America’s Big Hero

Chapter 499: Dividing the spoils and connections

Natuna Island, Sean's idea of ​​this island has not been a day or two.

Natuna is great!

In terms of geographical location, it is guarded at the gate of the South China Sea, not much worse than Xingcheng.

Xingcheng has guarded the Strait of Malacca, but because of its geographical size, there is not much room to play.

With an area of ​​2,110 square kilometers, Natuna Island is like a land carrier in the South China Sea. Once a war breaks out, it is very important here.

In terms of resources, there are abundant oil and natural gas resources near Natuna Island, which has a foundation for development and growth.

From a political point of view, Sean's acquisition here is of great benefit to the United States. It is like a nail stuck in the Asia-Pacific region, radiating the entire Southeast Asia politically and economically.

Unlike those military bases, they do not belong to the United States legally. Once Sean uses the Brooke Dynasty as a springboard to get it, it will be a permanent territory for the United States.

As one of the major shareholders of the United States, Sean has the responsibility and obligation to do so.

Therefore, Sean must get Natuna Island. Of course, money is also very important.

It's just that the simple Natuna Island can't satisfy Sean's appetite.

"Yes, Brook National Petroleum Company." Sean glanced at everyone, "The Kingdom of Brook needs to have its own pillar industries, currently mining and forestry, but we all know that this is the least efficient, additional The use method with the lowest value must be changed.”

"According to the estimates of the geological experts I found, there are a large number of oil fields on the seabed in the northern coastal area. The only thing restricting their development is mining technology. The cost of mining in the Middle East is too low. Now it is a loss-making business to exploit seabed oil fields."

"According to the forecast of Rockefeller's internal analysis agency, with the development of the economy, the consumption of oil will increase significantly, and the future money prospects are still broad."

"However, I think it's right to plan ahead. You can't wait for the demand for oil to increase before considering building oil wells. OPEC will not temporarily allocate production to you."

"However, before the establishment of the company, we should discuss the issue of the shares of the oil company." Sean looked around, "After all, it is the Brook National Petroleum Company, and a part of the shares must belong to the state. I think that this ratio can be 15%. gone."

After Sean finished speaking, no one spoke in the conference room, and there was an unspeakable silence.

The eyes of Taib Maham and the three kept meeting. Sean definitely wanted to occupy a large share. As the king, it was impossible for Charles to have no shares at all.

One percent less will make people feel distressed, and now it is time to fight for your own interests, so you can't be so polite.

Charles Brook did not speak, but watched Ahmad Zaidi and Taib Maham silently. He felt that it was not time for him to speak.

"This is a bit too much. It is not good for the country to participate too much in economic activities. This is to be a team member and a referee at the same time!" Ahmad Zaidi said aloud after the three made eye contact.

"I didn't hear clearly, why don't you say something more?" Sean smiled calmly, squinting his eyes at Ahmad Zaidi.

Ahmad Zaidi felt his scalp go numb for a while, and Xiao En's smile looked terrifying in his eyes.

Seeing that the three of them were silent, Sean raised his voice suddenly, "Did you guys never see money?"

"I found out that you Southeast Asian monkeys look like you don't have fucking heads!"

"Calling you aborigines is not wronged at all. You are ignorant and backward. Even the leaders of various ethnic groups have no fucking brains. Short-sightedness is the best adjective for you!"

"You are all shareholders of the Brook Kingdom, the kingdom is good, you can fucking be better, money, money, what do you want so much money for, what the hell can you bring money into the coffin or something!"

"There are Malays in the west, and Indonesia in the south. If you don't fucking think about how to survive under the attack of these two big countries, you just know how to draw money for yourself."

"Go fuck yourself to build the country, it's all yours, okay?"

"Idiot!" Sean scolded without hesitation, all kinds of racially discriminatory words spewed out of his mouth, the blood of the three of them was sprayed, and their faces were pitch black.

Even so, the three of them didn't dare to say anything, and the fire was still suffocating in their hearts.

It's just that the three of them didn't agree with what Sean said.

It's nice to say that it will improve the competitiveness of the Brook Kingdom, but why don't you fucking take a stab at your own shares? After all, the stab will not fall on us.

Sean didn't care what the three of them thought. He wasn't the father of Taib Maham and the others, so he naturally wouldn't care, but he had to make the Brook Kingdom grow stronger, at least to become an important force in Southeast Asia.

The longer this time lasts, the better, he needs to digest Natuna Island.

Sean's equity division for Brook Kingdom Oil Company is 30-70%, 70% is what he says!

"You three families get 10% each, King Charles 5%, leave 10% for the option pool, and the remaining 40% belong to powerful people." Sean glanced coldly over his face again and again, and said in an unquestionable tone .

Sean didn't say who the 40% are. As the number one hero in the founding of the Brook Kingdom, he must be taking the lead.

The old Bush will immediately recognize the Brook Kingdom. As the biggest political backing, the Bush family must keep some.

The other is Rockefeller, the provider of technology and sales network, which must be necessary.

In addition, some tycoons must be introduced, such as the old guy Murdoch, who holds the mouthpiece of News Corp. He will be used more and more in the future, and others such as the US military.

