America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 351: push back the pirates

"Yes, boss!"

Marchie Lori gave Chen William a military salute and said:

"Don't worry, I've already seen it. They don't carry RPG equipment on a pioneer boat like them, but it's hard to tell about the big boats behind."

What he meant was very clear. After all, this is the situation in Africa. After years of wars, there should not be too many weapons and ammunition scattered here from all over the world.

Although the equipment of these Somali pirates is often not very good, that is, they have some deterrent effect on ordinary merchant ships.

But there have been many examples of successful extortion of merchant ships before - once you succeed, you can get rich, which is why there are more and more Somali pirates - therefore, no one can guarantee whether any pirate group will succeed. Extortion, after obtaining funds, will they "invest" again and buy something amazing that they can't think of?

Maciei Lori was really worried before. William Chen was too young, and he wanted to play a game of killing pirates. I want to come and take a bite of their "fat", I really want to be trapped here by the opponent's crowd tactics...

Is the American military strong? Have you seen the movie "Black Hawk Down"?

In the 1990s, the U.S. military was so powerful that it beat Iraq, a regional powerhouse, to the point of death in the Gulf region, but it was not educated by the black brother militiamen in Somalia.

Although in that movie, the motive for the US military to come here is almost described as justice with the Holy Light, as for what the real situation is, anyone who knows the virtues of this country can understand, anyway, you are in other places. The country kills the locals...

Speaking of William Chen, with their equipment, Maciei Lori naturally has the confidence to ensure the safety of the "Future", otherwise, William Chen, the super rich man, would not have to take risks at all.

However, if he played this game of exterminating pirates and played high, it was not without the possibility of the situation getting out of control.

Therefore, when he heard Chen William's words at this time, he was still relieved.

Chen William ordered, and the "Future" immediately began to accelerate.

When the pirates saw that the distance between the other party began to widen, they naturally became anxious and prepared to speed up to catch up. Some people even started to shoot at the "Future" with their guns, ready to shoot as a deterrent.

At this moment, a roar sounded on the "Future", and the Apache gunships painted in blue and white camouflage began to lift off, flying towards the direction of the pirate ship.

Seeing that the other party still had such a big killer, the pirates panicked. Some people had already lost control and started to shoot at Apache.

But before that, the machine gun on the Apache had been aimed at the pirate ship, and then a barrage of barrages roared, and two or three pirates were immediately shot and fell on the deck.

Even on the deck of this ship, sparks flashed from time to time, the iron deck was punched out one by one, and there was even an unlucky black guy who was hit by a ricochet and shouted.

The person who controlled the pirate ship saw that the situation was not good, and hurriedly turned and accelerated to escape.

Seeing that the pirates had been driven back, Apache stopped, no longer chasing, but returned to the "Future". After all, their more important task was to protect the safety of this super yacht.

This time, the small conflict was solved so simply. No matter whether it was the "Future" or the Apache, they were not even hit by bullets.

Seeing this scene, the girls also felt relieved. Thinking about the scene just now, it really feels a little exciting at this time. I have seen this kind of scene before in film and television dramas.

Like Jessica, Ember and Orisa from America and Russia, they may have seen real guns, but the girls in China and South Korea have not even seen AKs for real, and now I see them with my own eyes In the process of this conflict, even though it was over soon, it still felt very new and exciting, and it turned away from the previous panic and was no longer afraid.

However, although the small pirate ship has fled, these people, including Maciei Lori and William Chen, will not relax.

"Future" is still speeding up its sailing, trying to leave the Gulf of Aden and enter the Indian Ocean as soon as possible. And Maciej Lori arranged for personnel to monitor and defend to prevent ships from continuing to follow and approach.

"William, it was so exciting just now. Next time I want to go on that helicopter to play, it's better to fire on it."

Ember said to William Chen excitedly.

Seeing that some of the other women were eager to try on their faces, William Chen said with a smile: "What's so difficult about this, wait for us to leave here, and after we are completely safe, you can take that Apache and fly up there. Take a lap and see the scenery from the sky."

After being kissed by Aimee, William Chen patted her round waist and said, "How about firing, are you serious? If you really want to, you can shoot a few times at the sea to play, but if there is any movement It's too big, maybe it will attract warships."


I don’t know if the firepower of the Apache gunships scared off those pirates, or the speed of the “Future” was far from the speed of those cargo ships. After the speed increase, the main force of the pirates was thrown away, and it was not until a day later that the yacht sailed out of the Gulf of Aden. , After entering the Indian Ocean, the pirates were not seen again.

When they got here, they were finally able to relax completely.

After leaving the Gulf of Aden, the "Future" went directly to Sri Lanka.

Although it is only the beginning of April, at this time their position is already very close to the equator. It can be said that since entering the Indian Ocean, the temperature has been very suitable. Everyone can wear swimsuits on the upper deck of the yacht and open the glass of the swimming pool. Don't look for it, swim in the open air.

Moreover, the "Future" originally came with two speedboats. Putting down the speedboats and galloping on the sea with the yachts is also an entertainment activity that everyone likes very much.

As for Chen William, after such a long time of practice, his swimming level has become very proficient. This is also the [Experience Amplification Ring (Intermediate)] he obtained before. When Orisa helped him practice swimming, he used it. The results of the 12-hour increment time.

There is still 60 hours left for this [Experience Amplification Ring (Intermediate)]. Chen William plans to keep it after returning to the United States and find a top swimming coach, and then use it to continue to improve himself.

His daily entertainment is to jump directly into the sea from the deck of the "Future", and then follow the ride of the "Future" and swim on one side amid the cheers and encouragement of the women.

With his physical strength and speed at this time, he was able to follow the "Future" at full speed for an hour, which also made everyone, including the members of the Southern Cross Guard, amazed at his abnormal physical ability.

However, the women among them, thinking that he usually 1VS4, can also bring each other down, seems to think so, with such extraordinary physical ability, it is also very understandable...

"Future" has been sailing through Sri After more than a day, it entered the Strait of Malacca between Malaysia and Indonesia, and finally stopped at Lijiapo for replenishment.

Here, according to the plan, Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Liu Shishi, these Chinese actresses, left the "Future" and flew back to China directly from Lijiapo.

And Jessica and Ember also took a flight to the United States from here.

Their journey ends here, and the distance to Atlanta is only a few days away. Li Yunxi and Orisa are still with Chen William and continue to take this super yacht to Atlanta. Orchid Island.

After the supply and correction from Lijiapo, the "Future" set off again and entered the South China Sea of ​​China, then turned east before Brunei and the Philippines, and headed for Atlanta.

By the time they reached Atlanta, it was already mid-April.

The last time William Chen left Atlanta was in mid-December last year, four months had passed since now.

When the "Future" was still 50 nautical miles away from Atlanta, it had already met the frigate "Poseidon" that came to **** it. After encountering the "Future", the "Poseidon" called Di signaled, and then escorted the super yacht all the way to Atlanta.

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