Good words are hard to persuade, damn it!

At this time, Foreign Minister Qian really didn't know how to persuade him. Could it be that he told Silly Damu that you are not as good as Vietnam?

Not really, really not.

If you can't hold it, then you can't hold it.

Foreign Minister Qian withdrew, and the situation in the Gulf became more tense.

The United States found six aircraft carriers, thousands of tanks and armored vehicles, and the 200,000 army did not frighten the stupid.

Is this really not afraid, or is it a bluff?

Let's discuss it, things have come to this point, no matter what, it's impossible to back down no matter what.

Then we can only increase troops!

On November 8th, Lao Bu once again issued a presidential order to mobilize 300,000 U.S. troops to Saudi Arabia. At the same time, more tanks, more armored vehicles, more aircraft, and more warships...

The United Nations voted unanimously to force YLK to withdraw its troops. When the Soviets and the north made it clear that they would not send troops, Britain and France could not just watch as they did nothing.

Even if they support the stupid Damu in his heart to have a fight with the United States.

Of course, Britain and France don't think that stupid big wood can win.

Saudi Arabia has successively gathered 600,000 troops from various countries, and the US military alone has 560,000.

So the U.S. military is the joint force, and the joint force is the U.S. military.

The eyes of all countries in the world are focused on the Gulf. The people like to watch it, so the TV stations will report more, various analysis programs, and even the singers have started to follow DISS silly big wood...

At present, the mainstream thinking in the world is that the U.S. military will win with its strong military power.

However, Silly Damu has millions of troops in his hands, and fighting in the desert is also a special terrain. The US military cannot adapt to the ultra-high temperature environment during the day, which will greatly limit the US military's performance.

Desert warfare is not necessarily simpler than jungle warfare.

Mainstream military analysts believe that if Silly Damu refuses to surrender and relies on the desert terrain to deploy layers of defenses, the war will eventually be completely dragged into the quagmire.

If this happens, the United States may feel uncomfortable!


"I brought the contract, you can sign it." Norman Schwarzkopf handed a brown paper bag to Sean.

Xiao En took it with a smile, and opened it to see that it was a few military contracting contracts for the Wujiao Building, which gave umbrellas.

The Gulf War is such a big piece of meat, and Sean is still a personal participant, so how could he not take a bite.

Norman Schwarzkopf, a German-American, was born in Trenton, New Jersey, into a military family.

He graduated from West Point Military Academy in 1956 and later entered the Airborne Forces. In 1964, he received a master's degree in mechanical and aeronautical engineering from the University of California.

In 1965, he participated in the Vietnam War as an adviser to the US military. In 1969, he served as the commander of the US infantry battalion in the Vietnam War.

In 1972, he studied at the Army Command and Staff College, and later served as the deputy brigade commander and brigade commander of the infantry brigade, and the deputy director of the planning department of the US Pacific Headquarters.

He returned to China in 1982 and made great progress all the way. Later, he participated in the Battle of Grenada and served as the deputy commander-in-chief.

In November 1988, he served as the commander of the Central Headquarters of the US Army and the general of the Jin Army.

This time the U.S. military is going to be stupid, and Xiao En and Lao Bu recommended this New Jersey fellow.

Sean also participated in the Battle of Grenada that year, so he was still his commander.

Ever since Sean got rich and got online with the Foot-Wrapping Building, the relationship between Sean and this military boss from New Jersey has grown from acquaintance to acquaintance, from meeting by chance to intimacy, and the relationship has rapidly heated up...

Like glue!

This time, I had the opportunity to recommend the fellow to the top position. In addition, this man himself is an army general with outstanding achievements, and the appointment was passed quickly.

The fellow did not disappoint Xiao En, and reciprocated.

After starting to move troops to the Gulf region, Norman Schwarzkopf quickly signed a series of military outsourcing contracts with Umbrella Corporation on behalf of Wujiao Building.

It was an escort mission before.

The first batch of U.S. troops transferred 200,000 troops to Saudi Arabia. These people and equipment were transported by sea. With so many people at sea, they naturally needed enough sea power to protect them.

The U.S. military's own warships need to be maintained, inspected and maintained before the war, and it is more cost-effective to leave the task to the umbrella.

The contract Norman sent Sean this time was about logistics.

Sean's global shipping company won the general contract for hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops to eat, drink and scatter logistics supplies!

How high is the food standard of the US military, that is really generous!

Although Global Shipping is the largest shipping company in the world, its shipping capacity is operating at 90% load, and it is impossible for us to provide so much shipping capacity.

So, what is a general contractor!

What is needed in general contracting is not ability, but relationship!

What is economy?

The economy means that the money must be given to me first, and I will draw a wave of water, and then give it to the people who actually do things. This is called economy!

In this Gulf War, Sean will not participate in the front line.

