Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 334: Queen

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"However, the electrocution of the grandmaster does not mean that everything is over." Valkyrie pointed to the outside, and the sound of destruction caused by the battle was still coming in at this moment.

"Yes, we didn't expect the Sentinel robots to sweep the alien army either."

Xiaoyu said, and suddenly released a Xiaoqiang 008, and before Valkyrie got used to this unique shape, Xiaoqiang's body surface began to liquefy and deform, and soon became the appearance of a grandmaster.

Valkyrie raised his eyebrows and said, "Wow, being able to transform is a pretty good ability, but if I'm wrong, it's a robot, right?"

Ryan said, "Yes, what's wrong?"

Valkyrie shrugged his shoulders and spread his palms: "I can't hide it, scanning equipment is standard, even ordinary trash pickers are available."

"The problem is, who dares to scan the ruler? It's fine to keep some places from going, and..." Xiao Yu laughed: "Isn't there still you."

"Me? What do you mean?"

"Because you are... Her Majesty the Queen."

Valkyrie was taken aback, then waved his hand and said, "Stop teasing, this joke is not funny."

Xiao Yu said: "I'm not joking, I have taken a fancy to this place, but it's useless because we still have to leave, so this is your territory."

Valkyrie sighed: "Do you have to go?"

"We have very important things to do, the kind that have to be done, of course, we won't leave right away, at least help you set up the stall."

"Well, there is no permanent banquet, but you don't seem to understand, although I don't want to say it, but I..." Valkyrie paused, and said dejectedly: "It's just a rotten alcoholic, drunk and dreaming, eating and waiting to die, Queen? Stop making trouble, I will do worse than Grandmaster."

Ryan patted her on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Sisters, I don't know what you have experienced in the past. It must be painful, but you are not a useless person in your bones. We can see that you just have a hurdle in your heart. .”

Xiaoyu continued: "I won't say that being a queen will help you and help you get out. If you like drinking, you can continue, but as a friend, I think you might be happier if you do more things in your life. I don't want to. It doesn't matter, you can appoint a successor at will, anyway, you have the final say in this place now."

Ren followed with a smile and said, "I suggest that you stay for a while, for example, you can promulgate a Bill of Rights of the First Night or something..."

"Good Lord... Get lost! Am I such a shameless person!"

At this time, there was another loud explosion, and Valkyrie waved his hand: "Let's talk about this later, first get rid of the Grandmaster's army, I am familiar with this place, I will take this fake to make a broadcast."

"Very familiar?" Ren narrowed his eyes, with an expression of "you're dishonest".

Valkyrie shook his head: "Okay, I admit, I have long been prepared for the Grandmaster, and I have thought of killing him."

Xiao Yu asked curiously, "Why didn't you do anything?"

"Because I'm afraid of trouble, if I kill him, maybe someone worse will appear, and I don't want to take care of things, so... this is also the reason why I don't want to be a queen."

Ryan said: "Isn't it because you drank the broken piece and forgot about it?"

Valkyrie's face darkened: "Don't tell me if you see through, we are still good friends."

"Okay, Ryan and I will attract firepower and buy you time." Xiao Yu enlarged the dragon tooth sword and threw it to her, and at the same time recruited a white tiger, and Ryan also recruited a dark horse.

The action started, and the three women acted separately.

The battlefield itself takes place inside the building, and the strength of the army is not fully deployed, so it can only fight in the streets, and heavy firepower is completely useless.

Coupled with the fact that Xiaoyu and Renn, two super-strength fighters, ended up in person, the situation was even more irreversible. In fact, the two didn't do much, and basically handed over to the hammer.

I have to say that this magical hammer is so easy to use, you don't have to hammer people with your own hands, and you fly over and bump into it by yourself, and everything is solved. It can be said that the rampage is unstoppable! A complete dimensionality reduction blow!

Ryan said with emotion: "I have to take back what I said before. It should be said... problems that can be solved with a hammer are not problems."

However, the battle didn't last long. Valkyrie was also very fast and reached the destination. Then the super giant holographic image of the Grandmaster appeared in the city and ordered the army to cease fire and surrender.

It must be admitted that the master's dominance over his subordinates is still quite strong, and if he surrenders, he really surrenders.

As a result, this change of dynasty ended like a joke. No wonder, none of these three are easy to mess with, but the Grand Master put the three close to him, and even angered them. The point is, he didn't count. There is also a magical hammer that can break the game.

It can only be said that if you don't do it, you won't die.

However, the follow-up is not as troublesome as imagined. No matter who the master is or whether the means of rule are popular, his authority in Saka is indeed unchallengeable. The situation was stabilized, but no major disturbances occurred.

Surprised by the second daughter, Valkyrie said while drinking: "It's not surprising. The Grandmaster was the first to come to Saka. No one knows how long he lived, but he has ruled here for at least thousands of years. No fighting power, but the cutie he created is indeed very practical."

Xiao Yu said: "So, it is still useful for us to leave you a substitute."

"Hmm... I haven't decided whether to be the queen or not. I always find it super troublesome. Frankly speaking, Xiaoyu, have you really taken a fancy to this place?"

"Of course, the value of Star Saka lies here, but I think it doesn't mean that I want to own it, but it's better in the hands of friends than in the hands of enemies."

Valkyrie was silent for a moment, and said, "How long will you be away? Will you come back in the future?"

"Of course we will come back. There are our friends here, but it may take a long time. The main reason is that we are going to a special place and we can't contact them. It may take more than ten years to come back."

Valkyrie waved his hand and said carelessly, "Hey, how long have I been here? It's only been ten years, what a joke."

Xiao Yu and Lei En looked at each other, these words seemed to reveal a great secret, how old are these sisters?

Valkyrie also discovered his slip of the tongue, and hastened to make up for it: "I mean, I drank and fell asleep and drank, and the time passed quickly. Well, it's enough to have your words anyway, so I'll take it easy for the time being." The queen who drinks and doesn't work, but I dare not say anything else, at least I won't lose Saka."

Xiaoyu said: "I know you are too lazy to take care of things, so Xiaoqiang, we will stay and help you. Xiaoqiang is quite smart, and I will send you ten sentinel robots. You have seen their combat effectiveness."

"Yeah, those robots are quite powerful. I don't need heavy firepower. I'm afraid it will be difficult to destroy them, thank you."

Valkyrie's consent declared that Saka had welcomed a new owner, and Xiao Yu and the others were not in a hurry to leave. Now that they got on the horse, they had to be sent off, at least to clean up the hidden dangers left by the master~www After all, the new ruler is only good at two things, fighting and drinking.

And Youde also needs to record the coordinates of the corresponding exit of the wormhole, which is also a big project, after all, there are too many wormholes on Saka.

In addition, Youde suggested to keep some more industrial robots. This place has harvested almost all kinds of strange debris in the universe. It is too wasteful to let the digging and searching like picking up junk. It is better to solve it with the industrial model. Then the planet Saka The future of development is limitless.

This is still in terms of industry and technology, coupled with the special wormhole environment of Star Saka, it also has super cross-universe projection capabilities, and its strategic position cannot be overestimated.

Even if military use is not mentioned, if it is used as a trade transfer station in the universe, this place has a bright future.

Of course, the Grandmaster chose to let this treasure land go to waste, throw away everything, and speculate virtuously, it may not happen for no reason, so the potential is unlimited, and the premise must be that he has the strength to keep it.

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