America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 454: mutual benefit

Obviously, Sun Zhengyi also hopes to continue to use his "time machine" theory to succeed again in the telecommunications industry in the United States.

However, William Chen is not optimistic about his acquisition, because he remembers that in his previous life, Sun Zhengyi also spent more than 20 billion US dollars to successfully acquire SprintNextel - this transaction can pass the supervision of the United States, Sun Zhengyi U.S. citizenship is also important.

However, his transformation of the company was not successful, and the continuous investment of funds also dragged down the SoftBank Group, resulting in its book liabilities as high as 40 billion US dollars.

It was not until 2020 that Sun Zhengyi sold the company after a difficult review in the United States, allowing SoftBank Group to slow down.

Therefore, it is clear that this is destined to be an unsuccessful acquisition, at least not as successful as Sun Zhengyi's previous acquisition of Vodafone's Japanese business.

After all, times have changed, and telecom companies are also facing challenges from Internet giants, just like their mobile phone and SMS services are being replaced by text and voice and video chats on mobile social apps.

Similar to this, the current operators of American Cable TV are also facing challenges from Siri and Netflix.

After the success of the Siri smart speaker, just at the beginning of this year, the Siri company went on to launch a Siri box that integrates artificial intelligence AI.

The launch of this product was immediately welcomed by the public.

As mentioned earlier, in the United States, if you need to watch TV, you also need to choose various packages. Those cable TV operators rely on various packages to conduct bundled marketing.

Maybe you just like watching the NBA, but you also need to subscribe to a package that includes other channels, which is expensive.

But now it’s different. TV series in the family is not just an option to buy a channel package. You don’t even need to buy any cable operator’s channel package. Through the Siri box, connect the Internet to the TV, and then include on the network. Video software including Netflix streaming media on demand for your favorite programs.

This not only eliminates the need to purchase the entire package because of the channel you like, as before; and the online video program does not need to be watched according to the program schedule, you can watch it freely at any time.

The emergence of the Siri box has changed the habit of watching TV for many people and brought them a more free experience. Therefore, once this product was launched, it was not only popular in the United States, but also quickly expanded to overseas markets.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} Therefore, the traditional mode of operation is destined to face cross-industry competition in the face of technology, and there will be fewer and fewer profit points.

Just like the popularity of WiFi, mobile data rates will drop sharply; the popularity of mobile social networking, and income from calls and text messages will also suffer a tragic decline.

It's just that it is difficult for a big guy like Sun Zhengyi who already has his own set of investment theories to be easily persuaded, and Chen William doesn't have to convince him.

He will put forward his own opinions, but the other party insists on such an acquisition, and William Chen will also use his influence in the United States to help.

After all, for both sides, they can help each other in their respective advantageous home fields.

Therefore, although Chen William put forward his views on this acquisition to him, he also said that he has other plans for the time being and will not participate in this acquisition-sp Telecom's current main business scope is still Atlanta and the surrounding South Pacific. region, and there is no need to enter the continental United States.

But he still said that if Sun Zhengyi made the acquisition of Sprint Nextel, the third largest telecom operator in the United States, he would provide support within his capacity.

Next, William Chen talked about the main purpose of his meeting with Sun Zhengyi, and hoped that the other party would introduce him to meet with Sony and help him complete the acquisition of part of Sony's business.

In the early days, William Chen also had contact with Sony Corporation. At that time, he bought back the copyright of "Spider-Man" at a price of 500 million US dollars.

This transaction of William Chen seems to be an extremely wise decision now, but it also brought precious cash income to the sluggish Sony company at that time.

It's just that now, the head of Sony is no longer the American Howard Stringer who dealt with William Chen when he repurchased the copyright of "Spider-Man".

Because of four consecutive years of losses, in the first half of this year, Howard Stringer left the position at the helm of Sony. The newly appointed president and CEO of Sony is a Hirai who was not born in Sony's most important electronic technology department. A husband, he is a marketing background.

At present, Sony Group's business is mainly concentrated in the four major fields of electronics, games, entertainment and finance, and what William Chen values ​​is their traditional advantageous departments, the production and research and development capabilities of consumer electronics.

After Kazuo Hirai took office, in order to bring Sony out of the quagmire, he carried out a drastic reform of the company, prepared to abolish many projects, concentrated on the transformation in the direction of "consumer electronics + entertainment", and actively developed in the field of mobile Internet .

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} And if it develops in these areas, William Chen's own company is very strong in the direction of Internet + entertainment. What he sees, It is the part that Sony itself no longer pays attention to, so one of the important purposes of coming to Tokyo this time is to try to acquire part of Sony's business.

Sun Zhengyi naturally agreed to Chen William's request. After all, the two sides are mutually beneficial. He needs Chen William's help in the United So on the Japanese side, he will do his best. help each other.

"William, are you interested in Sony's mobile phone business?"

As a collaborator, Sun Zhengyi naturally has a detailed understanding of the business of Chen William. Thinking of his recent layout in the semiconductor industry, it is not difficult to understand that Sun Zhengyi made such a guess.

Speaking of Sony's mobile phone business, one name - Sony Ericsson, which is Sony Ericsson, cannot be missed.

In 2001, in the face of the dominant mobile phone business of Nokia, and the respective businesses of Sony and Ericsson were also in competition, weaker than brands including Samsung and Motorola, the two companies decided to unite to warm up, in 2001 In October, Sony and Ericsson respectively invested 50% to set up Sony Ericsson, mainly producing mobile phone products.

However, after 2007, due to the suppression of the rise of smartphones in the market, the feature phones produced by Sony Ericsson gradually lost the market, and the company's operations slipped into the quagmire of losses step by step. new

Then after half a year of negotiations, at the end of October last year, the two parent companies of Sony and Ericsson reached an agreement that Sony would pay Ericsson 1.05 billion euros, and the former purchased Sony Ericsson from Ericsson.

On February 15 this year, the Sony Mobile Communications subsidiary was established. Sony Ericsson came to an end and officially withdrew from the market. The Sony mobile phone brand reappeared in the public eye.



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