retargeting of Umbrella."

As soon as these words came out, the office was quiet for a moment, and the foreign minister slapped his thigh hard, "Good idea!"

Although Daiying doesn't have Water Margin, this group of guys is still very proficient in the application of "Forced to the Liangshan".

Instead of urging the Malays, it is more convenient to help them write an anti-poetry.

Don't thank me!

Everything I should do!

Of course, the reasons were found to be reasonable and without flaws.

In this way, not only can it stimulate the "morale" of the Malays, but it can also confuse the water and divert the attention of the umbrella from the Great Empire.

When the Malays encounter cruel revenge from the umbrella, the Great Empire can still use the identity of the savior to jump out and reap a wave of international prestige.

What is killing three birds with one stone!

In the office, other people reacted a little slower than the foreign minister, and a series of flattery rushed towards Major.

Leaning on the seat, lighting a cigar, Major squinted, what is a big politician.JPG

Feeling comfortable being photographed, Mei Jie raised his hand and said with a smile: "Thank you for your compliments, but there is still a lot of work waiting for us."

"In addition to helping our allies strengthen their confidence, we should also help them relieve pressure."

"Ah San has been a little too lazy recently. Talk to them. Don't they always want to become the sixth permanent member of the United Nations. For this, our Great Empire definitely supports it."

"However, it is not easy to become a permanent member of the council. First of all, it requires them to be recognized by those small countries, to be able to help those small countries, and to be able to represent their interests. Only in this way can they have a chance."

"Now a good opportunity is in front of them. Ah San needs to stand up and speak out for those weak and small countries threatened by the umbrella. Sufficient international influence is the basic condition for becoming the sixth permanent member."

"Understood!" The Foreign Secretary smiled and nodded in response.

The Liuchang card is like a carrot tied to a donkey, as long as it is played, it will make Ah San run hard every time.

Tried and tested!


Malay Palace, small meeting room.

"Damn it, what's going on, why did the news get leaked." The Malay Sultan's face was about to drip, his eyes fixed on the foreign minister.

"Dear Sudan, we have contacted 35 countries so far, and they must go through some internal discussions. The number of people who know the news will not be less than 400, especially those in Xingcheng and Luoni. The news can It spread out so late..." The Foreign Secretary felt aggrieved.

"That's enough, I'm talking about those reasons!" The Malay sultan roared loudly: "It's all rumors, and it was obviously suggested by the British!"

"Sultan, please don't say that." Someone stood up and stopped the Malay sultan from continuing, "Dear sultan, the matter is already like this, we can't say that these are proposed by the British, no one will believe it, And it would be an outright offense to our only staunch ally."

Everyone responded in unison, and at the same time looked at Sudan with strange eyes.

If it weren't for the reasons rumored outside, the Malays would go crazy and take the lead in building an umbrella!

No one would believe it, not even themselves.

Malay Sultan: "..."

He just couldn't help but want to get angry.

These sultans are hereditary, do you really expect them to be elites?

"Then tell me, what to do now!" Malay Sultan said with a dark face.

"Now that the news has spread, we might as well stand up and say this matter directly. Private armed forces have indeed become a major threat to world peace, and the existence of protective umbrellas has seriously threatened the national security of all countries."

"It is completely reasonable for all countries to unite to propose relevant laws and regulations to the United Nations for the sake of national security!"

"There is no doubt about it!"

"At this time, if we stand up publicly, we can get the support of all countries. It's not just us and ourselves who stand on the cusp of the storm. Unless he wants to be targeted by all countries in the world, otherwise, he will never dare to take revenge on us at this time."

"The wise choice is to act low-key at this time. Even if you want to retaliate, you must wait until you get through this difficult time."

After being persuaded by the people below, the Malay Sultan finally calmed down, "Okay, then do this!"


On the other side, the envoy with Ying arrived in New Delhi, the capital of Ah San.

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