Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 309: stare

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At this time, the car flew out of the city and was suspended in the wilderness.

Xiao Yu said to Lei En: "Come this time, I want to lick the cat."

"Is it so cool to pet a cat? Let me do it too."

"No borrowing, right Gugu."


"Xiaoyu, you can't do this, emphasizing **** and ignoring sister-in-law..." Ryan murmured, casually tapped Fury, released a dream connector, connected with Fury, and fell into a dream.

When Ryan woke up again, Xiaoyu asked: "How is it? Has this been infiltrated by Hydra?"

Ren shook his head: "Not really, this guy doesn't know anything about Hydra's infiltration of S.H.I.E.L.D., but he is a high-ranking person, and he was the deputy director of a certain S.H.I.E.L.D. branch. The cargo ability is really outstanding, he seems to be born to be a spy, according to his ability and performance, it is estimated that he will be promoted. (Note 1)

Oh, he has been transferred back now, and is responsible for researching and assessing where the enemies that threaten the peace of the earth will appear in the future. At present, he has not thought that they will be aliens, and he is still judging according to the known world situation. The focus is still extreme socialist organization.

However, he has a long-term vision and a sense of responsibility, and he knows very well what kind of virtue this country is, the troubles caused by his skin color, and the identity that he really identifies with in his bones is first of all human beings, and then other things, so I say Whether he is a good guy or a bad guy is not accurate. It should be said that he is a sensible person who can distinguish what is important and what is not. "

Xiao Yu's eyes narrowed: "Haven't been infiltrated by Hydra, he is still very capable, insightful, and responsible. It's good to understand people. The world needs understanding people. Maybe...he can start to make a difference."

Ryan said: "You want to take him in as a younger brother? It's impossible. Don't look at this guy with a hippie smile. He has a good idea in his bones. He doesn't trust anyone. Even if the leader says it, he just obeys it superficially. When he really makes a choice, he only considers it." Overall, I'm afraid no one can really influence him."

Xiaoyu smiled and said: "This is better, it means that he won't listen to Hydra, and of course we don't need to recruit him. In fact, it's not certain that he can live for a few years. If his eyes are really thieves, sooner or later he will It is found that there is a problem within S.H.I.E.L.D., and it will be hard to say whether it will be able to get rid of Hydra."

Ryan said: "Could it be that we still have to help him? It's not necessary, we can handle Hydra by ourselves, and Bucky definitely wants to do it himself."

"It's not about helping, but Quan Dang will take a free move first, which is not considered to have moved Hydra."

"How to do it?"

Xiao Yu thought for a while, and said: "In this world, there are existences like Gu Yi, aliens, and treasures like the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. According to Lao Xie, the thing that Gu Yi hangs is also amazing, so this There may be more extraordinary existences in the world.

And S.H.I.E.L.D. is the strongest spy organization in the world. It is so strong that it needs to organize a World Security Council for supervision. Obviously, the main body is composed of old Americans, but its coverage is indeed an international spy organization. Although many countries do not care about them, But within NATO's sphere of influence, they have a lot of authority, so their intelligence gathering capabilities can be said to be unique in the world.

Since Fury himself has a high position and might continue to be promoted, and now that he has discovered the existence of two 'witches', do you think he will increase his intelligence gathering work on supernatural phenomena?

If there are existences like Gu Yi on the earth, even if they are much weaker, this information will be useful to us. With him exploring ahead, we will reap the results. "

Ren slapped his hands: "Oh, I see, continue to scare him, let him understand the seriousness of the matter, and he will do the rest without our request. When we come to this world again, let him sleep again. .”

Suddenly Ryan paused, holding his chin and said: "But what if he is killed by Hydra?"

Xiao Yu said: "A secret agent is a high-risk occupation. Even if there is no Hydra in this line of work, the chance of dying is not low. Look, he almost finished playing today. We are not **** mothers, let alone without us, without Hydra Snake, how many secret agents can die?

As long as there is a plan, even if he is finished, some people in the organization will probably continue, not to mention that if Hydra knows this information, they will not be idle. "

"That's right! Hydra can give us some work before it's finished."

"But before that, you have to let Gugu get used to it, um, will Gugu be afraid of Dabai?"

The speeding car landed, Xiao Yu got out of the car with the cat, and summoned his own spiritual totem in the wilderness, a super giant white tiger.

When the white tiger with the waistline of a bus appeared, Gugu's reaction was a bit strange.

Say you’re not afraid, Xiao Yu feels the little guy’s body is stiff, like a piece of wood, yes, say you’re afraid, the eyes are wide open, but the flickering flickering shows no fear, unlike normal kittens’ frightened performance, neither dodge.

The white tiger also looked at the kitten with great interest, and suddenly stretched out its huge paw, and two claws that were originally retracted into the flesh popped out.

Ryan said nervously: "Xiao Yu, does your tiger want to have some appetizers? Gu Gu is too small, is it enough for it to fit between its teeth?"

"It's okay, Dabai has a good temper, he should just be curious."

Following Xiao Yu's voice, the two paws of the white tiger came closer, and they were as flexible as human hands. The tips of the claws dexterously pinched the nape of the little orange cat, lifted it up, and brought it to the eyes.

Ryan couldn't help praising: "Is this a tiger's paw? I think it can play the piano."

In front of an extremely huge tiger head, there is a cute kitten. The picture at this moment reveals a strong contrast and cuteness. How big is the contrast between the two? The white tiger's eyeballs are just like the headlights of a car, bigger than the little orange cat! Really wide-eyed.

After Baihu stared at the little orange cat for about five seconds, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and he snorted.

The little orange cat seemed to be blown by a strong wind, and its fur was blown out of ripples. The next second it trembled, its eyes blinked, it looked pitiful, and it cried softly: "Meow..."

"Hey... This sound feels so cheap." Ren shuddered: "Goo, is this cowardly?"

Xiaoyu shook her head: "No way, this is closeness. That's right, it likes Dabai. Speaking of it, Gu Gu Gu is still very courageous. If it were another kitten, he would probably be scared to pee. Gu Gu Gu is really brave."

The white tiger lowered its paws, and put the kitten on the ground, and Gu Gu immediately moved to the white tiger's feet after landing, his little head squawked at the huge tiger paws, and squinted his eyes in a manner of enjoying himself.

Xiaoyu was very happy: "Okay, now the big cat and the little cat are good friends."

Ryan expressed doubts: "Really? Why do I feel that Gugu is flattering?"

"Cuckoo, as long as you don't be afraid, it's Fury's turn."

Saying that, the drizzle ring flashed, and the green energy dragged Fury out of the car body, put it on the ground, and woke him up at the same time.

Fury slowly opened his eyes came to life, and then... he was dumbfounded.

Looking at the super giant tiger in front of him, he was as stiff and numb as Gu Gu.

After a while, Gudu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and murmured: "So... this is the true face of Gugu?! Gugu, you are the cutest little cat, no, big cat! No, big tiger! You are the cutest cat! Handsome! Don’t eat me, I don’t taste good, I’ll treat you to steak! No! I buy the whole cow, fresh and alive..."

"Meow meow." Cuckoo made a sound, as if to say: "You are blind! Uncle is here!"

Fury lowered his head, only to find Gu Gu who was squatting at the tiger's feet, and couldn't help saying: "Gu Gu? Oh, sorry, is this Ling Tang? Hey, auntie, you are so young, I treat you like a girl ,hehe."

PS: Thank you book friend "Beef Noodles" for your kind reward! Thank you for your support!

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