America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 52: Nikki's prank

Chen William and the Hilton sisters took the elevator to the downstairs of the Standard Hotel. As soon as they walked out of the door, the cool wind blew the two sisters' footsteps a little.

When William Chen saw this situation, he knew that they had been blown by the wind, and he immediately went over to support the two of them. He couldn't help but said to Paris, "I told you not to drink so much alcohol."

Paris' eyes were a little blurry at this time. She looked at William Chen, and just wanted to say something, she suddenly "vomited", covered her mouth, and ran to the side to support the pillar outside the hotel door.

It seemed to be contagious. When Nikki heard her sister's vomit, she immediately struggled to the side to support another pillar, and she couldn't help but vomit.

Noticing that there were flashes lit around the hotel, Chen William immediately winked at the two bodyguards. One of the bodyguards chased after the flashing lights, and the other bodyguard and Chen William guarded the two sisters behind him and blocked them. the direction of the lens.

The two sisters finally finished vomiting, felt a little more comfortable, and struggled to get up. Fortunately, they were still conscious and did not get dirt on their bodies.

At this time, the bodyguard who had chased him at first also rushed back, and handed it to William Chen with an SD card in his hand.

So William Chen asked the bodyguard's car to drive over. He took the two of his sisters into the car and returned to the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.

In the car, William Chen reprimanded Paris, who was still a little sluggish: "If you don't have me by your side in the future, you are not allowed to go to a nightclub to drink like this, hear you, Paris, if you dare not If you're obedient, I'll take care of you."

At this time, Paris, like a child who did something wrong, pouted and muttered to William Chen: "I usually don't drink so much alcohol when I go there with my friends. Today is not because of you, so I can rest assured. That's how it is."

"Anyway, don't drink so much alcohol. You see, if your appearance is photographed by reporters today, people in America will be able to see you drunk and unconscious in tomorrow's newspapers."

"Okay, I see, I won't be like this in the future, okay?" Seeing that William Chen was really angry, Paris immediately said obediently.

Arriving at the Waldorf Astoria, William Chen helped the two sisters out of the car and went directly into the elevator that led directly to the Presidential Suite. They reached the top floor, where Paris's room was.

There are two rooms in the presidential suite. Now Nikki seems to be a little drunk, but she looks better than Paris, so William Chen sent her back to the guest room of the suite and let her wash herself first.

Then he supported Paris, took her to the bathroom of the master bedroom, put warm water in the bathtub for her, and let her go in and wash her body well.

After all this tossing, William Chen was sweating all over his body. He simply took off his clothes in this bathroom, and sat in the large bathtub together, and washed up with Paris.

Seeing her like this, William Chen turned off the lights in the room, lay beside him and prepared to fall asleep.

At this time, he surpassed the hearing of ordinary people, but he caught a burst of extremely light footsteps that seemed to be deliberately controlled.

Originally, the floor of the room was covered with a thick high-grade carpet. Under deliberate control, even Chen William could only faintly feel the slight footsteps.


At this time, William Chen finally realized that there were other people in the guest room in the suite.

"Niki, is that you?" William Chen asked in a low voice.

From the darkness of the room, he saw a figure that seemed to be the outline of Nikki, and walked slowly to the bed, but did not wait for a response.

William Chen felt the man get in under the quilt at his feet, held his legs up, and stopped in one place...


William Chen took a deep breath, lifted the quilt covering him, and watched Nikki look up at him. The moonlight shone on her face from the gap in the curtains, her eyes were charming.

Then she glanced at Paris, who was sleeping soundly beside William Chen, and made a silent gesture to William Chen...


After a tired night, Chen William took the Hilton sisters and four bodyguards to JFK Airport in the morning to take the flight to RB Tokyo.

William Chen directly booked first class for himself and the Hilton sisters, and the four bodyguards were in business class. After boarding the plane from the dedicated aisle in the first-class cabin, Paris and Nikki put down their seats in a bad mood and started to make up for sleep just after the plane took off.

This makes Chen William very strange. If you say Nikki, it can be justified. After all, after her "prank" last night, Chen William took her to the guest room in order to punish her and taught her a lesson for two hours. Fatigue is inevitable. But Paris went to bed before one o'clock, and woke up after eight o'clock this morning, why is she still so tired?

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking about it. William Chen took out his Kindle and continued to read the economics book he had downloaded. He had only read half of the previous book, "Biography of the Federal Reserve", and now he just continued to read it.

"Hello, Mr. William, do you need anything?"