Most of the oil produced in the future will be sold to the north, and Xiao En knows best what to do in the north, and he needs to leave some leeway to plan ahead.

Divide points here, divide points there, the most that Sean can have left in the end is 20%.

It's true that the landlord's family has no surplus food!

Three groups of Southeast Asian monkeys are still fucking dissatisfied and want more, so it's no wonder Sean got angry.

After cursing, seeing the three of them submissively agree, Xiao En briefly explained how the 40% will be divided in the end.

It's just that Bush is not mentioned, but the big shots in the government and the military are replaced.

The three of them suddenly understood Xiao En's plan, and most of the dissatisfaction in their hearts dissipated.

After this aspect is settled, Sean will no longer covet other industries. Well, normal business means, investing in Chinese industries through the Asian Investment Bank, can get what he should get.

Only the oil must be settled first.

At that time, most of the world's oil wells were controlled by Rockefeller and the Anglo-Dutch Shell. Finally, a group of oil-producing countries jointly established OPEC, and forcibly took back most of the control rights by nationalizing them. The leader was Card Dazuo...

That's why Xiao En has to use modern business methods to settle it legally, otherwise the follow-up will be a big trouble.

Twenty years later, the Seven Sisters of New Petroleum will have Malay Petroleum Corporation, and the oil production here is huge, which can be said to be inexhaustible liquid gold!

In other words, now that Sean thinks back on his past life, the media always shouts that chemical energy is exhausted and new energy needs to be developed, but the world's oil reserves are increasing with the large-scale exploitation...

For example, the coast of Colombia developed 30 years later, and the vast desert areas of Central Asia!

It's all just a way to drive up the price!

After discussing the distribution of benefits, Sean once again mentioned the establishment of two military bases by the US military in Sarawak.

There is nothing to hesitate about. The Subic military base provides the Philippines with 40,000 jobs and creates more than 5% of GDP. Even if it is only for these benefits, they will not refuse.

What's more, the establishment of the military base also represents the support of the United States, which can help the new Brook Kingdom occupy its heel.

As for the so-called military security...

If the United States were to invade, they would not be able to support it without these bases, and they never had the idea of ​​competing with the United States.

As long as I'm weak enough, I don't have to be afraid of anything...

After talking about this, it will be easy to invite people to attend the enthronement ceremony later. Xiao En didn't promise anything, but directly picked up the phone and called in front of everyone.

The first is for Old Bu, "Mr. Bush, the Kingdom of Brooke has agreed to lease a naval base and an air base to the U.S. military for free. The lease period is 100 years. It has been negotiated."

"Congratulate King Charles for me. I hope that the Kingdom of Brook will be reborn and contribute to the great development of human beings around the world." When Sean didn't call Uncle Bush, he knew that someone else was on the phone.

"Okay, I'll pass it on."

After hanging up the phone, Sean glanced at them lightly and continued to make calls, this time to the German royal family.

If it weren't for the recent news, many people would not know that there is still a royal family in Germany...

Now the royal families of European countries are more of a symbol of a country, and their interests are not completely consistent with the government.

Especially Germany, the defeated country...

Sean personally invited him, coupled with the extreme lack of exposure and influence of the German royal family, he agreed without hesitation.

The second call was to the king of Monaco, the largest small country in Europe, with no political influence, and largely dependent on the French. They also have a very clear position for themselves, expanding the influence of the royal families of various countries, and expanding their own influence. positive.

As for the Malays...the two sides have nothing to do with each other in terms of religion or economics, so naturally they don't care.

The third is the Belgian royal family. They were a little hesitant. Sean directly revealed the names of a series of countries, such as Germany, Monaco, Morocco, the Shah, the United Arab Emirates and other rich royal families in the Middle East...

With so many people participating, Belgium is not considered to be in the limelight, and there is not much political pressure. Moreover, except for the Germans, these royal families are super local tyrants, and the opportunity to communicate with local tyrants should be cherished!

Most of the royal families in Europe are poor!

After hanging up the phone, Ahmad Zaidi couldn't help but asked, "Have the royal families in Morocco and the Middle East been in touch?"

"No, but they won't refuse." Sean said lightly.

As the behind-the-scenes dad in Morocco, Sean is very confident, and the local tyrants in the Middle East are rich because they are rich, but in people's eyes they are more upstarts, and they are incomparable with the European royal family.

There is an opportunity to increase their influence and make real nobles, and they will not let it go.

As for the reaction of the Malays, do rich people need Malays?

Ignoring the shocked three people, Sean continued to make phone calls. The Swedish royal family, the Spanish royal family...all Europeans except the British royal family agreed to Sean's invitation.

An international royal gathering has nothing to do with Malays.

Besides, the law does not blame the public. With so many royal families, Malays really dare to fall out with other countries. At this time, the worry should be the Malays themselves.

After the royal family was settled, Sean started to contact the presidents of various countries again. Colombia, Sri Lanka, Ka Dazuo, and Silly Damu all had good friendships with Sean, so they would naturally give this face.

Then there are countries in South America and Africa.

