America’s Big Hero

Chapter 474 Panic of the Major Government

Werner is just a link in this chain. He was really surprised that he could get 5%.

The praise for Sean's generosity also comes from the heart.

After all, the current political situation in Lithuania is not stable, and no one can be sure of the consequences after declaring independence.

Lithuania wants to be independent. In addition to the recognition of the international community, it also needs the nod of the old man.

The old Maozi is the Wuchang, he was split from the Wuchang, if the old Maozi does not nod, he will not be able to enter the United Nations!

In the same way, if Sean can split Malay in the future, if Malay doesn't nod...

That would not delay the entry of nascent Sarawak into the UN...

Who told you that you are not Wuchang.

In the final analysis, it depends on the fist. No one really wants to drive a polar bear crazy with a "nuclear level" in its hand. The current Lao Maozi is still in the "heyday" period.

Even 30 years later, everyone only dares to shout and provoke behind.

Besides, even if independence is achieved, no one can tell whether it will be overturned.

Even the president can't guarantee where he will be after four years, maybe a prison.

So, why do they take so much?

Sean is not a drug criminal, nor is he the kind of upstart who just got rich. For Sean now, reputation is very important, and it is impossible for him to do something like that.

Sean's current status must be seen by others, and by cooperating with him, even if one day you are no longer in this position, you can still guarantee that your interests will not be harmed.

Only in this way can other politicians see Sean's sincerity!

Seen from this perspective, Sean felt very generous.

It's not that Sean has money and no place to spend it, the main reason is that he doesn't have that much time, and his purpose of investing in Lithuania is not to make a lot of money.

Sean has always believed that simply being rich is useless, it is just a fat pig waiting to be slaughtered.

Can Musk's influence be compared with DuPont or Morgan?

To turn money into influence, in more common terms, it means more sites, more industries, and more brothers who eat with me.

If you want to move me, you have to be prepared for major turmoil in several countries, and millions of people or even more people will not be able to eat!

It sounds the same as what he did in New Jersey back then, but in fact, digging out the shell of power is no different from being the boss of a gangster.

At least Sean thought so.

After secretly entering Lithuania, Sean took a day off and met the future President of Lithuania under the leadership of Werner, and met with the heads of propaganda, industry, agriculture, and the National Bank.

In the next few days, either at the banquet or on the way to the banquet, only a week later, the privatization of the Vilnius Bank was completed.

What surprised the Lithuanian leadership was that Sean did not depress the actual value of Vilnius Bank, but actually completed the acquisition and reorganization of Vilnius Bank according to the market price.

Of course, this is an intention, and it will take a long time to go through all the actual procedures, but there is no need for Sean to worry about those. Although it is only a verbal agreement, the Lithuanians dare not play tricks with Sean.

To this end, Sean paid 120 million US dollars of funds.

This amount of money doesn't look like much to Sean, for tens of millions of dollars, Sean will not give people the excuse of embezzling Lithuania's assets during Lithuania's independence.

My Xiao En's face is worth tens of millions?


After the privatization was completed, this matter was not announced to the public, and everything had to wait until independence was declared.

However, this does not delay Sean's use of the Vilnius Bank as the core to invest in other industries.

Although Vilnius is only a regional bank of Lithuania, Vilnius is the capital city and accounts for one-sixth of Lithuania's population.

Well, one of six now, one quarter in the future.

This is not because the population of Vilnius has increased, but because too many Lithuanians have died...

This Nordic garden country, boasted by some as a moderately developed country with a per capita income of 23,000 euros, has the highest suicide rate in Europe, and the pressure on civilian life is extremely high.

So average income is a fucking hell joke in any country.

Closer to home.

Sean's original plan focused on communication and media, after all, it was a mouthpiece, but in actual operation, Sean's first investment was indeed agriculture.

Mr. Guo, who hurried from Malay, was introduced to the Lithuanian Agricultural Bureau by Sean. Under the witness of Sean, the Guo family acquired two sugar factories in Lithuania, and at the same time invested a large amount of money in expansion and development. He ate all of Lithuania's sugar beet production in one breath.

This will change Lithuania's original low-end model of pure raw material export, increase GDP and everyone's income.

Subsequently, Sean cooperated with a German and Finnish company to win several machining companies in Lithuania through the bank, and cooperated with a German company to invest in a steel plant in Lithuania.

