Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 405: Dongfeng 41

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Padmé said thoughtfully: "Uncle, this is a metaphor. I understand the wall a little bit. To build military strength, food means to accumulate resources and wealth, and slowly become king. Um, low-key, is that what you mean?"

Xie Zhi nodded appreciatively: "Almost, but it's more than that, the wall is not only military strength, but also... a base.

You need one piece, or even multiple pieces of land, not Naboo Star, because there is a lone star, everyone is watching, you need a secret development place, not only to accumulate strength, but also to leave a retreat for Naboo Star, in case just in case.

And food is not only resources and wealth, it can also be understood as talents. Frankly speaking, you are too short of talents. No, you can’t say that you don’t have any. There is a super talent, but unfortunately you can’t subdue it, Palpatine, tsk tsk , What a powerful character. "

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "Stop teasing the child."

"Hehe, okay, no kidding, but talent is the key. You have to understand that you can't do it alone. You can even say that with talent, you have everything, and don't just stick to people. I see you... um, I mean R2 is smart, so don't let the robot talent go.

As for slowly claiming the king, it is not only low-key, but sometimes if you are strong enough, you can’t hide it, and it is impossible to do things smoothly. A traitor under your hand, or accidental exposure, may expose your hidden strength. .

Therefore, you have to understand the meaning of these words deeply. The key is not to be the first target to be killed by everyone, and king can also refer to strength and hole cards. Don't wait to let everyone know how much you are after you become strong. Two, the trump card, or don't use it, once you use it, you will shoot the enemy to death, or at least make the enemy hurt. "

Padmé looked completely convinced, and sighed: "There are only nine words, but they are so profound. Uncle, you are so amazing."

Thank you for sneering and waving your hands: "That's not what I said. It's not me who is amazing. The person who said this is an amazing person, and the person he assisted has really achieved a great career, so you have to understand even more, what is in the universe?" The most expensive? Talent!

If you're lucky enough to meet a top talent, don't hold it, even if you're **** off. "

"I understand, thank you uncle and aunt for your teaching."

Xiaoyu smiled and said: "You are a child with ambition, and children with ambition are liked by others. Uncles and aunts can't be called in vain. It's not a big deal to give ideas to the younger generation."

Padmé smiled: "Actually, there is one more thing I want to ask my uncle and aunt."

"Well, you're welcome."

"That's right, the Governor of the Trade Union proposed that even if he was brought to the Congress of the Republic for trial, with the wealth and strength of the Trade Union, they have many hard-core members and lobby groups, and they can also hire the top lawyers. The final result, That is to say, let it go, and don't even think about doing any substantial harm to them.

But as long as we let them go, he triples whatever we want, no bargaining. "

Xie Zhi raised his eyebrows: "What do you think?"

Padmé sighed: "Uncle, I know the style of the Senate. Even the Jedi Knights have little influence, because the relationship between the Jedi Knights and the Congress of the Republic has been interdependent for thousands of years. The Jedi Knights will speak out, but the result is very likely. As the Governor of Trade said, delay and let it go.

However, I don't want to make a deal with the Trade Governor either, it's an insult to the people of Naboo! I can never accept it.

Uncle, aunt, what would you do instead? "

"Us? It's not appropriate to use our situation as a reference for this matter, because we have the strength to fight the trade alliance to the end, and even kill them completely, but the Kingdom of Naboo does not have this strength. But..."

Xie Zhi scratched his chin, and said: "You are right if you don't accept it, just procrastinate, who said that procrastination will not affect, the trade alliance has a big business, and the loss of every minute and every second is not a fraction.

You just arrange for people to file a lawsuit with them. It is not cheap to turn things around if they are reasonable. If you kill them and hold on to them, you will waste them to the end. If you don’t give them time to do things, it is also a victory. The enemy wants it. don't give it.

But if you want to avenge the people now, it's easy to do. Just kill the Governor of Trade now. Anything can happen in a war. It's nothing to die. This is also an option. "

Padme thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "It's a relief, but there will be a second trade governor, and a third one, as long as Palpatine is still there, there will be one."

Xie Zhi nodded appreciatively: "That's right, child, the governor is alive, and he is a target on the bright side. He is also the person in charge of the trade alliance, so it can cause some conflicts of interest within it. If you look at the enemy as a whole, you will see understand better."

"I understand."

Padmé bowed, then smiled childishly, and said in a low voice pretending to be mysterious: "Uncle, auntie, this army is actually your private army, right?"

Xie Zhi also smiled mysteriously: "You know too much, I'm going to consider silence."


Xiao Yu patted Xie Zhi, and said: "Don't listen to his nonsense, Padmé, I don't hide it from you now, the army belongs to us, and no one actually hired us to protect you. can understand it as , it is the Force that guides us to help you."

Padme opened her mouth wide: "Uncle and aunt are really Jedi knights!"

Xiao Yu shook her head and said, "No, not only Jedi warriors practice the Force in the world, of course we are not Sith, you can understand it as...another genre."

"Well! I will never say it!"

Xie Zhi waved his hand: "It's okay, you have to have an excuse if you win the battle, don't say that we can practice the original force, you can say that we are a mercenary army, but the asking price is very expensive, to help Naboo win the war, ask for it... Your GNP for twenty years."

Padmé's throat moved a bit, her eyes widened and she said, "Uncle, Auntie, is your asking price really that exaggerated?"

Bucky laughed and said, "If you really want to hire us, the price depends on whether we are willing or not."

Xie Zhi said again: "By the way, there must be a title. You can say that our armed force is called... Dongfeng 41."

Bucky said, "Isn't it 17?"

"With the hyperspace thruster, the coverage is even greater."

Xiao Yu continued: "Speaking of big killers... Now that Padmé has made up his mind, didn't you say you want to give the child some chips."

"Oh, I almost forgot."

Xie Zhi took out a green light ring, then let go of his palm, the ring flew up by itself, turned a few times in the air, and hovered in front of Padmé.

"Well, it's okay. The willpower has increased a lot compared to when we first met. It seems that suffering is training people. Put it on, girl, and I will give you a gift."

Padme was very curious, but she put it on her finger without any hesitation, apparently she had no doubts about Xie Zhi and the others.

"Uncle, what is this ring for?"

" can allow you to protect yourself. If you don't want to be a queen to investigate the universe, you can't do without the ability to protect yourself. Let Hammer teach you how to use it. There is also a charging lamp, but I You have to modify it, or you won't be able to use it for long."

Yes, this is the bargaining chip Xie Zhi prepared. Since the little girl was fooled into taking an extremely dangerous path, even though it was her own choice, she couldn't let the little girl die in the adventure. strength.

As for the energy lamp, there is no will energy pool in this universe, so Xie Zhi is going to separate out some seeds from the Tai Chi energy pool. Fear is the same here.

From this moment on, a new powerful force has been added to the world of the original force.

PS: The update time has been unstable for the past few days. I'm sorry, I'm busy now, and it will gradually return to normal.

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