African countries can not care about the bullshit Brook Kingdom, but they can't help but be in Sean's mind.

Umbrella has more than 10,000 troops stationed on the African continent, and they are scattered in various countries. In Africa, a "hot land" where hundreds of thousands of people can launch a coup d'etat, they swept Xiao En's face and casually supported their domestic rebels or Other tribal chiefs can overthrow their rule.

In comparison, the Malays, which have no business or political ties, are not considered by them at all.

Sean's threat is real!

Then there are countries in the Caribbean and some countries in South America, such as Panama, Haiti, Jamaica, Honduras, etc. The presidents of these countries can be bought with money.

$1 million to attend a ceremony, they're not worth that much.

The politics of these countries are extremely chaotic, and the domestic political situation is very unstable. Many presidents' decrees do not leave the capital, and some of them are not so effective in the capital. They don't have the heart to pay attention to the international situation.

For these countries, the so-called international claims, as long as they do not involve other hooligans, are voting with the United States. There is no way, it is too far from heaven and too close to the United States.

As for what Malay...

Forget it.

Even if the Malay-British dad wanted to blame him, Sean would take the blame. They were just doing things with money.

In this way, although they are all a group of small countries that are not impressive, they are not countries that are not good in geography, and countries that cannot be found with a world map, let Xiao En contact more than 60 countries!

With the support of so many countries, especially the support of the Americans, who the hell would dare to say that the Brook Kingdom is illegal.

"Over there in England?" Taib Maham's face was full of joy, and he was looking forward to Sichuan at the moment.

"Let Charles contact the British side by himself." Sean had already thought about it, and there is a high probability that his coming forward will have the opposite effect, "Don't have any doubts, what to say, I will arrange some British media to interview you before this .”

"A country established by the British is undoubtedly a booster for the people of the empire where the sun never sets. It will be sought after by the British people. I have paved the way for you for a long time. Major is facing election pressure. At this time He has no guts to speak against the British public."

"As for the British royal family, after you have reached a tacit agreement with the Major government, you can try to invite it. I can't say whether the old woman will agree to come over."

Charles nodded emphatically, and Sean made an arrangement, asking him to return to London for media interviews, and promised to visit Major in person two days later.

Even if Major does not publicly support it, it is enough as long as he does not question it.

In fact, it is not difficult. Historically, Britain has recognized the Kingdom of Brooke, and this is at most Xiao Gui Cao Sui.

As for whether the UK has reached an agreement with the Malay government before... Can the British be trusted?

Whoever believes is an idiot!

After everything was settled, these natives broke out with unprecedented enthusiasm, changed their procrastinated administrative style in the past, and moved quickly.

On the other hand, Charles' actions in London were also sought after by the British people. During the period, he went to Arsenal to watch a live game. The camera took pictures of him several times, which caused bursts of cheers from the scene.

After the game, he also accepted some media interviews.

The next day's contact with Major's government was also relatively smooth, and the situation was better than Sean expected.

Major originally agreed to the Malay government, but his campaign team immediately suggested that Major accept Charles' proposal after discovering that Charles was very popular with the British people.

The team suggested increasing the hype about the founding of the British in Southeast Asia, and using it as a landmark event for Britain to regain its former glory, so that Major could win over Charles to participate in his follow-up election.

Regardless of whether he was the King of the Brook Kingdom or not, Charles was still a British man, and there was nothing wrong with being a member of Major's campaign team.

As for the Malay government... first suffer first, father's overall situation is the most important!

Five days later, Major accepted an interview with reporters, "I know Charles Brooke. Of course, the Kingdom of Brooke was recognized by countries all over the world more than 150 years ago. People's attitude, Britain will follow the footsteps of history..."

A thunderbolt struck the head of the Malay government fiercely!

In the royal palace of Kuala Lumpur, the Malay sultan who was backstabbed slammed the things he could grab onto the ground and cursed loudly, "Damn British, damn Major! You bastard! Shameless!"

"Talking like farting, you will definitely go to hell, you must die!"

After venting until exhausted, the Malay Sultan sat down on the ground, and it was over. With the support of Britain and the United States, the split was almost a foregone conclusion.

They pinned all their hopes on the British, and this time they were completely defeated.

Seeing that Sudan had vented, the Prime Minister asked aloud, "Do you want to withdraw people?"

The Sultan of Malay snorted coldly, staring at the military chief.

The military leader's scalp tingled for a while, and he immediately understood what Sudan meant. He was letting him take the blame. At this time, he had to stand up, "I can't withdraw, if I withdraw now, then Malay will become a laughing stock completely. The image that has been built in the military over the years will be completely ruined, and the Malay army will no longer want to raise its head. If this kind of sentiment spreads, there may be problems in the country!"

"Don't forget that the Chinese in the country are just around the corner. Not to mention the small islands that are in dispute with Indonesia, what will happen to Sabah!"

"Really want to fight?" The Prime Minister asked again in a deep voice.

"Even if we lose, we have to fight. We must show our attitude!" The military boss said firmly.

No country in the world will back down in the face of division!

That will be stared at the pillar of shame in history and scolded by all ages!

Get ready to fight!

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