After finishing these, Sean is ready to invest in the communication infrastructure industry out of "gratitude" and "repayment" to the Lithuanian people.

Communications and the like are generally managed by the state, and the reason is that they don't make money at all!

Especially in the infrastructure business of communications, it is a pure money-losing business.

Seeing that Sean is really helping the development of the Lithuanian people, Lithuania finally agreed to sell the acquisition of three FM radio stations and a local TV station in Vilnius.

Of course, this is also inseparable from the shares that Sean has thrown out during the acquisition business during this period of time.

Sean's investment of real money proves that he is really not planning to play financial means in Lithuania, but a simple acquisition, which is actually helping Lithuania to develop its economy and build a country.

And the shares thrown out proved that Sean was on the same front as their 'team'.

It's one of our own!

Without this series of operations, it would have been impossible for Sean to successfully win the TV station and radio station.

After all, Lithuania was once a socialist country and understood the importance of a propaganda mouthpiece.

It took Sean less than 20 days to reach so many agreements, and the efficiency was so fast that the companies he cooperated with were extremely shocked.

The way Sean talks about business is so...unprecedented.

When others talk about business, the details should be kept to two decimal places. Sean always rounds off when talking about business.

If you don't dig into the details, the negotiation is really not that difficult.

Especially after Sean took out one million dollars for the lawsuit and compensation, threw a guy who played tricks with him into the sea to feed the fish, and expressed that he only asked for the controlling right, not the management right, The progress of the negotiations is really fast.

Of course, it was also verbal, and Sean would never be sloppy with the relevant legal provisions.

After all, he is this kind-hearted businessman who likes to obey the law.

Learn to use the weapon of law to protect yourself.

The time came to March 1, 1990.

Sean dressed up and attended the press conference of the Lithuanian Declaration of Independence.

The meeting was held at the Zalgiris Stadium, which could accommodate more than 20,000 people. The atmosphere was very warm. Everyone, men, women, and children were cheering, and all Lithuanians were cheering for breaking away from Russian rule.

How would it feel if these people lived 30 years later, but they found out that their population had gone from 3.7 million in 1990, the time of independence, to 2.8 million in 30 years.

Perhaps this verifies the sentence that life is precious, and the price of freedom is even higher.

Well, it is indeed quite high.

Throughout the Declaration of Independence scene, Sean put himself on the sidelines from a higher perspective, only feeling the pity of ordinary people. They don't understand anything and are completely led by the nose.

They all feel that their lives can be decided by themselves, but they don't know that their lives are designed at birth.

They feel that they are growing and changing, but they don't know that they have been advancing along the route drawn by others.

They can't decide anything!


"Where did you say Sean went?" Major froze in place, raised his hand and rubbed his ears, thinking that he might have heard wrong.

"Sir, Sean's private plane has just landed at Belfast International Airport." The Secretary of the Prime Minister's Office said again in a low voice.

"Fuck, shit Fuck!" Major stared and cursed loudly, "Didn't he go to Lithuania? He's done with that, and he's here to f*cking sabotage?"

"This damn guy, does he know the rules?"

Major cursed fiercely. Since Adams went to the United States last time, he came back completely changed. If he didn't still have the same face, everyone in the Great Empire would think that he was replaced by an impostor!

Although this guy no longer supports fighting for independence through violence, he is really aggressive. After being elected as a Member of Parliament, this guy simply refused to serve because he did not want to be loyal to the Queen, which shows his style of behavior up.

But now, Adams' style has completely changed, and his aggressiveness has been completely restrained. Instead of participating in various activities to promote independence, he has changed the focus of the entire team's propaganda from independence to charity, public welfare and culture.

Recently, we are actively planning a plan called "Homeland Ireland" to attract overseas Irish people to return to their hometown for tourism, and we are planning to make this event into a festival, a festival that is well-known all over the world.

Although the time for Adams to change his style was short, it did give Sinn Féin some change in its reputation.

And under the influence of Adams, the activities of the Northern Ireland Liberation Organization have recently stopped.

However, this series of "good news" not only did not make Major's government happy, but rather panicked.

Although the original Adams and Sinn Féin always made troubles at every turn, which made the authorities very uncomfortable, but because of their bad reputation, the Big Bang government is actually not worried about the true independence of Northern Ireland.

Even a lot of Irish people don't support them, and even a majority party can't do it, how can it be successful!

