America’s Big Hero

Chapter 496 Everything is ready, only the gunshots are needed

After arriving on Hong Kong Island, under the arrangement of Sean, Charles participated in the talk show as the heir of the Brooke Dynasty, frequently participated in various banquets, made friends with the British people in Hong Kong Island, and made friends with rich people in Hong Kong Island and Southeast Asia.

It's impossible to have connections, at least not in a short period of time, but it's okay to make a name for yourself.

An heir to the Brooke Dynasty seems to have grown out of nowhere. Of course, these rich people on Hong Kong Island know the Brooke Dynasty, but the appearance of Charles still seems very abrupt.

After all, it is an old thing that has disappeared more than 40 years ago, so it can't help but make people wonder.

Most importantly, there was a faint rumor that this Prince Charles was standing behind Sean Rockefeller.

Of course, this news is not recognized by everyone. Almost the upper class on Hong Kong Island, or the upper class in Southeast Asia, knows that the relationship between Sean and the British Empire is tense, although Sean frequently invests in the United Kingdom during this period.

When something goes wrong, there must be a demon, so no one has too in-depth contact with Charles. However, under the operation of Sean and the pursuit of the media, Charles still wanders around Hong Kong Island, Bangkok, Xingcheng, Mui is sought after and welcomed by many.

Only in Kuala Lumpur, the Malays are wary of Charles.

The reason is that some voices began to appear in Sarawak. In the media and among the people, some people began to miss the Brooke Dynasty, dug out the history of a hundred years ago from the garbage dump, and started to praise it.

Well, it’s not a flattery. During the colonial period, because of the status of the British rulers of the Brooke dynasty, the power was much stronger than that of pure colonies.

For example, the Malay Peninsula, Kalimantan, and Java all bow their heads before the Brooke dynasty.

The dwarf is big, and strong is strong. He is stronger than Thailand, which has an unbroken inheritance at that time. He is the big brother in Southeast Asia, which is recognized.

After these histories were uncovered, under the vigorous publicity of the media, it is only natural for Sarawakians to start to miss them when compared with the present.


The progress of the matter was beyond the expectations of many people. In late August, people in Kuching, the capital of Sarawak, began to hold demonstrations, hoping that the Brooke Dynasty would be restored. When the news reached Kuala Lumpur, the Malay Sultan was furious and sent The office was smashed hard, and his roar could be heard outside, "What do Sarawakians want?"

"Ah! What are they trying to do, let Ahmad Zaidi come over, I want to hear his explanation, is he a shit eater, why should this voice be allowed to appear!"

After the Sultan had vented, the Malay Prime Minister said: "I talked to Ahmad Zaidi and learned about the situation in Kuching from other sources. Now there are many journalists from other countries in Kuching, not only It is Southeast Asian countries, including European and American media, the police can only maintain order, and the police have no reason to order the parade to disband until those marchers do not do anything violent."

"No excesses?" Sudan was very angry. "Please explain to me, what is the fucking excesses, and what the fuck is the fucking excesses!"

"They are all clamoring to welcome that British bastard back. This is not an act of excess, so what is an act of excess!"

"Would it be radical to wait for that British bastard to restore Sarawak?"

The Malay Prime Minister did not speak, just bowed his head and listened to the sultan's cursing, otherwise, this kind of thing is being done by people from Northern Ireland, Catalonia, and occasionally people from Texas in the United States, and Europe and the United States can't do it , what can he do? !

Of course, Europe and the United States are all shouting slogans, and the possibility of actual splitting is extremely small, but this is not the case for Malaysia, which is too weak.

"We have considered this matter. Charles appeared too suddenly. Now this situation seems to be warming up. Someone must be behind the scenes. Who knows exactly who." After the Sultan vented again, the Malay Prime Minister said .

"There is no suspect?" Sudan asked with a dark face.

The Malay Prime Minister hesitated for a moment and said, "I heard, just heard, that Charles Brook seems to have had an affair with Sean."

The Malay Sultan 'Teng' stood up suddenly, his face livid, his lips trembling, and he roared through gritted teeth: "It's him, it must be him, it must be him, no one is so hateful except him, damn Sean, damn bastard, O Allah, burn this demon to death!"

The Malay Prime Minister nodded, he also thought it was Sean, nothing else, Sean beat him.

Sean: You're lying, you're obviously cheating!

"Send troops, immediately send troops into Sarawak, arrest those people for me, and arrest them for treason!" The Malay Sultan roared loudly.

The prime minister nodded, saying that he should send troops there. No matter what the situation turned out to be, send troops there to be prepared for any danger, and save the critical moment that there will be no manpower.

In the past, troop deployment was not just a matter of clicking the mouse on the map. First, it was necessary to negotiate with the military on where to deploy troops, how many to deploy, what weapons to carry, and how to arrange the garrison.

