Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 381: to break out

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Xie Zhi sat cross-legged and closed his eyes.

Yes, even if the green light ring is separated from the finger, it can be controlled. Using the ring itself does not rely on physical contact, but will connection, but this trick is usually not used by everyone.

And Xie Zhi usually wears two rings, although he has a stronger Tai Chi ring, but this green light ring is also easy to use, so it has not been retired, but now it can be used outside the body.

Moreover, for Xie Zhi, this time is also an opportunity to continue testing the mysterious intuition.

Xie Zhi sensed that the ring appeared on the outside of the spaceship, and the first thing he did was to manifest a large number of energy-absorbing shields, densely enveloping the spaceship.

As the Nubian spacecraft flew out of the hangar, a large number of robot fighters rushed over the city.

The battle is imminent.

At the same time, a submarine drilled out of the turbulence of the urban waterway. The energy shield-like hatch was opened, and there were three people sitting in it. Aliens together.

Among them, the long-haired middle-aged man looked at the pursuit in the sky, and said: "Come on a little late, Queen Amidala has left. The good news is that she is still alive."

The young man with short hair and pigtails on the back of his head said: "Master, the negotiation was terminated before it even started, and we didn't have time to warn the Naboo that the invasion was coming, and the queen flew away. I feel...something is wrong, as if things were not supposed to be like this in the first place. look."

"The future is always changing, so we must pay attention to the present. We must first find a spaceship and catch up. The matter is far from over. The original force will guide us."

The alien said in a strange tone: "Oh, it's the original force again, the original force can do anything, you can really blow it."

The explosive artillery fire from the fighter jets kept bombarding the shield, and the shield would be broken if it was hit too much, but Xie Zhi would immediately make up for it.

And Xie Zhi is still controlling some moving shields, actively resisting the artillery fire, which can be regarded as trying to train the mysterious intuition, sometimes succeeds, sometimes fails.

Soon, the spaceship rushed out of the atmosphere, and was about to face the blockade line of the giant ship, as well as more fighter planes flying out from the giant ship.

At this time, the Nubian spaceship suddenly showed signs of double images, and then it split into two, becoming two ships! But it wasn't over yet, the spacecraft continued to split, and the number continued to increase. Soon, nearly a hundred Nubian spacecraft appeared in space!

That's right, it was all embodied by Xie Zhi. Of course he didn't understand the structure of this spaceship, but as long as the shape was the same, it was actually a flying sword with a different shape and enlarged, but it didn't endow it with combat power. Xie Zhi just wanted to Make some fakes to try to confuse the enemy and reduce the shelling.

The result is not bad. It seems that the enemy's radar can't tell the truth from the fake, so they can only rely on it.

At the same time, Xiao Yu was not idle either, keeping his eyes closed as well, telling the driver which direction to avoid from time to time.

Facing the layman's instructions, although the driver was a little upset, he could only follow the Queen's order.

Under the coordinated operation of the couple, let alone, they really broke through the blockade of the fleet, but there were also many robot fighters following them.

But after chasing for a while, a series of artillery fire suddenly broke out in the empty space!

In just one wave, several robot fighters were destroyed, and immediately after that, four more fighters were cut in half!

With the cutting, the visual stealth mode of the four big swords disappeared, revealing the real body.

Yes, it is the Rogge team, and artillery fire is effective against fighter planes, which means that cutting is the same, and naturally releases the combat power of the big knife modification in all directions.

In an instant, the four high-speed flying super swords slammed into the robot fighter plane as nimbly as flying fish, and they were still giant swords that continuously sprayed firepower!

The big sword is sharp in both long-range and close combat, and the excellent stealth performance is still difficult for the opponent to lock, it is completely slamming the enemy plane.

This sudden attack caused the pursuers to be destroyed frequently and suffered heavy losses.

But it's not over yet, a large number of Sentinels 2.0 appeared in the starry sky, pouring violent firepower at the comers in combined mode, and at this moment, the robot fighters became the weaker ones.

The ferocious firepower net in the scheduled ambush circle wiped out this wave of chasing soldiers in less than a minute.

Xiao Yu said to the completely bewildered officer and the others: "Don't worry, our troops."

The officer's eyes lit up: "Do you have hyperspace thrusters?"

"There are no fighter planes, unfortunately."

The officer was surprised: "Then how did you get here?"

"Hitchhiking, is there a problem?" Xie Zhi, who walked into the cockpit, answered casually, and he was accompanied by the little fat man R2.

Then Xie Zhi patted R2 on the head: "Little guy, where are you going next?"

R2 turned his hemispherical head and projected a holographic projection, which is a star map.

And as a planet in the star map was lit up, the officer frowned and said, "Tatooine? We don't know there, will there be people from the Trade Federation?"


Obviously not everyone understands the robot language, so the driver has to translate it, and it seems that the pilot understands it.

The officer said, "How do you know?"

"Dah what beep."

The officer said: "Do you like to download data? Well, little guy who loves to learn, let's talk about Tatooine."

R2 blew a long series of whistles, and the officer said anxiously: "The Hutts' territory is absolutely not allowed! You can't take the Queen to such a dangerous place."

Xie Zhi interrupted: "I said, can you explain it, we need to assess the risk according to the situation."

The officer said: "The planet Tatooine is outside the scope of the Republic. It is a remote place, but the territory controlled by the Hutts has always been occupied by everyone. It is a chaotic area, villains, robbers, criminals, profiteers, mercenaries... Sorry, Anyway, it's not safe there for the queen to take risks."

Xiao Yu said: "It's not up to you to decide whether to take risks or not, and do you have a better place to go? If there is, we can consider it. If not, how do you think our fighting power is compared to the Hutts? We can't protect the Queen." What? You think it's dangerous, but it's not necessarily for us."

The officer was silent for a while, nodded and said: "Your fighting power is very strong, it may be feasible, but this matter must be approved by the queen."

On the other side, the flagship of the Trade Union.

In the conference room, there were two aliens with toad eyes, no nose, and gray and smooth skin. These two were high-level members of the trade union, and one of them was the governor.

At this moment, he was opening the holographic projection to talk to someone, but the subject was a man wearing a hooded robe, half of his face under the shadow of the hood was no different from a human being.

And the voice of the man revealed his age, he was an old man.

"Has Queen Amidala signed the agreement?"

The Governor replied cautiously: "I'm sorry, my lord, she was rescued by someone. A Naboo spaceship rushed past our blockade. And the person who rescued her seems to be able to use the Force, and it's very special."

The so-called Lord said in a deep voice, "Aren't they those two Jedi Knights?"

" I'll show you the monitoring in the palace."

The governor called up the images, and brought Xie Zhi and Xiao Yu out of invisibility. After that, the battle scenes were called up, and the focus was on the image of the knife wheel.

"Interesting, I have never seen such a way of using the Force...Find me these two people, and the queen, she must sign the agreement."

"My lord, we can't find her spaceship now, it's not within our detection range."

The Lord said: "Sith people, omnipotent."

Following his words, another figure appeared in the holographic projection, also wearing a hooded robe, but although the face resembled a human being, there were some evil black lines on the face, which made the whole person extremely fierce. I don't know if it was on the painting It is still so.

"This is my apprentice, Darth Maul, he will help you find that spaceship."

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