The U.S. military is too strong, and the protective umbrella cannot be sprayed out at all. The orders he can get are mainly for logistical maintenance, such as the protection of the local oil wells after the YLK is driven out...

Prevent someone from stealing oil.

The rest is to help beat the side drums on the edge of the battlefield, and undertake some leftover work.

One of the orders this time is medical logistics services. The US military ordered 46,000 combat readiness beds, and the logistics department even quietly ordered 15,000 body bags.

The umbrella troops need to protect the 220 medical helicopters and more than 1,000 ambulances prepared by the US military, and the C130 transport planes perform medical tasks back and forth on the battlefield.

After all, it is in the rear, the mission is not very dangerous, and outsourcing is more cost-effective. As we all know, every move of the US military costs money.

The U.S. military's preparations this time can be said to be all-round and without dead ends, but Xiao En, who has the foresight, knows that it will not be used at all!

Still, who cares.

He won't mention this, anyway, he won again!


"Fucking military analyst." In the internal meeting of the foot-covering building, Norman Schwarzkopf threw a report on the table with a look of disdain.

"A group of guys who have never even been on the battlefield, they know nothing about modern warfare!"

"It can only be seen as a joke, don't pay attention to it at all!"

The whole world is not optimistic that the U.S. military can quickly resolve the war. At the White House, Lao Bu also went to talk to Norman Schwarzkopf several times. The atmosphere is very dignified.

Norman Schwarzkopf looked solemn, tapped the table lightly and said: "The Korean War and the Vietnam War made the whole world think that the US military was like that. What I want to say is that both times An abnormal situation that occurred under special circumstances!"

"People all over the world have greatly underestimated the combat effectiveness of the US military, and also greatly underestimated the experience and lessons we have learned from these two battles, and greatly underestimated the progress of the US military's equipment!"

"This time is a good opportunity, a good opportunity to let the world know America again!"

Norman Schwarzkopf stood up, waving his arms and said loudly: "We will use a brand-new fighting method to let the whole world see that the US military is the most powerful on the planet, bar none! "

"Let the world know America again!"

"Make America Great Again!!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became heated. Everyone's face turned red, and the veins on their necks were exposed. After all, they were soldiers, and their emotions were intense. A few words from Norman ignited the blood of everyone present, and the temperature in the conference room rose. How many times!


On November 30, people sent by various countries arrived in Saudi Arabia one after another, with a total of more than 600,000 people.

There are a total of 3,700 tanks, 5,600 armored vehicles, and 1,740 combat aircraft.

Including 59 American F-117A stealth fighters, 40 B-52 bombers; 247 warships and 9 aircraft carriers.

On December 5th, 10 days before the final time for YLK's troop withdrawal as decided by the United Nations, the United States issued an ultimatum to Sha Damu, but Sha Damu refused to implement it.

On December 12, the U.S. Congress authorized the military to expel Iraq from Kuwait, and within two days after that, countries successively authorized their own troops.

At 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time on December 16th, in the early hours of YLK, President Lao Bu signed a national security directive document to Schwarzkopf, commander of the US Central Headquarters, ordering the US military to go to war against Iraq, and Operation Sandstorm began.


On December 16, Norman Schwarzkopf, the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, gave an order, and the first phase of Desert Storm began!

In this battle, the strategy set by the Wujiao Building is to demonstrate the most advanced combat methods. In fact, in many previous operations of the umbrella, military observers of the US military were collecting various data. This time, all of them must be applied!

Commander-in-Chief Norman ordered that the U.S. military first activate the squadron for electronic warfare, 15 EA-6B electronic warfare aircraft, 4 EC-130, HC (U3) countermeasure aircraft.

EA-6B, a carrier-based electronic warfare aircraft developed by Grumman on the basis of the A-6 attack aircraft, nicknamed "Prowler", and the ICAP-II jamming equipment (ALQ-99 modification) is currently the largest airborne The power jammer, in addition to the ALQ-149 tactical communication jammer, added jamming to various Soviet radars.

Part of the EA-6B is also equipped with AN/ASQ-191 communication jamming equipment, specifically for communication jamming.

The EC-130H electronic jamming aircraft, nicknamed "Compass Call", was converted from a C-130 transport aircraft and entered service in April 1982.

The aircraft is equipped with AN/ALQ-62 reconnaissance and warning system, SPASM jamming system, AN/APQ-122 multifunction radar, AN/APN-147 Doppler radar, AN/AAQ-15 infrared reconnaissance system, AN/ARN-52 tower Kang navigation system...

It can interfere with communication equipment 120 kilometers away from the target area. The interference frequency is wide and the power is high. It can receive enemy communication signals while suppressing and jamming its radio command communication and navigation equipment.