In addition, it is necessary to determine the countermeasures to deal with various situations. First of all, they are not going to kill people.

As a matter of fact, Sarawak is adjacent to Nai and Indonesia, and the relationship between the two sides is relatively delicate. There are troops stationed on the border, but these people are not convenient to transfer. Moreover, if Sarawak is really going to do something, will these people Also trustworthy is also a question.


During the time of preparing for the deployment of troops, the situation in Sarawak changed again, with more parades and clearer slogans, demanding that the Sarawak government re-enact the constitution and welcome back the Brooke Dynasty.

At the same time, local TV stations and media in Sarawak also frequently interviewed some "ordinary people in Sarawak" to express their views on the Brooke Dynasty.

Without exception, they are all nostalgia and support. I hope the government will actively listen to the voices of the people.

As for whether there are voices of opposition...

Those who oppose are not the ordinary people of Sarawak, please do not post any content that is not conducive to the unity of Sarawak!

Faced with this situation, the Malay government has not been idle.

Protest, solemnly protest!

Condemn, severely condemn!

Warning, don't say it is unpredictable!

At the same time, some videos of interviews with local ordinary people in Sarawak were also released, all of which strongly opposed this separatist behavior.

It’s just that the Malay government’s work is still a bit rough. Various media found that in the Malay official video, the interviewee was wearing a lottery ticket... Ahem, the Malay government staff did not take off their badges.

The Malay government: This scene was cut off and re-shot. Anyway, believe it or not, we believe it.

The diplomatic side held several press conferences to refute the voices in Sarawak, stating that the territory of Sarawak will always belong to Malays only, and there is only one Malay, and any attempt to split Malays will not succeed, warning some Xiao En's forces, who do not want to be named, should not interfere in Malaysia's internal affairs.

Faced with such explicit and implicit accusations, Sean immediately held a press conference on Hong Kong Island.

"They're slandering me, they're slandering me!"

"Thank you for the invitation. I am on Hong Kong Island and I don't know anything about the situation in Sarawak."

"Of course I support the people of Sarawak to fight for their own interests. The behavior of the Malay government is simply ridiculous. I doubt that the Malay sultans and their government are still living in the last century, and they are still immersed in the idea that they can enslave other ethnic groups at will. when."

"I don't know if the Malay government doesn't know, doesn't understand what national self-determination is, or is it deliberately not seeing or hearing."

"The people of Sarawak have the right to feel the destiny of their own nation, otherwise, would it be handed over to the Malay Sultan?"

The Malay reporter immediately stood up excitedly and asked loudly: "Didn't you just say that you don't know anything about the situation in Sarawak? Why, now you know everything."

"Yeah, I didn't know anything before." Sean spread his hands, "But your government DISS me, I naturally want to find out the situation, now I know, and I stand up and publicly support the self-determination of the people of Sarawak, I can I don’t want some governments to cover up what they say and do.”

"I have read about your country's founding contract. Sarawak and Malays have the same status, but why is the Malay supreme head of state always a Malay?"

"Obviously, the Malays have been oppressing other races and have not abided by the founding contract. Good guy, now Sarawak doesn't want to play with you people who have no credibility, and you jumped out again."


"Disgusting, disgusting!" Sean stood up and taunted wildly, attracting a wave of firepower.


In a week, 3,000 Malay soldiers finally set off. During this period, the verbal battles of several parties did not stop, which provided a lot of material for the majority of fun people, and also attracted the attention of governments in Southeast Asia.

Countries have different attitudes, some support the Malays, and some gloat.

The situation has become relatively clear, there is a problem in Sarawak!

As the current head of state of Sarawak, Ahmad Zaidi refused to come to Kuala Lumpur, which made the Malay Sultan and the government completely unbelievable.

If several races in Sarawak have reasons for betrayal, then you are a Malay, what the hell do you think of betraying the Malay government!




But it’s useless, and we can only hope that things can be reversed after the deployment of troops. The only good news is that Sarawak is still owned by the Malay government, and the Malay government has the right to deploy troops here.

However, Sarawak will not do anything to watch the Malay government deploy troops. When a navy destroyer formation arrived at Kuching port with a troop carrier, it was refused entry.

The reason is straightforward, civilian ports, out of the protection of the safety of the people, military personnel are prohibited from entering.

The port does not accept it, unless the navy fires and forces it in, otherwise it can only watch.

When the news got back, the military and the government were all scolding their mothers angrily, but it was impossible for them to order forced entry, well, to be precise, they dared not.

Now Kuching has gathered a large number of journalists from various countries, and no one dares to be the first to shoot.

There is no way, the navy can only change places to make a forced landing, but the problem still arises, the army officers and soldiers after going ashore cannot get any supplies locally.

With the support of Taib Maham and Ahmad Zaidi, if they say they won’t sell you supplies, they won’t sell you supplies!

