Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 436: Can you do it?

Regardless of strength or reason, the crew has no choice.

According to Xie Zhi's directions, the spaceship set off.

When approaching the small desert city, Xie Zhi asked Murphys to stop the boat: "Just stop here and wait for me."

Xiaocheng Xie Zhi didn't intend to let Murphys and the others go in for a stroll, they were all game NPCs, speaking chicken and duck, not to mention Murphys and the others, Xie Zhi knew that they were very awkward talking to NPCs.

So there is no need to irritate these stressed locals any more. If the imaginative think they have discovered a shocking secret and scare themselves to death, it would be embarrassing.

Xie Zhi left the spaceship and flew into the city. When he found the children, he also called Bucky to let him come back.

At this time, the battle around the sky of Yumanji still did not stop, and the sky was still full of flames.

I don't know if it's the opposing commander's obsession, or if there are really endless squid robots, and they don't care about losses.

Since the other party doesn't care, Xie Zhi doesn't care even more. Who said there are too many ants to eat elephants? Maybe, but Qinglong is not an elephant, so let's find a way to break the defense before engaging in sea of ​​insects tactics.

So since you come and die as much as you come, then it will be wasted.

And through the communication, Bucky also heard what happened, so naturally there is no need to repeat it after meeting, Bucky said directly: "Do you have a plan?"

Xie Zhi shook his head: "Not yet... We still need more information. At least we have to study how the matrix works. Do you have any ideas?"

Bucky shrugged: "I have never encountered an enemy in this situation, and I don't have any ideas now. This kind of technical field is the strength of Youde and Howard."

"Okay, but I have a guess that needs to be verified, so in reality, you have to preside over the overall situation."

Bucky tilted his head: "You want to enter the matrix? Not to mention that you don't have that kind of brain-computer interaction socket, even if you have a way to get in, can your skills be brought in? If you die inside, you will die outside."

Xie Zhi smiled and said: "That's why I want to verify. Don't you know my personality? I won't be reckless if I don't have points. Besides, with you outside, I don't worry."

Xie Zhi roughly stated his guess, and Bucky nodded: "If this is the case, I also want to go in and have a look, well, the adults are just the two of us now, and I don't feel at ease if the child just looks at me with hammers.

That's it, leave it to me outside, and you should be careful, in case you die, I will use the time machine to send you a letter. "

"Bah, no letter has been delivered so far, which means that my buddy is not dead."

It's time to explain, Xie Zhi came to the spaceship again with four terminators and R2.

Facing the four terminators, Murphys and others just showed a curious attitude. After all, they are the same as humans, but seeing R2, these people are not calm.

"Wang Defa! Robot!" Tank yelled, and picked up a wrench.

R2 slid behind Xie Zhi: "Well!"

"Calm down, I know you are afraid of robots, but isn't this little guy cute?"

Seeing that everyone still didn't relax, Xie Zhi spread his hands: "I can assure you, this little guy is kind and you don't want it, it is different from the robot you met."

Trinity said in a deep voice: "Mr. Xie Zhi, human beings have become batteries, doesn't that explain the problem? Belief in robots is extremely dangerous!"

R2: "Yeah bah!"

Xie Zhi sighed: "Well, I can understand that you are more sensitive to robots, but... let's put it this way, artificial intelligence that awakens self-awareness is not new to us at all, we have seen too much, and we also fight against similar robots However, there are also insidious and cunning types.

But the problem is that not all awakened artificial intelligences have the disease of not killing people. It's just that your world is more unlucky, and you happen to meet one who wants to go to war with humans.

And Murphys, the prophet you mentioned is not human, why do you believe in others? "

Murphys waved his hand, signaling the crew to relax, and said: "Mr. Xie Zhi, maybe it's because of the image, the image of the Prophet in the matrix is ​​the appearance of a human being, not to mention that the Prophet only exists in the matrix.

And the most important thing is that the help of the prophet to mankind is not once or twice, the history is very long, and trust also needs a process of accumulation. "

"Well, since that's the case, there's no need for you to overcorrect. It's obviously not a good habit to look at your face. It's a good thing you haven't met a Terminator before, otherwise you won't know how to die."

"Terminator? What's that?"

"You, demonstrate."

The REV-9 pointed at by Xie Zhi suddenly liquefied and split, and quickly split into two, becoming a skeleton robot and a liquefied robot.

Murphys and the others took a few steps back subconsciously, their eyes full of horror, what this kind of robot that can turn into a human shape means, can be understood with the heels of their heels.

"Do you think R2 is much cuter now?"

R2: "Choo hee."

"That's why people should not be judged by their appearance." As soon as Xie Zhi raised his hand, the wrench in the tank's hand was pulled away, and Xie Zhi threw it on the ground casually: "If you have to be afraid, you should be afraid of me."

This move made everyone wake up. In many cases, strength is better at persuading others.

"As people who have suffered, you should be stronger than I thought. Don't tell me I'm wrong. Then, can we calm down and get to the point?"

Murphys breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I think Mr. Xie Zhi's purpose now is to learn more about the matrix..."

After he finished speaking, Xie Zhi touched the back of his neck: "Understood, but I don't have your implantable brain-computer interaction socket, and your crew has two. In such a situation, how to enter the matrix?"

"Of course you can't get in without a jack, but I believe you are the savior, so you can."

"Hehe, it's a really useful identity and explanation. Cheng, I have an idea, but the premise is that it needs to be tested. Do you have a program similar to the matrix? The small one."

"Of course, we have a loading program, a matrix-like structure, for various targeted simulation training."

"Then demonstrate."

Murphys gave an explanation. The device to enter is a chair. Of course, it is for people to maintain a comfortable posture for the body, and the process is not complicated. It is just like plugging a network cable into a computer. It is just that the network cable is inserted into the head. Then consciousness will enter the program.

Xie Zhi praised: "It actually solved the compatibility problem between consciousness and digital programs. It's an amazing technology, amazing! Now it depends on whether my method will work or not."

As he said that, Xie Zhi released a piece of equipment, which was the Dream Connector.

"I need a volunteer, who's coming?"

As soon as Murphys opened his mouth, Trinity said first: "I'm coming! Captain, you are responsible."

Xie Zhi smiled and said, "Don't make it a farewell to life and death. It's not dangerous. It's up to you. Sit on the chair and don't connect to it. Wait for my password."

After connecting the Dreaming Connector with Trinity and Xie Zhi also lay down on a chair, and said to R2: "Little guy, my safety is in your hands."

R2: "Oh lah."

Yes, the Terminator was brought for this purpose, even if he thought the other party was not lying, Xie Zhi did not intend to hand over his life to a stranger.

Xie Zhi said that the crew also understood that these robots were prepared for them.

"Okay, let's connect to Trinity."

Saying that, Xie Zhi also closed his eyes.

A crew member approached Trinity tremblingly, without him, there was a Terminator standing in front of her.

He couldn't help but smiled awkwardly at the Terminator: "I'm connecting her to the Internet, don't be nervous..."

REV-9 said lightly: "Don't be nervous, you can only go in when you are stable."

Trinity also said angrily: "Can you do it? You can't even find a hole, so insert it quickly!"

Xie Zhi burst into laughter: "It seems that I entered the wrong set..."

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