Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 732: a famous person said it well

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Xiao Yu and the others who don't understand Xie Zhi, any reason is nonsense, it's just a joke.

But if you like to play, just play. Anyway, you can afford to clean up Hydra, and everyone loves to play with Hydra.

Unexpectedly, Pierce actually interjected, and he used very poor Cantonese: "I can understand! So you are not from Hydra Nagada at all! Where are you from Nagada?"

"Yeah?" Xie Zhi couldn't help applauding: "That's right, the old girl is quite worthy of having done foreign affairs work, but she is good at listening to languages, but your pronunciation is a bit rough and not authentic. You and the people from the Northeast Learn Cantonese?

Forget it, it's not important, although playing with you is very fun, but we are also quite busy.

So who, Fury, you have trusted these people. "

As soon as the words came out, the members of the true and false S.H.I.E.L.D.s present were all shocked, and some even pointed their guns at Fury.

Fury was calm: "Natasha, Hill, Button, Coulson, all of them."

The middle-aged male Coulson couldn't help frowning and said, "Boss, why don't you explain?"

Xie Zhi waved his hand: "Hey, hey, hair loss, look over here, the main character is over here, your boss is now a supporting role.

Come on, just go ahead, Pierce, remember the base where Hydra was blown up? Let me remind you, 1994, Argentina, Winter Soldier, Ava. "

Pierce's eyelids twitched and his body trembled, but he didn't say a word.

Bucky said, "Are you still tense? Don't you know what's going on now? Admit it or not, Hydra... I'm going to die today."

With that said, Bucky removed the Red Skull's cross-dressing image, restored his original appearance, and tossed his hair.

"Winter Soldier!" Pierce finally couldn't hold back anymore, his eyes widened and he said, "'re still alive!?"

"Hmm, I'm still married, are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Speaking of Bucky hugging Ryan, Ryan also cooperated with a little bird, but at this time Ryan did not cancel the transformation, and still looked like a red skull.

Xiao Yu couldn't help coughing and said: "Ahem! Ren, your transformation, you two are too serious."

"Oh, I forgot, sorry."

Bucky also reacted, and immediately thanked him: "This paragraph must be deleted!"

"Yeah, trust me, delete it."

Saying that, Xie Zhi also canceled the transformation, and said with a smile: "Mr. Pierce, you were very happy when you sent people to hunt down our father and daughter?"

"Thank you...sir." Pierce nodded: "I still remember you. After all, you caused us to lose a secret base. After the death of the old Captain America, we have never experienced such a big loss."

This conversation made the other agents at the scene understand, and the muzzle of the gun jumped repeatedly, changing the pointing target, but the elites of the past were just background boards and group performances at this time.

And Pierce calmed down a lot at this time, and continued: "Since you are not a Hydra, but you are pretending to be a Hydra, can I understand want a Hydra?"

Xie Zhi smiled and said, "That's right, do you have any good suggestions?"

Pierce smiled and said, "It's easy to handle. In fact, you can talk about anything. If you want a complete Hydra, it's useless to kill us..."

Before he finished speaking, Ryan suddenly said: "Stupid."

At the same time, Ryan's image changed again and became Pierce's appearance. After a short second, he switched back to his original appearance and raised his chin: "Old golden retriever, what else do you want to say?"

Pierce's face darkened, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Even if we can become like us, so what? We don't have backup means. Do you think Hydra will not guard against you freaks for so many years? To tell you the truth, we are…"


Or Ryan.


Seeing Xie Zhi and others staring at him, Lei En sneered: "I can't hold it back, so what, boss, you are the protagonist, your lines."

Xie Zhi said politely: "It's all right, it's all the same, anyway, we just appreciate his helpless and helpless expression, and let the pleasure of revenge be satisfied."

Xiao Yu said: "Don't waste time, this matter has to be over before the children leave school, we have to go to the vegetable market later."

"Come on, Fury, you explain."

Fury coughed dryly, took a step, and said: "This operation is not planned for a day or two, we know everything about Hydra, Pierce, you are just a head of Hydra, we know what you know, you What we don't know, we also know.

For example, other HYDRA leaders, the dead men arranged to activate weapons of mass destruction, we already have the list..."

"That's impossible!?" Pierce sneered, pointing to his head, and said, "No one can get out all the secrets in other people's hearts!"

Before he finished speaking, there was a swipe, and a shining golden rope wrapped around him.

Xie Zhi, holding the lasso of Xie's mantra in his hand, said with a smile, "At what age did you stop wetting the bed?"

"Five years old, why should I say that!?"

"When did you quit masturbating?"

"I haven't quit yet..."

Pierce's face was ashen, and he aged a lot in an instant.

And the other members of the Hydra were full of fear and trembling.

Xie Zhi chuckled: "See, it's not difficult to get secrets, so you can rest assured that Hydra doesn't have any secrets for us.

So if you still have any doubts, just ask, I promise, I will tell you everything I know, and I will give you hard evidence to make you sure that all the preparations of Hydra are... wasteful work.

Tsk tsk, cut off one head, grow two heads, who will brag about the score, in our house, you have already blown it.

Well, your expression is cuter now, I like it...Wow, pee hey! This is even more perfect, it's not in vain, I'm really worried that you are the kind of people who treat death like home. "

At this time, a bald man wearing glasses suddenly raised his hand and said excitedly, "I will report! I will expose! I will be a tainted witness! I am willing to testify in court!"

Fury glanced at him lightly: "No need, Hydra will be wiped out by superheroes today, and there is no need to go to court."

When Pierce heard this, a voice resembling a tuberculosis patient came out of his throat: "So many people have died, can we hide it? That's right... It was Hydra who killed us, hehehe...Fake Hydra, kill them all Killed the real hydra, and then let the superhero kill the fake hydra, clever...we lost...not wronged.

but why! ? There are people as powerful as you in the world? It's not fair! "

As he said that, Pierce's legs could no longer support his weight, and they were so soft that they fell to the ground.

But Xie Zhi walked up to him, condescending, and looked at him with disdain: "Unfair? Let me tell you a There is a bald head on the earth who is as powerful as us, and your Hydra hasn't been born yet." At that time, people existed and had the ability to rule the world.

The reason why they didn't do that was because they had a structure and knew that the so-called ruling the world was something only fools wanted to do.

In addition, do you know why people don't clean up you? Because you are too weak, crushing you is like crushing bedbugs, you are still yelling that it is unfair? Hydra is not popular at all, they just don't bother to talk to you.

As for us to deal with you, the main reason is that you yourself are cheap, so wouldn't it be good to get rich honestly? It is necessary to establish an ideal against humanity.

Tsk tsk, people should have ideals, but if those ideals are based on not treating others as human beings, then don't blame others for standing up and trampling you to death.

You guys just suffered from being uneducated. If you still have a next life, read more famous aphorisms. A famous person said it well... come out to mess around, you will have to pay it back sooner or later. "

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