Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 330: Mysterious civilization

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This treasure-digging journey is considered to be over, but the two of them got the spaceship first.

But the two of them didn't leave in a hurry. After seven or eight hours of tossing, Xiaoyu and the others should wake up, and make plans after communicating.

After the family connected to the communication again, Xiao Yu and Lei En were quite surprised. Overnight, the two old men changed their shotguns and even had a spaceship. A bunch of good things, and got an uninhabited planet, this **** luck is no one.

Xie Zhi is very calm, what is this, even children and wives are picked up, even brothers and younger siblings are picked up, this family is picked up, what did I say, I keep a low profile, I don’t say anything .

But Bucky said: "That cutie, it sounds pretty good too, can you do more?"

Ryan said: "It's a little problem. You have to register as a scavenger, and then spend time and gain the corresponding qualifications by harvesting. Only high-level scavengers are eligible to buy cuties, and there is a quota."

Xie knew: "It's fine if it's not easy, four of them are enough."

Xiao Yu said: "It's not too difficult, but it takes a little more work. Now that you have spaceships, we can stay longer. Anyway, we have only explored three wormholes so far..."

Xie Zhi couldn't help asking: "Have you ever left?"

"No, just let the sentinel robot take Ryan's terminal, go out of the wormhole and contact Youde to determine the position of the other end of the wormhole, so that we can find a wormhole with a relatively suitable distance."

"It's also a way."

Ryan said: "However, there are still shortcomings. The environment in the third wormhole is relatively harsh, and the sentinel robot was almost destroyed. We think it is more reliable to explore it by ourselves."

Xie Zhi hurriedly said: "Don't, that way you will be in danger too, leave the exploration to the robot, and we will solve this problem with Youde, as long as we find a relatively close exit before the robot is damaged, we may have Youde I will send you some communication terminals, and we may even go directly to Sakar to meet up."

"Alright, let's contact Youde and discuss it together."

After Youde joined the discussion, he proposed a new proposal for communication.

He thinks that Xie Zhi can try to make another green light ring. There is no need to keep other functions, as long as it can communicate. The communication method of the green light ring has obvious advantages, and it can communicate across universes, and it cannot be monitored.

In the past, there was no need because everyone in the family had one, and it was not necessary, but now it has been proved that it is useful to have a few more, and there is no need to purchase communication terminals in the local universe for positioning, and if the investment plan for the Skrulls is successful, the past communication The method must be eliminated, and it can effectively evade the surveillance and search of the Kree Empire.

Xie Zhi thinks this method is feasible. After all, it is a castrated version of the ring that only retains the communication function, so casting should be easier.

"By the way." Xie Zhi said again: "Speaking of communication, have you contacted the Scruis, Youde?"

Youde said: "No, in fact I will not contact them after you disappeared, my own family matters are more important, not to mention I may not be able to carry out follow-up plans if I contact them.

And in the past eight months, in the process of looking for you, I collected information, made money, and became famous by the way of accepting mercenary missions. Now Dongfeng 17 has a 100% mission completion rate in the industry, and its reputation is fair, but it has not yet taken the initiative. They expressed their support for the Scruws, so they did not take the initiative to contact me. "

Baki said: "Wow, the completion rate is 100%, Youde is amazing."

Youde smiled and said: "I don't take on all the tasks. As you all know, I am good at analysis, so the tasks I choose are the most suitable for the cost performance. We have Pym particles. Many tasks that seem difficult, in fact, send micro It's easy for the Sentinel robot to do it.

Of course, the detection equipment of the interstellar civilization is much higher than that of the earth, and there is still a risk of being discovered, so the intelligence must keep up. "

Xie knew: "Then how much money do you earn now?"

"Not much, 850,000 yuan, I don't dare to accept tasks with higher rewards."

Xie Zhi thought for a while, and said: "Anyway, it will take a lot of time for us to meet up. In this way, Youde, you can check to see if there are any suitable tasks on our way. Bucky and I completed it smoothly. Hurry up, make money, You have gained fame, and you can kill three birds with one stone.”

"Okay, I'll check and send it back to your terminal."

Xie Zhi said again: "By the way, I think this planet is pretty good, it has no owner, it has air and water, although I don't understand why there are no living things, but it can also be used as a development base.

Moreover, it is located in the so-called uninhabited area of ​​the universe. From the depth of the battlefield buried by wind, sand and dust, no one has visited this area for at least 1,800 years. It is safe and secluded enough, suitable for the Skrulls to live temporarily.

Relatively speaking, the Saka planet you discovered was not mentioned before, and it is full of wormholes. God knows what things will fly into the wormholes. If the Cree finds that boundary, the Skrulls will be out of luck. . "

Xiao Yu said: "Sounds good, but what about the Nobita civilization you mentioned? Do you still pay attention to that planet?"

Xie Zhi shook his head and said: "I think the certainty is very low. Judging from the current signs, the Xiaoqiang civilization is estimated to have been exterminated. Otherwise, why has no one come to the battlefield after so many years?

As for the Daxiong civilization, it must be rich and powerful, because these good things left on the battlefield, we think they are treasures, but they didn't move at all, obviously they don't like it, even this planet is not rare, otherwise it will make a planet Idle like this?

By the way, with such a powerful civilization, is there any similar target in the information you searched? "

Youde said: "Listen to your description, cold weapons, shields, and boat-shaped aircraft... are similar in style to the legendary Asgardians. It is said that they like to use cold weapons, but even cold weapons are extremely powerful.

The thing is, the Asgardians are almost unseen, they are very mysterious, and the information about them is more like a fairy tale, but now I think they are very likely to be real. "

"how to say?"

"This has to start with the Cree Empire. According to intelligence and the national strength of the Cree Empire, some people estimate that even if their fleet expands a hundred times, it will be no problem at all, but it has always maintained the current scale. Consistent with their belligerent and aggressive appearance.

However, there is an unprovable inference, saying that because of some mysterious and powerful existences in the universe, the Kree Empire did not dare to go too far.

Based on the battlefield you discovered, it can be deduced that mysterious civilizations exist. Even if they are not Asgardians, they are civilizations that are powerful beyond imagination. "

Xiao Yu said: "Whether you are Asgardian or not, what do you think of the aggressiveness of the mysterious civilization?"

"Well... Judging from the current signs, there is a high probability that the mysterious civilization does not have the ambition to rule the universe, otherwise the interstellar civilization will not be in the current Bucky said: "Maybe the mysterious civilization is not as imagined." So strong, maybe it can't beat the whole universe. "

"No." Youde said in a serious tone: "According to the information currently available, I don't think that the top interstellar civilizations have the potential and need to develop star-destroying weapons, but the intelligence shows that those top interstellar civilizations do not have star-destroying weapons, or even No one has ever publicly announced the establishment of a research and development project. It is important to know that an arms race is also a strategy to drag down opponents, and even if it is fake, it can also serve as a deterrent.

However, although there are wars and disputes in the universe, it still maintains a certain balance, and there is no one-sided force that cannot compete.

So the question is, how did this balance come about? Why do those top interstellar civilizations not develop star-killing weapons?

I think it is more likely that there is really a mysterious existence that can deter top civilizations. Moreover, they have star-killing weapons in their hands, and the range is even very exaggerated. Note 1)

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