America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 412: 2 companies

But even so, the magical effects of the two plants, streamer grass and vitality ball, have been determined, so these two plants have been paid great attention at this time, increasing the security level of the Agricultural Research Institute.

Although Chen William knew, in fact, others couldn't take these two kinds of plants away, because they could only survive within the effective range.

However, the fact that these two plants will die when they leave Atlanta has not been discovered, so he did not interfere with the strict protection of the Atlan Management Committee, and let it be.

Now the main task of Greg Fisher, director of the Agricultural Research Institute, is to try to speed up the planting scale of the two plants, streamer grass and vitality ball.

At present, next to the previous plant cultivation garden, two planting factories covering an area of ​​100 hectares have been built, as well as a matching extraction workshop, which will be used for the planting and production of the two plants, the streamer grass and the vitality ball respectively. park.

According to the light-loving characteristics of two kinds of plants researched by Greg Fisher, these two planting factories will all build planting workshops with glass curtain walls inside, and each workshop is controlled by computers and probes. Among them, parameters such as temperature and humidity are planted according to the optimal growth parameters of the two plants that have been studied.

In each workshop, the shelf-like planting areas will be arranged from bottom to top. In each grid above, planting trays are used to plant corresponding plants, which will also utilize the space of the planting workshop to Extreme.

The two initially established planting factories will be called Liuguang No. 1 and Vigor No. 1 factories respectively. These two factories are only built to solve the initial planting, so the design will aim to quickly form production capacity. The subsequent planting factories added later will be specially designed according to the characteristics of their respective planted varieties.

The first few days when William Chen came to Atlanta was to solve the production and application of these two plants.

For the streamer grass, the Atlan Fund and the South Pacific Industrial Investment Company will jointly establish a company called streamer paint. The future streamer planting factory and the new paint research center will be owned by this company.

The shareholding ratio of this streamer paint company is funded by South Pacific Industrial Investment Company, which holds 60% of the shares, and the Atlanta Fund invests in the planting factory and the new paint research center, holding 40% of the shares.

Next, Streamer Coatings will choose the right ones to acquire the current global paint and coating companies, so as to form production capacity as soon as possible after obtaining the research results.

As for the vitality ball, on the second day, Paris took the HC fashion company team and took her private jet to Atlanta Island.

Before they had time to visit William Chen's City of Freedom, they first came to the Skin Care Research Center. After seeing the amazing effect of the juice extracted from the vitality ball on skin repair and moisturizing, she immediately agreed with Chen. William's plan.

A company called AT Skincare will soon be registered in Atlanta. The company will be jointly owned by the Atlanta Fund, HC Fashion and South Pacific Industrial Fund, of which HC Fashion will hold 40% of the shares. , Atlan Fund and South Pacific Industrial Fund each hold 30%.

AT skin care company also has a vitality ball planting factory and a skin care research center, and will build a skin care product production factory in Atlanta.

AT Skincare is also preparing to build the first beauty salon in Atlanta after getting research results that "the magic substance in the vitality ball has the strongest skin repairing and moisturizing properties when it is just extracted." Experience Center.

As a physical beauty experience center that is more effective than its skin care products in the future, I believe that as the effects of AT brand skin care products are understood by global users, especially female users, this beauty experience center built on Atlanta Island will definitely Attracts many wealthy women to Atlanta.

So from now on, in the southwest of Atlanta, a planting-R&D-production park that is unique to Atlanta has begun to take shape. After intensive construction, it will become the first place in Atlanta. A pillar industry economic zone.


"Darling, why are all the maids you have here are young beauties?"

Returning to the City of Liberty with William Chen, Paris likes the architecture very much, especially standing on the terrace, looking at the cliff below, the waves crashing against the reef, it is really a great scenery.

But there is only one point, that is, all the maids in Chen William's place are beauties with amazing body proportions, and she has some criticisms.

At the same time, in such an atmosphere, Paris also felt a sense of crisis.

Looking at the goblins in these villas, how could they look like serious servants, all of them are a bit revealing, and their faces and bodies—the graceful curves, sometimes make her so A woman feels a little red when she looks at it...

Hmph, she didn't believe that William Chen could hold back from eating these goblins in such an environment.

What kind of servant is this? It's clear that each and every one of them is William who wants to seduce her.

"Uh, baby, these are carefully selected and reliable people. You must know that I don't come here casually, and they are all just maids, don't think too much."

Although my maids are all better than some female stars, but for the time being, William Chen really has no idea about them.

It's not that he really wants to be a decent gentleman, but he really has no shortage of women, and he doesn't need to pounce on seeing beautiful women. He chose these maids because he wanted to be more eye-catching, and he didn't really want to be like those legendary dizzy kings. What are you doing with the seventy-two concubines of the three palaces and six courtyards?

Paris just complained and passed. She knew that on William Chen's conditions, there was no problem with what kind of woman she really wanted. If she liked being so jealous, she probably wouldn't be able to bear it.

"By the way, my dear, I remember you attended Musk's wedding at Tesla, didn't you?"

Instead of worrying about the maid, Paris talked about Musk, which made him a little strange:

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"His little wife is called Dalula, right?"

Seeing William Chen nodding, Paris said rather gossip:

"Last week, I saw her at a party. It was a Hollywood party that Ember took me to. Ember had a good relationship with her and introduced her to me."

William Chen knows that Ember has maintained a good relationship with Paris since... er, after studying with William Chen and Paris several times.

And she should have a relationship with Musk's wife Dalula. After all, she knew herself through Dalula.

Now listening to Paris deliberately talking about this matter, she can't help but ask casually:

"and then?"

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