Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 689: King Kong out of the cage

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Although Raton was timid enough, Xie Zhi still didn't take it lightly. After all, he already knew a lot about the Titans. Even the relatively weaker Raton and Muto were Kryptonian-level existences.

Of course, if you really fight against the Kryptonians, the probability of losing is greater, after all, there is no speed advantage.

But even so, Xie Zhi also understood that it would not be easy to clean up Raton after he lifted his transformation.

Therefore, the necessary means of restriction must be in place, and they must be arranged now.

Xie Zhi's method is also simple. Now that Raton is intimidated, his mental will will naturally collapse, and his will to resist will be gone. Then mind control, fear energy, hypnosis, brainwashing, what's the use, and what's the use, just go one by one.

In fact, even if Raton is not persuaded, Xie Zhi thinks that he should be able to do it. After all, not only in strength, but also in character, he is far behind Godzilla and Ghidorah.

I didn't use this trick before, because I got used to fighting with the first two big guys.

Regardless of the truth or not, Raton was completely convinced.

After that, it was still arranged to enter the world of Yumanji.

However, since the temperature of Raton itself is too high, Xie Zhi doesn't want it to burn the world of Yumanji.

Fortunately, there are various environments in the world of Yumanji, such as tropical rainforests, snow-capped mountains and ice peaks, and... large deserts, so the desert has become Raton's nest.

Xie knows that there are not many restrictions on it. If you want to sleep, you can sleep, but if you don’t want to sleep, you are not allowed to run around. You can toss it in the desert, or feed it to Dora.

Yes, even though the seven-headed Dora is laying down and drying the dog to death, in the eyes of Raton, he is still a very cool existence, and visually... can't be provoked.

Of course, the big monsters of their own family still have benefits. For Raton, they are not only in charge of food, but also nuclear bomb feasts. This kind of employment conditions, Big Bird expressed his willingness to go up the sword and down the frying pan for the king. Terrible.

Forget it, Xie Zhi didn't intend to sell Raton, even though it doesn't even have a long-range weapon, but as a unique titan, it is rarer than the super-born Muto after all.

Moreover, Muto's big move is not targeted, it does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, but if Raton is possessed by the magic pupil, his strength may change, so the potential level is not bad.

The most important thing is... With the increase of pets, Xie Zhi began to pay attention to diversity.

What are parrots and starlings? You make Costin very imposing? Our family's Raton pulls it out for a walk, that's called prestige.

What? Do you keep tigers? We have King Kong in our house!

Than cute? We have a roll in our house.

Small and dainty? We still have Goo Goo at home.

Well, Xie Zhi knows that he has no chance to show off, with whom?

Maybe... open your mouth and say "I don't believe it" and it might just show up.

The hunt is over... is it?


In the days that followed, the hottest topics in the local world, from the government to the private sector, were naturally the mysterious behemoths and the "miraculous" changes in religious sculptures, and the world's public opinion was still lively.

But the old Xie’s family didn’t plan to pay attention to it. This time, they were really too lazy to take care of it. For some countries that don’t remember to eat or fight, it’s not once or twice to clean up. It’s annoying.

As long as a nuclear war does not break out, we can do whatever we want.

The monster problem has been temporarily resolved, and the life of Xie's family has become more normal, which is quite relaxing.

However, there are some problems that still need to be resolved before Xie Zhi undoes his transformation.

That's right, the strength is so strong that there is no limit, but Xie Zhi can't hold back this kind of need, and even if Xiao Yu doesn't say it, he can't be sensible, and if he continues to maintain the body of the demon god, it will affect the harmony of husband and wife.

At least one day, when Xie Zhi was a model husband and his wife watched dramas, they would order him.

But he said that when he saw a flamboyant man dumping his girlfriend in the plot, Xie Zhi immediately condemned him, scumbag! After playing with that woman, I won't marry, what!

Xiao Yu sighed lightly and said, I'm not going to get any better.

Thank you...huh? Am I not married? I got it! Understand in seconds! Undo the transformation quickly.

However, the day before the release, Xie Zhi went to the Yunnan Temple and took Mothra's eggs into the Yumanji world.

After that...he went to the inner earth.

It's all here, wouldn't it be a pity if you don't go and see it?

What's more, if the coordinates are kept locally, the geocentric world is obviously very suitable.

Because the process of going there is really not easy.

To put it simply, one must first find a way, and second, one must have the ability to pass through that weird force field passage.

Yes, the door to the earth's inner world is very special. It is a strange existence formed by gravity. It is difficult to pass through except for the physique of a titan.

Therefore, with the current scientific and technological means of human beings, there is no breakthrough progress, and it is impossible to enter.

But this is not a problem for Xie Zhi, and after he entered, he even opened a space door, and the whole family, including the children, has the right to travel.

After all, the scenery here is indeed extraordinary. The magnificent and steep mountains are not only on the ground, but also in the sky. Yes, the sky here can also be said to be land, and some mountains are even floating in the air.

This is not only the reason for the hollow world in the center of the earth, but also the reason for the strange gravity here. It can be said that the gravity here is divided into upper and lower. into a fall.

But this kind of phenomenon has become interesting for the strength of the Xie family, so it is worth visiting such a scene.

But after arriving at this place, Xie Zhi also sensed that there are also giant titans here.

Maybe it's because of the unique gravitational influence of the earth's inner world, or because the distance is too far away, Xie Zhi's telepathic ability before, still doesn't know anything about getting here.

Fortunately, there are not many. Those who can be called the overlord level are only two giant titans. The others have been oppressed by the two overlords and cannot develop. It's not at the level of a titan at all, it's nothing more than a bigger body, and it's more like a giant creature like an ancient dinosaur.

Therefore, although there are many giant beasts, they will not affect You Xing.

For those at the level of overlords at both ends, there is no need for the old Xie's parents to do anything. Xie Zhi released King Kong.

The reason why the newly acquired Raton is not used is because this product has its own high-temperature aura, and it will burn the beautiful scenery of the earth's inner world.

And even though King Kong's height and weight have not yet reached adulthood, Lao Xie's family has cheats.

Not only did they prepare mechas and weapons for the monkey, but they also walked with the magic pupil attached to them. It just so happened that they could also take this opportunity to truly verify the combat effectiveness of the magic pupil.

So the whole family had spring outings, picnics, and leisurely watching big monkeys fight big monsters.

However, the exoskeleton mecha worn by King is quite old-fashioned in design style, with a pair of high-raising mechanical pheasant feathers on the crown, and the super big stick in his hand, which is a bit old-fashioned Monkey King's style.

And the scarlet magic pupil of the left eye made it even more monstrous, and the status of a monster was well established.

Amidst the applause and applause of the children, the big monkey jumped up and down to fight.

King Kong is also very happy. Although the small life in Yumanji World is good, who doesn't like traveling, not to mention that there is no one in his own territory, which is boring.

However, under passive mind reading, Xie Zhi sensed the doubts in King Kong's mind. It seemed to have an inexplicable sense of familiarity with the inner world of the earth. From blood inheritance.

In any case, according to Xie Zhi's spiritual direction, King Kong quickly found the location of the two titan beasts.

Looking at the two giant beasts again, they can fly, not counting the other's wings made of bone spurs and membranes, their appearance is very similar to that of a cobra.

And the body length is almost more than 170 meters, which is much bigger than King Kong.

Because it looks like a snake, has wings, and can fly, Xiaoyu thinks that the two giant beasts are similar to the singing snakes in "Shan Hai Jing", so they also use the singing snakes as the name of the two beasts.

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