EF-111 is currently the main offensive electronic warfare aircraft of the U.S. Air Force. It is a special electronic warfare aircraft modified on the basis of the F-111 fighter-bomber. It is mainly used for long-range jamming, escort and close support jamming. It is currently the most advanced dedicated electronic warfare aircraft.

After the U.S. military attacked Libya in 1986, it installed the third and fourth improved anti-radiation missiles of AGM-88 on EA-6B and EF-111A.

As the electronic warfare aircraft and the jamming countermeasure aircraft took off, they carried out large-scale interference to the radar base, air force base, and missile base of the YLK army, which had long been discovered by the reconnaissance aircraft.

Cooperating with the two jammers are F-15 and F-16. The two fighters are specially responsible for escorting these electronic warfare aircraft and cleaning up the enemy's possible air power.

Of course, YLK does not have this ability.

Entering the target area, the anti-radiation missiles mounted on the plane launched one after another, and all the radars in the direction of the entire YLK front line failed in an instant!

All communication devices are cut off, lost contact!

Can't see, can't hear, deaf and blind.

Then the F-117A stealth fighter and B-52 bomber began to bomb the airport, radar, and missile bases in all directions!

A sea of ​​flames, devastated!

The radar failed, the air force couldn't even lift into the air, and the missiles couldn't find their targets. In the chaos, there were flying missiles and falling aerial bombs overhead, irresistible!

In just one and a half hours, the U.S. military opened a safe air passage leading to Baghdad, the capital of YLK, and the radar bases, air bases, and missile bases arranged by Sha Damu along the way were all destroyed.

At this moment, Baghdad has not received any news!

This is where electronic warfare is so powerful!

With the opening of the air channel, more reconnaissance planes and electronic jamming planes flew into the sky, aiming at Baghdad!

Under the cover of the jammer, the reconnaissance plane quickly identified valuable targets of the YLK people within Baghdad.

With the confirmation of the target, a large number of planes took off from the direction of Saudi Arabia, and the target was directed at YLK, mainly F-117 and B-52, with F-15 as an auxiliary, and F-16 as an escort, to the radar station near Baghdad, Crazy bombing of military targets such as air force bases and missile bases.

In just one night, 1,600 sorties were dispatched before and after, and a total of more than 6,900 hours of bombing missions were carried out.

Among them, the higher ammunition load of F-117 and B-52 can carry out bombing missions for a longer time with the assistance of aerial refueling, and their performance is very brilliant.

After 40 minutes of bombing, Baghdad finally reacted and implemented a city-wide blackout.

The large-scale power outage made it difficult for the US military to find targets to bomb at night, and finally controlled the loss!

But such a night of bombing seemed to be a blow to the head, and the stupid Damu fell into a daze.

Too sudden, too fierce, there is no power to fight back!

At this moment, Silly Damu's tactical thinking is still stuck in the era of World War II, and he is still stuck in the concept of mechanized ground warfare. The all-round crushing of electronic warfare this time did not wake him up, nor did he realize that he was behind the times.

Of course, on a global scale, most people don't realize that times have changed!

I still think that silly big wood can continue to entangle with the US military for a long time.


Silly Damu is not really an idiot, after all, he has fought for so many years.

After discovering the absolute advantage of the US military in night operations, there was a countermeasure plan immediately.

Lighting control is carried out at night, and communications are controlled as much as possible to reduce the chance of military targets being exposed and attacked.

During the day, YLK's Soviet-style equipment can still play some threats, and the threat posed by the air force also makes the US military's electronic interference operations less unscrupulous.

Of course, the US military's countermeasures that have been prepared for a long time will also come soon!

For the first time, the Tomahawk missile appeared in people's field of vision and attracted the attention of people all over the world!

The Tomahawk cruise missile is an all-weather subsonic cruise missile. Unlike ballistic missiles, it does not need to enter the altitude of hundreds of kilometers, so the missile body is smaller, lighter, and has high precision. It can be launched from multiple platforms. Strategic bombers, Sea platforms such as land-based trucks and destroyers are flexible and easy to transport.

The Tomahawk warhead weighs about 400 kilograms, can carry various warheads, and has a range of up to 2,700 kilometers. Launched in Saudi Arabia, it can hit the Balkans!

Seeing hundreds of Tomahawk cruise missiles launched into the air, the big Saudi dogs were crying!

The reason why the United States pulled the Soviets to destroy medium and short-range ballistics is because the United States has a more convenient and flexible Tomahawk, which can perfectly replace ballistics for large-scale bombing of medium and short-range targets!

Of course, the Tomahawk is not without its shortcomings, because it is subsonic and has a high chance of being intercepted, while the ballistic trajectory can reach 10 times the speed of sound during its falling, making it almost impossible to intercept.

The target of the Tomahawk this time is the radar station, air force base, missile base, power plant, substation, weapon production factory and command and communication building near YLK capital Baghdad and other important targets!

Large-scale bombing beyond visual range!

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