America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 468: eye-catching wedding

Time quickly came to May 5th, the day when William Chen and Paris held their wedding.

From the days leading up to the wedding, on SP Airlines flights from around the world to Love International Airport, it was evident that there had been a huge increase in passengers compared to usual.

Not only the global media, but also many tourists took this opportunity to go to Atlanta, and while traveling, they also watched William Chen's wedding.

Although it is certainly impossible to enter the venue of the wedding and watch it nearby, many activities in the wedding can still be attended.

Due to the development of various industries, the current resident population of Atlanta has exceeded 50,000, and according to forecasts, this number will double to 100,000 before the end of this year.

As a result, the infrastructure construction of Atlanta has never stopped, and residential areas and high-rise buildings have been built continuously, and several local engineering and construction companies have been built.

The tourist carrying capacity of Atlanta Island, driven by the increasing number of hotels and other related facilities, has reached 30,000, which means that it can receive 30,000 tourists at the same time.

At least 20,000 tourists will arrive in Atlanta on May 5, according to data from hotel bookings and flights by the Atlanta Management Committee. The biggest challenge facing tourist reception.

Whether it is the preparation of materials or security measures, the Atlanta Management Committee has made full preparations for the arrival of William Chen's wedding day.

The location of the wedding is located on the high ground where the City of Liberty is located. During normal times, the guards of the Southern Cross Security Company guard the passage, and ordinary tourists are not allowed to enter.

When the wedding is about to be held recently, the security force has been strengthened, and helicopter cruises have been added, so the wedding will not be disturbed by unrelated people.

Since the first two days, the wedding planning company has begun to arrange the venue, and they will also arrange it on the morning of the wedding day with nearly 200 employees and more than ten tons of flowers that have been airlifted from all over the world. scenery.

The wedding of William Chen and Paris is different from his previous wedding with Ivanta in that this wedding did not invite too many guests including politicians and celebrities. The main guests, They are all family members and closest friends of William Chen and Ivanta, so the number of guests is not large.

Even so, nearly 100 wedding invitations have been sent out. After all, William Chen and Paris have a wide social circle, so apart from relatives and friends, there are also many close friends. .

These guests, including the Drey family, Uncle Tom's family, and members of the Hilton family, were arranged to live in the guest room and villa area of ​​Liberty City, and other friends were also in the Marvel District of Atlanta Island, which is close to Liberty City. , has arranged luxurious rooms for its rest.

On the afternoon of May 5th, all the guests, by the special concierge staff, with the wedding invitation, entered the wedding venue next to the City of Liberty and waited.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the wedding officially started.

At first, on the viewing platform of the wedding venue, a group of guests saw a warship slowly approaching on the sea near the highlands, which was the Perry-class frigate named "Poseidon".

At the same time, tourists who came to Atlanta, as well as media from all over the world who were unable to enter the wedding venue, were on the coast and saw the majestic appearance of the "Poseidon" frigate, and the crowd erupted. Cheers.

After the Poseidon sailed near the City of Liberty, the gun barrels on the ship were raised, facing the sea on the other side, and a salute began to pay tribute to the protagonists of the wedding, William Chen and Paris.

After a full 21 salutes, it also means that the wedding has kicked off.

Next, an aerobatic team hired from the United States appeared. Five fighter jets took off and made various stunt formations back and forth over the city of Liberty. Finally, the letter "C" representing William Chen was pulled out with a ribbon.

And the letter "H" for Paris.

If it is said that when William Chen and Ivanta got married, a similar scene was only seen by the guests who attended the wedding at that time, then today, not only the guests at the scene, but also most of the people near the highlands in the northeastern part of Atlanta Island can see it. Witnessing this moment with my own eyes, the sound of exclamation continued for a while.

Next, a full 10 helicopters formed a heart-shaped pattern and came to the vicinity, changed their formation, and began to rain petals, showing a beautiful and extremely romantic scene.

When Paris appeared, her father picked her up from the carriage and immediately became the center of attention.

At this time, Paris was already two months pregnant, but under the cover of her complicated wedding dress, outsiders could not see the change in her body shape at all.

It is worth mentioning that her wedding dress was created and prepared by Paris herself. To be precise, it has been almost two years. Recently, the designer has re-added the design, and it fits the current par. Liz's figure, after changing the size of her clothes, was finally able to show her to the guests and people around the world at her wedding with William Chen today.

But apart from Paris' wedding dress, the most eye-catching thing is the necklace she wears on her neck that shines brightly. It is composed of a huge diamond and countless small diamonds. The necklace, against the backdrop of this necklace, makes Paris even more beautiful and noble.

On the necklace Paris is wearing, the largest diamond is named "Taylor Barton".

The rough 240.8-carat diamond was excavated in South Africa in 1966 and cut into a 69.42-carat pear-shaped diamond.

Its first owner was Mrs. Paul Ames, her husband thought the insurance premium of $30,000 a year was too expensive (every time his wife wore it, the average cost was $1,500), so the then-unnamed The gem was sent to auction and an "additional benefit" was that the buyer could name it Cartier took the gem and named it the Cartier Diamond, but soon changed the name.

Richard Burton bought it for $1.1 million for his bride, Elizabeth Taylor.

According to the auction agreement, the newlyweds can rename the gemstones as they wish, hence the Taylor Burton diamond.

Cartier made a final presentation before the pair took what is now known as the "Tyler Burton Drill." Despite the cold and rainy weather, people queued for hours to get a glimpse of it.

The diamond became Taylor's favorite, and she wore it regularly and kept it with other jewelry when she wasn't using it.

After Burton's death in 1979, Taylor sold the gem for $2.8 million, with the proceeds donated to a hospital in Burton's hometown in honor of Burton.

In the end, this famous diamond, one of the top ten diamonds in the world, fell into the hands of a collector in Saudi Arabia. When William Chen was looking for Paris' wedding jewelry, with the help of the Saudi royal family, he found it. This diamond was bought at a high price of tens of millions of dollars for this legendary diamond with a beautiful meaning.

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