Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 290: paper tiger

Xie Zhi had a lot of emotions, and finally turned it into a sentence: "No wonder Xianxia is keen on flying swords. This thing is first-class in actual combat, but...too brain-intensive! Hey, it seems to be drunk, this trick is so good..."

Yes, Xie Zhi had a bit of a headache. When I experimented with this move, I didn’t have so many targets. I didn’t feel much at that time, but when I actually used it to deal with thousands of enemies, the side effects showed up. The more enemies, the better.

Rubbing his temples, Xie Zhi sighed: "It needs to be improved, otherwise the blood pressure will be unbearable if there are more enemies. about reducing the number of flying swords? The problem is, they are not handsome enough."

As he said that, countless golden chains flew over, yes, they were all made up of yellow light rings, and after collecting them all, Xie Zhi also knew the number of yellow light fighters, two thousand one hundred and seven!

Of course, these multiple rings can't be hung on the body, otherwise it wouldn't be like selling bracelets.

So it's just flying around Xie Zhi, and then merging, it's not like selling bracelets, like selling bead curtains.

But the Green Lantern Warriors were at a loss, shocked, terrified, and embarrassed...

talk? I'm afraid I don't have the qualifications. Just look at the trophies of others and you will understand. It represents the once powerful Green Lantern Warrior and the more powerful Yellow Lantern Warrior after transformation. Now, they are dressed like a curtain and hung there. People talk? What capital do you have to talk to others?

On the contrary, he is a little quick-witted, but he also tastes some flavors. Fear... It doesn't seem to be very good. Xie Zhi uses the energy of will, that is to say, it is not propaganda that the energy of will is the strongest? So shall we?

Not to mention how wild the Green Lantern Warrior was, Xie Tiehammer flew to Xie Zhi's side, pointed at the flying swords in the sky, and said excitedly, "Grandpa, can you become a flying hammer?"

Xie Zhi smiled: "You can change yourself."

"But there is no balance between quantity and quality. Only you, grandpa, can guarantee quality and quantity."

"Then change less."

"Not big enough for a scene."

"Well... let's put it this way, the hammer is not suitable for high-speed flight in terms of aerodynamic layout, and the maneuverability is not good, unless the power is strong enough to break through the design problem, but does that kind of hammer exist? I guess it only exists in the fairy family.

So...the flying sword is scientifically justified, why don't you turn around and beg the third grandpa to help you design a hammer with duck wings. "

"Is a hammer with wings still a hammer?" Xie Tiehammer thought seriously.

But Xie Zhi's hair suddenly stood on end, and he couldn't help staring back at the distant horizon.

Xie Tiehammer followed suit and shivered: "Grandpa, it's a little cold, huh? How can you be cold with a battle suit?"

"It's okay, someone is finally not a shrinking turtle, go with the master."

As Xie Zhi said, he took his granddaughter to fly into the sky, and the whole family gathered together, all looking towards the horizon, and the Green Lantern Warrior also felt that something was wrong.

Yes, it was radiating fear energy, almost like a smell, for everyone to detect.

Bucky was on the left of Xie Zhi, and said in a deep voice, "Is the parallax monster also at this level?"

Xie Zhi shook his head: "It's far away, Sinestro is not smoking less."

Xiao Yu said: "He has absorbed the energy pool?"

Xie Zhi smiled and said: "No, he doesn't have that ability. Controlling fear also depends on will. Like the will energy pool, the fear energy pool also comes from the fear of all creatures in the universe... Tsk tsk, I think even if I am eroded by fear, I can still control it." Not so much, it will be exhausted.

Sinestro's willpower is definitely stronger than Parallax Monster's, but now, we haven't given him time to continue sucking, he really doesn't know if he can't come out... Fuck it! Uglier than Parallax! "

I saw a... head comparable to a mountain rising from the horizon!

It should be Sinestro, but he couldn't see his original appearance at all, and his red face had also turned into a yellow face. It was the face of a super fat man.

