America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 425: those who are favored by God

During the global finals of the League of Legends S1 season, the number of tourists who came to Atlanta also reached a new high.

At present, there are about 5,000 permanent residents of Atlanta Island, plus construction workers on the island. A few days after the global finals were held, according to the statistics of the Atlanta Island Management Committee, there are currently tourists on the island. , has reached half of the permanent residents, of course, this also has a big test for the reception capacity of Atlanta Island.

However, in addition to the Marvel District, which has the earliest residential area, the construction of the S area at the northwest end of Atlanta Island has also been relatively complete, and two emerging residential areas have been built, so the accommodation for these tourists is still affordable.

In addition to the South Pacific Headquarters Building, the tallest building in Atlanta in the future, which is currently under construction, there is another tall building under construction. The building has 36 floors.

After the completion of the construction of these buildings, coupled with the gradual expansion of the residential area, the carrying capacity of Atlanta Island will be gradually strengthened. In the end, it will be no problem to ensure that more than 20,000 people live on the whole island.

Moreover, the tourism industry will always have peaks, so I wouldn't say that there are always so many tourists. But what needs to be considered is that with the increase in the popularity of Atlanta Island, there are many people applying for Atlanta work visas and residences every day. Therefore, in the future, the construction of Atlanta Island will continue for a long time.

You must know that the area of ​​Atlanta is about 500 square kilometers. With the addition of the Hemi Islands, the total area will be less than half of China HK, and the total population of China HK is nearly 7.5 million. Therefore, in theory, Asia The total population carrying capacity of Tran Island will exceed 3 million people, and it is still early.

Of course, William Chen definitely doesn't want his Atlanta Island to be as crowded as China, but it is relatively easy to withstand at least 500-100 million people.

However, if there are so many permanent residents, then Atlanta definitely cannot be just a tourist island, but needs to have many pillar industries, and more efforts are needed now.

Instead of waiting for the end of the League of Legends S1 global finals in Atlanta, William Chen went to New Zealand with Yang Mi.

Liu Shishi was at the end of February this year, when the Mirae super yacht made its maiden voyage, and when he was with Chen William, some of them were pregnant. Now, they are approaching the expected date of delivery.

Therefore, as the child's father, Chen William must accompany her to give birth during this period, and Yang Mi also came to the farm in New Zealand to visit Liu Shishi. This time, knowing that her friend is about to give birth, she also came to visit.

At this time, Liu Shishi's parents were already accompanying their daughter on the farm, and they were relieved to see William Chen coming over at this time.

To be honest, during this period of time, they saw their girl was pregnant with a child, and although Chen William came to visit many times, he was still unable to accompany his daughter to give birth like a normal couple, and it was not without them. what idea.

However, although the daughter looks very gentle, her temperament has always been stubborn. The two of them can't dissuade her from what she is looking for. They can only accompany her daughter as much as possible, so that she can give birth to the child safely.

At this time, Chen William was able to come here and accompany his daughter to give birth, which also shows that he cares about Liu Shishi.

After all, his identities are different, just by looking at his properties, you can know how many things he needs to deal with, and Liu Shishi is not even his main room, so he can't ask him to really accompany him all the way like ordinary people. .

Being able to see Chen William and his girlfriend coming together, Liu Shishi was also in a good mood.

After living for two days, Yang Mi continued to return to Atlanta Island. The HTG team achieved good results this time and entered the semi-finals, so she still has to watch it herself and strive to win the first global final. Champion, this is not just a question of bonuses. Once this honor can be obtained, the popularity of HTG team in the whole country and even in the world will increase a lot, so Yang Mi can't help but don't care.

Chen William stayed with Liu Shishi, and from the due date on December 22, Liu Shishi was transported by helicopter to the best maternity hospital nearby, and he hired the most famous medical nurses in New Zealand at any time. Standby.

However, the due date has passed. Although Liu Shishi still has some feelings, he still has not given birth. In this case, the doctor told Chen William that it is normal to be born before the expected date of delivery, as long as the physical signs are always normal, and it is common to delay the expected date of delivery for a few days.

So I waited so anxiously, until just after the early morning of December 25, when Liu Shishi suddenly had a great reaction. After the doctors on call checked her, they immediately pushed her into the delivery room.

It didn't take long for Chen William to hear the cry of the baby outside the delivery room. The doctor came over and told Chen William that Liu Shishi had given birth to a baby boy, and the mother and child were healthy.

When William Chen heard the news, he was stunned for a moment. Did his first son just come?

When he heard the female doctor smile and congratulate:

"Born on Christmas Day, this child must be someone blessed by God."

It is not wrong to say that it is not enough. To be the child of William Chen, one of the richest people in the world, should be favored by God. There is nothing wrong with this statement.

Chen William took the baby carried out by the nurse and looked at his first son. Although the newborn baby looked a little wrinkled, it was also obvious that compared to Chen Yiran, Liu Shishi's child, More like Chen Xiran, the two children have more Asian characteristics. They looked at Chen William with big eyes and smiled. This smile seemed to be holding the whole world.

Looking at his son, thinking that today is Christmas, William Chen decided to name him Chen Shengyi, whose English name is Gaby, which means a person blessed by God.

When Liu Shishi was pushed out of the delivery room, it seemed that her complexion was not bad. According to what the doctor said, her delivery this time was relatively smooth, and it didn't take too long, so her health was still relatively good.

Knowing that their daughter gave birth to a son for Chen William, Liu Shishi's parents were also very happy, but at this time, the time belonged to Chen William and Liu Shishi, and their children, they stood by and looked at Chen William tenderly Holding Liu Shishi's hand, talking to her, and holding the child for her to watch.

And Liu Shishi had a happy smile on his face.

At this moment, they suddenly felt that perhaps their daughter's choice had her own reasons. Everything now may not be the best.

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