The food and drink of 3,000 people can only be maintained by the supplies delivered by the navy, and they cannot be robbed. Modern troops are nothing after losing logistical supplies.

The Kuching government directly ordered these people to be prohibited from entering the city and sent police forces to monitor each other. The two sides confronted each other near the highway. Although the police are just some police cars and small pistols, they are full of momentum!

For the 3,000 people, it feels like they are caught in the vast ocean of the people's war, and it is difficult to move an inch.

Morale in the army was low, and soldiers complained.

Soldiers in any country will focus on patriotic education and be instilled with the idea of ​​defending their home and country, but now this group of soldiers finds that in their own land, the group of people they are defending hate them so much, they are not aggrieved and angry That's hell!

The order I received before was to enter Kuching to maintain order, but now I am blocked outside, fighting and not fighting, retreating and not retreating, but why!

The problem now is that the Malay government is also a bit on the wax. Before Sarawak does something more excessive, they have no reason to order military control.

If Kuching is ordered to be forcibly taken over, the police will not be able to stop the military at all.

But they dare not issue such an order unless it is absolutely necessary. This is not only a matter of embarrassing the international community, but also means that it is very likely to trigger a civil war.

Faced with this situation, Ahmad Zaidi, Taib Maham and others held a conference call with Sean.

"You can't let them in if you let them in. You must be tough!" Sean said loudly, "Tomorrow, Charles, you will fly directly to Kuching. It's time to show yourself in front of your people."

"Don't care about the reaction of the Malay government. Go to visit various ethnic groups, visit old ministers, and give speeches. Didn't you plan a lot of social activities? Hold them all, and you can't keep those reporters idle. You have to take the initiative to give The reporter shapes the material, such as the Malay-Indian War that occurred after joining the Malays in 1963, and the pain it brought to the people of Sarawak.”

"This war caused by the Malays has nothing to do with Sarawak, but the war happened in Sarawak. The two-year war caused heavy losses in Sarawak, economic regression, and production stagnation. After the war, the Malays The government has put its focus on the Malay Peninsula again, and this is the reason why Sarawak is falling further and further behind.”

"It's basically like this, don't worry about what happened in those years, what happened more than 20 years ago, you can't fucking explain it at all, let the team around you make a manuscript for you, use the facts to deduce it, and pour all the dirty water on the Malays The government, everything is their conspiracy, just to make Sarawak completely decline, just to swallow Sarawak."

"Remember, no one cares about the truth, especially journalists, they just want to have something to say, people only want to hear about government machinations and the dirty side of the government, that's what gets attention, what gets newspapers, and the media. If there is money to be made, they will work hard to report."

"It was originally a conspiracy of the Malay government. They wanted to interrupt the great situation of the Brooke Dynasty." Charles said firmly.

"Very well, you are already a mature king." Sean said with a big smile.

Several other people, including Ahmad Zaidi, were all witnesses of what happened back then. After listening to Xiao En's straightforward talk about these conspiracy theories, and thinking about it carefully, now even they themselves believe it a little bit.

Because these are too logical. Back then, Sarawak was inferior to the Malay Peninsula in terms of population, and its economy was comparable to that of the other side!

Especially the area west of Kuching has inherited the legacy of the Lanfang Republic. As we all know, the economic success of Southeast Asia depends entirely on the number of local Chinese.

The next day, Charles arrived in Kuching with a high profile. He had all kinds of information provided by the local government. Good guy, the media reporters liked it so much for exposing the ugly face of the Malay government.

As soon as the relevant reports came out, it was really expensive to sell Southeast Asian paper.

The news spread to Europe and the United States, although it was just a matter of the government of a small country in Southeast Asia, but because it also involved Britain and the United States, the people loved it too much.

For a while, the image of the Malay government was bad!

The Malay government can only stand up against the rumors repeatedly, but the problem is that these rumors are empty and boring, without any argument support, especially when compared with the previous conspiracy theories, it arouses more ridicule.

The media and the public dubbed it the Shanghai School, ahem, horse-style refutation of the rumors!

Affected by this wave of propaganda, the anti-Malay sentiment of the Sarawakian people became even higher.

If we say that most of the parades at the beginning were arranged by Taib Maham and others, but now, most of the large parades are spontaneously organized by the people.

Under Xiao...under the guidance of the government, Charles even led the parade directly to the Malay Army's camp outside Kuching City, blocking the gate for demonstrations.

Sean: Everything is ready, the only thing we need is the east wind, it's time for the Malays to fire the first shot!


Finally, I got it right. China Telecom re-arranged the optical fiber network in this area, and all the nearby optical fibers were cut... It is said that it will take the 18th to connect.


The second time I actually experienced a disconnection from the Internet. I had no choice but to buy a notebook and upload it using a hotspot on my mobile phone.


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