Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 311: rarity

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Xiao Yu said: "How can you be humanitarian?"

"After the two of you left, the three of us discussed it." Xie Zhi pointed around and said, "There are too many things involved in this Cree cruiser, but there are mainly three aspects, the threat from the Cree Empire, Mysterious Baby Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and whether the earth is safe in this universe.

The Cree are definitely powerful, warlike, good or evil, let alone, but we must at least understand their level of strength.

We really can't take the Cosmic Rubik's Cube away, but we can't let a group of refugees look at it. Orphans and widows are still in danger. It's all luck that they can survive until now.

And there are many powerful forces in the universe, but no matter how many there are, it is estimated to be similar to the earth. There is confrontation, cooperation, and threat between various forces, so there is room for our activities.

If we will definitely settle in this world in the future, then we must not only prepare sticks for beating dogs in our own land, but also know the virtues of the neighbors around us.

Now it can be confirmed that the Skrulls are refugees, and they are in a hostile relationship with the Kerrys, and they can be our potential help. Of course, it is hard to say whether it can develop, but it does not prevent us from taking a leisurely move. There is a saying how to say coming? Belt and Road..."

Hearing this, Ryan couldn't help muttering: "It's really a couple, they both love playing chess."

Just listen to Xie Zhi and continue: "We can provide some help to the Skrulls, but to what extent, we have to ask Hakuna to find out if the Skrulls can help them up.

We can’t support them, guarantee their survival needs, and keep this race from perishing, we should do it as a good deed.

If you can support it, that's another matter. Why not support a hard-core friendly force in the universe for mutual benefit? "

Xiao Yu thought for a while and said, "In other words, the plan you discussed is to travel the universe and help them find the surviving clansmen?"

Bucky continued: "That's right, of course this is by the way. Our main purpose is to collect information on the Cree people so that we know what we know. The second is to get some good things. Youde thinks that our flagship, although designed It’s finished, but there’s still room for upgrades, and it just so happens that only 35% of the manufacturing has been completed so far, so we can take this opportunity to purchase some advanced technologies from interstellar civilizations for further improvement.”

At this time, Youde's voice inserted the topic from the communication: "Yes, and I just saw that the light speed engine designed by Marwell is very advanced, and it is very suitable as a new propulsion system.

I analyzed it, and with the material formula provided by Magneto, plus Edman alloy, we can improve the performance of the engine by at least 28%.

If some suitable materials and technologies are obtained in the cosmic civilization, not only the spacecraft manufacturing process, it will be beneficial to the development of all aspects. "

"But there is a problem here..." Ren stretched out his hand and gestured for money: "Where is the money? There must be no shortage of gold in the universe. Is this thing still a hard currency? It's not like we..."

Speaking of this, Ren made a "grab" mouth.

Xie Zhi smiled: "That's not true, but gold is indeed worthless in the universe. We fight the landlord... no, I asked Hakuna during friendly negotiations. There are several hard currencies in the universe. .

And there is also a way to make money. Coincidentally, Hakuna told us about a famous super local tycoon in the universe. The money is too much to calculate, and he is willing to spend money. We think it is more appropriate to start with him. "

Ryan's eyes lit up: "Like in Raccoon City, saving banknotes?"

Bucky rolled his eyes: "What are you thinking about? You said that we are like robbers. This time we are sellers, doing business."

Xiaoyu wondered: "What are you selling? If it's not strong enough, would the cosmic tyrants like it? If it's too strong, we'd be reluctant to sell it. For example, the Tai Chi ring. Even the green light ring and sentinel robots with special abilities are not suitable for spreading. , This is our core combat strength."

"Sell this." Xie Zhi smiled and waved his hand, and there was an extra playing card in his hand.

Xiao Yu and Lei En looked at each other, and Xiao Yu said: "Do you think the local tyrants of the universe are fools?"

Xie Zhi played poker and said: "Of course he is not a fool, oh, that guy's name is Tifeng, the big boss of a super business consortium across the star field, named after him, called Tifeng Group, he does all kinds of business , but this guy has a special hobby. He has a nickname, Collector.

That's right, this guy likes to collect very much, he wants all kinds of weird things, and he likes to spend money!

Of course, there are some treasures in his collection, but apart from the treasures, the rest are eccentricities and some perverts. According to Hakuna, it is said that many of Typhon’s collections are living beings, including intelligent life , it is said that he even has collections of some extinct intelligent species.

We calculated our family's wealth before, and we couldn't sell anything that was suitable for sale, but by coincidence, we can now make something that looks very rare, and that guy might be willing to spend money to buy it. "

Ryan said: "But what's so rare about playing cards?"

"Wait, let me open your eyes."

Following Xie Zhi's voice, the poker cards in his hand floated up and suspended in the air.

At the next moment, a strange phenomenon appeared on the playing cards, but that phenomenon was familiar to everyone, just like the out-of-phase kaleidoscope experienced during time travel, but at this moment it only affected the playing cards. The prism refracts many surfaces, flips, folds, distorts, converges, and spreads again, which looks amazing.

Xiaoyu was surprised: "This is a space change, right? Mr. Xianggong, you can control your own space energy?"

"Hey, I can't. But..." Xie Zhi chuckled: "With will energy, it's different. This is what I manifested. In fact, I have tried it before, and I want to get the spatial abnormality in the dream In reality, unfortunately, I have not found the right way.

But Gu Yi showed us something before, what she called the mirror space, I was a little inspired at the time, but it was still a vague concept, but it’s different with the addition of the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube..."

Xiao Yu couldn't help but continued: "Master, have you touched it?"

"No, no, don't worry, I won't touch mysterious things rashly, just observe them. Anyway, I'm sensitive to space energy, and I can understand it just by feeling."

Xiao Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "And then, you created this... what should it be called?"

"I call this space folding. It is realized by simulating the concept of space through willpower. It's fun."

Xiao Yu nodded and said, "It looks amazing, so what's the specific use of this?"

Xie Zhi smiled and scratched his head: "How should I put it~ I've been researching for a long time, but I didn't find any use for this phenomenon, but Youde said that this should be a realistic modeling of the concept of space, It has extremely high scientific research value."

Ryan wondered: "If you sell it, wouldn't it be a loss?"

Bucky shook his head and smiled: "Old Xie is trying to save face for himself, being virtuous means having scientific research value, but he also said that there is no manifestation of volitional energy, and it cannot be replicated, because volitional energy is too special. It cannot be solved, so apart from theoretical research, it is too difficult to put it into practical use, and it has no practical value at present, well, it is still possible to be a rare thing to fool people."

Xiao Yu raised her eyebrows: "So it's still useless, um, it's not a robbery, it's a lie."

"My lady's words are wrong. How can she be cheating? Whether he loves it or not, I am willing to sell this priceless treasure that polices evil and punishes **** and maintains world peace. Is it a matter of money? It depends on my destiny."

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