Fat is different from being fat. Some people are fat and cute. As for Sinestro, it is a fat face made up of countless grotesque and terrifying big meatballs. It is not just a matter of ugliness. If there are **** demons, it is probably also Just like him, nightmare level! If it is made into a movie, it must be banned!

"Grandpa, I want to vomit..." Xie Tiehammer covered his mouth.

"Don't look at it, grandpa sent him away."

"It's okay, Grandpa, I can bear it! I have strong willpower! I think I can swallow it..."

"Don't! Don't stress about your will! What you said makes me want to throw up!"

Xiao Yu rubbed the back of Xie Tiehammer's neck lightly, dumbfounded, to help her relieve the discomfort, and then said: "Master, are you sure?"

Xie Zhi smiled triumphantly: "Sure? Audiences, the next step is to witness the miracle."

As he said that, Xie Zhi flew forward slowly, and a large number of yellow tentacles had sprung up on the horizon. Just this part, it was much bigger than Parallax Monster, and it was also much more disgusting! No one, there are many above... In short, people with trypophobia will collapse immediately after reading it.

But from the point of view of speed, Sinestro seems to be slow compared to Parallax.

At this time, the perception of Green Lantern Warrior is completely different, Sinestro turned into a monster bigger than Parallax! How can you win? Some people were trembling uncontrollably, and what's more, they almost couldn't stand still. If it wasn't for the crowd, they might have started to run away.

Sinestro opened his huge mouth full of fangs and rotten flesh, and roared in a loud but slow tone: "Thank you! You are very strong! But you don't understand real power at all! I won't kill you, I want you to be My dog! Surrender to me! Otherwise, I will kill everyone you care about!"

"Tsk tsk, you actually talked for half a minute with just a few words? Have you ever heard of emptiness that can't be filled? Forget it, you don't understand even after talking about it. Let me show you something good."

After Xie Zhi finished speaking, he suddenly removed the actual battle suit, revealing the original sentry suit underneath. Yes, he was still wearing two layers.

And when he raised his hand, a beam of light suddenly shot out from his arm, and then formed a huge holographic projection in the sky.

What the holographic image shows is the parallax monster.

It's just that it's not the domineering and unparalleled parallax monster, but the dog-like parallax monster kicked out by Xie screaming, extremely embarrassed, completely frightened.

Immediately afterwards, Qinglong pierced the parallax monster through the big hole, and then Xie Zhi slowly dismembered the parallax monster...

Sinestro exclaimed, "No! It's impossible!"

"Don't worry, there is still fun."

As the video progresses, the fear energy is completely played by Xie Zhi in the applause. Not only can it be assimilated, but it can also be controlled. Especially when the Tai Chi ball appears, it starts to absorb the parallax monster in reverse. Qinglong pounces on the parallax monster and eats it...

Of course, the video was edited and the key points were cut out, but it was enough. Not only did it prove that Xie Zhi killed the parallax monster, but it also proved that the fear energy backlashed even himself!

And a scene that surprised everyone appeared, before the video was finished, Sinestro yelled, ran away, ran away, he ran away!

At most, this can be regarded as a small movie, as for? He didn't even suspect that the video was fake? After absorbing so much fear energy, it turns out... Could it be that it is because of absorbing too much that it makes you more cowardly?

Xie Zhi turned around with a smile and spread his hands at his family: "Taizu said well, everything is a paper tiger, and paper tigers are not only afraid of powerful people, but also afraid of hard-boned powerful people."

Xiao Yu shook her head, and said with emotion: "Cultivation is to cultivate the mind, crooked ways, it is difficult to become a great tool."

Bucky sighed and said, "No wonder it's just a verbal threat. If you can't scare the hard bones, you can only scare yourself."

Ren murmured: "This is probably the most powerful I've ever seen in my life... Cowardly, tsk tsk, it seems that his greatest ability is to bully the weak in good times, doesn't he have the dignity of a big man? "

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