Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 314: The Wholesale Kitten's

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Since there is a high probability that there will be a charge for the apron, and now the old Xie family has nothing in his pocket, so the spaceship was reduced, and everyone landed directly on the ground by flying.

Yes, everyone didn't intend to keep a low profile at all. Since this place is full of lawbreakers, it's a good idea to look difficult to mess with, and it will save a lot of trouble.

It is that many aliens on the road are pointing and whispering to them.

After experiencing the Green Lantern World and seeing the Green Lantern Corps, everyone has become immune to the strange shapes of aliens, but the aliens who look like earthlings here are the mainstream, which makes everyone feel fresh. They don’t seem to have as many appearances as in the Green Lantern World.

But most of the aliens, Xie Zhi they understand, after all, three months is not only to tinker with spaceships, a variety of mainstream alien languages ​​have also been integrated by Youde, input into the translation program, and the Tai Chi ring has also inherited The language translation function of the green light ring can also be included.

And what are the aliens saying?

"Is that the Yuan Devouring Beast?"

"That's right, my grandpa said, it looks like this!"

"very scary!"

"too horrible!"

"It's ugly!"

Listening to the discussion, everyone couldn't help but look at Gu Gu, Bucky smiled and said: "We should wholesale a batch of little orange cats before we come, maybe they can run rampant in the universe now."

Xie Zhi gave a thumbs up: "Good idea."


I don’t know if it’s because of my fear of Goo-gu, I didn’t have any trouble along the way, and when I asked for directions, the passers-by were very polite, not like criminals at all, but my legs kept shaking…

I came to an office of the local Typhon Group and told me the purpose of the trip, but the reception attitude was really not good.

The receptionist didn't even raise his head, playing a game and lazily said: "Dongfeng 17? What are you doing?"

Xie knew: "The main business is delivery, but we also take on various casual jobs. Our slogan is that the mission must be fulfilled..."

"Understood, mercenaries, let me check, Dongfeng 17... I can't even find the name, that is to say, I don't have any records, it's too bad, Mr. Tifeng doesn't see everything, you say there are good things There are good things? It's a lie."

Xie Zhi smiled at Xiao Yu, stretched out his hand to grab Gu Gu's nape of the neck, picked it up, and brought it to the receptionist: "Hey, do you know this?"

The registrar looked up with strange eyes: "There are so many things, I am hundreds of thousands a minute... Oh mother duck!"

Amidst the noise, the registrar fell off his back and scrambled towards the corner of the wall, his eyes widening: "The Yuan Devourer! Oh my god! I'm sorry! I'll report it right away! Please don't let it get close to me!"

Xie Zhi picked up Cuckoo and looked at him, and sighed: "The little guy has a lot more face than us, Cuckoo, you have the attribute of attracting money, right? I will reward you Xiaoyu later, okay?"


After a while, a pink-skinned woman in a white dress and ponytails came. She was very polite, but her words were a bit out of tune: "Welcome distinguished guests, my master ordered me to pick you up, please follow me."

Accompanied by this woman, everyone came to the destination, which is the so-called Typhon Collection Room.

After entering, Ryan couldn't help but pursed his lips and said, "This place is really perverted."

It’s no wonder that Ryan said that. In the vast building space, there are densely packed display cabinets, and one layer after another, the height of stacking is comparable to skyscrapers. But the problem is that most of the display cabinets are living things. Not only strange creatures, but also many humanoid intelligent life forms.

And the pink-skinned woman introduced with small steps: "We have the largest collection of the Milky Way, all kinds of animals, fossils, species, everything..."

It happened that everyone passed by a display case, and they were shocked by the "collection". It turned out to be a... dog, yes, the breed looks like a Labrador, and it is also wearing a spacesuit, but the text on the spacesuit is in Russian. And there is also the sign of the former Lao Su.

Baki said: "Wow, Lao Su's space dogs are all here, tsk tsk, the collection is really extensive."

On the other hand, the space dog became fascinated when it saw Goo-gu, barking its teeth and barking, as if "let's have a fight".

Cuckoo was not to be outdone, bared his teeth, and waved his little claws. If it wasn't for Xiaoyu's hug, he would have agreed to the appointment.

Until entering the central hall of a building, the pink-skinned woman said in an exaggerated tone: "I would like to introduce to you, Tenatly Tivon, the collector."

Everyone has already seen that there is a white-haired man with his back to them standing not far away, and there are two strong aliens standing beside him, probably bodyguards.

The white-haired man Ti Feng turned around slowly. Although his eyebrows were also white, his facial features and complexion were similar to those of people on Earth. Although he was wearing a weird leather robe, those who didn't know would definitely regard him as an ordinary middle-aged man on Earth. man.

And Tifeng looked at the crowd for a few seconds, and said calmly: "I bought it."

Xie Zhi smiled and said, "Mr. Tifeng, we haven't said what we're going to sell."

"There is no need to inspect the goods, I want the Yuan Devouring Beast, 100 million."

Everyone stared at Gu Gu again, the little guy is so valuable! ?

You must know that according to Hakuna, Youde has estimated that the purchasing power of the hard currency in the universe is higher than the US knife if it is visualized according to the earth's economy.

Everyone is in the same mood at the moment, they really should wholesale a batch of small orange cats.

"Not for sale." Xiao Yu didn't hesitate at all.


Now that the daughter-in-law had spoken, Xie Zhi's eyes closed with a golden light, and he turned his head and said seriously: "What we are selling is not cats... oh, Yuan Devouring Beast, but other things."

Ti Feng glanced at Xiao Yu indifferently, and said: "Ma'am, my reward for Yuan Devouring Beast is 100 million. Of course, I don't mind increasing the price now, 120 million."

"Not for sale."

"Meow meow!"

Ti Feng snorted: "Okay, I hope you can change your mind in the future, I want to die, but only at half price. Then let's take a look at your goods, I hope I won't waste my time."

Xie Zhi put his hand into his backpack and took out... space folding yo-yo, not to mention, it looks really good, not only has wonderful changes, but also flashes of colored lights, and the mapping effect makes the hall look like a disco.

Ti Feng's eyes were fixed: "This is... I want to take a closer look."

After taking the yo-yo and observing it for a while, Timon said slowly, "Where did you get this thing? I will also pay for the news, one million."

Xie Zhi said with a smile: "Oh, it's great to have money, but the information is included as a gift, because we picked it up. In space, you know, people will be curious about it."

"Oh... so what about the devouring beast? It was also picked up."

"Yes, let's read the almanac before going out."

"Hmm... Dongfeng 17, lucky mercenaries, I remember you all. Well, 20 million, I want this thing."

It's only a small fraction of Gu Gu! ? Xie Zhi secretly scolded me for being stupid! The Wholesale Kitten’s…

At this time, Tifeng said again: " If you can find the Rubik's Cube, I am willing to pay four billion."

Everyone's heart skipped a beat, why did Ti Feng mention this? Could it be seen from the space folding?

They were secretly paying attention, but everyone's expressions didn't change. They were all old men. Xie Zhi looked interested: "Universal Rubik's Cube? What is that? It's really valuable."

Tifeng smiled, and his smile seemed a bit mysterious: "I like lucky people. People who are lucky can always pick up good things. Maybe one day, you can also pick up the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. If you want to sell it, please first Consider me, believe me, no one will offer a more fair price than me..."

Speaking of this, Tifeng glanced down and said, "Do you sell your rings? I will pay 300 million for each ring."

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