But this change in style really made Major's administration panic.

Politicians are never afraid of 'bad guys', and bad guys will never be able to pose a threat to their governments elected by the people.

Politicians are most afraid of good people, because good people make them unable to attack, and good people can steal the support of the people from them, especially the image of Adams, a prodigal son who will never change money, will naturally be recognized by people.

The Major government believes that Adams' transformation definitely has a deep relationship with Sean. After all, it was Sean who brought Adams to the United States last time.

Now, this "teacher" of Adams is here again, and he is still from Lithuania, which just issued the Declaration of Independence.

So fucking unlucky!

It's no wonder that Major scolded her mother.

"Give me a close watch on that guy, I want to know where he has gone and what he has done!" After Major finished speaking viciously, the secretary turned around and was about to leave.

The moment the secretary opened the door, Major, who was sitting there, suddenly said, "Be careful, absolutely don't start a conflict, I don't want any more misunderstandings to happen!!"

The secretary nodded and walked out quickly.

When the person in charge of MI6 heard the prime minister's order, the veins on his forehead throbbed, and he wanted to monitor every move and prevent conflicts. What if he was discovered?

Also, what is a misunderstanding?

What the fuck is a fucking misunderstanding!

That was Sean. The security around him was in accordance with the standards of the President of the United States. What kind of professional and technical personnel did not exist!

In the eyes of laymen, spies are omnipotent, but it is different in the eyes of those who are feasible. These people are very familiar with the methods of intelligence organizations of various countries, and they are all focused on defense and specifically targeted.

It never occurred to him that he would not be discovered, it was just a joke.


There is no way to do this job!


"Welcome, dear Sean." Adams walked up enthusiastically and gave Sean a hug.

"Sean, I bet that Major must be losing his temper in the office now. Knowing that you came to Belfast ostentatiously, or I was in class, he must be mad."

"Haha, it's none of my business whether he's mad or not, I never cared about him!" Sean waved his hands indifferently.

"That's great!" Adams laughed loudly, "Come to Belfast, you must let me treat you well, you know, I feel very good recently, you are so right, Fortresses are always breached from within, and a good public image is paramount."

"I feel like the air in Belfast is a lot cleaner now, and there are more smiles on the faces of my fellow Irishmen on the streets."

"According to your suggestion, I am working on a project called 'Homeland Ireland'..."

From the beginning of the meeting, Adams excitedly took Sean's hand and began to talk, like a student eager to prove himself to the teacher.

Well, purely from the perspective of rebellion, Sean did his part.

In the car, Sean pointed out what Adams had done recently and made a few suggestions. For example, it was not the purpose to call on the Irish to come back. The purpose was to spread the current situation in Belfast through this promotional activity.

Because of all kinds of slander by the big government, Belfast has a bad image outside, just like Syria in Europe!

If so, wouldn't it be nice to go to Ireland in your hometown?

Why come to Northern Ireland!

So, don't have too much hope for the first "Homeland Ireland", even if there are not many people who come back, it doesn't matter. The point is that these Irish descendants who return to their hometown will be distributed on different continents.

It is important to find some topical Irish people, so that it will be convenient for later promotion, especially in places where these Irish people live.

The goal is not to get people back, but to get the image out!

Once this image does not match the image that the British government has been promoting, it will naturally cause discussions and doubts, and finally form doubts about the British government.

Adams once again had a sense of enlightenment.

A teacher is a teacher. With Xiao En, a real enthusiastic person, there is no need to worry about success!

Rested overnight at the place that Adams helped to arrange. The next day, accompanied by Sinn Féin, Sean visited the Irish Museum under construction.

The construction of this museum was invested by Sean.

In the evening, Sean held a reception, and everyone from Northern Ireland came.

It's not that they are all Sean's friends, but because Sean is so close to Sinn Féin, they are on the opposite side of the Democratic Unionist Party.

However, Sean still has great influence. In order to add chaos to Sinn Féin, to win Sean's support, even if it is just to reduce support for Sinn Fein, those who received the invitation must come.

At the reception, Sean naturally met several shareholders of Ulster TV and expressed his interest in the TV station by the way.

At a reception, Sean did not express any resistance to the Democratic Unionist Party, at least on the surface.

The next day, Sean made another appointment with the three shareholders of Ulster TV.