The quality of the first-class flight attendants is obviously much higher. It can be seen from the stewardess who came to serve them. They are different from many flight attendants of low-cost airlines. Well, they can no longer be called flight attendants. Many of them are middle-aged aunts. This is also the result of fierce competition in the American aviation industry. In order to compete for the market of ordinary people, they fought a price war, and finally chose service quality instead of higher value-added beauty.

"Just a glass of water, thank you." William Chen just looked up at the other party, nodded, and after answering, he turned his attention to the book he was reading.

It's not that he really Liuxia Hui is restless, it's just that last night's output was quite violent, and now he's still on the edge of the sage's time... Studying is so good, studying makes me happy.

Chen William and the others took off at 10:00. It takes about 14 hours to reach Tokyo. It is daylight saving time now. There is a 13 hour time difference between New York time and Tokyo time. Therefore, Chen William and the others arrived at Tokyo Haneda Airport. It was only two or three o'clock in the afternoon, but the date was already the next day.

After Paris and Nikki slept for a few hours on the plane, they woke up chatting and watching a movie, and now they are in high spirits again. When they came to Tokyo, they naturally stayed at their Hilton Hotel. When they walked out of the airport, the hotel's courtesy car was already waiting there.

"William, what's the matter with you, were you a little tired from reading before?"

After getting into the car, Paris saw William Chen sitting suddenly silent and couldn't help asking.

"Oh, it's fine. It's just the first time I came to RB. I'm curious. I want to see what's different from America." William Chen said with a smile.

"I think the construction here is pretty good, except that their English accent is a little weird." Paris took William Chen's arm and looked out the window with a curious look on her face.

In fact, the reason why William Chen was stunned just now was mainly because when he opened Future Bank, he saw a new activity reminder.

[Local Featured Gift Pack (RB)] It is detected that the user has arrived in a new country, and a local featured gift package will be given, please collect it.

Local special package? This is the first time William Chen has seen such an event. Could it be that he can receive a special gift package when he arrives in a new country? In that case, wouldn't it be possible for me to brush this quest, how many countries are there in this world, it should be more than 200, then if I just brush this quest, I can get more than 200 gift packs.

However, Chen William felt that things should not be that simple. After all, so far, he has not found similar loopholes in future banks. Obviously, the settings of this system are relatively rigorous, and there should be no such simple The bug that was seen exists.

And let's first see what this so-called special gift package is. If it is the kind of dispensable, there is no need to get a special gift package.

After arriving at the hotel, William Chen and the others still lived in the presidential suite. This suite is similar to Paris' presidential suite at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York. It also has two bedrooms, a master bedroom and a guest bedroom, but the layout and layout have some RB features.

While Paris and Niki were visiting the room, William Chen opened the [Event] interface of Future Bank and chose to receive the reward of [Local Featured Gift Pack (RB)]. This time, it was a bit interesting, a burst of cherry blossoms. After the special effect of the rain, it will prompt that the items in the gift package have been put into the inventory.

After opening the inventory, Chen William saw that the three items [Eye of the Future (Traces)], ["Magic Mike"], and [Black Swan Scroll] that existed in the original and more. two items -

[Language-amplifying wind chimes] As a country that is good at transforming and absorbing other languages, it has its own language-amplifying wind chimes. When used, it can greatly improve the efficiency of learning the local language (double the improvement effect of Japanese learning). This item can be placed in the inventory. After using it, you need to accumulate energy. You can continue to use it when the energy is full.

[Immune sushi] Sushi made from marine plants mutated by radiation is beneficial to the human body. After eating, it can be immune to all viruses spread by sexual behavior.

Uh, the two items in this local special package are not bad, they are indeed very local. [Language Amplification Wind Chimes] Needless to say, it can speed up the efficiency of language learning, especially because it is obtained in RB, so learning Japanese is faster.

As for the [Immunity Sushi], you don't have to be afraid of killing one thousand enemies and self-destructing eight hundred. You can finally play happily... um, make friends happily.

So William Chen immediately chose to use the [Language Amplification Wind Chime], and immediately popped out the prompt box—the local language [Japanese] was detected, and the increase was doubled.

The energy is exhausted, please wait for the energy accumulation to be full and use it again.

William Chen glanced at the wind chimes in the inventory, and he seemed to be tired. The energy bar below had been emptied. Then, you can only wait for the energy to be used up again, not a one-time item, praise.

Next, William Chen took out [Immune Sushi], an egg-sized sushi appeared in his hand, swallowed it in one bite, and it turned into a warm current in the body, until it reached his dantian and disappeared.

Now he is invincible.

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