America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 402: Statue of Poseidon

Then maybe at this point, everyone has questions, are the bosses or boards of directors of Hollywood or many other companies stupid? I don’t know that equity incentives will make executives not limited to short-term interests, but will look farther and give more consideration to the company’s long-term interests?

This involves the choice of the two. We can find that equity incentives are mostly used in IT, Internet and other technology companies. These companies are more developed. The formulation of long-term strategies will affect the company. have a greater impact.

And most traditional enterprises, after reaching a certain scale, enter a stable development period, they will pay more attention to the stable development of the company. In such enterprises, there is a leader with great ambition, for the enterprise , misfortune is hard to tell.

Therefore, after making a choice, most traditional companies choose to share incentives based on the performance of executives. This is also a choice under overall consideration, and it is also the reason why such companies are more likely to survive.

Meta Group's entertainment business, such as music and film and television business, was more of a traditional industry in the past. It is not surprising to have such a choice.

However, William Chen's Meta Group is a firm "Internet + entertainment" strategy, just like MGM in the 20th century. Looking at it alone, it should belong to the traditional industry like other Hollywood film and television companies, but After belonging to Netflix, it cannot still follow the development of traditional film and television companies, because the streaming media industry is destined to subvert the existing Hollywood rules.

This is the main reason why William Chen chooses to change the management incentives of the entire Meta Group. Whether it is the collaboration between various subsidiaries or the overturning of traditional industries with Internet thinking, it is necessary to use this method to make Management puts the interests of the entire group first.


After the "Future" arrived in Lijiapo, it was time for Chen William to separate from the ten female fans. They would disembark at Lijiapo, and each would receive a "travel fee" of US$100,000 to facilitate their return to Europe.

To be honest, some of the girls this time made William Chen more satisfied, especially the girls in the professions of policewomen and doctors. Their professional skills also gave them quite novel experiences when learning knowledge.

But what surprised William Chen was that the girl named Melanie, who was the anchor before, found William Chen at the end. She handed the check to William Chen with a bit of anxiety.


William Chen didn't answer, looked at her, and waited for her to reveal her purpose.

"Mr. William, I hope I can go to Atlanta with this ship, can I?"

Melanie asked cautiously.

"Oh, why do you want to go there?"

"I had an idea before, and watched many live broadcasts and videos about Atlanta, so I wanted to go there and see it and live for a while. And you know, as an anchor like me, I don't know where I work. There are no restrictions, as long as there is an Internet, the live broadcast is almost the same, so this time I have the opportunity, I just want to follow you to see it."

William Chen said with a smile: "Since this is the case, I can take you with me, and you can keep the money. After all, you also need accommodation and meals in Atlanta, but you must know that the premise is that you To pass a work visa in Atlanta, or residency, if it is a tourist visa, you can only stay there for a maximum of one month, which I will not accommodate.”

"That's great, thank you, Mr. William, I'll apply as soon as I arrive."

Melanie said happily, she couldn't help but leaned over again and gave William Chen a sweet kiss.

So after the other nine girls left, Melanie followed William Chen's "Future", and after completing supplies from Lijiapo, they set off again to Atlanta Island.

The weather today is very clear. When the "Future" was still some distance away from the dock on Atlanta Island, it was already able to see the statue of Boston, the **** of sea, standing above the central mountain range.

The completed statue of Poseidon, the sea god, is 50 meters high, which is very spectacular.

The huge trident held by the statue alone is 55 meters long, but this trident is not solid, so it is not surprising that the statue cannot bear its weight.

The huge statue of such a scale can be completed in half a year, thanks to the current technology and the full support given to it by Atlanta.

Now the road from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain has not been completed, and the statue has been completed...

At first, the statue was welded with steel to build the foundation and shelf of the entire statue, and the stone statues on the surface were all transported in stone, and then the statue was decomposed to form a modular structure, and then transported by helicopter to the top of the mountain to complete the construction. .

After the construction is completed and the fixing is completed, the sculptor will carry out the final modification of the whole, and the statue of Poseidon, the sea god, will be completed.

In this statue, Poseidon, the **** of the sea, faces the direction of the pier, holding a trident with a majestic face.

And the face of the **** statue is completely shaped by Chen William's appearance as a prototype.

According to the designer of the statue, William Chen's face is already the most perfect male appearance in the, which only gods can have.

Unlike Chen William, she already knew many things about this statue, and it was the first time that Melanie, who was standing next to him, saw the appearance of Atlanta Island with her own eyes.

Especially the statue of Poseidon, the **** of the sea, which is located above the central mountain range. Previously, in other people's live broadcasts and videos, she could only see the image of the statue under construction.

Now that the statue is completed, looking at it from a distance, you can feel the majesty and might of the statue, so after seeing this scene, Melanie's face is full of admiration and shock.

One of the 100,000-ton berths and a 300,000-ton berth has been built in the current Freeport. It will take a year to complete the construction.

However, this time the "Future" docked at the original simple dock, but the dock at this time could not be called "simple".

Because after many expansions, what appeared in front of them was an artificial island composed of steel modules. There were many ships docked this week, and the dock was very busy with people coming and going.

After the group of them got off the "Future", Chen William sent someone to take Melanie to the immigration office at the dock to apply for a work visa.

If she can pass the "Magic Mirror System" score and be judged to meet the standard, then she can obtain a work visa in Atlanta, and after maintaining this score for more than five years, she can apply for the right of residence in Atlanta.

And William Chen himself was greeted by the group of the Atlanta Management Committee headed by Erica.

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