"You three, what do you think of my proposal?" Sean asked the three of them with a smile after they met and exchanged greetings.

"Why would Mr. Sean want to acquire our TV station?" the major shareholder Aimile Rudy asked.

"I said that New Century Media's territory is expanding. I don't think you believe it. Well, well, Ulster TV is a springboard to get involved in Europe. I think that after Prime Minister Major knows that I have acquired Ulster TV, he will definitely take the initiative to find me. I talked." Sean said bluntly: "It shouldn't be a secret that I support Adams, I bought a TV station in Northern Ireland, hehe..."

"Sir, if you just use our TV station as a bargaining chip, then I'm sorry, I don't think we can go on talking, this TV station is our painstaking efforts." Aimile Rudy's face darkened.

"Being used as a bargaining chip means that this TV station is valuable." Sean smiled slightly, as if he didn't see the other party's dissatisfaction, "Valuable things will exist and be fought for by everyone, which is reasonable, isn't it ?”

"If it weren't for these intricate relationships, I wouldn't be here. Now is the most valuable moment for Ulster TV. If you miss this opportunity, even if it takes another ten or twenty years, the price will not be as high as my current one." The bid is higher." Sean folded his hands together, propped his elbows on the table, and leaned slightly to look at the three of them, feeling oppressed immediately.

The three shareholders frowned and looked at each other a few times. They had to admit that Xiao En was right.

Because of Adams, because Sean supports Sinn Féin, and because of Sean's conflict with the British government, various external factors have added a lot of halo to the TV station that should not exist.

But regardless of the halo, this is just a local TV station with more than 300,000 users. Although the coverage covers the entire island of Ireland, except for the capital circle, more Northern Irish people watch Irish TV stations.

"This TV station has accompanied the people of Northern Ireland for more than 60 years. We, including all people in Belfast, will not allow this TV station to decline!" Amel Rudy stood up while shaking her head, with Man said firmly.

Upon hearing this, Sean laughed, "30 million!"

"Cough, cough, cough..." Emil Rudy coughed non-stop, as if he was about to cough out his lungs.

The coughing waist bent down, taking advantage of the trend, and sat down again naturally.

Xu Shi's butt was finally satisfied, and the sound of coughing stopped abruptly.

Ulster TV’s normal valuation is at most 16 million. Now Sean opened his mouth and doubled. Aimile Rudy even knew how to cover it up with a cough, and the other two were already looking for a pen.

"Mr. Sean, I am very glad that Ulster TV has been recognized by you. However, this TV station has placed deep feelings on the people of Northern Ireland. If... I am afraid that it will cause a backlash from the people of Northern Ireland. I think that is not the case. It's not what you want to see." Amel Rudy thought more.

"No one will let this TV station go down, what a joke." Sean smiled and knocked on the table, "New Century Media's goal is a worldwide media group, why would I give up the opportunity to open up the situation on the island of Ireland. "

"After being merged into New Century Media, Ulster TV will receive a lot of unprecedented help, and will quickly expand its influence in Northern Ireland and even the entire Irish region. It will only get better."

When Sean said this, Amel Rudy's eyes lit up immediately, and he slapped away the hand that secretly pulled his clothes with a 'snap', and continued with a smile: "You know, the ethnicity here in Northern Ireland is quite serious. Well, the Irish are also relatively conservative, so the television station has suddenly become an American industry..."

"Of course, I know this is a good thing for the TV station, it will be reborn, but the ignorant ordinary people can't see that far, once they are incited, especially Downing Street, I think those people don't want you Get this TV station."

Sean stroked his chin and looked up and down Aimile Rudy for a while, then said with a smile: "The offer remains unchanged, I want 70% of the shares, Mr. Aimile, your vision is very sharp, I am very optimistic about you. "

"As everyone knows, I'm a person who doesn't like to meddle in things, so..."

With that said, Sean stood up and stretched out his hand, and Aimile Rudy also stood up quickly, holding hands with Sean heavily.

The two looked at each other and laughed.

Sean needs a local snake to help expand his influence and business, and the other party is willing to embrace Sean's thigh.

What is hit it off!

The two shareholders of Ulster next to them only realized it now, and stared at Ameler Rudy with envy and hatred. Damn, why were they fascinated by the 30 million offer just now!

Obviously, Sean is the bigger treasure!

But, after all, it was missed.

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