America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 498: rescue in action

At six o'clock in the morning, the sky had already begun to dawn, and this small town in the Amazon jungle began to gradually wake up.

It's just that in this city, there are some people who have been busy all night and haven't fallen asleep.

After arriving last night, the rescue team led by Ivanta and Roger Del Rey found locals and translators and began to inquire about the location where the plane they had determined had crashed.

According to the local Indian hunter, that place is already a relatively deep place in the Amazon jungle, and most people in the small town will not go deep into that kind of place, because there are too many dangers in the Amazon jungle.

Only a few very good hunters would occasionally arrive there, so they found hunters who had been to that place, and after the other party told everything they knew, they hired them as the search and rescue operation. wizard.

After dawn, Ivanta, who had not slept all night, was in a complicated mood. She was looking forward to confirming and finding the news about William Chen soon, but she was afraid that the news would not be what she expected.

Finally, it was time for the rescue operation to officially start. Ivanta would stay in this temporary camp with some members of the escort, while Roger Del Rey personally led the team to the rainforest to start the rescue operation.

The five helicopters took off in sequence, and started to fly to the target location according to the coordinates marked on the map.

The distance of about 30 kilometers, in the air, only took more than ten minutes to arrive, which is the reason for slowing down the speed to facilitate safe flight over the jungle.

When the helicopter team arrived at the target position, looking down from the air, they could see a huge plane that had been broken off on the bank of the broad Amazon River, lying there quietly, the front half of the plane. It plunged directly into the river, and the second half formed a strange obtuse angle with the front, and half of it was still on the river bank.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the team felt that their hearts sank. They didn't know what happened at the time, which made the plane look like it is now. From the top of the fuselage, you can see that there are many holes. It's like being pierced by someone with a huge spear.

Two helicopters were left to observe in the air, and the remaining three planes searched for a slightly open place nearby. It was difficult to land, because even by the river, the scope of the open space was not large, and the tropical rainforest was dense. Vegetation is the biggest obstacle for helicopters.

Fortunately, the plane landed by the river. If it landed in the forest, I am afraid that with the dense canopy of the towering trees here, even using satellites, it would be difficult to find the trace of the Gulfstream G550.

The helicopter can only choose to hover, then put down the ladder, and start to lower the rescued troops to the land.

The rescue team this time, in addition to the elite troop of up to 15 people, also includes field survival experts, hunters and translators in that small town.

After putting all the personnel on land and transporting the basic equipment, the team assembled and started to march towards the wreckage of the plane.

At this time, it had been 65 hours since Chen William's plane lost contact, and they finally came to the Gulfstream G550 plane that had been missing for nearly three days.

It's just that when these people saw and determined that it was Chen William's special plane - the vaguely recognizable letters of "William" on the fuselage had already explained everything - the local hunter in the team suddenly made a noise , preventing them from moving on.

Roger glanced at the accompanying translator a little surprised, and motioned him to talk to the hunter, and he needed to know what the other party meant.

After the local hunter murmured, said and gestured, and then pointed his hand to the opposite side, the translator listened carefully and said to Roger:

"He said there were footprints on the ground ahead, human footprints, and if we all walked over it together, it would cause damage."

Hearing this, Roger's eyes lit up, and he motioned the field survival expert in the team to check the footprints with the local hunter.

After they had marked the footprints, Roger was finally able to walk in and see the footprints.

Among the cluttered footprints of various animals, it can be clearly seen that there are human footprints. Roger heard the wild survival expert explain to him:

"This footprint, obviously, was made by combat boots, and there are fresh footprints today, as well as footprints from a long time ago. According to the depth of the footprints and the conditions of the nearby soil, we analyzed that this person should be a male. , about 190 in height."

Hearing the other party's analysis, Roger's eyes lit up, and a look of anticipation appeared. This description was very consistent with Chen William's situation.

Next, the rescuers began to enter the second half of the cabin. The bad news was that William Chen was not found in it, but the good news was that there were three corpses in the cabin that had been bitten badly, and the one in the water that had more than half of it. The results of the investigation of the wreckage that were all bitten, whether in terms of clothing or physical features, ruled out the possibility of William Chen among them.

To be on the safe side, the rescuers in the team began donning diving gear and preparing to explore the front half of the plane, which was submerged in the water.

The team divided a team and began to search for traces left by humans around under the leadership of the local hunter and translator, hoping to find the survivors of the plane.

There are dangers everywhere in the Amazon River, so the exploration of the front cabin of the plane was also carried out carefully, until about two hours later, the front cabin was finally explored, and the "black box" of the plane was taken out. and the body found in the forward cabin.

It may have been bitten by fish or other creatures in the river, and the four corpses in the front cabin were also terrible.

However, from the clothes, it can be clearly seen that the four corpses are two drivers and two members of the Southern Cross, and in terms of physical characteristics, they are also the same as William Chen is very different.

The deaths of these people are also distressing, so the rescuers have packed the eight bodies found so far in body bags and will take them back together.

What excites Roger is that so far, William Chen has not been found among the victims, and the members who have been walking upstream and downstream of the river have not found any other traces.

Just like the situation when these bodies were found, most of them were fixed in seat belts, which means that in the event of an air crash, they still have time to take safety protection measures, and from the current situation of the aircraft , The biggest possibility is that the plane tried to make a forced landing, but at the last moment, the plane lost control, so it plunged into the river.

Soon, the team that entered the jungle to search for survivors received good news. They followed the obvious traces of human passing, and found a simple wooden shed built on a tree half a kilometer away from here. There, they found two female survivors, but one of them seemed to be in a bad situation.

Soon, they brought the two out. One of the women was already hot and in a coma, while the other was in a better condition. She also said that she knew the whereabouts of William Chen, so Roger hurried Met her in the past.

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